Holy Sheoly

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Holy Sheoly Page 35

by Hunter Blain

  The End


  Lily watched as John closed the bathroom door, knowing she had at least a few minutes, as her predictable lover no doubt would bask in the view outside as well as have trouble with the shower. She rolled her eyes at the thought that if he would just closely inspect them, he would see that the buttons were labeled with faint ink that allowed for a more luxurious appearance while still sufficiently telling the user what button controlled each function.

  As John was in the bathroom, Lily pushed herself out of bed and walked to where some of her lover’s clothes had been tossed. Picking up what she was looking for, she walked to the workbench that John would no doubt think was a place to put on makeup, even with all the assorted tools lying around.

  Lily selected the appropriate instruments to counter the enchanted fastenings, and began removing the two silver pendants from the black, custom-made trench coat. It took some time, as the magic was adequate indeed, but no enchanted bindings could trump the woman who had power enough to birth an entire plane of existence.

  Setting the holy pendants on her desk, Lily waved her hand in a wide arc over the wall in front of her while mentally projecting a command, and a new wall shimmered into existence from the depths of the in-between where no one but her could find it. Different sized cubbyholes held various items of power that Lily had collected since the beginning of man’s time on Earth.

  Without telling her eyes to do so, they locked onto a gladius that had tumbled from Heaven when she had first laid eyes on Samael.

  After he had been banished to Hell, and feeling betrayed by her love’s absence, Lily had scoured the Earth for decades until she had found what she was looking for.

  In another cubby was a crown of thorns. Such a simple item with a simple purpose, yet containing immense holy power brought on from the blood and ultimate sacrifice of God’s own son.

  A fingertip gingerly grazed one of the thorns, respectfully remembering how such an unassuming item could hold vast importance.

  Finally, calculating eyes locked onto what they sought, and Lily pulled down an almost identical set of crucifixes that she had personally crafted.

  Placing the real pendants where her counterfeit ones had resided, Lily waved her hand again, and the wall vanished back to the in-between, safe from even the hands of Satan himself.

  Returning to the trench coat on her workbench, Lily replaced the almost indistinguishable pendants, complete with enchantments to help mitigate magic attacks and divination from all...except for, of course, the Queen of Air and Darkness. She would know where he was at all times, and if she was careful, would even be able to spy on him without anyone noticing.

  Lily returned the coat to its place on the ground before dressing, glancing at where it rested on the floor every few seconds.

  “It’s for your own good, lover,” Lily spoke before placing the crown of ice atop her head. A veil of white frost cascaded down her face as her eyes faded to an almost pure white. Virgin snow grew on her frame, forming an elegant evening gown befitting a queen. Befitting the queen.

  In a more sultry, royal tone, Queen Lilith purred, “You...belong...to me...”

  Epilogue Part Two

  “Good evening, my master,” a kneeling German man spoke in hellion. A beautiful man dressed in ivory sat in the red leather chair of the leader of the Fourth Reich, his features bathed in shadows. Only his forehead, nose, and cheekbones were evident, giving him an ominous look that made the German man’s brow perspire. Glancing up, the mortal realized it was the glowing amber eyes that stared intently into his very soul that brought about the slithering feeling of unease.

  “Are they ready?” the man asked coolly, flicking his glowing eyes to the lab on the other side of the office window. He spoke in English, just because he liked to hear his minion’s accent.

  “Yes, sir. We have successfully infused the DNA from the Werwolf found in Mexico with that of the jawbone from the Vampir found here, in Germany,” the man answered, using the German pronunciation by putting a V consonant at the beginning of the word werewolf.

  “Excellent work, General. This pleases me,” the man in white praised as he stood up, walking to the cylindrical tank that sat alone atop an expensive wooden desk. He leaned forward and peered at the bone, which still had some skin and tufts of reddish hair from a beard. The jawbone had been found nearly a hundred years ago in a fishing shack during World War II.

  The man in white beamed an award-winning smile that was on the edge of shifting into something terrifying with only a few minute movements of muscle.

  “May I humbly inquire as to the whereabouts of the Norse and Aztec gods, my Lord?” the general respectfully asked. “My scientists are ready to receive their DNA.”

  The man in white straightened his stance and clasped his hands behind his back as he stared into the lab on the other side of the office. The view overlooked a laboratory that belonged in a high-end sci-fi movie. It was multiple stories tall with several employees who were loyal to the cause. Thirteen large cylinder chambers contained monstrosities that were in a state of suspended animation, awaiting their birth day.

  “Because of my sweet, Fae queen, Thor Odinson will accompany the warden of the Council and the very vampire who has unwavering control over his hammer now. The Norse god will be considerably weaker without access to his weapon and will be unable to flee this time. With his corpse at my feet, the power his believers bestow upon the Norse pantheon will be added to the others.”

  “Should I prepare the specimens to receive their essence?”

  “Be prepared for the Aztec fool first. Tezcatlipoca stuck his nose where it did not belong, and will suffer the consequences.”

  Amber eyes drifted from tank to tank with parental pride.

  One of the beautiful creatures stirred in its tank, prompting a chorus of urgent cries from the doctors and scientists below, who rushed to various screens.

  A solution was entered into a line connected to the giant wolf’s arterial system, and before it was put under again, yellow eyes flashed a familiar crimson as already horrendous fangs elongated slightly.

  “Soon, my children...soon.”

  John returns in 2020…


  If you enjoyed this Urban Fantasy eulogy for Sir John Cook1, would you consider leaving an honest review? Every genuine review means the world to me, and helps new readers find my books.

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  Thank you in advance for giving John unlife after death. The series dedicated to my bromego will be 13 full novels with a handful of novellas and short stories for good measure. So until next time, John On!

  1 John is not actually knighted


  Firstly, I’d have to dedicate this entire series to my unalive bromego who promised if he ever died, that he would haunt me by humming the theme to Mario Brothers for the rest of my life.

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  Here’s to you, John Cook. I made you a promise, and Lilith damn it, I kept it.

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  Second, to my beautiful wife, Amanda, who I’m glad has terrible vision. If not for those eyes of yours, you might have realized you are waaaaay too hot for me!

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  Then again, as the old saying goes: ‘If you make them laugh, their eyes will be closed and unable to see how much better they could do.’

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  Thirdly, to Valenta, Depweg, and Nathanial for wanting to be in the series and have the chance to still be a part of our dear friend’s legacy. As of this dedication writing, I am on book 6 and have included so many more of our friends in the series at their request. I would say it makes it easier to give depth to characters; but the truth is I had to tone most of you bastards WAY down. If I wrote you exactly like we all are in real life, no one would believe the story! I’m looking at you Valenta and Depweg, you crazy fools.

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  And finally, I am dedicating this book and series to anyone who has lost someone who was a substantial part of them. You are not alone. Rise up and live for them.


  Hunter Blain is an author and entrepreneur who has spent his entire adult life—before writing—in the retail industry. At the age of 24, Hunter became the youngest Regional Sales Director at GNC before joining one of the largest supplement companies in the world. He is swole, ladies and gentlemen. So. Swole. After a few years, he had accumulated enough knowledge, beard length, and confidence to open his own brick and mortar store, Empire Nutrition. As of 2020, Hunter is in the midst of franchising the business to budding entrepreneurs.

  One day, a teenage Hunter went to visit his mother at work (because he’s a good son), and met a goddess in the flesh who went by the name Amanda. She was one of his mom’s coworkers, and Hunter’s own age. She also happened to be the most beautiful woman Hunter had ever seen. On an unrelated note, Hunter decided to visit his mom at work a whole lot more after encountering Amanda, and somehow convinced her to marry him after spending nearly a decade together. “Finally!” their family members screamed in exhausted relief at the wedding.

  As of this writing, they live with their two adorable puppies, Bella and Shimmy. To shamelessly maximize fan adoration and awww factor, Hunter’s pit bull terrier, Shimmy, was one day away from being euthanized when Hunter swooped in to rescue her at the very last minute! He reminds Shimmy of this fact almost daily, demanding that she realize how lucky she is and to “get a job!” Shimmy is currently unemployed.

  In 2018, Hunter began writing I’M GLAD YOU’RE DEAD, which is an Urban Fantasy eulogy for his childhood best friend, John Cook, who was taken from this world in a horrific car accident. Writing the novel was both cathartic and the fulfillment of a promise that Hunter had once made to John before his sudden passing. The PRETERNATURAL CHRONICLES is a way for John to live forever in the minds of countless readers across the world.

  In June of 2020, Hunter signed on with Argento Publishing—run by the urban fantasy world’s greatest supervillain, Shayne Silvers—and the rest, as they say, is history.

  Or…the future.

  Get Down with Hunter Online. T-shirts, signed books, new release updates, and Hunter’s blog awaits at:

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  [email protected]



  DELIVERANCE (Prequel novella #0)








  Audiobooks by Audible Hall of Fame narrator, Luke Daniels:

  Listen to free samples HERE.









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