Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7)

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Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7) Page 7

by SJ McCoy

  Elle shrugged. There was no harm in telling Abbie how she felt about Donovan. The two of them had been keeping each other’s secrets since they were old enough to have them.

  “Pass me that.” Abbie pointed to a Post-it pad and pen on the shelf in front of the mirror.

  Elle handed it to her, and Abbie scribbled on it, but kept her writing covered with her other hand.

  “What are you doing? I feel like you’re about to pass me a note in class or something.”

  Abbie laughed. “Kind of. I’ll show you when you come back.”

  When Elle came back out, she brought Abbie’s coffee and the color she’d mixed for her. Then she went back for her own drink. “Don’t push me.” She held the mug up at Abbie when she reached her. “You have to remember …”

  Abbie laughed. “You have to tell me where you got that. I need one for work. I can’t say anything to the patients, but I could quietly sip my coffee at them and let my mug do the talking.”

  Elle laughed and touched the little unicorn that sat on the front of the mug next to the slogan I’m too magical for your bullshit. “I’ll get you one. I found it online and everyone loves it. I had to get my mom one, too.”

  “Aww, thanks. You’re the best. But don’t think that you’ve managed to distract me. I want to know which guys you think are hot.”

  Elle shrugged and wracked her brain. There had to be some who were good looking—other than Donovan. “Isaac’s kind of cute.”

  Abbie narrowed her eyes at her. “I think you should have given me that mug. I call bullshit.”

  “What? He is! Are you saying you don’t think so?”

  Abbie laughed. “You’re not fooling me, girlfriend. Tell me who you really like.”

  Elle smiled through pursed lips. “Why don’t you tell me—since you’re so smart?”

  Abbie grinned back at her. “Okay then.” She handed her the sticky note she’d written on and folded into quarters.

  Elle held her gaze in the mirror, smiling through pursed lips as she unfolded it. She had to laugh when she looked down at what her friend had written.

  Elle Crandall


  Donovan Harper

  “What are we, twelve still?”

  Abbie grinned at her. “I thought you might be impressed by my psychic powers!”

  “What psychic powers?”

  Abbie rolled her eyes. “I heard Cal talking to Manny about Donovan the other day. And I just had a feeling.” She laughed. “Manny does that all the time—he gets a hunch about something and he writes it down and then waits to see if it pans out. It always does, and then he brings out his envelope that proves that he knew weeks ago what was going to happen.”

  Elle laughed. “Mom said something about that. That he knew he was going to marry your mom the first day he met her.”

  “Yeah. Aww. I’m so happy for her. And I know my dad would be, too.”

  Elle nodded but didn’t comment. Abbie had always thought the world of her dad—but he’d always given Elle the creeps. He was dead now though, so she was hardly going to say anything.

  “What about your dad? I heard he let you down again?”

  “Yeah.” It used to bother Elle that Abbie didn’t mind criticizing her dad but wouldn’t hear a word against her own. It didn’t bother her anymore, though. She knew her dad was a jerk and didn’t mind that everyone else knew it too—in some ways that made life easier. “He just didn’t bother to show up.”

  “Aww. How’d Skye take it?”

  “Honestly? It didn’t bother her in the least. It left me scrambling for someone to watch her on Saturday morning, but Mom and Cal came to the rescue. And she loves spending time with them.”

  “Mom said she’s totally besotted with Cal—and that she calls him Grandpa.”

  Elle chuckled. “She does. And he loves it. I think it’s only a matter of time till they make it official. At least, I hope so.”

  “Me too. Isn’t it awesome that our moms have found themselves such great guys?”

  “It is. I’m happy for both of them. I really am.”

  “Anyway. Nicely done, you! You managed to completely deflect me about Donovan.”

  Elle laughed. “I didn’t need to. You were too busy bragging on your psychic powers and then you went off on a tangent, as you do. I just followed.”

  Abbie laughed with her. “Whatever. But now you have to tell me. Am I right?”

  “What’s the question?”

  “Is he the one you think is hot?”

  Elle made a face. “Come on, Abbs! I’ve got eyes in my head. Of course I think he’s hot. It’s not a matter of my opinion—it’s an objective fact. He is hot.”

  Abbie smiled. “You have a point there.” She waggled her eyebrows. “He is. But … he’s not exactly our type, is he?”

  “Are you trying to tell me that you’re not into tall, dark and handsome anymore? Because if you are, you might break Ivan’s heart.”

  “Of course I am. It’s not that, so much as the … I don’t know. We always used to fight over the bad boys. Donovan’s … well, there’s nothing bad boy about him, is there? He’s more … preppy.”

  “He is not!”

  Abbie laughed. “Okay, calm down. That was the wrong word, but you know what I mean. When you look at him you see … I dunno, more like hot suburban dad than hot biker.”

  Elle had to laugh with her. “I know exactly what you mean. The only word I could come up with for him was … wholesome.”

  “That! Yes. Exactly. He’s all … wholesome.” Abbie chuckled. “Do you think he’s too nice then?”

  “No!” Elle answered too quickly, and she knew it.

  “Okay. So, you like him.”

  “I do.”

  “And what are you going to do about it?”

  “I don’t know, Abbs. Maybe you can help me figure it out? I do like him. I think he’s awesome. But you know Tristan messed with my head. Do you really think Donovan’s a good guy? Oh, you know what? Never mind. You don’t even know him. How can I expect you to tell me?”

  Abbie gave her an odd look in the mirror. “Calm down and don’t turn around. He’s about to walk in here with Brayden. You’re right. I don’t really know him yet. But I’ll be able to give you a better idea of what I think after they leave.”

  Elle nodded and forced herself to keep brushing color into Abbie’s hair, even though her heart was pounding, and her hands were starting to tremble.

  ~ ~ ~

  Donovan paused before he pushed the door open. He hoped that she wouldn’t mind him showing up like this.

  Brayden poked him in the back. “Don’t chicken out on me now.”

  “I wasn’t going to.” He took a deep breath and fixed a smile on his face as he stepped inside. The smile became a genuine one when she met his gaze in the mirror.


  “Hey.” He should say something else; he knew he should. But he couldn’t for the life of him think of anything.

  Brayden stepped past him. “Hi Elle, Abbie. Can I make an appointment for next week sometime?”

  “Sure.” Elle brushed some goop into Abbie’s hair and then wiped her hands on her apron before coming over to the desk.

  Donovan made to follow her, but Abbie waved him over.

  “Hey, Donovan?”

  “Yeah?” He glanced back over his shoulder at Elle as he went toward Abbie. This wasn’t what he’d come here for, but he forced himself to smile.

  “Are you coming out on Saturday night?”

  Damn. He didn’t know. He was still hoping that Elle might decide that she wanted to see him. “I’m not sure yet.”

  Abbie smiled. “I think you should. I was just asking Elle.”

  He glanced back at her again. She wasn’t listening, she was looking at the computer, making Brayden an appointment.

  “What did she say?”

  Abbie winked at him. “She didn’t yet. But you should ask her.”

  His heart pounded in his
chest. Did that mean Elle had told her something? Told her that she’d like to go out with him? Or was Abbie interfering? He had no clue. He didn’t know what to say.

  Abbie smiled kindly and glanced over at Elle and Brayden before she beckoned him closer and spoke in a whisper. “I’m trying to help you out here! She likes you, but she’s scared.”

  “Of me?” God, he hoped not.

  “No! Of messing up again. She doesn’t have a great track record with guys. But you wouldn’t mess her around, would you?”

  “No! I’m not like that.” He glanced back at her again. “I’m sure as hell nothing like her ex.”

  “I know that much! So, ask her out. But don’t screw up.”

  He had to smile. He loved that her friend was looking out for her. And he was thrilled to know that she must have told Abbie about him—that she liked him. “I won’t. I’ve already asked her a few times.”

  “Oh. She didn’t tell me that.”

  He shrugged. “She hasn’t made her mind up about me yet.”

  Abbie laughed. “Oh, she has. She just doesn’t want to risk finding out that she’s wrong.”

  “About what?”

  “That you’re as good a guy as you seem to be.”

  “I want to assure you that I am—but there’s no point, is there? Words can’t prove it.”

  Abbie held her fist up to him and he bumped his against it with a puzzled look.

  She chuckled quietly. “Just the fact that you know that tells me that you’re all right. Go for it.” She waggled her eyebrows at him as Elle came back over and Brayden followed.

  Brayden raised an eyebrow but didn’t speak. Elle smiled at him but didn’t say anything either. Only Abbie spoke—with her eyes that were boring into him, apparently telling him to do it now. Why not?

  He smiled back at Elle. He wanted to ask what she was doing later, but that wouldn’t be fair. It’d put her on the spot in front of the other two and he knew she’d have to go and collect Skye and get her home and ready for bed.

  “What time are you finishing?”

  She looked down at Abbie then back up at him. “As soon as we get done here. Probably another hour.”

  “Mind if I call you later?”

  Her cheeks touched with pink, but she smiled and nodded. “Sure.”

  “Text me when you’re finished?”


  The silence lengthened. Three pairs of eyes were watching him, but he didn’t know what else to say. He wanted to do something, though.

  “See you, ladies.” It was Brayden who finally broke the silence.

  “Yeah, see you Brayden,” said Abbie.

  “I’ll see you next Wednesday at five,” said Elle. Then she turned and smiled at Donovan.

  He held her gaze for a moment. He wanted to say something, do something. So, he did. He leaned in for a hug and kissed her cheek. “I’ll talk to you later.” Then he turned on his heel and left before he could second guess himself—or she could slap him.

  Brayden hurried out after him. “Damn! I didn’t know it was like that already.”

  Donovan had to laugh. “It isn’t yet.” He had to look back through the window. Elle was standing there with a dreamy look on her face, touching her cheek where he’d kissed her, and Abbie was grinning at her. So, maybe it was like that—and if not, he made the decision there and then that it would be soon.

  Chapter Seven

  Elle came out of the breakroom to find her mom finishing sweeping around her chair. She was leaving early, but Elle still had another appointment coming in.

  “What are you going to do this weekend, sweetheart?”

  Elle smiled, wondering if she should tell her. She wanted to—but she wasn’t sure that she wanted Cal to know. She loved that he was so protective of her and Skye. But she didn’t want him making life difficult for Donovan.

  Her mom raised an eyebrow at her when she didn’t answer. “You’re not planning a party at my house, are you? You look guilty.”

  Elle laughed. “Yeah. Skye and I have invited all the toddlers in town to a rave.”

  Her mom laughed with her. “I wish you’d do something. You know I’ll watch Skye any time you want to go out.”

  “Thanks, Mom. But you have a life of your own. You’re spending the weekend with Cal. How’s the house coming?”

  “We’re speeding right along. The great room’s all painted now. You should come over and see the place this weekend. And don’t give me that crap about me being too busy with Cal to watch Skye. I love having her—and you know he does, too.”

  “I know. Thanks, Mom.”

  “Don’t just thank me. Take me up on it. Oh, and I meant to tell you. The house over at Four Mile is going to be empty in a few weeks.”

  “Oh.” Her mom owned three rental properties. She’d kept offering to let Elle have one of them. It would be good to have her own place with Skye. And the house over at Four Mile was her favorite, but she wasn’t sure she could afford it. Well, she could. If she wasn’t making payments on Tristan’s debts.

  “You can have it if you want it. But don’t think I’m kicking you out. I love having you at home.”

  Elle smiled. “I’ve loved being with you again, too, Mom. I really have.”

  Her mom laughed. “But now you’re ready to get away from me again?”

  “No! You’re hardly ever home anyway. It’s just …”

  “I’ve told you. I don’t want any rent.”

  Elle blew out a sigh. “Then I don’t want the house.”

  Her mom pursed her lips. “I’m not going to fight with you over it, sweetheart. If you want the place, it’s yours. If you want to stay at home, you can do that, too.”

  Elle went and wrapped her in a hug. “Thanks, Mom. I love you.”

  “Aww.” Her mom hugged her back tightly. “I love you, too. I just want to see you happy, and I know you like that house. It’d suit you and Skye.” She smiled. “And I’m over there most of the time now with Cal.”

  Elle smiled. “I bet you’ll be living there with him soon enough.”

  Her mom shrugged. “I’m trying not to think about that. Of course, I’d love it. But it’s early days for us and …” She smiled. “I’m just going to wait and see.”

  “Whatever you say. But I think we both know the truth.”

  “Maybe. But my point was that if you took the house over there, you’d have Cal around the corner if you need him.”

  “And you!” Elle laughed.

  Her mom grinned at her. “Okay! I admit it. I hope so! And since you’re putting me on the spot, you’d also have another handsome guy just around the corner—in case you needed him.”

  Elle frowned.

  “Are you playing dumb? You don’t want to talk about it?”

  “About? Oh …” It finally dawned on her. “Donovan?”

  Her mom laughed. “Yes, Donovan. Anything you want to tell me about him?”

  Elle met her gaze and then looked away before looking back at her with a smile. “He’s a nice guy.”

  “He’s a great guy, Elle.” She waggled her eyebrows. “He’s hot, too!”

  “Mom!” Elle pushed at her arm. “Don’t let Cal hear you say that.”

  Her mom laughed again. “True. He’s already keeping a close eye on him because of you, if he thought I was interested in him as well …”

  “As well?”

  “Pft! Don’t tell me you’re not interested. I know you are. Even if you don’t want to tell me what’s going on with you two.”

  “I’m not hiding anything from you, Mom. There hasn’t been anything to tell.”

  “Are you saying there hasn’t been but there’s going to be?”

  Elle met her gaze. “He’s coming over to hang out with Skye and me tomorrow. I’m finishing at four.”

  “That’s wonderful, sweetheart! Do you want us to have her tomorrow night—so you can go out? She can come and stay at Cal’s with us.”

  “No!” Elle spoke quickly befo
re she allowed herself to consider the possibility too seriously. If Skye stayed the night with her mom, she was almost certain that she’d end up spending the night with Donovan.

  Her mom touched her arm. “Think about it. Let me know, okay? You don’t have to decide right now. Even if you decide at seven o’clock tomorrow night, you call me, and I’ll come get her. You have the night for yourself if you want it—you deserve it, Elle.”

  “Oh, and I’m sure Cal would be thrilled about that!”

  Her mom laughed. “He’d be thrilled to have Skye—but I probably wouldn’t tell him why.”

  “Oh, God, no! Please don’t.” Elle loved that her mom understood. They both knew that they were talking about her spending the night with Donovan—not just going out with him. But she didn’t like the idea of Cal knowing.

  “I wouldn’t. But I think I am going to start preparing him to get used to seeing you two together.”

  “Slow down, Mom. The only thing we’re doing so far is hanging out with Skye tomorrow afternoon. That’s all.”

  “You keep telling yourself that. I have to go. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Yeah. See you soon, Mom. Love you.”

  “Love you, too, sweetheart.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Donovan checked his watch when he reached town. He’d kept himself busy all day, doing all his usual Saturday chores. He’d been grocery shopping and cleaned the house and done laundry, but the day had dragged while he looked forward to this afternoon.

  It was only four-fifteen, and Elle had said to come over at four-thirty. She had to finish work and collect Skye. He pulled into the square at the resort and found an empty spot. He didn’t want to get there early and fluster her. He knew how it was to get home from work with little kids. He’d seen his sisters do it for most of his life. Everyone wanted or needed something as soon as they walked through the door and he knew that what his sisters usually wanted most was a minute to themselves.

  He looked out at the lake and smiled. It made him glad that he’d stopped; this place was beautiful. It was a bit chillier again this afternoon, and there was a wind blowing off the water, but the sky and the lake were blue, and the surrounding mountains were green in their spring splendor. He was lucky to live here, and he knew it. He could see himself settling down and building his life here. He’d grown up in Manteca, but he’d moved into San Francisco for college and had stayed there when he was lucky enough to be hired at Stein and Harrison. Well, he’d worked for Leanne rather than the firm. She’d hired him as her assistant fresh out of law school. And then she’d asked him to come up here with her when she’d accepted a job with Dan. He wasn’t sure how normal it was for a security services operation to have two lawyers on staff, but he was grateful to be here.


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