Jo's Journey

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Jo's Journey Page 10

by S. E. Smith

  Chapter 15

  Manota stood in his living quarters looking out of the virtual viewport. They would be entering a section of space known for pirate raids on unprepared freighter traffic. He didn’t think it likely they would be attacked but he was not going to leave it to chance. The Seeker was a smaller Kassisan warship but it was still a deadly one. Most pirates would not even think of attacking such a vessel even if it was traveling alone.

  He looked down at the drink in his hand and sighed. It had been almost two and a half weeks since the night of the first performance. He had asked Jo countless questions about what happened and how they did the things they did. All she would do was smile and laughingly tell him that if she told him how it was done, she would have to kill him. She had then proceeded to make love to him until he thought he had died – from pleasure.

  The following afternoon, he had ordered K’tar into the conference room. Kev and Shavic had darted in as well before the door had a chance to close behind his communications officer. They wanted to know what happened to him and where in the hell did he go.

  “I don’t know,” K’tar had said. “I don’t remember anything but Sunny.”

  “Who is Sunny?” Shavic had asked in frustration.

  “The fairy,” K’tar said with a grin. “I remember her grabbing my hand but not a thing afterwards. Well, except for her taste – and her touch – and the feel of her skin and hair.”

  Shavic groaned. “You don’t remember anything?” He demanded.

  “No, not really,” K’tar responded. “It was dark and all I wanted was to keep her safe.”

  Kev sank down and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, I’m glad at least two of you are being successful at that,” he grumbled.

  “Here,” Manota said with a sympathetic nod as he sank down in the chair next to Kev.

  “Thanks,” Kev replied as he picked up the small glass with the dark green liquid.

  Kev grimaced as the potent liquor burned as it went down. He told Manota how he had been positive he would have been able to capture the one named Jade but she was as good at disappearing as that damn magician had been. By the time he got down the steps to the floor of the big tent, she had vanished. He had tried searching for her but she must have gone into one of those camper houses.

  Manota thought with amusement of Kev’s frustration and empathized with his friend. He remembered his own struggles to get Jo to accept him. He realized that was part of her appeal, she gave as well as took from him and never let him get away with bossing her around. When he was with her, he felt alive.

  “What are you so deep in thought about?” Jo asked as she stepped out of the cleansing room.

  Manota turned at her voice. His eyes roamed hungrily over her. She was wearing a silky blue robe that matched her eyes and was brushing out her hair. He noticed that it had grown several inches since he first saw her. The soft, thin material couldn’t hide how her nipples pebbled from the cooler air in their living quarters.

  It was close to midnight but time aboard the warship was irrelevant. She had been performing in two shows a day for the crew. Most of the shows were abbreviated to fit in with the crews’ schedules. He tried to attend as many as he could. He knew he would never get tired of watching her. After the first few performances, he began to appreciate that each routine was carefully choreographed and there were numerous safety measures set in place.

  “I was thinking about how incredible you are,” he said huskily. “Come here.” He set his glass on the small table near the chair and opened his arms.

  Jo’s lips curved upward as she saw the hunger in his eyes. They had both been incredibly busy. She had fallen back into the routine of working out with her family and friends during the day. She had also been working with Jane. Annie and Jade had begun spending more time with the quiet young woman who jumped or hid whenever there was a loud noise or a male came too close to her.

  “You’ve been so busy lately. Is everything alright?” Jo asked as she moved into his arms.

  Manota slid one arm around Jo’s slender waist, pulling her close. He cupped her jaw with his other hand, tilting her head back so he could lose himself in her beautiful eyes. He felt the tension melt from his body as she fit snugly against his hard length.

  “There have been some minor issues, nothing important. We should be back on Kassis in less than a week,” he responded huskily. “I love the feel of your skin against mine.”

  “Really? How much?” She asked as she wound her arms around his neck, letting her fingers play with the short strands in the back.

  “How about I show you?” He murmured, brushing a kiss along her cheek and down to the corner of her mouth.

  “How about I show you instead?” She whispered back. “It might be fun to have you at my mercy for a little while. Whenever we make love, you always seem to wipe out every thought in my head. Not that I’m complaining or anything,” she assured him, tilting back just far enough so he could see her face. “But, I think I would like to explore you this time.”

  Manota was intrigued by the idea. They had made love many times but he had always taken control as their passion became more intense, driven by a primitive urge to capture and mate. He wasn’t sure if he had enough control to resist taking over but he was willing to try.

  “If that will make you happy,” he said slowly.

  “I don’t think you will be too unhappy,” she murmured as she brushed her lips against his before pulling back and grabbing his hand. “Come here, big guy. You are about to be loved like you have never been loved before,” she added with a wicked grin.

  Manota let her pull him toward their bed. She pushed him gently down onto the end of the bed. Kneeling in front of him, she pulled at his boots removing one then the other. Once she had them off, she rose gracefully to her feet. Bending over him, she pressed a hot kiss to his mouth as she pulled the stays holding his shirt loose. Once they were free, she pushed his shirt off his shoulders letting her nails tenderly graze over his heated skin.

  “Jo,” Manota moaned as he reached up and cupped her breasts through the thin material of her robe. “I want you.”

  “I want to please you,” she said huskily. “Let me do this.”

  “You always please me,” Manota groaned out as she pushed him backwards until he was lying flat.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” she whispered, pulling back when he tried to pull her down on top of him. “You are not going to cooperate. I think I need to go to plan B.”

  “Plan B?” Manota asked in frustration as she pulled even further away. “If this is Plan A, I like it. We don’t need Plan B.”

  “Oh yes we do if I want to have my time torturing you the way you torture me every day,” Jo said looking at him with a sexy grin. “Take your pants off and lay down at the top of the bed,” she ordered.

  Manota didn’t wait for her to ask twice. His damn pants were in the way anyway. He tore open the fastenings and pushed them down. He kicked them out of the way before scooting up to the top of the bed, sitting and watching her arrogantly as her eyes widened on his throbbing cock. He gripped it tightly, stroking up and down the length as she watched.

  “Come to me,” he said with a knowing grin.

  “Oh no you don’t, my dear sexy alien,” Jo said with a shake of her head. “Tonight is MY turn.”

  She walked over to the side of the bed and pulled out a tie that she had confiscated from the clowns’ wardrobe. She didn’t think they would miss it. Making a quick slipknot on both ends of the brightly colored piece of fabric, she looped it around Manota’s wrist and threaded it through the emergency railing that ran the length above the bed.

  “Jo?” Manota asked, looking up at her startled.

  “You don’t play fair,” she explained as she wrapped the other end around his other wrist. “So, I thought I would even the odds a bit. I can’t think straight when you start touching me,” she admitted as she brushed another kiss over his lips.

  “I l
ike that, though,” he responded huskily.

  Jo chuckled softly as she slid off of him. “I know you do,” she said.

  She turned to walk over to a small device she had set on the table near the long couch. She bent over and pressed several buttons. Standing, she called out for the lights to dim to level two. Music with an unusual beat started to play, filling the room.

  Jo began swaying to it, loosening the belt on her robe before letting it slide down her arms. She wanted to give him a taste of something different. She thought about the new dance routine that she was practicing with Sunny and decided to try it out on Manota. Under her robe she was wearing a long sheer gown that she had found in the marketplace during one of her forays into town unbeknownst to Manota. She loved dressing up in disguise and escaping for a little while to explore.

  “Gods!” Manota breathed out, pulling forward as far as he could to look at the length of her. “You are so beautiful, Jo. Can’t we skip Plan B?”

  Jo refused to let him distract her as she continued swaying to the music, waiting for the next song to start. As the first song ended, Jo moved into position. She was facing Manota, her arms raised above her head and her head bowed. The pose looked as if she was hanging from a sacrificial alter, waiting for the beast who would claim her. Soon, the room filled with a dark passionate song. Jo moved sensually to the deep, pulsing beat as if she was awakening from a deep sleep and realizing that she was in mortal danger. As the music rose, she twirled lifting one knee up so the slit on the gown fell on each side as she bent her back in a graceful arch in perfect imitation of her struggle to free herself from the invisible bonds holding her. Once free, the music changed to one of discovery, of love, of wonder. She began moving as if she was making love, not only to the music, but with it. The dance became a symbol of a body caught in the thrones of passion. The gentle sway of her breasts rising and falling as the tempo increased and decreased. Jo was locked in a passionate climax as the sultry sound escalated, her body collapsing on the end of the bed as it faded away.

  She lay motionless on the end, her arms out in front of her as she caught her breath. She had been locked with the music, images of her and Manota bound together in passion pulsing with the beat to the point she could feel the slickness of her own desire and the taut ache of need.

  “Jo, please,” Manota whispered, his arms sliding under her arms as he pulled her toward him. “I will try to let you explore me next time,” he promised as he lifted her limp body up so that she was straddling him. “For now, I need you.”


  Manota didn’t know what to expect when Jo took the colorful ribbon out of the side panel next to the bed. When she had looped it over his wrist and then bound him to the bar above the bed, he was curious and slightly amused. He could easily snap the thin material. He thought she meant to tease him for a short time before releasing him. He never expected her to move away. When she started a strange melody from her world and ordered the lights to dim, he admitted he was more than a little intrigued. What he had not expected was the overwhelming reaction that burned through him as she began to dance. The movements were beautiful, sensual, and exotic. The material did little to hide her body but it was enough that it made him hunger to rip it off of her. It was not until the second song started that he became caught in a web of visual intoxication. The music and her body told a story of fear, hope, longing, and passion. He could see the story unfolding in his mind as she retold it through the movements of her body. He could see... her story. Her fear at being captured and taken to a new world, her hope of escaping, the sudden realization of her love for him - an alien creature so different from any other that she had met, and the passion they share.

  He didn’t remember snapping the thin material holding him captive or removing the tattered pieces from his wrists. He didn’t remember moving to the center of the bed. His mind and eyes were locked on Jo. His world narrowed to just her. Gone was the warship. Gone were the other humans. Gone was the room they were in. They were both bound to a world where only the two of them existed. As the music ended and Jo slowly sank down onto the end of the bed, as if drained of all life, Manota knew he was the only one who could give it back to her. He was the one who could fill her again with the passion that she brought to the world. He was the alien - who loved her.

  “Jo, please,” Manota whispered as he gathered her into his arms. “I will try to let you explore me next time. For now, I need you,” he choked out hoarsely as he guided her over his throbbing length.

  He pushed the silky material of her gown to the side and aligned his shaft with her slick entrance. He decided he did not want to ruin the delicate fabric that both concealed and revealed her to him. Gritting his teeth, he slowly pushed up through her soft folds shuddering as the slick heat of her vagina encased his hard cock. He slid his hands along her arms, lifting them and placing them over his shoulders before wrapping his arms around her waist again.

  “Manota,” Jo whispered as she stared into his eyes. “I love you.”

  “I love you as well, my beautiful human mate,” Manota murmured as he leaned back against the pillows. “Ride me,” he demanded hoarsely.

  Jo’s hands slipped down to his chest. Her fingers brushing his distended nipples, drawing a low rumble from him. She loved the power of being on top, watching the expressions flitting across his face as she moved. She was controlling the rhythm and speed of their love making based on those expressions.

  A loud groan ripped from his throat as she swiveled her hips at the same time as she pressed down as far as she could go. His eyes flickered, drooping until they were almost closed as she did it again and again. At the same time, she pulled his hands from where he was gripping her hips up to her breasts.

  “Yes, baby. Oh yes,” she hissed as his fingers wrapped around her sensitive nipples. “You can pinch them harder,” she groaned out.

  Manota’s eyes glittered as he watched her face as he rose up, pushing deeply against her womb while at the same time pinching her swollen nipples between his fingers. A loud hiss sounded as he replaced his fingers with his mouth. He pulled and sucked at the same time as he rocked his hips in rhythm with her downward movement. His arms moved around her, holding her to him as he began increasing the speed. Releasing her breast with a pop, he growled out as he felt his climax building. Wanting her to find her release, he slid his hand down between their joined bodies until he felt her swollen nub. Flicking it with his finger, he felt a sense of satisfaction when she cried out harshly and froze over him. Her vaginal walls fisted his cock as he continued to drive into her.

  Manota drove upward burying himself as far as he could go and exploded into her. He could feel her body shaking as it reacted again to his hot seed spilling into her womb. Her body melted down onto his, her head nuzzled under his chin.

  “I love you, my Jo,” he whispered tenderly even though he knew she didn’t hear him. She had already fallen into a sated sleep.

  Chapter 16

  “Tony, he is going to kill you, you know that?” Marcus said dryly as he watched the younger male eyeing Jo. “Something tells me these aliens play for keeps.”

  Tony shrugged his shoulders and grinned at Marcus. “He’ll have to catch me first,” Tony replied. “Besides, I called dibs on Jo years ago.”

  Marcus shook his head. “What makes you think she is going to notice you any more now than she did when you were seventeen?”

  Tony turned and looked at Marcus with a wry grin. “I don’t, I just want to have a little fun. Hell, if nothing else it’ll liven the place up a little. There aren’t any girls here that I’m interested in and Jo knows I don’t really mean it anymore. It’s become a bit of a game over the years,” he admitted.

  “This is a game that is going to get you killed, my boy,” Marcus muttered. “If that huge male hanging protectively over her doesn’t do it, Walter will. You are the only one that Myrtle will let around her and her calf right now. If you get hurt, it’s going to be a pain
in the ass to take care of them,” he added, thinking of the mother elephant and her nine month old calf.

  “Walter already knows and you don’t have to worry, I won’t get hurt. That’s where you come in to help.” Tony looked at Marcus with a cross between a plea and a hopeful look. “Come on, Marcus. When was the last time you lived dangerously?”

  Marcus snorted. “Might I remind you I was the one looking down the end of a sword not too long ago,” he reminded Tony. “I thought for sure I was going to end up a shish kabob on the tip of it. You live as dangerously as you want. I’ve been at the bottom of a grave looking up and it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” Marcus replied as he shook his head at Tony before he handed the younger man some of his vanishing powder.

  “Just use a little bit of it,” Marcus warned Tony. “You don’t want to smoke everyone out of their homes.”

  “Wish me luck,” Tony said before he walked over to where Jo was standing next to Ricki and Jane.

  “You, my dear, dear boy, are going to need more than luck,” Marcus replied softly with a chuckle. “I just hope there is something left of you when this is over.”


  Jo saw Jane stiffen and scoot behind Ricki just a little. She rolled her eyes as a knowing grin curved Ricki’s lips. The look of amusement could only mean one thing, Tony was up to his tricks again. She turned and shook her head at the mischievous smile on his face. He was definitely up to something and it did not bode well for him. It never did.

  Laughing, she put her hand up in the air and waved her finger at him. “I wouldn’t do whatever you are thinking if I were you,” she warned in exasperation. “I don’t know what you are up to but it has to be a bad idea with the shit-eating grin you have on your face.”


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