For Keeps

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For Keeps Page 16

by Jeannette Winters

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I have no idea why you’re sitting here with me,” Phil said.

  “Because you asked for my help,” Jett replied gruffly. “I’m not sure what else I can do. The university makes the final decision.” And you won’t let me pay for your research grant. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t tried. Jett had contacted the university behind Phil’s back. Phil learned about what was going on and put a stop to it.

  “No. They have only the control I allow them to have.”

  “So what are you going to do then?” Jett asked.

  Phil shrugged. “Write a book.”

  “Bugs are that interesting?” he said jokingly.

  “Did you know there are more bugs in one city than there are people on the entire planet?”

  “Yes, Uncle Phil. You’ve told me several times before. So where are you going to stay? You can’t live in this hotel forever, and you won’t go stay with Mom and Dad.”

  “Jett, can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure.” He thought for sure Phil was going to ask to stay with him. He enjoyed his bachelor pad, and the only roommate he wanted was still with her sister. Hopefully that was going to come to an end soon.

  “Why are you here?” Phil asked.

  Was he losing his mind? They just went through this conversation. If there was something going on health-wise with Phil, he needed to know that now. “Uncle Phil. We just spoke about this, don’t you remember?”

  Phil huffed. “I’m not senile. I know what was said. But I also know that your answer avoided the real issue. Lisa. I mean Phoebe. I’m having a hard time getting used to calling her that. How is she doing and why aren’t you with her?”

  Phil had been on the island with Lisa for four years but hadn’t had time with her since her memory had returned. “Lisa isn’t a name she uses any longer. Phoebe is remembering more every day.”

  “And you know this because you see her?”

  He wished. Jett had gone and spent time with her, but he was trying to respect her wish and giving her the time she needed with her family. “Uncle Phil, I would think you would be…more…understanding. You were after all the one who found her. Dealing with what happened prior to that, isn’t easy.”

  “I can only imagine. That’s why I don’t know why you’re not with her.”

  Are you sure you’re not senile? Cause you’re repeating the same shit again and again. “Uncle Phil, she’s not the same woman you remember. She’s…strong and independent and—”

  “You’re in love with her.”

  “That has nothing to do with what we’re discussing.” Jett crossed his arms. “Uncle Phil, I don’t mean any disrespect, but you’re pushing seventy and never married. And in all these years, I don’t ever recall you talking about a woman. So I’m not sure you’re the person I would seek out for advice.”

  “Have you ever wondered why I spend all my time doing my research alone?”

  “Because bugs don’t talk back?” he tried joking.

  “Actually they have a lot to say if you know how to listen.”

  Shit. Here we go again.

  “But that’s not what I’m talking about. I could’ve opted to be part of a research team. I was actually offered to lead one. But I declined.”

  “Why? I would think your team would’ve learned a lot working for you.” He might not be interested in Phil’s line of work, but he knew his uncle had a reputation for being one of the best in his field of expertise.

  “Yes, but I couldn’t do it. Not again.”

  Again? “So you were part of a team?”

  He nodded. “Many years ago, even before you were born.”

  “What happened?” Jett asked.

  “There was a colleague, Florence. She was the most beautiful creature that ever walked the earth. We met in Arizona, both doing volunteering to help interns on a special project. I was in my final year and she had two more to go in order to earn our Ph.Ds in entomology.”

  Sounds so…romantic. Two people studying bugs under a microscope wasn’t ever going to make a hit romance novel. Not that he read them, but he knew boring when he heard it.

  “Did she switch to another company?”

  “No. One of the interns had stepped on an in-ground yellow jacket bees’ nest. Florence ran to help the poor girl. The girl had suffered numerous stings. Florence had a few, but not many. When we got back to camp, she had decided to go into her tent and put some ointment on the bites. We were all so concerned about the intern because of how many she had suffered, that no one noticed Florence hadn’t returned. By the time we had assessed the intern and the medical team was responding to our site, it was too late. I had gone to her tent and found Florence had gone into anaphylactic shock.” Phil looked down at his empty coffee cup, then pushed it away. When he looked back at Jett, he said, “She was gone. The only woman I loved was gone.”

  Jett couldn’t imagine what it had been like for Phil. Finding the woman you love, dead, must’ve changed Phil forever. He knew losing Phoebe would’ve done the same to him. Telling Phil that it wasn’t his fault, that there was no way he could’ve known, wouldn’t change anything. Turner men always took the blame, whether it was theirs to carry or not.

  “I’m sorry Uncle Phil. I didn’t know.” Jett wasn’t sure anyone did. But it explained a lot about why Phil never took anyone with him.

  “It was the most difficult time in my life. From that day, I lived more of a reclusive life, just visiting you and your parents.”

  “It must’ve been difficult for you when you found Phoebe.”

  “I needed to adapt and adjust my lifestyle. But it wasn’t about me. It was about her. She had no one and I couldn’t turn my back on her. That’s why my work has suffered at the university. That’s why they won’t approve my returning.”

  “They didn’t know she was there.”

  “No. And I’ll never let them know either. They believe my productivity has diminished due to age.”

  “You should tell them,” Jett said.

  “No. I made a promise to Lisa, to Phoebe, that I would never tell anyone she was there.”

  “But things have changed. She knows who she is and wouldn’t want you to carry this burden any longer.” If he wasn’t willing to fight for himself, then Jett was going to do it for him.

  “It doesn’t matter. A promise doesn’t change just because the situation does. But that is not why I told you about Florence.”

  He still wasn’t sure why, but he was glad Phil had. “Sorry, I thought you had finished.”

  “You know me, I can talk for hours. But there was a point to this conversation. See, I believe that for some people, love only happens once in their life. I am that type of person. You, my dear nephew, whether you want to hear it or not, are like me. Phoebe is the one. I can see it on your face each time I say her name.”

  He already knew that. If he didn’t, he never would’ve told her that he loved her. Some men may use the word lightly. He wasn’t one of them. “I know how I feel.”

  “Good. Then what the hell are you doing here with me!” Phil said, raising his voice.

  “Uncle Phil she is—”

  “Waiting for you to go to her. Yes, she needs her family, but you are her future. Don’t wait until something happens before you go and tell her.”

  “Uncle Phil, things have changed since you met Florence.”

  “Really? I’m a scientist and I think the human body is the same if you ask me.”

  Could this conversation get any more awkward? He was afraid it could. The best thing he could do would be to agree to leave and immediately go and see Phoebe. It was the only thing that was going to put an end to the crazy conversation.

  “Uncle Phil, you’re right. I’m going to see her when I leave here.”

  Phil got right up and said, “Okay. Goodbye.”

  Wait. What? “I haven’t even finished my dinner.”

  “That stuff isn’t good for you. You should eat more fru
it and vegetables. Now go to her.” He stayed there staring at Jett until he finally got up.

  This is ridiculous. He had no idea how Phoebe did it, living with Phil for all those years. I would’ve gone crazy. Just dinner was pushing him in that direction. But he was ready to get out of there. As he got up, his cellphone rang. He didn’t recognize the number.

  “Turner here.”

  “Is this Mr. Jett Turner?”

  “It is. What can I do for you?”

  “I’m calling from the Boston Harbor security office. There is a problem with your boat.”

  Great. “Did someone break in?”

  “No sir. It caught fire and we have a suspect being held in our office.”

  Fuck. “I’ll be right there.”

  “Was that about Phoebe?” Phil asked.

  “No. My boat.” He was so glad she wasn’t there. Phil might have been getting on his nerves, but he was right. Jett needed to see her. After he dealt with harbor security, he was going to pay her a visit. And hopefully she’ll come back with me. Unfortunately, not to the boat.

  Jett wasn’t far from the harbor and was there in less than a half hour. Before he went to the security office, he went to the dock. He could see there was damage to his boat, but it didn’t look like a total loss. It was insured and could be replaced, but it held some sweet memories, ones made with Phoebe. He knew she’d be just as upset it was lost as well.

  Turning around, he went to the office. He saw a Boston police detective there, besides harbor security. “I’m Jett Turner.”

  The detective said, “I’m glad you’re here. We were able to apprehend a suspect.”

  He wanted to get a look at the guy who had the fucking nerve to torch his boat. When he peered around the officer, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He pushed passed the officer and rushed over.

  “Phoebe? Are you okay?”

  She lifted her head and nodded, her face blackened by smoke and ash. “I’m sorry.”

  “Oh God. What happened?”

  “You know her?” the officer asked.

  “I do.” Then he turned back to Phoebe. “Honey, I thought you were with Melissa.”

  “I was. But I couldn’t stand to be away from you any longer. So I borrowed her car and came to see you. When you weren’t here I…I…” Phoebe started to cry. “I’m sorry.”

  “Honey, just tell me what happened.”

  “I wanted to surprise you. There was this awesome shrimp scampi recipe that Melissa made. It looked so simple. Everything was going so well. It smelled just like when she made it.”

  He wasn’t so sure about that, but he was thrilled she thought so. “And?”

  “Well, I went into the bedroom and noticed you didn’t make your bed again. So I figured I’d clean up a bit too while I was there. You know, there were still packs of condoms all over the floor.”

  Jett heard the detective cough and wanted to send him a warning look, but didn’t want to interrupt Phoebe. “Sorry. I haven’t been back since you left.” Somehow it didn’t feel the same on the boat without her. Don’t have to worry about that anymore.

  “Well I guess after I picked them up and made the bed, and started dusting, I forgot all about the food on the stove. I actually didn’t notice until the smoke detector was blaring. When I went back into the kitchen area, I grabbed a towel and tried waving the flames down. But I had used that towel earlier to wipe up some oil from sautéing the shrimp. The towel caught on fire and I panicked. I ran up the stairs with it to throw it overboard. When I turned around to go back down, it was…too late. The flames were coming up the stairs.” She choked out, “I destroyed your boat?”

  Jett couldn’t stop looking at her. She could’ve easily been trapped in the bedroom, and he wouldn’t be there with her now. I could be in a morgue to identify a body. Reaching out and lifting her chin to look at him, he said, “You’re okay. That’s the only thing I care about.”

  “Jett, you loved that boat. You told me you’d spend your life on that boat if you could. And now…it’s gone.”

  He wiped away her tears and said, “You’re right. I did say those things. But that was before I met you. Now the only place I want to spend the rest of my life is with you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Jett, you have no idea what you’re saying. I burned down your boat.”

  He smiled. “I know exactly what I’m saying. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life looking through a microscope.”

  “Huh? I thought you worked on computers,” Phoebe said.

  Jett was glad he’d met Phil for dinner. Glad Phil told him about Florence. It opened his eyes to how quickly things could change, and all you’d have left was regret. Jett wasn’t going to sit back and wonder what if. He knew what he wanted, who he wanted, and she was sitting right in front of him.

  “Phoebe, it’s not about what I do. It’s how I want to spend my life.”

  “Well, you must be crazy or in shock if you think you want me. I’ve cooked for you three times and each is getting worse.”

  “Okay, I’ll give you that one. You’re…a horrible cook.”

  She opened her mouth as though to argue, then said, “And getting worse.”

  “But I’m a great cook, yet I’m horrible at the cleanup.”

  She smirked. “So I’ve noticed.”

  “So if you ask me, we are perfect together.”

  She crossed her arms and said, “I don’t think cooking and cleaning should be the basis for a good relationship.”

  “Really? What do you think would?”

  “It takes people who love and accept each other as they are, without trying to change them. They must be willing to overlook the small things and forgive the rest. And…”


  “They have to be willing to purchase condoms in bulk always.”

  Jett laughed and unfortunately, so did the detective as he left the office. “Please don’t tell me these are going to be our wedding vows.”

  “Jett, are you…asking me to…”

  “Marry me?” She nodded. “Yes, Phoebe Promise Turchetta. I’m asking you to marry me. That is, if you don’t mind sharing an apartment while the boat is repaired.”

  “Why Jett?”

  “Why an apartment, or why marry me?”

  “Why do you want to marry me? I mean, I love you and I know you love me too, but really, I still have so much I have to work through. This isn’t going to be an easy road. There will be nights I’ll wake up crying, and days when I couldn’t sleep the night before and might be a bit testy. And other times when I remember something that hurts so much, I don’t know if I’ll survive the pain.”

  He pulled her up into his arms. “And I’ll be there to wipe your tears, to pick up the slack when you’re tired, and when you think you can’t do it anymore and it hurts too much, I’ll remind you of how amazing and strong you are. Because Phoebe, you are exactly that. Your brothers might be tough, but your strength is different from theirs. It’s wrapped up in kindness and humor and perseverance.”

  “If only I could see myself through your eyes.”

  “If you could, then you’d see that I’m one hell of a lucky man. Or at least, I will be if you say yes.”

  He watched her eyes glisten and then she finally said, “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He claimed her lips and then heard the security officer say, “I guess that means you won’t be filing any charges.”

  Jett turned and said, “Just a marriage license.”

  Phoebe laughed and then said, “Wait, we can’t get married.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m dead, remember?”

  He’d forgotten that they hadn’t announced to the world yet that she was alive. And even when they did, there would be a lot of documentation and questions regarding everything that had transpired. Even his uncle would have some answering to do to the university. But none of that mattered. Every person who was involved in her being there today, was going to do everyth
ing they could to ensure this was an easy transition back to a normal life. At least, as easy as possible.

  “Let me iron out those details with your brothers. You just worry about planning a wedding.”

  “Let me guess, you want a small one?”

  He normally would’ve said yes. Phil was right, they were alike in a way. They liked private lives. But that wasn’t Phoebe’s style, and she had missed so much with her family that he wasn’t about to cheat her out of a nice wedding.

  “No. I want the family and friends and heck even cousins and the pet groomer, if you want. I don’t care. I just need one person there. You.”

  “Jett, you know I’m not the type of woman who you need to spoil.”

  “Guess you’ll just have to learn how to live with it.” Taking her hand, he said, “What do you say we leave this office and go someplace without an audience and celebrate properly?”

  As they left the office, Phoebe giggled. “Sounds great. Just don’t forget to stop at the store first.” She reached in her back pocket and pulled out a foil wrapper. “I was only able to save one. Passion fruit flavored.” She leaned closer and said, “You know I love fruit.”

  “Damn it. I hope that cop isn’t at the store again today, because I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.”

  He opened the car door for her and rushed to the driver’s side. He saw his boat one last time in his rearview mirror as he pulled away. That was his past. Reaching over, he grabbed Phoebe’s hand. She was his future. He’d never made promises before he met her. He was always worried that something would change. But with Phoebe, this was different. He wasn’t thinking short term. He was playing for keeps.

  The End

  Also by Jeannette Winters

  Barrington Billionaires Series:

  Book 1: One White Lie (FREE!)

  Book 2: Table For Two

  Book 3: You & Me Make Three

  Book 4: Virgin For The Fourth Time

  Book 5: His For Five Nights

  Book 5.5: New Beginning Holiday Novella

  Book 6: After Six

  Book 7: Seven Guilty Pleasures

  Book 7.5: At the Sight of Holly


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