The Raven Trilogy- Complete Series

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The Raven Trilogy- Complete Series Page 16

by Elle Lincoln


  “Kind of like when I tell people the crumb in my mustache is for later consumption.” He shrugs a shoulder and I realize just how odd this conversation is for pillow talk. Then again, Casseus is an odd sort of guy.

  “You’re telling me I packaged you away to consume later?” I mean there are several ways to take this. I technically consume dark souls, and those souls who are too far beyond reprieve. Maybe my nameless darkness liked something about him so deeply it marked him for later.


  I can consume him with my vagina.

  I’m pretty sure that’s my inner hussy speaking. What can I say? That bitch knows what she wants.

  “Balor too.” At that, I thump my head on his chest. Balor makes sense. His past is one big trail of dead bodies. Also, I’m now realizing that is how he knew I was sad.

  Speaking of bodies, a warm and very awake one presses up behind me.

  “What are we talking about?” Mac’s sleepy drawl is muffled by my mane of hair, his lips tickling my neck amongst strands.

  And we are back to lust. I’m sandwiched between them and my resolve cracks. Casseus must feel this change and takes full advantage of it by sliding his knuckles under my shirt and over my nipple. The movement is sudden and shocks me. I arch backward into Mac, my hips rolling into Casseus.

  “Oh, that’s what we’re talking about.” Mac’s hand slides up my body, flicking away Casseus’ hand. He rolls my nipple between his fingers. Sensation crawls through me, lighting up my clit and drenching my thighs.

  I lose the battle. “Guys.” Their hands freeze. “I...” Oh god, what did I want to say? Words. Think of words. “I want.”

  “What do you want Bee?” Mac’s voice is low, husky. Its tone tells a tale of sexual tension.

  “I want this, I do.”

  “But?” Casseus brushes his lips over mine again.

  “I like you guys.” I can’t think and I sure as fuck hope that makes sense.

  “Then what’s the problem?” Fuck, Mac brushes my hair aside and is teasing my raging lust higher with small kisses on my neck, as his thumb makes lazy circles on my nipple. Casseus moves his hands again, working my shirt up.

  “The problem is that I like you guys. I don’t want to fuck this up.” There, I said it. They can either take it or leave it.

  “That doesn’t sound like a problem at all Bee.” I feel Mac’s rumbling chuckle against my back.

  “I’m serious. I’ve never liked a guy before.” My voice is low, reserved at my admission.

  “Ah.” Finally, Casseus gets it. “You think having sex with us will change that?” He says it like a question and I’m not sure how to respond.

  “I suppose. Normally, or rather before, I just fucked. I don’t know, this feels different.” I look up at Casseus, hoping he understands. The smirk playing about his face has me confused. He never does what I’m expecting of him.

  “Tell me Little Raven, does it bother you that both of us want you?” His brows furrow as his smile fades, this question is important to him.

  “Not at all.” Oh, I am a little hussy.

  I glance over my shoulder at Mac to see his crooked smile. I didn’t think it was all that funny.

  Before I can turn back, Mac’s lips are on me. Soft and gentle, and oh so supple. My eyes flutter closed as I lose myself in his kiss. Our mouths meet, tasting each other without tongue. Just the sensual exploration of lips. It’s perfect and unlike any kiss I’ve ever had, thus proving my point. He releases me all too soon, leaving my lips forlorn and my body gasping for air.

  “I understand. But tell me something Bee.” Casseus pushes my shirt up, exposing my breasts. “Does that still mean we can’t... please you?” Hands are on my nipples, my hips, spanning my belly, and I’m fucking lost.

  I don’t think I can answer under their assault. Because honestly who would fucking say no to that? I’m skirting the line here, and I hope it doesn’t change anything. But as another finger rolls my nipple, I’m a goner. My moan is enough to urge them on. Casseus pushes me onto my back, his lips falling on mine. His kiss is much more demanding, full of that flirty attitude that is all Casseus. I open for him, exploring his mouth with my tongue.

  Mac’s lips brush the top of my breasts where he growls. “Move Cas.” He surprises me when he backs away, letting Mac grasp my shirt to rip it off my body.

  That’s when they descend upon me. Mac’s lips latch onto my nipple, while Casseus moves down my body. Fingers pinch my other nipple and then spread my legs open. My mind is awash in desire, thoughts flee, and sensation overrides all control. I can do nothing but let the riptide suck me away.

  I’d happily drown in them.

  Casseus runs his hands up my thighs. His thumbs push into the flesh of my outer lips. He doesn’t move, and I look up curious. My shift has Mac backing away and I see him glance down at Casseus. They speak no words as desire thickens the air in the room. They focus their eyes on the very core of my body.

  My hips jerk needing more than just their gaze on me. I need them to touch me.

  Casseus focuses on my face, his slow predatory smile lifting his face with boyish charm. Even though right now he is anything but boyish.

  “Tell me something Little Raven, Wwhat turns you on more?” His finger slides up my wet slit and I gasp. “Knowing we both want to fuck you or having us both touch you?”

  What the hell kind of question is that? I don’t answer because it’s pretty fucking obvious. Both.

  He slides a finger in, hooking it on that little bundle of nerves where he rubs in an agonizing circle. His moan delights my senses. “I could get used to you squeezing my fingers like this.” My body clamps down with his words. “Just like that. Imagine my cock buried in here.” Again, a swirl over those nerves. “Touch her Mac.” Yes, touch me.

  I look over, seeing the sweat bead on Mac’s brow as he watches Casseus with rapt attention. His lips form a snarl before they take mine in a bruising kiss. This time it’s all teeth and tongue as his demeanor slips and his lust peaks. I fall back into the bed, my hands flying to his short curls, gripping them as I hold him to me. My name drifts from my thoughts with each assault to my senses.

  I feel Casseus’ warm breath before his lips latch onto my clit. I moan into Mac’s mouth, whimpering as he pulls away to take a nipple into his mouth.

  My body strains for release, it hovers just out of reach. The sensation of both of them is almost too much for my body. I writhe, not knowing how to react as my need grows. I’m feeling too much as everything is overloaded.

  Casseus slows his lips, releasing me with a pop. “Let go.” His demand is spoken with a harsh whisper.

  “Relax.” Mac’s warm voice saturates me in comfort. “Just feel us and let yourself come.”

  I throw my head back as Casseus moves his fingers inside of me, my body clenching around him. His tongue flutters over my clit once more. I relax back into the mattress, my mind devoid of thought. Their movements slow, teasing my body higher and higher, until I can’t hold it back. My body burns as lightning spears my muscles, clenching them in release. My back arches and my scream echoes into the night. A white haze blanks out my mind as the guys ease my body down from my orgasm. I’m sated and fully relaxed. Maybe now I can finally sleep.

  “Oomph.” Patrick’s voice has me shooting up from my languid position. “Bout time ye eegit’s got ‘er off. We’re surrounded. Get up.”

  Ain’t no rest for the wicked.

  Chapter 21



  I stare at Patrick, his burly frame taking up the doorway. His eyes hold a glint of anticipation, his cheeks red. But I don’t get the impression they are flushed from seeing me naked. No, excitement runs through his veins as though this is exactly what he’d been waiting for. Like a child struck with extreme boredom that has finally found something to do, throwing every aspect of themselves into that small action. I can’t suppress the small smile that lifts my l

  Then, as though the world crept up to speed, everything descends into chaos. Casseus and Mac jump up, throwing their bodies into discarded clothing. A small night-light filters in from the hall, casting shadows on the men. Shirts are thrown on backwards and inside out. I hear Mac grunt and watch shamelessly as he tries like hell to push his head through an armhole. I don’t correct him, it’s too amusing, and I have a feeling I’ll need to count my blessings when it comes to fun.

  Casseus trips over himself as he scrambles through the doorway, his head barreling into Trick where he bounces and rolls onto his side. Instead of falling, I watch on as his body shimmers and he transforms into a raven. His sleek body now agile and lithe, flaps his wings to settle upon Patrick’s shoulder, as though this is an everyday occurrence. Patrick lifts a hand and strokes, Casseus, as though he’s a pet.

  I shake my head and watch as Mac speeds by them to head who knows where. All while I lie on the bed in my nude state. I flop onto my back, the fact that we are apparently surrounded isn’t fazing me in the least. It should, and I know that by the edge of dawn I will curse my current inaction.

  Fucking hindsight.

  I roll from the bed, my eyes fully adjusted to the dark by this point, and paw through the bag of clothing Casseus purchased earlier. I slip into black pants—sans underwear because I didn’t have time to search for that, priorities—a sports bra, socks, shirt, and shoes. I take more care than the guys while dressing. Slow and steady. I still don’t hear any signs of a battle waging, so I assume we are still in the clear.

  With a huff that my non-sleep has been disturbed, I step into the living room where all the guys huddle together in the dark. Again, the only light coming from that small night-light, a tiny ray of hope that illuminates us.

  I don’t bother looking at the guys long and instead, walk over to a window. I have to give Patrick credit. His cabin looks like it may fall apart at any moment, but I have a sneaking suspicion that’s rather far from the truth. The windows are small and sit three-quarters of the way up the wall. They remind me of a basement window, only that’s all the cabin has regarding windows. Thick blinds keep prying eyes out as well as an inner solar roller shade. It is no surprise to me now as to why it’s always dark in here.

  I turn around and grasp one of two kitchen chairs and push it under the window in the kitchen. The guys are completely immersed in whatever they’re discussing, paying me no mind. I don’t want to be seen so I peek out one small sliver of shade and see... fucking nothing. Well then, that was rather wasteful.

  I hop off the chair and head over to the guys. Casseus is still in his Raven form sitting on Patrick’s shoulder. Instead of breaking through their huddle, I drop onto all fours and crawl under Balor’s legs. Finally, they notice me, lying on the floor and staring up at them.

  It’s an odd vantage point, but it did what I wanted. I also stifle a giggle, I mean if they were all naked right now, I’d have a bunch of dangly bits to eye up. “Right then, are any of you going to inform me of what exactly is going on?” Because surrounded could actually mean many things and maybe my previously human brain is taking over. But we could be surrounded by ravenous crickets set to bring forth one of the horsemen of the apocalypse. That’s how it goes, right? No! No, locusts. It could be locusts. Ew, that thought makes me shiver.

  “There are Fae just beyond the perimeter. I suspect they are scouting the area,” Mac explains in his charming way. Too bad I need a bit more detail than patronizing.

  “Mhmm.” I nod like this is all the explanation I need. It isn’t. I don’t think I’m actually fooling the god though. Who is really the nicest god I’ve met. Though I only have Morrigan to compare him to. Either way, really nice. Definitely sexy body with a next door, nice guy personality. “Where is this perimeter?”

  I can see Patrick’s shoulders shaking in amusement. Can he hear my thoughts? Glad I could humor him. “Ah, my wee beasties are the perimeter.” Oh, that’s fun, small creatures are a perimeter and not a line on the property. That’s not fucking weird at all. At least he can’t hear my inner thoughts.

  I nod my agreement, moving on. “So, what’s the plan?” I look at Balor, knowing that of all of them he would have the history of battle weighing on his shoulders, and perhaps take lead here. Surely these Fae are our enemies and must be dealt with.

  “We wait,” comes his stoic reply.

  Yeah that isn’t going to work for me. Quite honestly, it was perhaps Morrigan’s admission that these fuckers were taking innocent kids that has a fire lighting under my ass. Or maybe... Nope, that’s about it.

  I scuttle out from my position on the floor like a crab on the wrong side of gravity. Back past Balor’s legs, I pop up to standing. Once all the blood settles where it’s supposed to be, I head for the door.

  Just as I’m opening it, a hand slams it shut. I sigh, rather loudly, before looking at Balor in annoyance.

  “We wait.”

  “No.” I don’t see why he’s fighting me on this. What the fuck are they going to do to me? I can’t fucking die. I realize then just how far fear has detached itself from me. Knowing that you can’t die allows for a strange sensation of invincibility.

  “There are many things in this life that are worse than dying.” It’s as though he can read my mind. I eye the feather tattoo I marked him with. Suspicious, isn’t it?

  “I’m not going to argue the point, you’re eons older than I am. However, these Fae are picking off humans like bugs. I can’t just sit here and wait to see what they will do. Is that your strategy? Because it isn’t mine, nor can I just let it happen. So, either you move your meaty paw and let me do something about it, or knock me the fuck out.” I really hoped he didn’t hit me, it would hurt like hell and I wasn’t in the mood to sport a shiner for days.

  “No, we wait.” His expression doesn’t change, not once. No brow twitch, no lip tilt, not even a wrinkling in the lines of his face. I can’t read him at all.

  I could feel my brow rising up my forehead as annoyance tickles my spine. The need to move, to do something, nearly takes over my entire body.

  Then I remembered that Casseus wasn’t the only one with fun little tricks of his. I could literally turn into mist. Maybe I’d never turn into the raven he is or that he believes me to be, but I can practically disappear from sight. They’d have nothing to grasp onto.

  “Don’t. You. Dare.” Oh yeah, we were going to have to talk about that link and how I can remove whatever I had done during my feeding frenzy.

  Speaking of. I was feeling rather peckish. I giggle, my head feeling heady knowing they could never hold me. It was an incredible feeling.

  “Grab her!” Balor shouts. Casseus turns back into a human, and Patrick takes a swig of whiskey. It would be far more comical if I knew exactly how to turn into the mist I knew I could be. Plus, his loud fucking voice probably just alerted any creepy visitor that we were in here. I’m sure they knew that already though.

  They all charge at once. I take a step back as Balor’s arms reach out for me. He swipes at me and his arm surprisingly goes right through me. I don’t know who is more shocked, him or me. Either way, the Cheshire smile that lights my face has panic swarming his.

  “Bette, you don’t understand, they can and they will trap you. Then they will dismember you and toss you to the four corners of the earth.” His voice is stricken as horror dances across his features.

  I just give him a sad smile. “I have to do something.” The Sluagh agree with me, lending me all of their power. My voice sounds neither here nor there, just an echo of a memory.

  “Casseus do something!” Balor roars, and I get the feeling he didn’t worry or panic often. A little piece of my heart warms. But not enough to make me whole again. If I could even figure out how to do that. I don’t think I’m entirely in control here. I’d inspect that later. After all, I wasn’t much more than a human playing at being a supernatural god. Neither of which I was born as.

  “I can’t
!” Casseus looks just as freaked out. Whoever I’m about to go face, these dark creatures before me fear them. I know I should respect their opinions. But again, I had to atone for so many wrongs. It wasn’t as though I planned to be self-sacrificing, it just sort of worked out that way. “The Sluagh have me blocked. Bette, don’t do this. Think.”

  “Whatever you are thinking don’t do it Bee,” Mac interjects. “You don’t know what these beings are capable of. They are the worst of us. Those thoughts we despised were picked from our souls and cast aside into the universe, where our decedents fell upon that darkest of magic like ravenous carnivores. We don’t even know what they are fully capable of.” I glance away from his horrified expression.

  I hope they forgive me later.

  “They eat children.” I’m done listening to their attempts to keep me here. Done listening to their fucking excuses. Didn’t Morrigan tell us not to fail? Isn’t that what we were doing by just sitting here, waiting. I sneer at them before letting that inner dark spark inside me flare to life.

  With my emotions running high I can feel it better, as though it feeds on emotion. Wait, it actually did. I snort at my inner joke. I reach forward to meld into the outstretched hands of the Sluagh. Their grasp sliding around me to trickle down my body. I couldn’t see them, but they were always there. Hidden between the worlds.



  Until they were needed, and right now we need each other. I don’t like that they had completely cut off Casseus, though I understand their predicament. I feel the emotion streaming off them, their confidence due to being the nightmares of all supernatural creatures. They too feel invincible. I hope that once we are outside these walls they will allow Casseus to join us.

  They have become such a part of me, always there, hidden in the back of my mind, and our bond is new. Casseus has had years with them. In the years to come, I can imagine that bond growing, becoming more and more permanent, as we meld into one.


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