Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7)

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Please Don't Say Goodbye (Summer Lake Seasons Book 7) Page 23

by SJ McCoy

  It was amazing down here. It was like they had their own private little cove. He could see why Skye loved going to the beach with Grandma and Grandpa so much.

  Cal turned when he reached the water’s edge and Donovan fell in beside him as they walked down the shore.

  This was it. The time was finally here. He cleared his throat, took a deep breath and dived in. “I need to tell you—” He stopped abruptly when Cal held his hand up.

  “About you and Elle? I know. I’ve known since your first visit to the park.”

  Donovan swallowed, hard. “How?” It wasn’t the most pertinent question. He should probably be more concerned with what punishment Cal had in mind for him.

  Cal laughed and gave his shoulder a shake. “Would you stop looking so worried? I’m glad she found you. I’m glad she has you. I approve. I’m in your corner. And whatever else I need to say to wipe that did he bring me down here to kill me? look off your face. You don’t need to know how. But if it’ll make you feel better, ask Ryan about when he first met Leanne. I knew every move he made. He never figured out how either.”

  Donovan nodded. He didn’t know what to say.

  “Listen, Donovan. All that matters is that you’re good for her. You’re good to her, and you’re good to Skye. And in case that sounds like I’m telling you that those are my requirements, I’m not. I should have said that all that matters to me is that I can see that you are good to them. That’s all I want. You’re not just in it a for a quick …” He pursed his lips. “At first, I thought that you were doing what guys your age do. Looking for what guys your age want, but …”

  “I’m not, Cal. I love her. I love Skye.”

  “I know.”

  Donovan frowned. “Okay.”

  “Hate me if you want, but I looked into your background.”

  Donovan frowned. He didn’t hate him for it, but he was uncomfortable.

  Cal shrugged. “Habits of a lifetime die hard. I needed to know that you were okay.”

  “And I passed somehow?” Donovan couldn’t help the edge in his voice. He understood why Cal would want to dig into his background. He had nothing to hide, but it still felt weird.

  “Yeah. I’m not going to apologize.” Cal was frowning at him.

  “I don’t expect you to. But I’m not going to act like I’m thrilled about it, either.”

  Cal chuckled. “See, I like that about you. You’re scared, but you won’t back down because of it.”

  Donovan smiled at him through pursed lips. “Yeah. I was going to say I’m not scared, but we both know that’d be a lie. But you can’t let being scared stop you.”

  Cal’s face was more serious again now. “I know that. But most people don’t. Most people let fear stop them. They let it turn them back and keep them small and safe in small, safe lives. Want to tell me what made you the way you are? Why you don’t let fear stop you?”

  Donovan met his gaze with a frown. “I would if I thought you hadn’t already figured it out for yourself. Why don’t you tell me what you think?”

  “Sure. I think that when your parents died, and you were the only boy left, you felt like you had to step up and be the man somehow—even though you were so much younger than your sisters, and they just wanted to take care of you.”

  “That about sums it up.”

  “I know I’m coming across as an asshole. But I’m not doing it intentionally. I wanted to let you know that we have more in common than you think. My brother and sister are much younger than me. They were small when my dad died. We still had our mom, but I had to step up and become the man.” He stared out at the lake before turning back to Donovan. “It shapes you, that kind of thing.”


  Cal smiled again. “Knowing that about you helps me understand you. Tells me that you’re serious about Elle and that you care about her and Skye, even if it doesn’t work out for you guys. I mean, it’s not like you’re here to ask permission to marry her or anything—”

  Donovan had to stop him. “I need to set you straight. I intend to do exactly that at some point.” He had to smile. “Some point sooner rather than later, too, if I get my way. I do care about them both. If Elle decides I’m not what she wants, I’ll still care about them. And I’ll do my best to make sure that Skye knows that I still love her. I’m not like her father. Even if I don’t get to be a part of her life in the way I want, I’ll do whatever I can to make sure she doesn’t get hurt.”

  The way Cal scowled made him stop.

  “Sorry. Just the thought of what they’ve been through. All three of them, Terry, Elle, and Skye. They’ve had a rough go with the men in their lives.”

  “Not anymore. Not if I can help it.”

  Cal smiled. “We’re in it together then. And …” he chuckled, “since you and Elle have never even been out on a real date yet. Your first job is to make that happen, and to delegate Skye-sitting duties to Terry and me.”

  Donovan couldn’t help smiling, but he had to ask. “My first job? Are you seeing this as me being assigned to Elle and Skye duty? Because that’s not how I’m seeing it.”

  “No! Shit! I’m screwing this up. I have something else to tell you.”


  “I want to make you an offer.”

  Donovan raised his eyebrows.

  “Would you quit looking at me like that? I’m talking about work. I’m going to be cutting my hours back. I was only ever supposed to be part-time and now, with Terry …” He smiled. “For the first time in my life, the job isn’t the most important thing. So, I’m going to need a right-hand man. I want you to be him. I want you to come over and work for me.”

  Donovan stared at him. “You want me to be your assistant?”

  Cal laughed. “Hell, no. I want you to be my partner.” He held Donovan’s gaze. “My partner in taking care of operations at work, and more importantly, in taking care of these three women we’ve somehow gotten ourselves mixed up with.”

  Donovan couldn’t help the grin that plastered itself across his face. “Now, that’s an offer I’ll be happy to accept—on both counts.” His heart thundered happily in his chest, and he held his hand out to shake, wanting to somehow express that he was in, that he was signing up for life, and that he was thrilled that Cal saw it as a partnership.

  His feet almost left the ground when Cal grasped his hand and came close to crushing it as he pulled him for a brief and very awkward one-armed hug.

  They both stood back with embarrassed smiles.

  “Cal! Donovan! Are you done yet?”

  Donovan was relieved to hear Teresa shouting for them. There was no mistaking that Cal was a man in love, the way he smiled, and his eyes shone as he waved up at her. “We’ll be right up.”

  Cal’s hand came down on his shoulder again as they walked back up to the house. It felt good. On the way down here, it had felt like that hand might crush him if he made a wrong move. Now, it felt like a bond, a connection. He glanced up at the older man’s face.

  Cal winked at him. “I’ve never had a family of my own before. I’ll mess up here and there, I’m sure. But I’m trusting you to call me out when I do, okay?”

  “Yep. I’m in.” He laughed. “You know I’m not going to tell you that I’m not afraid to.”

  Cal laughed with him. “That’s one of many things I admire about you. Most people say exactly that—even though we all know it’s bullshit.” He stopped just before they reached the steps that led up to the back deck. “I said I’ve never had a family of my own before. Now …” he looked out at the lake again before meeting and holding Donovan’s gaze. “I have Terry, my lady, and her two little ladies.” He nodded. “There’s room for a son, too, son.”

  Donovan had to swallow, hard, and blink a few times. He didn’t have words. He hadn’t had a father since he was a little kid. To think of Cal that way … He pressed his lips together and nodded, not daring to risk using his voice.

  Cal nodded back at him and they continued up t
he steps.

  ~ ~ ~

  Elle had kept reassuring Donovan that Cal would be fine with him. But it was still a relief to see them both smiling when they reached the back deck.

  “Dondervan!” Skye ran at him and wrapped herself around his legs.

  Elle’s heart melted that she went to him first. She was all about Grandpa. Cal had become an important figure in her life since they’d met him, but Elle was glad that Donovan came first, since she was hoping that he would become an even more important figure in her daughter’s life—and in hers.

  Her mom smiled at her, as Donovan picked Skye up and kissed her cheek. It was going to be okay. It was all going to be okay. It was like she’d told Donovan, she and Skye—and her mom, too, for that matter, were all well rid of the men who used to be in their lives. She looked at Donovan and then Cal, and her heart filled up, knowing that they now had two of the best men she’d ever known to replace them.

  Donovan came and slid his arm around her shoulders and dropped a kiss on her lips. She leaned into him but couldn’t help glancing over at Cal to see what his reaction might be. She needn’t have worried. He hadn’t even noticed. He had his arms around her mom and was looking down into her eyes.

  “Do you guys want to stay for dinner?” her mom asked.

  “No! Thanks, but we’re going to leave you guys in peace. And …” she looked up at Donovan. “I’m hoping that I can persuade this guy to have dinner with us.” She hesitated, but only for a moment. She wanted to make sure it was out in the open. “Then, I’m hoping that I can persuade him to move some of his stuff over to the new house.”

  Donovan didn’t even hesitate. He smiled at her and then at Cal and her mom. “Like she needs to persuade me. I’ve been waiting for this day. So far, Skye’s let me keep my crayons next to hers. And Elle’s let me keep my toothbrush next to hers. But we wanted to talk to you guys.”

  Elle was a little worried that talking about his toothbrush next to hers might be too much information. But her mom and Cal both laughed.

  She gave her mom a puzzled look, but she just laughed again. “Don’t worry about it sweetheart. We know all about toothbrushes.” She turned to Donovan. “What kind of lease do you have on your place?”

  “Just a six-month one, I asked for a year, but they weren’t sure if they were going to keep renting it out or sell it.”

  Her mom smiled. “I think they might sell.”

  Elle hoped that she was implying that he might have to leave his place in a few more months. She hoped that by then he’d officially be living with her and Skye anyway.

  Skye surprised the heck out of her when she tugged on her hair. “Want to go home now.”

  “Okay, sweetie.” And she’d been worried that the lure of the beach and Grandma and Grandpa might make it difficult to convince her that they had to go home for dinner.

  She loved watching all the hugs and kisses exchanged as Donovan said his goodbyes with Skye refusing to let go of him the whole time. She wished she had her phone handy to take photos when Donovan shook hands with Cal and Skye wrapped her arm around Cal’s neck and pulled him in closer to Donovan so that she could hug them both at once.

  Her mom came and squeezed her arm. “I think we finally got it right, sweetheart, don’t you?”

  Elle nodded happy. “I do.”

  “Let’s hope that all the tough times are behind us now.”

  Elle’s smile faded. “Almost. There are still a few things left for me to deal with.”

  Her mom made a face. “Tristan?”

  “Yeah. Oh! I should have told you. How would you feel if I brought Tiff in to work with us? She called today.”

  Her mom grinned. “I love that girl. You know I do. But do you really think she’d last more than five minutes up here? She’s a city-girl through and through. Does she even drive?”

  Elle laughed. “She’d have to learn. And she could get a place in town close to the salon so that she can walk to start with. Enzo fired her. She’s kind of desperate. Even if she can’t stick it for long, it’d help her get back on her feet and it’d be great for me to have her. She ran Enzo’s place. She could do nails as well as hair. And she could help me get the hang of running the salon, so that you get more free time.”

  Her mom glanced over at Cal and Donovan. “I want to say that I’ll show you everything you need to know myself. But he’s already started cutting his hours back. I’d love to be able to do the same.”

  “Then do it, Mom. I’ll talk to Tiff again soon. She also told me that Whitney’s pregnant.”

  Her mom scowled. “So, he’s going to bring another child into the world and no doubt dump them just like he did with you and Skye.” She shook her head. “You should press charges against him for forgery you know.”

  Elle nodded. “I’m hoping that that joint loan application that he signed for both of us is going to come in handy when I try to get him to terminate his rights.”

  Her mom raised her eyebrows. “Is Donovan looking into it for you?”

  “He’s said he will. But I want to do it for myself. He wants to take care of us, and I love that. But I don’t want him to do my dirty work for me. I want him to care about us, not to have to fight my battles for me. I want to do that myself.” She met her mom’s gaze. “Does that make sense?”

  Her mom laughed. “It makes all the sense in the world, sweetheart. You truly are your mother’s daughter.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Donovan sat up in bed, checking his phone while Elle finished in the bathroom. He smiled at the sound of her brushing her teeth. She’d made his day when she’d told her mom and Cal that she wanted to persuade him to move in with her. It probably hadn’t been the greatest idea to rattle on about his toothbrush being next to hers. But Cal no doubt already knew that they were spending all their nights together. And besides, he’d guess that Cal and her mom had their own story, from the way they’d laughed about it.

  Elle came out of the bathroom and leaned in the doorway, still brushing her teeth. He grinned at her.

  “Today was a good day.”

  She nodded.

  “Have you officially asked me to move in with you, then?”

  She nodded again, smiling around the toothpaste that was starting to drip down her chin. She disappeared into the bathroom and came out with a big grin on her face. “Have you officially accepted, then?” She climbed onto the bed and straddled him, taking his phone from his hands, and setting it down on the nightstand. “I mean, I’m guessing so, since you’re here and …” She rested her hands on his shoulders and bent her head to kiss him.

  He laughed when she sat back. “Minty kisses.”

  She laughed with him. “Beats bad breath kisses.”

  “And to answer your question; yes, I officially accept your invitation to move in with you. Thank you for having me.”

  She rocked her hips against him. “Do I get to have you now?”

  He closed his hands around her ass and nodded. “You do. Any time you like.” He looked up into her eyes. “For the rest of your life.”

  She lowered her head and kissed him again, and he could only hope that was her way of saying yes.


  Elle glanced through the salon window, hoping that Donovan would arrive soon.

  “Would you stop it! He’ll be here any minute. Looking sinfully edible and with that sweet child of yours tucked under his arm!” Tiffany grinned at Maria whose nails she was working on at the new nail bar.

  Maria grinned back at her and then turned to nod at Elle. “She’s right you know. Every girl in town swoons when they see Donovan carrying Skye around.” She rested her hand on her very round belly. “Zack’s going to be cute with our baby, but since we’re both so dark it’ll be a dark-haired guy with his dark-haired child. There’s just something about Donovan being so tall and dark and handsome and Skye being so small and cute and blonde.” Maria gave her a puzzled look. “Does she even have green eyes, too, like you?”

Elle shook her head. “No, she—”

  Tiffany’s laughter cut her off. “That’s one of the best things about it. She even has these huge, big, brown eyes, just like Donovan’s.” Tiff made a face at Elle. “Just like her daddy’s.”

  Maria smiled at her. “Aww, that’s lucky. Isn’t it? She calls Donovan Daddy now, too, doesn’t she?”

  “Yeah.” Elle couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. “She decided all by herself when we moved into the new house that Donovan was going to move in with us—and that he was going to be her daddy.”

  “Aww. Does she ever see—?”

  “Nope.” Tiffany cut Maria off with an adamant shake of her head. “I doubt she’ll ever lay eyes on that …” she glanced at Elle, “waste of space ever again.”

  “If she wants to see him when she’s older, I won’t stop her. And if he ever decides he wants to see her—and can prove that he’s serious about it—I won’t stop him either.”

  Maria gave her a puzzled look. “Could you stop him? Even if you wanted to?”

  “Yeah.” Elle wasn’t sure that she wanted to explain to Maria the way it had all worked out. “It’s been a long legal process, but he’s voluntarily terminating his parental rights.”

  “Wow!” Maria looked shocked.

  Elle shrugged. She didn’t want to get into it. She was nervous about tomorrow and she didn’t want to start explaining the whole thing to Maria.

  “I’ll bet it helped to have your own lawyer to take care of it all for you.”

  Elle had to laugh. “You’d think, wouldn’t you? He wanted to but …” She shook her head. “You must get it. I’m sure your Zack would take over and do everything if you let him, but that’s not who you are, is it?”

  Maria laughed. “Ah. It’s like that is it?”

  “It’s not that he’s domineering or anything.” Elle didn’t want to give her the wrong impression.

  “No! I didn’t think so. Zack isn’t either. But it’s something about their perception of themselves as men, isn’t it?” Maria laughed. “Zack had to learn fast with me. I can take care of him just as well as he can take care of me. I don’t need him doing for me.” She met Elle’s gaze. “I wouldn’t feel right about myself—or about him, if I let him take over and do it all.”


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