Defiled Seduce Night

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Defiled Seduce Night Page 148

by Marie Cisneros

  "Well, at least they did manage to find it. And the damage doesn't seem to be too bad."

  The drive to the hotel was short, and they were soon in their room. "I'm kind of beat, you don't mind if I have a quick bath do you? asked Tina.

  "Go ahead, I brought a book." Was his reply. Tina gathered her toiletries and headed for the bathroom. Stephen sat on the couch and clicked on the TV.

  "You know, that's the first time we've done that." She said, ducking her head out of the bathroom.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Watch TV together."

  "Well, things are different now, right?"

  "Right, they are. I'll only be a little bit." With that, Tina ducked back into the bathroom. After a few minutes, Stephen headed to the bedroom of their suite to get his bag. When he walked past the bathroom door, he noticed that it was slightly ajar. Pressing against it ever so slightly, so Tina wouldn't notice he watched her image in the mirror. How beautiful she was, what a shame it would be to lose her. Still, if she had made up her mind, there wasn't a whole lot that he could do. In the tub, Tina was relaxing in a steaming hot bath. From his angle, Stephen watched as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back, allowing her silky black hair to cascade down into the water. Nothing he had ever seen could match the beauty of her face. Her big brown eyes were shut, but the vision of her would never fade in his mind. Her full, luxurious lips were curved up in a slight smile, reminding him of the times that that sexy mouth had beckoned him and him alone. His eyes followed every sensuous curve of her body, down past her smooth shoulders and delectable neck. He allowed his gaze to linger on her voluptuous breasts as the jutted out of the water.

  Fond memories of them ran through his mind as he mentally ran his hands over them. Those endless nights of passion they had shared how wonderful it had been to bury his face in her cleavage and let his hands creep down her sides. Tina possessed a perfect hourglass figure, while her facial features and slim waist belied her Asian heritage, the fullness of the curves of her hips and breasts were definitely a sign of her European side. And he had loved every inch of her body, in previous visits he had spent literally hours worshipping her as if she was a goddess. Which to Stephen, she still was, although now he was only able to indulge himself from afar. Tina stood in the tub to get out, and before she could notice him spying on her, Stephen quickly retreated back to the couch. After toweling off, she dressed for bed and joined him. Wearing a silk dressing robe over her pajamas, she sat beside him, gently resting her head on his shoulder. Sensing that he might have one last opportunity, Stephen slowly slid his arm around her. In response, she snuggled in tightly to him. It triggered her own memories to do so, and she quickly sought to break the tension building between them. "What the Hell was that at the airport?" she asked.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Air kissing? Come on, what's the matter with you?"

  "Hey, it's not what I wanted, but I thought I should give you the option."

  "Then how did you want to kiss me?"

  "You don't want to know."

  "Well, at I thought at least you would have let things flow naturally."

  "How?" he demanded.

  "Like this?" With that, Stephen caught Tina looking up at him, her mouth opened slightly. Without hesitation, his lips found hers as he kissed her tenderly. Sensing no resistance from her, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. Their kiss grew in intensity, her lips parted before his as she reached around to hold him tight. Tina thought that she wanted a friendly embrace, but the fires of their passion were growing. Once their lips met, she melted into his arms, letting him kiss her passionately, and returning his kisses with equal fervor. His kisses were hot, wet, enticing as he drew her into him, letting nothing stand in the way of the love that they truly shared for each other. Just that one kiss led to another and another, bringing back those joyous memories for both of them. This was a love that they had shared once before, and now, as they prepared to bid each other farewell, forever, their love surfaced once again, engulfing them completely.

  Slowly, Stephen reached his hand around his back to find hers, and took her firmly in his grasp. Standing up over the couch, he slid his arms beneath her and gently picked her up. Her hand never left his, their lips never parted as he carried her down the hallway to the bedroom. No protest left her mouth as he gently lay her down on the bed and allowed his kisses to explore further down her body. Tina pulled him closer to her, holding his head tightly against her as he let his mouth trace down her neck to her shoulders. A small voice inside her told her that she shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't let him continue, but as her hands pushed him back slightly, he was back on her, kissing her breasts now, kneading those impressive globes with his hands. The voice grew silent after that, and as he found her nipples, was replaced by a contented sigh. Tina placed her hands on his chest, her fingers furiously tearing at the buttons on his shirt, then reached down to his belt buckle. Stephen kept bathing her with hot, wet kisses, pausing only to let her tug off his shirt and pants. Their bodies pressed together on the bed; nothing at all separated them. Nothing they had ever experienced could match this, the feeling of love and passion that drew them together was so intense, and it joined them in a way that nothing could ever separate.

  As Tina wrapped her arms around Stephen again, he drew his kisses back up to her mouth, their tongues joining them in a union like no other before. The heat from her body drew him into her fully; it was as if they shared one soul. Slowly, Tina spread her shapely legs, angling up her knees to allow him access to her. In one gently motion, Stephen slid his cock inside her wet pussy. They both gasped at the wonderful sensation of their bodies joining together, for each of them the feelings were the same yet somehow different. For Stephen, she was hot and wet and inviting as he started to slowly maneuver his cock inside her. Tina felt his thick, sexy shaft slipping in, no other man she had ever had felt so good or fit so right, he had to be the one for her. She had lost sight of that once, but as he thrust into her, she vowed to never forget these sensations again. He took her delicate hand into his, pulling her arms up over her head, his mouth and hers were engaged in the most passionate, enticing kiss that either of them had ever experienced. The cold fear that the love between them was lost burned away by the heat of their embrace. As Stephen thrust himself inside her, taking her body and soul for his own, Tina coated the sides of his face with her kisses, he nibbled briefly on the base of her neck, then traced his electrifying kisses back across her cheeks. Her hands squeezed his back tightly as he propelled himself into her harder; her short, soft moans escaped her lips between their kisses as the two lovers shared the ultimate union. Stephen's hips bucked into her harder, faster; she thrust upward to meet him as their passions grew. Tina wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him down into her with each successive stroke, knowing that nothing could be allowed to take him from her ever again. "I love you," he whispered into her ear as her soft moans increased in tempo.

  "I love you too," was her impassioned reply, which was soon followed by a series of gasps as he continued to make love to her. "Oh, baby, that's the spot, right there!" she moaned, pulling him in even tighter. "Don't ever leave me, sweetie, I love you, this feels so good, so right!"

  "Oh, Tina, I could never love anyone the way that I love you."

  "Then do it to me, baby, make love to me, make me yours. You're the only man I'll ever want again." She felt his pace quickening, experience told her what was near, her mouth opened as if to call out to him again. As the first scream of her orgasm was about to escape her lips, Tina felt him kissing her hard and deep, felt his final thrusts into her pussy as he stifled her screams of pleasure, she felt his cock letting go deep inside her, filling her cunt up with his hot creamy cum. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as she drew him in close to her in a madly passionate embrace that would last them into the morning, and the rest of their lives.

  Although they would make love ma
ny more times that night and that weekend, and during the course of their lives together, neither Tina nor Stephen would ever forget that sweet seduction that won her back to his side, and would change their future, forever.

  The End.

  Do You Want to Dance?

  It was one of those memorable, hot and humid nights that you occasionally get in the North West of England. The temperature was reflected by the acres of female flesh that were on show and excitement was high in our little group. Back in 1992, I was a longhaired heavy metal fan, I had just turned 22 and was permanently looking to empty my balls into any woman I could get my claws into. Little did I realize at the time, but I was on the verge of one of the most erotic experiences of my life.

  We paid our way into the venue and were assaulted by the usual sensory overload of loud Rock music, scantily clad women writhing on the dance floor, cigarette smoke and the smell of spilt beer. I was informed by one of the guys that Leah was in. Leah was a girl whom I had been interested in for a long time, but who was with a lumbering idiot of a man. God she was beautiful, 5"8 and sported a very kinky Mohawk haircut worn with child like innocence. She had ivory white skin, a neck you could kiss forever, the most amazingly sexy mouth, bottomless eyes and a tiny waist. My spy told me she was on her own. 'Game On!' I thought I searched the club from top to bottom but couldn't find her anywhere. I was crushed. I settled down with a case of beer and proceeded to drink myself into a stupor. The night seemed to get more intense the later it got, probably due to the alcohol content of my bloodstream, and I really started to enjoy myself.

  I ended up next to the dance floor. Out of the alcoholic fog, Leah appeared.

  " Do you want to dance?" she shouted over the ridiculously loud music. I was astounded, this is my chance, I thought. I had better do something to impress her straight away.

  " I'd rather screw you senseless!" I yelled back jokingly.

  As the stinging on my slapped cheek calmed down, I realised that she didn't find my joke at all amusing and that I had fucked things rather up. I was really pissed off about this and I knew that I had blown it. The guys were laughing at me and it was clear at this time that my romantic intentions for the evening had been scuttled.

  The night was drawing to a close and we all started to filter out on to the street. Leah re?appeared so I staggered over to apologise for my previous behaviour. She accepted, whilst laughing about the look on my face when she slapped me. We started chatting and to compare notes on the evening. Eventually I asked her where she lived. She told me that she lived only few miles from my house

  "Do you want to share a taxi?" she asked

  "Why not, at least I know that you will get home safely, and I'll know where you live for my second job as a Peeping Tom" I joked, risking another fore arm smash.

  Eventually we got a cab and headed back out of the city. She asked me if I wanted a nightcap, there was no intent in her voice and it seemed like a friendly enough gesture. I accepted and paid off the cabby when we reached her place. It was a comfortable little studio flat on a back street near the student village, we cracked open a couple of cold beers, kicked off our shoes, and started to chat. We talked about everything and nothing for hours. I had almost managed to forget the desire that I felt for this stunningly beautiful woman and before I knew it, it was 5am.

  "I'm going to have to go" I said regretfully, "If I don't get home soon, I won't be up in time to be out again tomorrow!" I laughed.

  "Do you want to crash over here?" She asked.

  "If it's not too much trouble" I answered. That was it then, settled I

  thought, we sit up all night drinking, I sleep on the sofa and we end up best of mates rather than lovers.

  "Sofa or the bed?" She asked. I thought my hearing was playing up.

  "Are you going to lie on the sofa and dream of fucking me, or come to bed and get on with it?"

  "What do you think?" I answered with a smile and a quickening pulse. She came over and sat on the arm of the antique armchair I was sat in, I could smell her perfume, her hairspray, the vague odour of her perspiration. She reached across me put her hand on my shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes. Time stood still. I knew she was moving toward me, about to caress my lips with her beautiful mouth. I felt her exhale, the warmth of her breath caressed my face. I watched her lips part slightly, then our mouths met. I had never been kissed like that before. The ferocity and passion had my heart exploding. Apart from her hand on my shoulder, our only contact was in our kisses, our tongues meeting, then searching each other's mouths. She broke away for a second, moving to straddle me in the chair, her knees by my thighs, her hands on the high chair back. Leah lowered her head to kiss me again. I raised my hands and gently started to stroke the nape of her neck, whilst cupping her face with my thumbs. She moaned gently as I took my hand away, then reached behind her back. I started to slowly trace her spine, easily able to feel my way through the thin material of her black T?shirt, down, over the bra strap, to the waist band of her short, denim skirt. Up and down my hand moved, tracing spirals and swirls across her back. I was trying to pluck up the courage to move under the fabric when Leah made the decision for me. She moved her head back and said quietly

  "What’s the matter, too shy to undress me? I like it when a man takes control"

  I was slightly taken aback by this,

  "I was, was waiting for the right moment" I finally managed to stammer.

  "Here's a clue for, what its worth" she giggled "the moment is now!"

  Quick as a flash, she took her hands from the chair back, grabbed the shirt by the hem and whipped it over her head. She dropped it to the floor and looked me straight in the eye with a look so hot that it melted my soul. Before I knew what was happening, the bra followed and I had a topless vixen sat on my lap! I half expected to be woken up at any moment, this had to be a dream, right? I was brought to my senses within seconds by a husky whisper

  "Do you like what you see, then?" She asked. I moved my head slightly forward and gently circled a pert nipple with my tongue. She gasped and grasped the back of my head, forcing her breast onto my mouth. I willingly took it in and sucked, licked, nibbled and teased for all my worth. My hands started to work up and down her thighs, moving over the black, sheer, hosiery with a gentle grace, almost as if they were of another person. I thought, 'what the hell, if she wants me to take charge, this had better be the start then.' I moved a hand to her gusset and started to stroke her pubis. She moaned a deep, guttural, animalistic moan and started to grind against my hand, whilst still holding me tightly to her breast, ferociously chasing her own orgasm. She came hard, I could feel her juices seeping through her hose and panties, the scent of her sex filled the room and her cries of lust heightened my desire. Her grinding eventually became less urgent, her moans became whimpers and her grip on my head lessened. There then followed that awkward moment where the 'who does what to who next' thought crossed both of our minds. She settled that by standing up and stepping back. I was slightly taken aback, I wasn't used to a woman who was comfortable enough with her own body to stand topless in a room with her skirt pushed up over her hips and engage me in small talk. I was more astounded when she grabbed my hand and said,

  "Right you are then, bed time!" and pulled me from the chair, towards the bedroom door. We stood at the foot of the bed, she unbuttoned my shirt, then embraced me tightly. I could feel the searing heat of her skin on mine, her nipples against my chest, even the wetness from where I had recently had one in my mouth. My penis twitched impatiently, a movement she felt against her own leg quite clearly.

  "What do we have here then?" She asked and traced the outline of my hardness with an elegant finger. I twitched again and she giggled impishly.

  "That must be sore, its swollen right up" she joked and, to my surprise, she added " would it help if I kissed it better?"

  She sat down on the end of the bed and pulled me closer. She quickly undid the button fly on my Levi
's and pushed them to the floor. I stepped out of them and stood in front of her, naked as a baby. She cupped my balls in one hand, as if testing their weight, and slowly started to stroke my shaft with the other. I felt electric, it was like all my Christmas's rolled into one. I did have the usual jealous thought of 'where did she learn this?' for a fleeting

  second, right up until she kissed my glans. My knees nearly went from under me. To this day, I can't work out how I didn't just ejaculate there and then, I had never felt anything like this in my life. She kissed and teased the head of my prick like I had done her nipple minutes before. Her tongue traced swirls around it whilst she stroked my shaft and caressed my heavy testicles. I could feel myself welling up for what seemed like forever, the sensations, the everlasting image of her lips enveloping my tip, I new that


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