A Carpino Series Collection, Books 1-3

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A Carpino Series Collection, Books 1-3 Page 42

by Brynne Asher

  Reagan, Lilly, Paige, and I are attendants and our dresses are fantastic. I’m still thanking Gabby for not choosing strapless dresses for us. I don’t have the boobs for a strapless dress and I’d be tugging at it all night like I was in middle school. Even petite little Paige has way more curves than me. But Gabby thinks of everything, I’m sure she thought of that, too.

  No, our dresses are light silver, slim to the floor with a slit up the middle in the front hitting above our knees, just high enough to show a little leg with each step. It has a tiny little kick train in the back, spaghetti straps and a deep V in the front dipping to the wide band just under the bustline. The band is made of grey and covered with more crystals to accent Gabby’s dress. The men are wearing charcoal tuxes with vests and a tie.

  It’s time. I reach for my bag and pull out a small box with a silver ribbon wrapped around it. Gabby is busy chatting with Chloe who’s in her own white flouncy dress with a silver sash. Chloe is dancing in circles, talking everyone’s ear off.

  “Gabby.” She looks over and so does Tony. He came shopping with me, he knows we could have a drama at the most or a moment at the very least. Tony and I both move to her. “I have something for you. I know you’re not superstitious and didn’t want anything new, old, borrowed, or blue. This is just a gift, but you’ve got to keep it together, girlie.”

  “What, is it going to make me lose it?” she asks, looking curious. I look over at Tony and he gives me an encouraging smile.

  “Just open it. We’ve got to be at T minus twelve by now,” I tease.

  She takes my gift with a hesitant look, pulling the bow and opening the lid. The second she looks into the box she gasps. Not looking away from the box, she reaches in and touches the charms lightly with the tips of her fingers.

  There are two charms, one of her mom and one of her dad. I found the pictures at her house, took them to a jeweler, had the pictures scanned and shrunk down to size. They’re soldered between glass with sterling silver around the edges with an eye hook at the top. Her mom is in one and the other side is a picture of her parents on their wedding day. Her dad is in the other and the opposite side holds a picture of the three of them.

  “They’re for your bouquet,” I explain. “You can have your parents with you when you walk down the aisle.”

  “Ohmygoodness,” she starts to tear up. I can tell she’s trying to keep it together because she swallows and nods her head fast while pulling in a breath. She looks up and breathes, “It’s perfect, Leigh. I can’t think of anything more perfect. Thank you.”

  I give her a hug and ask, “Tony, can you get her bouquet?”

  “Yeah,” he murmurs. He brings her bouquet of white roses, lilies, and hydrangeas with a hint of pink. The arrangement is round and tight with long stems, wrapped in a silver satin ribbon. I take the charms and clip them to the ribbon in the front of the bouquet.

  “There,” I say. “Now it’s perfect. Time for you to get married.”

  “Thank you,” she says as she squeezes my hand.

  She moves toward her aunts to show them her bouquet and I feel an arm come around my waist. I know that arm, but I look over anyway and Tony pulls my side into his front, putting his lips to my ear. “Thank you.”

  He leans in to kiss my jaw. I look across the room and Lizzie has a big smile on her face. I hear Tony chuckle in my ear. I guess there’s no hiding it anymore and Lizzie is still grinning like a loon. I return a small smile back to Tony’s mother. She winks and finally gives her attention back to Gabby.

  Turning to Tony, I ask sarcastically, “Now is the moment you choose for public displays of affection?”

  “After this morning,” he whispers, “I’m not hiding anything anymore, sweetheart. You’re mine.”

  I don’t have time to respond to Tony—not that I have one—because the church coordinator rushes in and starts bossing people around. Tony gives me another squeeze and a peck on the lips in front of everyone before he releases me.

  Well ... crap.

  “You may now kiss your bride.”

  Jude takes the small step to close the distance between them and claims Gabby’s face. She immediately fits herself to him, putting her hands on his chest. Pulling her up a bit, he leans to kiss her, long and deep. When he releases her lips, he doesn’t release her, but tips his forehead to hers and murmurs something against her lips, something I can’t even hear and I’m standing right next to them. Gabby closes her eyes and nods. When she opens them, he smiles big at her and kisses her one more time before releasing her to be announced as Mr. and Mrs. Jude Ortiz.

  Gabby looks up at Jude as he takes her hand to walk her down the aisle. I look at Tony who’s sitting on the front row next to his parents and Gabby’s other aunts and uncles. He’s looking at me with a new look. A claiming look, pinning me to the spot.

  The only reason I look away is because Chloe yells, “Come on, Leigh! It’s our turn!” She’s skipping down the aisle with Cayden, running to catch up. I look up to see Jude’s brother and best man, Brecken, waiting for me. I break out of my claimed-by-Tony trance to finish my maid of honor duties.

  The reception is at the country club where Tony’s parents are members. It’s located on the outskirts of town and has a great clubhouse where the reception is being held. The walkway up to the club is lined by a mass of trees and Gabby hired someone to line them with Christmas lights going from the ground all the way up into the branches. From the branches hang balls with silver ribbon covered with baby’s breath. Inside the ballroom, tables are spotted with tall contemporary vases lit from the bottom and at the top sit enormous arrangements of hydrangeas, roses and lilies to match the bouquets.

  The party is in full swing. The food has been served, drinks are flowing, and dancing is underway. Gabby’s uncles, who insisted on splitting the reception as a gift to their niece and a way to honor their brother, spared no expense.

  I’m standing at the side talking to Paige and her sort-of-date, Brian. She told me earlier they’ve been friends for years and he insisted on coming with her. She said there’s nothing going on between them, but I think she needs to let Brian in on that fact because he’s acting a little possessive. I had possessive ruling my life for four years, I can spot it a mile away.

  “Hey Brian,” she starts. “Will you run to the bar for us?”

  “Sure,” he answers, a little too eagerly. “What’ll it be?”

  “I’ll take another vodka and cranberry, Leigh?”

  “Any white wine is fine, thanks.” I watch him walk away. Turning to Paige I ask, “What is up with him?”

  Paige gives her head a little shake. “He’s harmless. We’ve been friends for years, it’s nothing more.”

  “I’m not sure he thinks it’s nothing more, Paige. You might want to fill him in on your status.”

  “Don’t worry about Brian.” She grins at me as she goes on. “So, I guess the cat is out of the bag? My mom can’t stop talking about you and Tony. She’s only known for what—three hours? And trust me, my mom has been waiting for her golden boy to find his woman for a long, long time.”

  “I know, I’m a little worried about that.”

  “Why are you worried?”

  “Because Tony and I aren’t defined, I don’t know what we are.”

  “Well, I think I know what he wants you to be,” she says with meaning.

  “What who wants who to be?” Gabby asks from behind me.

  “What Tony wants Leigh to be,” Paige says.

  “Yeah,” Gabby agrees. “Don’t think just because I was having a moment in the Bride’s Room it was lost on me you two are finally out in the open.”

  I try defending myself. “There’s nothing to be out in the open with.”

  To this, Paige and Gabby both burst out laughing, as if this is the funniest thing they’ve ever heard.

  “Okay, stop.” I need them to calm down and be quiet before they garner interest of other Carpinos. “There might be something, I just don
’t know what it is yet.”

  “I think Tony knows what it is,” Paige exclaims. “I’ve never, but never, seen my brother like this before.”

  “She’s right,” Gabby agrees. “This is new territory for Tony Carpino.”

  “What’s new for Tony Carpino?”

  I feel him before I see him, snaking an arm around me again, pulling my back to his front. I crane my head around to give him a glare. “Nothing.”

  Paige looks from him to me, gives me a grin like I’m full of shit and she knows it. “Yeah, nothing.”

  Jude comes up next to Gabby, he’s already lost his tie and jacket. He grabs Gabby around her waist claiming her, pulls her into his side and reaches down to kiss her.

  “Hey.” She smiles up to him.

  He looks into her eyes. “Is everything the way you wanted it?”

  “Yes, it’s perfect,” she answers with a big smile.

  “Are you ready to go yet?” he asks smiling back.

  “Jude.” She gives him an elbow but grins back at him and says quietly, “Not yet, but soon.”

  “I’m ready for the honeymoon part of the wedding.”

  That’s when I hear the music change to something slower. I feel Tony move away and he grabs my hand in the process, pulling me away from our group. “Dance with me.”

  I feel my heart skip and I look back to Gabby and Paige and they’re giving us a wave. I let Tony lead me to the dance floor, but he moves to the side in the shadows so we aren’t the center of attention. He pulls me into his arms and Jim Brickman starts singing Beautiful World.

  Tony sways me to the music for a minute before he asks, “Do you hear the words?”

  I feel the air leave my body in a whoosh. The words are perfect and I can’t help but let them wash through me. I press my face in his neck and he pulls me in tight.

  He keeps on. “It’s you, sweetheart. Do you see it?”

  “Tony,” I breathe.

  “Let it go. Let yourself be happy.”

  I hold on tighter, fisting his shirt in my hands and let the sweet song seep into me. I pull in a deep breath to keep it together.

  “Let me make you happy, gem,” he says.

  I know he can make me happy. I’ve never been happier in my life even after a terrible loss when there’s no way I should be happy.

  “Tell me you see it. Tell me you’ll give it a chance. It’s what you deserve.”

  I want it more than anything. And I want it with him.

  “It’s surrounding you, Leigh. Everyone wants it for you.”

  I know he’s right. I’ve been encompassed by it ever since Gabby came to me at the hospital.

  He pulls back, forcing me away from his neck. Putting his thumbs to my chin, he lifts my face to his. “Give me a chance to make you happy. I know I can do it.”

  What I don’t have the courage to say is he won’t have to try at all. He already makes me happier than I’ve ever been. All I have the courage to do is nod.

  “Yes?” Tony asks, like he can’t believe it.

  “Yes.” I whisper back.

  The next thing I know, his lips are on mine with one hand in my hair and one at my back. His kiss is searing, almost bruising and I get lost in it. Finally, he lifts his head and announces, “We’re leaving.”

  “We need to wait until Gabby and Jude leave.”

  “Trust me, they won’t care.” He grabs my hand again and leads me back to our table to get my purse. He takes the long way around the room—my guess is to avoid a majority of his family.

  We leave out the side exit and I ask as the cold assaults me, “Where are we going?”

  “I rented a cottage for the night, remember? I’ve already put your bag there.”

  “Oh.” How could I forget?

  The country club has cottages and I’ve heard they’re very nice. I’ve also heard they are hard to book because of their popularity. It’s quite a walk from the clubhouse and I didn’t bring my wrap from the car.

  I must have shivered enough, because Tony stops, shrugs off his tux jacket and slips it up my arms. Pulling it tight around me, he leans down to kiss me fast. “We’re almost there.”

  Taking my hand, we move down a small hill, around a bend, and through the darkness where cottages dot the landscape. We pass two before Tony turns me up a walk, pulls a key card out of his pocket, opens the door, and pushes me through. He flips a switch and lamps across the room illuminate the space.

  I move in to start looking around. “It’s beautiful.”

  The ceilings are peaked to a vault with heavy beams coming across the room to make it cozy. The king size bed is the centerpiece—a large heavy piece of furniture with a modern canopy and panels of sheer white coming down from the four corners. The bedding is white, crisp, and lush with lots of pillows that would rival some of the nicest hotels. Directly across from the bed is a gas fireplace that Tony has already flipped on. The furniture is heavy and eclectic.

  I look over and Tony is at the refrigerator in the small kitchenette. “Do you want anything? Wine, beer, water?”

  “I’m good, thanks.”

  I walk back to the fire and slip his jacket off, toss it on the chair, and kick off my heels. My feet have been complaining for an hour. As I stand in front of the fire, I feel him at my back. His hands come to my hair and he pulls the pins out. This task takes a while and he runs his fingers through my hair, making sure he got all the pins at the same time massaging my scalp. Then he pulls my hair across my back and his lips hit my shoulder. His finger traces the spaghetti strap of my dress, going on to trace the outline down my back, leaving a searing heat in its wake. His light touch makes my nipples go hard.

  “Tony,” I whisper and turn toward him.

  His lips come to my forehead and he fingers my zipper, pulling it down slowly. I try to control my breathing and beating heart. He turns me to face him, my gown now holding on only by the thin straps at my shoulders. His molten eyes searing down at me, sweeping my face, my hair, down to my body. I barely feel the tips of his fingers glide up my bare arms, his touch so light but significant, leaving a trail of tingling goose bumps across my skin. Up his fingers go to my shoulders and, hooking his index fingers under each strap, slowly pulls them down letting gravity take over as my gown pools at my feet.

  Standing in front of Tony in nothing but my grey and pink lace panties, he brings his hands up to my face to pull me close. On a breath, he repeats what he said this morning, “I love you.”

  Chapter Twelve



  Hearing it the second time, I still can’t believe it. It’s new and scary, because if this is what it’s like to be loved, then I know for certain I’ve never been loved. I was kidding myself in the beginning of my marriage and it didn’t take long for me to figure out Preston never loved me. He’s not capable of love. As a child, I realized my mom didn’t love me when I experienced the way Gabby’s parents loved her.

  This is a new. To be cared for. To be cherished.

  New, but scary.

  Tony’s kiss that started slow and sweet and has become hot and passionate. My fingers fumble with his buttons trying to get his shirt off as he moves me to the foot of the bed. After I make clumsy work of his shirt, I yank it down his arms as he toes his shoes off at the same time. He reclaims my mouth with one hand going to the center of my back and the other dips straight into my panties pulling me into to him. His lips make their way down the side of my neck to my breasts, his hand at my back pressing up for me to arch into him and he sucks hard.

  He lets go before I want him to. “Up on the bed, gem.”

  Breathing hard, I sit down to scoot myself up the bed. Before I get too far, Tony reaches for my hips and, hooking a finger at each side, slowly drags my panties down my legs. Being exposed to him completely for the first time is exhilarating and daunting, all the while my body is humming. He holds my eyes as I see his hands go to his belt and pants, wasting no time, taking his boxers and socks
off all at the same time. I feel the whoosh and my lungs empty as I get my first glimpse of Tony.

  And there’s a lot to Tony.

  A lot.

  It’s official. He’s perfect.

  He puts a knee to the bed without taking his eyes off mine even though mine have been wandering. I see his are glittery and one side of his mouth is faintly tipped at the corner. I can’t help but give him a small grin in return since I’ve been caught appreciating all that is him.

  Yep, I’m going to do the deed with Tony Carpino. To say that my high school self is a little giddy would be an understatement.

  But he doesn’t come up to me. Instead, he grabs my foot, dipping his head, and I feel his tongue and lips at the inside of my ankle. Running his hand up the back of my leg, his mouth follows its path, but up the inside. He stops at the top of my thigh, making me shiver and heat all at the same time.

  “Tony,” I breathe on a whisper.

  “Lay back for me.” He takes the leg he’s torturing and bends it at the knee hitching it up and out.

  I unceremoniously flop down to my back. My body is wound so tight, I’d do anything he says. Keeping his hand at my ankle to hold my leg in place, I feel him come to my other leg to repeat the delightful torture. He gets to the top of my thigh, but this time doesn’t stop there. He comes up and traces the top of my pubic bone with his tongue and some remote part of my brain is thanking my lucky stars Gabby talked me into going with her to get waxed. It sure stung at the time, but I’m happy about it now. It feels intense, sensitive, and even naughty. I can’t help it, I start to move my hips because all my nerve endings between my legs are at a slow burn.

  “Tony,” exhale, but it comes out as a plea and I feel him smile where he’s kissing me at my hip.

  “Hang on, sweetheart,” he whispers between kisses down to between my legs. “I’m enjoying this.”


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