Sixth Realm Part 2: A litRPG Fantasy series (The Ten Realms Book 7)

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Sixth Realm Part 2: A litRPG Fantasy series (The Ten Realms Book 7) Page 43

by Michael Chatfield

  “While the Blue Lotus is a neutral association, with business, we will return trust with trust,” Elder Lu said.

  What he said was true, but if another power came to fight Vuzgal and didn’t threaten the Blue Lotus and its operations, then by their code, there was nothing to be done.

  “I understand and thank you for everything.” Erik’s words lingered before he cleared his throat. “I hope we can talk later, but I have rounds to make. It has been some time since I saw a lot of the people here.”

  Cai Bo watched the city lords as they arrived.

  “Those are the leaders of the associations. Lord West is close to the Alchemist Association, Lord Rodriguez is close to the Crafter’s Association, and they are both patrons of the Fighter’s Association and Blue Lotus. It’s said that they got personal lessons from Klaus, the branch head of the Fighter’s Association,” Elder Kostic said as Lord Rodriguez and Klaus bear-hugged each other, chuckling and patting each other’s backs. Klaus introduced his people cheerfully.

  “They are both fighters and reported crafters. Rodriguez is a smith, and West is an alchemist, a direct disciple of Zen Hei, one of the former pillheads of the Third Realm. Zen Hei has since reached Master level in Alchemy and has ascended to the Sixth Realm to teach the younger generation. It is suspected that he will rise to the Seventh Realm soon with his teaching abilities. West has an Alchemy student who has never been seen in Vuzgal. She is supposedly at the Expert level.” Low Elder Kostic stealthily pinched his grandniece’s side, making her pay attention as well.

  Two men walked in, wearing distinct armors and emblems.

  “Those two are from the Silver Dragon adventure group and Adventurer’s Guild. They had tensions last year at the fighter’s competition, but many say they are now brother guilds. They share contracts with each other and have become a powerful force in Vuzgal. Smaller guilds are allied with them to get their protection and connections. They carry out normal mercenary tasks.”

  Adventurer’s Guild? That sounds familiar.

  A few moments later, another man and his wife appeared.

  “That is Acting City Lord Hiao Xen. In a rare display of gratitude, the Blue Lotus and the lords of Vuzgal reached an agreement, lending him to Vuzgal. Through him, Vuzgal has become what it is now. Those three ladies—that is Tan Xue, the head of Vuzgal Academy, an Expert-level smith; Qin, the department head of the formation masters; and her friend Julilah. They are both supposed to be formation masters of the Expert level. Behind them are the other department heads and some of the Experts from the academy. Based on what I have learned, there are close to one hundred Experts in different crafts in Vuzgal Academy, either learning or teaching.”

  “Interesting. How were they able to attract them?”

  “We are not sure where most of them came from, the Ten Realms being as large as it is. Some were hired, others were groomed. Vuzgal has the highest density of Expert crafters in the Fourth Realm. One Expert crafter from the Blue Lotus tried to use her position to gain power on her side and force the lords into submission. I hear she is now a teacher and that the Blue Lotus reprimanded her.

  “Seeing that while a fair place and that Expert-level crafters wouldn’t be able to play their games here, other crafters started to come. Most are unaffiliated and just looking for a place to carry out their experiments. Vuzgal has workshops, materials, entertainment, and a platform to discuss with others in their field.”

  Well developed—the neutrality has made it a haven for many.

  “Those two men are the core power of Vuzgal.” Low Elder Kostic pointed to two men talking to each other at the side. “Chonglu is the current head of the Battle Arena and is possibly being groomed to be the next acting city lord. His wife is a high-up member of the Fighter’s Association. The younger-looking man is Domonos.” Kostic pinched Mercy again, making her pout slightly, but she hid it.

  “Colonel Domonos Silaz commands the Dragon Regiment, supposedly seven thousand strong. The soldiers we see in this very city.”

  Mercy shifted and narrowed her eyes, memorizing the faces.

  “This Domonos, he must be quite the genius to achieve a high level of cultivation at his age,” Cai Bo said. He must have made several breakthroughs as a teenager into his young adult life to remain looking so young. He must have been two or three times as old as he looked to be the head of Vuzgal’s forces.

  “Elder Cai, we believe that he is less than thirty years old,” Low Elder Kostic said awkwardly.

  “Julilah and Qin?”

  “Younger still. Expert Qin Silaz is Domonos Silaz’s younger sister.”

  “The Silaz family must have a high standing in Vuzgal.”

  Low Elder Kostic coughed. “Expert Silaz spends her days teaching or locked in her workshop. Colonel Silaz spends all his time training his soldiers. They do not have a family backing them. Few people who are part of Vuzgal have clans. They are frowned upon.”

  “Why? Clans can create greater competition, and the strongest stand at the top.” Cai Bo gave Kostic a sharp look.

  “They believe that it only leads to internal strength. They have a philosophy: ‘Best person for the job.’ Regardless of one’s strength or position, whoever is the best person for the job will get it. No clans or forces have been able to bend or break this rule. Some who tried to use their familial connections were found out, and all who were linked to them were fired from their positions, never to be hired by Vuzgal again.”

  “Not based on strength or connections? How were they able to get this high? Everything in the Ten Realms relies on strength.”

  “Their ability to negotiate and pull people into alliances is powerful. They have such a small army and train them well. They call themselves soldiers. They have none of the individuality of warriors. They work in groups to achieve results instead of fighting on their own and unleashing their own power. Military contribution points for killing the enemy—they have no such thing!”

  “How do they motivate them to fight if they will not get rewards for killing the most powerful creatures?”

  “They don’t. The army was only engaged in battle once. With close to a hundred people, they killed thousands of warriors from the Blood Demon sect. They were supposedly using projectile weapons like the Sha clans.”

  “Are they linked?”

  “Not that we were able to find in our research.”

  Cai Bo watched Lord West clap the Adventurer’s Guild leader on the shoulder. Blaze smiled and laughed, introducing his friend from the Silver Dragons.

  After a quick talk, Lord West and the Adventurer’s Guild leader walked to the rear of the box. Lord West signaled Colonel Silaz over, and the three of them walked out of the booth.

  A sound-cancelling spell covered Kostic and Cai Bo

  “What’s the news from the sect?” she asked without turning.

  “The Elders are forced to work together. They are trying their usual tricks, diverting resources to their clans and supporters first.”

  “You have been recording it all?”

  “Every transaction we learn about, my Kostic Clan and the Tolentino Clan are having friction but are forced to work together. The other high elders are working to reduce your power while you’re away.”

  “What does the head think? Is he paying attention?”

  “He has been in his chambers, but his messengers and people have been moving around. It is reasonable to think he knows most of what is going on.”

  “Right now, he needs allies, people he can trust to carry out his wishes,” Cai Bo muttered.

  “Continue to show that the various clans under our control are unhappy working together. We will need to make it appear that I have little support.”

  “What about the other high elders? Will they not call for your dismissal?”

  “If they do, all the better. Foster needs someone he can control. If he thinks that I am clinging to him for protection, then I should do everything to make sure my one remaining support doesn�
�t leave me. It is interesting how people in power always think they can use people who appear weak.”

  Erik pulled off his mask as he got in the elevator. “Good to see you both again.”

  “Having fun with the meet and greet?” Blaze asked.

  “Rather be out there instead of being stuck here,” Erik grumbled as the doors opened to the command center. Vuzgal guards checked them and let them past.

  “How are things on your end, Domonos?” Erik asked.

  “I got word of the deployment of the Willful Institute just before I came down to see you.”

  “Seems they are finally getting their shit together. Too bad for us.”

  “What are your orders?” Blaze asked as they walked into the actual command center.

  “Domonos, send out a leader to take command of the battlefield. Use CPD forces from the units in Alva. If we move too much from here, it could be difficult. The close protection squads will be your command and control, and the members of the Adventurer’s Guild will be your sword and shield. When the battle comes, Domonos, I want you leading it. Things can change rapidly down there.”

  “I’ll send word to Commander Glosil to request more support. Dominik!”

  Dominik, who was checking something with one of the aides, heard his yell and jogged over. “Sirs!” He came to attention and saluted.

  “Dominik, you will head to the Third Realm and work with Jasper and the units. I am sending you to create command and control. Hide units within the Adventurer’s Guild to support them in the coming fight in Meokar.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll get things ready for you and head out right away.” He saluted again and jogged off.

  “How many people can we expect from the guild?” Erik asked.

  “The guild has grown to eight hundred thousand strong. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get two hundred thousand volunteers, possibly more.”

  “Meokar is reinforced with a hundred Fifth Realm elders, three thousand warriors from the Fourth Realm, and twenty thousand of the Institute’s guards with power comparable to the peak of the Third Realm,” Domonos said.

  “What about the Grey Peak sect and others?”

  “They haven’t called anyone down from the Fourth Realm. They could win with swarming.”

  “Though they’re more likely to back out instead,” Erik surmised.

  Domonos nodded.

  “Good thing we’ll have those CPD squads. Target the elders and people from the higher realms. The Willful Institute operates with the strongest being their leaders. If we take them out, we can tear out their command and control.”

  “Yes, sir,” Domonos said.

  “You were going to do that already, weren’t you?” Erik grinned.

  “Yes, sir.” Domonos smiled.

  “Okay, show us what you’re thinking. With Blaze here, we can get a preliminary plan sorted out.”

  Rugrat glanced at Erik as he sat next to him. Around them, people cheered and yelled as people walked out to the hundreds of stages across the Battle Arena complex.

  Rugrat used a sound-canceling formation. “Blaze, Domonos?”

  “Organizing operations. Things moved faster than we thought in the Third Realm.”

  “First preliminary matches are about to begin.”

  Chonglu stood and went to the front of the box. “Thank you all for gracing my Battle Arena with your presence once again! Today marks the beginning of Vuzgal’s Second Annual Fighter’s Competition!”

  All of Vuzgal clapped, excited to watch the matches.

  “Let the games begin!”

  The yells and applause grew as the fighters on their different stages raised their weapons to the crowd before going to meet their opponents and referees.

  As the fighters returned to their corners to start the fight, Rugrat saw one turn and throw a dagger.

  The referee who had calmly backed up moved in a blur, appearing in front of the fighter who had thrown the dagger. Holding the hilt of the blade, the referee passed it back to the pale-faced fighter.

  With a smile, the referee’s foot snapped out, and the fighter was sent flying out of the arena.

  “Looks like there are a few people who don’t know how to follow the rules.” Rugrat rested his chin on his fist.

  “Gives the refs something to do!”

  Rugrat snorted. Some fights didn’t even last a move. Fighters who were waiting at the side were called onto empty stages. Hundreds of fights progressed in a similar manner across the stages.

  “The fighters this year are much stronger,” Rugrat said.

  “Well, we had to announce the prizes before the competition started. There were a lot of people who wanted to know beforehand,” Chonglu said as he sat beside Rugrat.

  “I wish I could enter the competition.”

  “You already have the best gear,” Erik said.

  “Yeah, but private training suites, membership upgrades, custom weapons and armor, as well as concoctions to cleanse the body and reach Body Like Iron? Give that to some motivated troops and see what they do.”

  “Why do you think we have them as referees?” Erik checked the sound-canceling field around them. “They fight in dungeons after they complete their basic training. They get access to the Battle Arena training rooms, crafter workshops, and more. They’re training maniacs. There is a reason why they quickly progress their specializations. When they start, they might not be geniuses, but hard work and competitive spirit are instilled in their bones. Glosil raised one hell of a military.”

  Rugrat sat taller with a small smile hidden under his mask. “We lucked out with people.”

  “I’ve never heard of two people getting all reminiscent and thoughtful while watching a fighter’s competition,” Chonglu said dryly.

  “Do you remember the days he was calling us lord and bowing all over the damn place?” Rugrat asked Erik, pointing to Chonglu with his thumb.

  “Yeah, he’s changed.”

  “I got to know you two!”

  “Really changed,” Rugrat agreed.

  “Tea?” Erik asked.

  “Tea? Chonglu’s right. This is a fighting competition! It ain’t no NASCAR, but hell if I am having tea! I brought some beer back from the Sixth Realm.” Rugrat pulled out a clay jug and cups, pouring it out.

  “Shit. Good to get a day off. Do you have seeds?”

  “Hell, yeah!” Rugrat pulled out a sack of seasoned seeds.

  “Aw shit, you’re prepared.”

  “Hell yeah, man! Shit, we should get a tailgate party going.”

  “Don’t have trucks.”

  “Well, nah—a carriage-gate party sounds dumb.”

  Erik and Chonglu accepted the beer from Rugrat. Chonglu looked more perplexed than Erik, who simply accepted what was happening.

  “Cheers!” Rugrat raised his cup, and they smacked them together before Erik and Rugrat tapped them on their armrests and then awkwardly moved their masks to the side to have a swig.

  “Need a straw or something. These masks suck,” Rugrat complained.

  “Shit. That is strong, but good,” Chonglu said.

  “Reminds me of moonshine. Yeah, it needs to be strong. Stupid fricking body tempering. Hey, Erik, your leaking metal.”

  “Fucking body tempering.” Erik used a Clean spell.

  “You two are strange, even by Ten Realms’s standards.”

  Erik and Rugrat glanced at each other and shrugged before getting handfuls of seeds.

  “Nice. Spicy dill?”

  “Yeah, my own blend,” Rugrat said as they drank and spat the shells into a second cup.

  Elise appeared at the entrance to the box to see the three people at the center of attention, drinking beer and chewing on seeds.

  Erik grabbed some extra cups and passed them out to people, changing the serious atmosphere and making it easier for people to mingle.

  Elise walked down, and Rugrat passed her a drink.

  “Good to see you,” Rugrat said with feeling, putting his ar
m around her shoulders.

  Elise sighed as he squeezed her in a sideways hug. “It’s been a hectic couple of weeks, but everything is in place.”

  “I’ve been paying attention to the reports. The traders have been the backbone of our operations.”

  “It was made clear that we can only trade and do as we want because we have your protection. This is a way for them to give back. I don’t think you understand the support behind you. If someone doesn’t contribute toward the fight, other businesses and people shy away from working with them.”

  “I didn’t think people would back this.” Rugrat sounded troubled.

  “Strength is power in the Ten Realms. Our enemy is a sect that cares little about others. They attacked our leaders, attacked Domonos. They hunted down and killed a party from the Adventurer’s Guild and tried to bully them into accepting it. If we let this go, it will tarnish our reputation. How can we say that we stand for everyone if we don’t fight?”

  “You sound passionate about it.”

  “I have had a lot of time to think on it, and I have been putting in the hours to shift the scales in our favor. I wouldn’t have if I didn’t believe in it.”

  Rugrat patted her on the back and drank from his cup.

  “If another man saw your arm around his girlfriend, he’d be scared,” Blaze said from behind.

  “Everything sorted?” Rugrat asked Blaze and glanced over to Domonos.

  “We should be,” Blaze said. His faint smile turned grim.

  Domonos nodded.

  “All right, have a beer. Today, we relax. Tomorrow, we’ll deal with what comes.”

  Mistress Mercy kept glancing at the box. Her eyes fell on Domonos. Why does he look so familiar?

  “Has something caught your eye?” her granduncle asked.

  “I-I think that I have seen him before,” Mercy said.

  “Who, Lord Rodriguez or Blaze?”

  “No, Colonel Silaz.”

  Low Elder Kostic lifted his brow. “We don’t have any information on where he came from or his family.”


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