Defiled Seduce Night

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Defiled Seduce Night Page 141

by Marie Cisneros

  Master's words could barely be heard by me because when Sir Mark heard me begging He groaned very loudly, pulled His cock out and started squirting me with His cum. It landed on my legs and my belly and some hit my face. There was so much. He leaned down on me then and kissed me. As He stood up He said,"You were very right Aegis. She is a wonderful slut and You are a lucky man."

  "Yes Mark, I am very lucky. My littleone has not cum I hope?" He asked looking at me. I could barely talk I was so close and so only shook my head. Master was not pleased though and so I replied," No Master. Not without Your permission Sir".

  "Good girl. Are You ready now for Your Master slut?"

  "Oh yes Master. Please fuck me. I beg You."

  I felt Master walk between my legs and two of His fingers reach inside of me.

  "You are ready babygirl. Tell me. Did You enjoy my treat? Did You like having Sir Mark?"

  "Yes Sir," I answered, "Very much Master. Thank You. You are so good to me Master."

  He nodded and removed His fingers. I felt empty then but only for a brief second. Master's cock replaced His fingers and He started pumping my pussy very hard. I knew He would be close to cumming after having my mouth for so long and so looked up at Him and smiled. Then I heard the words I had longed for.

  "Cum now babygirl. Cum with Your Master"

  The End.

  Learned to Love Surprises

  "We have a surprise for you on Saturday." That statement has been running thru my head for 3 days now since they said it. My friends know that I love to try new things, push my limits, and that I trust them totally. They also know I am like a little kid when it comes to surprises. "We have a surprise for you on Saturday." How am I supposed to sleep? I am getting my surprise in about 18 hours. All I have been told is I will get the next instruction when we get to the club. So many ideas are running thru my head. I know I will enjoy whatever it is, but what is it? The anticipation, the build up, the edge of fear but security of trust has me unable to concentrate on anything but tonight.

  Saturday night...

  As I enter the munch, there are more people than normal. "What is Matt doing up here?" I wonder to myself as I approach the table. He is a dear friend and a hell sadist. Maybe he has a new toy and will break it on me. What a wonderful treat and honor. Now I know I am going to have a great night. There are many new faces this week also. Hey, there are some really interesting faces. A few new men are talking over by the bar to some of the regulars including Cindy. Watching for Cindy to walk away, and get the scoop on them. Cindy has a way of getting all the important data pretty quickly. She is also a very good read on people. My attention is still going back to Matt and what wonderful new implement he has now. My friends keep asking me if I am ready for tonight. Did I get a lot of sleep? Did I put on lotion? Oh well they can take care of that? Wait, what does that mean? Fire? Oh cool I have not fire in so long. Maybe he has new flaming floggers. This will be a great night. These are the best friends a girl can have. Well, if you are a submissive masochist like I am. They are my dearest friends. Both single mothers also, with kids about the same age. We are also very different in many ways. One is an incredible switch who can give pain almost as well as she takes it and really knows me so well and still likes me. The other is the sweetest rope slut I ever met. Heart of gold, great body, and to watch her euphoria while encased in rope is intoxicating. The only thing that would make this night better is my Chrissy. She is my dearest friend in the whole world, a hell of a sub, loves play almost as much as I do, and too many miles away. She is with her Dom/Boyfriend living the happy life she deserves in a different time zone, but only 1 button push away (speed dial).

  Cindy is heading to the ladies room, perfect!

  "Hi. You look great. How have you been? What's the scoop on the new guys?" Comes rushing in my ears before I knew it was out of my mouth. Laughing at myself, guess I am little on edge. But think, who wouldn't be.

  "2 are Dom, very nice. 1 is switch, and married but she is open to it all and here. One says he knows you thru email, but I forgot which. Come back over with me." Cindy calls over the stall tops.

  I excitedly fix my hair, wondering how long that one piece was doing that funky flip thing. Shit, no wonder everyone was grinning at me funny. I thought I was just paranoid. I check my skirt, short but not too slutty. No runs yet in the thigh highs, garter straps are still straight, ankle strap on the 4" hells are tight but not killing, yet. Fluff the girls, lol. Get the right balance of cleavage, and make sure the silver chain that connects the nipple rings is draped over front of the tank top. We head back to the bar, and I am trying to see if any of the faces look familar. Of course they have spilt apart now, so I have to go find my glasses and see if I can find which guy I have been emailing. Wondering which one I would like to run into tonight. Wondering if he was coming to club and going to watch my surprise.

  The whole ride down to the club my mind is racing between my surprise and the few men I have been emailing, recalling one in particular that I should really set up to meet. He really has my attention shall I say. The conversation in the car turns to the new people at to the munch. "Oh hey, one of the new guys was asking for you while you stepped out. I forgot his name, but he said he might come to the club later. Why were you hiding him? He is interesting." Came from the front seat invading my racing thoughts. "He may be at club" that is what broke thru the swirling fog of my head.

  "Look we are here."

  My insides flip flop. Adrenaline rushes thru me suddenly knocking me off balance for a mere second. Mental note: wear flats up all those stairs, and then put on heels.

  My senses increase as we climb the stairs. The stairway to heaven. "Oh shit, now I will have that song stuck in my head all night", I giggle to myself.

  "Do not cross the curtain." Is growled into my ear as we approach the top of the stairs. Matt does love to mess with me. He must have it all set up already. From the grins on many faces and the glances to the curtain, and the sudden ending of conversation, I realize everyone knows but me. This is more than flaming floggers, or one hell of a group mind fuck. I am ushered to a seat at the bar, and suddenly my favorite ice tea appears before me. Ok, someone please say something, anything. I wiggle nervously in my chair.

  "She is just too cute." I hear from the side. I go to the bathroom, beet red. I stare into the mirror, telling myself I will walk back out like nothing happen and I am going to have a great night. I wished I believed myself.

  As I summon my courage and exit the door, the blindfold is dropped over my face. I sit as directed on the stool. I feel a cigarette put into my hand, and an ashtray. My breathing slows, and the slow comfort of the nicotine rushes thru me. Normal conversation has resumed. I am lost in my world of darkness, fee ling every essence of the act of smoking. When was the last time I had actually "felt" smoking. I do it daily and have forgotten that rush, that warmth washing over you, that comfort. Feeling the heat enter your mouth, go down your throat, invade you lungs, the shot of nicotine rushing into your blood stream causing millions of mini electric tingles going off all over you body as the drug infused blood circulates thru your body. A flash of heat bursts between my legs. A hand on my back brings me back to reality. I take this a signal to finish. The hand is female, as I feel the nails rake thru my hair. I do not reach back to see whom the hand is attached to. Right now in my world it just doesn't matter.

  The hand grasps my hair as I put the cigarette out. I am led to the curtain. I can hear the murmurs but not make out any of the words. I feel the curtain glide across me as we enter, washing me with adrenaline again. I am stopped, and the hand releases me. I feel more hands on me removing my clothing. No one is speaking. The absence of sight and sound is truly intensifying every touch. The cool air rushes over me, instantly chilling me.

  I am directed to lie on the table. They have moved the room around. Had to get things out of the way for fire, make sense. I feel the fuzzy blanket I like. Wait, fuzzy blanket an
d fire? Fear and the realization that I have no clue what is going one set in. I was comforted with the thought I had figured out what my surprise was. I tensed wondering who was doing what to me tonight. I find it difficult to relax and get comfortable on this table. This must be new. It is like the rack. The center section supporting from your hips to your shoulders, feels padded under the blanket. The two extensions from the top are about a foot or so apart with the top of the table cut in a semi circle for better comfort. I try to find a good way to lay my arms and still be able to cross them to support my forehead. My Legs are supported separately on extensions about 6" apart. Once I settle down, I feel rope slowly being dragged across my arms and legs. All four appendages are being tied down at once. Maybe that is my surprise, multiple tops. They know how much I love that. I give over to the feeling of the ropes being slowly, seductively dragged between my legs. The pressure of the ropes, the feel of them dragging against my skin, my dark world encases me again in a swirling fog of sensations. All binding complete, I am left to settle into my rope cocoon.

  The blindfold is lifted, expecting a flood of light, and happily surprised to discover the room almost pitch black. A few candles in the furthest location glow at the edges of the room. My eyes adjusting begin to recognize my friends all sitting in chairs with anticipation. My security is once again broken when a man in all black enters the curtain and glides right to me. I can only see his outline as the light is mostly behind him, and I cannot fully turn my head as he stand near my hip.

  His leather-gloved hand begins to glide across my back. I look at my friends with a fearful questioning, "what the hell is happening" look. The grin I get back tells me to just relax and go with it. After all I am here, with them all around, what could happen. The hands start rubbing with more pressure, feeling me relax to their touch. He starts to glide further and further until fully massaging my ass. My legs instinctively wish to part, but are unable to move from their binding. The hands laugh a low satisfaction that I have surrendered myself to him. His hands explore down my legs, running over the ropes. Down the back, gliding back up the middle, setting my inner thighs aflame at his touch. Trying to twist to see him, my hair is taken and head is forcefully lowered back to it place. Heat flashes again between my legs as his other hand slaps my ass.

  His breath is on my back as he leans over me. "Say it." He commands in a low voice.

  Without thought I answer. " I am your's Sir."

  "Oh, I intend to." Is growled back into my ear.

  Soon after, I was lost in a whole new world of sensations. His hands touching and slapping me, the feel of the leather against me. I feel myself truly beginning to float when the flogger strikes me. The rhythmic thud lulls me into a mind space that exists on a truly different plane. The twin floggers alighting every part of my body and he orbits the table. After that it truly was a blur of strikes, caresses, thuds, and stings, everything he could think of. In the sub-space plane I was on, time had no meaning. I was nearing orgasm from the endorphins. Instantly as he began, he stopped. Anticipating what great toy he was going to retrieve, I was intrigued when I heard the clicking of metal. Was he unlatching a case? The source of the noise flashed in my head as my legs were suddenly thrown apart a rush of cool air against my wetness. So the table is moveable.

  Something is draped across my arms; I lift my head to see it is a pair of gloves. The gloves small like leather, him, and me. I want to bury my face in them, but cannot reach. I am trying to wiggle my arm to move the gloves without knocking them in the floor. His bare runs up the inside of my leg, stopping just short of my wetness. My legs spread slowly wider until I fear one more inch will split me in half. There is another click, locking my legs spread wide, exposing me totally. The gentle thud of the thick acrylic cane begins on my inner thigh. From one side to the other, higher and higher until just reaching my wetness, then slowly lowering again. I lift my ass to him as best as I can move, craving to be touched. Craving the release that has been building. Who is this man? He is driving me incredibly crazy. He stands in front of me now, his crotch very close to one of my hands. The twin crops were dragging, slapping, stinging, and caressing my back and my ass. I reach out with my fingers as though stretching and graze his pants. The black denim is stretched tight across the front. As I lift my head slightly I can see he is swollen. He is enjoying this as much as I am. A wave of satisfaction hits me that I have pleased him somehow. Please whom? Who cares? He travels the length of my body to end between my legs again. I am completely open, exposing the dampness, the swelling, the darkness inside that is panting for this strangers touch. SLAP. Pain radiates thru my body from my crotch, and the bare hand contacts my wet pussy. A low laugh confirms he knows has my full attention again. One hand rests on my back, as the other begins to explore the wetness.

  The darkness of the blindfold is returned to me. Once again blocking out any sight, allowing me to focus more on the other sensations. His fingers massaging my swollen clit, I begin to grind slightly against them.

  "Not yet." And his hand slides across my legs as I feel him begin to circle me with the twin crops again. Allowing me to cool off slightly. I will remember this night forever. Sensations so overwhelming, you crave more and more. He knows just how to play me, when to pick up pace, when to cool me off. Do I know him already? How much have my friends helped him? The crops return to my inner thighs. Working their way up to my crotch, now beginning to gently slap my clit. Testing my limits and wants by slowly slapping harder and harder, reading my reactions. Harder and harder until I am almost bucking, lifting myself, moaning.

  "Ask." He commands.

  "May I cum, please Sir." I beg almost breathless.


  "Sir, may I please cum." I ask is as loud of a voice as I can muster.

  "No." he answers with an echoing SMACK of both crops at once on my ass. The pain makes me arch my back to the extreme pain, which settles itself in my crotch making me want to cum even more. I begin to whimper and struggle a bit on the ropes. As thought he was reading my mind "Ask for what you really want."

  "Please take me Sir. Please fuck me." Voicing my deepest desire.

  "You give yourself to me? You give yourself over in front of all these people? You wish to cum for me? For them?" he asks in a low but clear voice as he pressed himself against me, laying on my back, feeling his breath as he speaks directly into my ear.

  "Yes please." Is all I can whimper out.

  I decided at that moment the most glorious sound in the world was the sound of his zipper releasing its swollen prisoner. Feeling him press up against me again, this time there was no tight stretched denim in between us. Just his hard velvet cock warm against my skin.

  A familiar sound invades our bubble. I can hear what sounds like and smells like fingers entering and exiting a wet pussy. "You may not cum until she does." I hear the other girl instructed. This adds to the excitement.

  His hands on my back, this nails dragging across my back and his cock rubs against me. I am so wet he easy glides his head right in. I tighten around his cock as he slowly pushes further and further into me, filling me completely. With a growl he begins to slowly fuck me as he grips my hips. With his weight on my hips and the rope on me I was completely unable to move. I was utterly at his control, and it felt great. Feeling every inch of him going in and out, starting with the tip of his large head all the way to the base of his shaft pressed right up against my bones. His speed increases, slamming harder and harder into me. Unable to stop myself, I begin to cry out. Not positive any of the sounds were real words, in my head I was screaming to keep fucking me.

  Whining disappointment and frustration when he began to slow and just barley move his head right at the opening.

  SMACK, he slaps my ass. Not sure if it was for whining or the fun of it, I whined again. SMACK. Ouch, that one hurt, but I got the point. His fingers penetrate me next to his cock. Stretching me. I hurt so good. He removed his cock and buried his hand in
me. First 3 fingers, then 4, his thumb on my clit, his free hand slapping my ass. I was going to explode. He could feel me tightening around his hand, and slowed down again. Will I ever cum? Then one wet finger begins pressing on my anus. As I begin to lift my ass to his touch, silently begging for him to enter me.

  The other girl lets out a moan of pleasure as imagine her penetrations mimic mine. He is and no longer spanking my ass, but penetrating it. Feeling both of his hands entering me I respond to him, moving in time with him. Wanting his cock back in me, needing to cum so bad it hurt.


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