New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2)

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New Love: Blue Valley High — Senior Year (The Blue Valley Series Book 2) Page 44

by Mj Fields

  I turn and run to the bathroom, hoping no one else notices.

  Luckily, no one else did and, within an hour, everyone is taking off.

  “Nothing else we can do until tomorrow,” Molly says as she hugs me.

  “Then get gone. I’ll meet you at the house in a bit.”

  Once everyone has left, I look at Lucas, and he asks, “Will you come stay with me?”

  I hate that I have to say no, and I also hate that he asks knowing that.

  “I have a lot to do here.”

  “I think it looks great.”

  “It does, but it’s going to look amazing. You don’t have to stay. I know you’re probably tired.” I kiss him quickly. “Go home.”

  He kisses me back. “I would like to stay and help, if you’re all right with that.”

  “Promise you won’t distract me?”

  “I’ll do my worst.” He winks then follows me as I open the back of the Jeep.

  We grab a few totes from the back of the Jeep and, once they’re all in, I open them. Inside are yards of white, silky material to cover the walls, drape from the ceilings, and cover the plain wooden chairs and tables. As well as yellow ribbons to tie bows around the centerpieces holding Lucas’s flowers, and thicker, matching pale-yellow ribbon to make bows for the chairs. Once it’s finished, I step back to take in the sight that Molly will see for the first time in her wedding dress.

  “Tessa, you did it, baby. It looks amazing,” he says, taking down the ladder. “How did you come up with this?”

  “I probably saw it in a magazine, but the inspiration was the flowers. Thank you for everything today. It was sweet, but completely over the top and unnecessary. I would never have stayed angry at you, Lucas. But it made for a fun day.” I wave my hand in front of us then turn to face him. “And tomorrow will be so much more beautiful. I love you, Lucas. Please don’t ever think a stupid fight that we don’t have time to work out will change that.”

  He takes my chin and tips it up. “I love you, baby.”

  The way he says baby deeper than usual is telling.

  “Can we go for a walk?”

  He nods, and I lead the way.

  Standing on the stone bridge, water rolling beneath us, the night dark, I sit on the edge.

  “I think they should say their vows here. It’s beautiful,” he says, eyes on me.

  “Here, Lucas?”

  He nods.

  “I was thinking the same thing.”

  I stand and push down my shorts, and he chuckles deeply as he undoes his. I turn back to him, bend over, and look back at him. One hand grips my hip, and the other guides his dick into my wetness.

  “Love the way you think, Tessa Ross.”

  Walking back to the pavilion some time later, he asks, “Will you stay with me tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” I whisper and, apparently, unconvincingly.

  “What’s going on, Tessa?” he asks.

  “Two weeks, and that won’t be an option,” I whisper.

  “We’ll figure it out.” He wraps an arm around me and pulls me against him. “Promise me, Tessa because, right now, I could say screw it all and be totally happy staying here forever.”

  If I knew he would be happy with that, I’d say yes, but I know better. I know we’d both have regrets, like Mom, so I say what I say, and I mean it, too.

  “I promise, Lucas.”

  Chapter Forty Eight

  When the Ross’s arrive at the pavilion, I’m standing outside in a suit and tie, waiting.

  As Tessa gets out of the car, she smiles when she sees me. Then she reaches into a bag that doesn’t match the dress, pulls out her Polaroid, and snaps a picture of me before running up and kissing me.

  “You look amazing,” I say against her lips.

  “And you, Lucas.” Tessa looks me over. “Smokin’ hot.”

  Maggie clears her throat as she passes. Then, once inside, she gasps. “Tessa, did you do this?”

  “We did.” Tessa pulls me inside the pavilion. “Do you like it?”

  “It is beautiful. Molly is going to be so impressed. Thank you both.” She hugs each of us then steps inside.

  “Thank my lucky stars that she hugged me from the side.” I laugh.

  She looks at me, confused, and I pull her in front of me … close.

  “Oh yeah, good thing. Dead puppies, Lucas.” She giggles.

  We all sit, and then music starts to play as John walks in with Molly on his arm. Her lip quivers as she looks over the room, and then her eyes find Cory’s, and she lets out a slow breath.

  I’ve met Molly a handful of times, and she’s always dressed like Tessa did when I first saw her, but not today. Her hair is done in a twist, she wears makeup and—not that I’d ever point it out, like fucking ever—she has tits and, yeah, I then glance at Maggie to see if Molly and Tessa got them from her. They did not. All that aside, she looks stunning, and Cory, he is seeing that for the first time and feeling a good six years’ worth of pent-up frustration.

  “Do you want to know what he’s thinking?” I whisper to Tessa.

  Tessa smiles and shakes her head.

  The ceremony is perfect; short and sweet. Both of their faces are red after they kiss. Cory cannot keep his eyes off of her the entire time. And, as we dance next to Ryan and Jade, I laugh because they can’t keep their hands off each other.

  Ryan looks at me and laughs, too. “Cory has no idea what he’s in store for.”

  “I think he’ll figure it out tonight.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Tessa asks.

  “Nothing, baby.” I kiss her head.

  Molly and Cory leave, heading up north for a week. They are going to Old Forge, to a cabin on one of the lakes. A gift I gave them.

  We’ll be finished with our job on Wednesday, so that gift I gave them is kind of selfish since I knew it would enable the four of us—Ryan, Jade, Tessa, and I—to go up, semi chaperoned, and share a cabin for three nights.

  I plan to help Ryan better learn to read blueprints and allow Jade and Tessa time to … recover. Alex and Phoebe both have to work but think they’ll be able to bring Kendall and Jake up on Friday night. It’s supposed to rain all weekend at home, so there won’t be much to do on the farm. Maggie is working, and John is going to do some maintenance on the equipment.

  Ryan and I work long hours for the remaining three days while Jade and Tessa keep busy, discussing in great detail how much Jade enjoys Ryan. The night before we head out, the girls all go and get their mani-pedis, and Tessa is also getting a fresh wax. Then on to some shopping.

  Jade and Tessa meet us at the job site the last day. I am handing out envelopes containing bonuses for finishing the job ahead of schedule and without incident, even gave up some of my own bonus to the Union guys that I know will be working with Ryan on the next job, which I announce at the same time.

  Jade claps, clearly proud of him, and he shakes his head as he walks over, hand to belly, and kisses her.

  A few months ago, I didn’t think I’d see her smile like that. I know, without a doubt, Tommy would be good with this. He loved her so fucking much that he’d want this for her. He’d be happy Ryan was the man he is. Hell, from what I gather, always has been. And lastly, I know Tommy would be happy that she loves Ryan. He’d want that for not just her but their child, one that Ryan will raise.

  Once everyone has left, I walk to Tessa, who is hanging back, letting Ryan and Jade have that moment. “Hey, baby.”

  She pushes off of Ryan and Jade’s Tahoe, walks over, hugs Ryan and congratulates him, and then tells Jade, “See you in the morning.”

  We wave goodbye to Jade and Ryan.

  “You rode with Jade?” I wrap my arms around her from behind.

  “Yes, I wanted to ride home with you.” She looks over her shoulder at me, and that wicked little grin spreads across her face as she asks, “When does the trailer leave?”

  I waste no time in dragging her in.

  “This your de
sk, Mr. Links?” she asks, sitting on top of it.

  I lock the door. “Yes, Miss Ross, it is.”

  She shimmies her ass around, lifts her sundress over her head, unhooks her bra, letting it fall off, and then slides off the desk, turns around, hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her panties, and shimmies them down. Looking over her shoulder, she says, “You gonna stand there and gawk or get naked and do me?”

  An hour later, and the work trailer smells like us.

  I open the door, holding her hand as we walk out.

  I kiss her cheek. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, Mr. Links.” She giggles.

  On Thursday morning, I pick up Tessa, and we load up the coolers and bags.

  “I can’t wait to have you for four days.” I kiss her cheek.

  “I can’t wait to be had.” She kisses mine back.

  When we pick up Ryan and Jade, Tessa hops in the back, letting Ryan sit up front. He’s too tall to sit in the back comfortably, but as soon as we get five minutes down the road, Jade leans forward and says, “I’m not trying to be rude, but should we drive separately?”

  I look at Ryan, and we both bust up laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” she asks.

  “Nothing, Jade. I think we should all ride together. It’ll be fun.” Ryan winks back at her.

  “Then you need to sit back here.” She pouts.

  “You don’t like me?”

  I look in the rearview as Tessa rubs on Jade’s growing belly.

  “Not as much as I like him,” she grumbles.

  Ryan turns and asks, “Can I sit up here for an hour, Jade?”

  “I guess.”

  “Didn’t you take care of her before we got there?” I ask, not even holding that shit back.

  “Did you take care of Tessa?” Jade asks.

  “Okay,” Tessa runs interference.

  We laugh again.

  “What’s so funny?” Tessa now asks.

  I shrug. “The Ross girls rock.”

  “Damn straight we do.” Tessa high-fives Jade. “You’re two lucky boys.”

  “We certainly are.” Ryan reclines his seat back so that he can be closer to Jade.

  She holds his hand and, for an hour straight, she huffs and puffs until she finally asks, “Can we pull over? I have to pee.”

  Once at the campsite, we unload and set up while Jade and Ryan take frequent walks in the woods. When they’re gone, and Cory and Molly are off on little touristy excursions, Tessa and I take full advantage of our time alone.

  The first time we fuck is in the water. I get that it’s supposed to be hot, and Tessa wet is hot, but I prefer a bit more natural lubrication. She doesn’t seem to mind, and I love her more because of that.

  Back at the cabin, we have our own little excursion … of the naked and on the floor kind, because the fucking bed squeaks.

  After Tessa takes her shower, forbidding me to join, just in case Molly and Cory stop down, she walks out of the cabin, wrapped in a buffalo plaid blanket, sits between my legs, leans back, and looks up at the stars.

  I’d ask her why she’s so quiet, but I’m feeling it, too—the dread that’s coming, the separation, and the missing us.

  Monday, I start practicing with my new team and will be commuting—my choice. The week after that, I move in.

  We hit bed early and fuck quietly, and at two in the morning, I wake alone.

  I walk out and see her staring up at the stars, wrapped in that blanket.

  “Hey, what are you doing out here?” I ask, sitting behind her. “You’re not worried about the bears around here?”

  She reaches her hand behind her and runs her hands through my hair. “Just enjoying the beautiful night.”

  I turn her cheek for a kiss and see her eyes. “You’ve been crying, Tessa; why?”

  “Oh, I was just thinking about how much I’m going to miss you.” She laughs like it’s a joke.

  “Tessa, we’ll be fine, right?”

  “Yes, Lucas. I’m just going to miss you.”

  “Don’t miss me yet, baby,” I whisper, kissing her neck while rubbing my hands up her front. “I love you.”

  We make love in front of the smoldering fire, under the canopy of pine trees. The stars twinkle down through the clouds sparingly.

  When she starts to fall asleep, I kiss her awake, and then we walk inside. She uses the bathroom, and I wait in bed.

  When she lies down next to me, I pull her tightly to me and wait until she drifts to what I hope is a peaceful sleep.

  When she rolls over on her side and props her head up on her hand, I roll to mine.

  “I think we should get tattoos of each other’s names on our backs.” She leans in and kisses my chest then my lips.

  “Oh, you do?” I ask, all sorts of freaked out, and I have no idea why.

  She grins. “Yep, they do tattoos at the water park. You up for that?”

  “Um … okay,” I agree.

  Satisfied with that, she rolls to her back, pulls her sunglasses on, and asks, “You go first?”

  Well shit, I think. “If that’s what you want.”

  “More than anything. Not small, either, like I want it across our whole back.” She laughs. “I’m so happy we’re going to do this together.”

  “Me, too,” I agree.

  Then she hops up. “Let’s go make lunch.”

  She just can’t keep still.

  While cleaning up from lunch, Tessa carefully rinses off the tin foil.

  “What are you washing that for?” I ask, holding up a whole damn roll.

  “She is having an Aunt Ann moment.” Molly giggles and pats Tessa’s back.

  “Did you guys know she was married before Uncle Fred?” Tessa asks.

  “No!” Molly exclaims.

  “She was, and she was pregnant. Her first husband died in World War II. She miscarried and didn’t know until it was too late. She could never have babies after that,” Tessa says, carefully shaking the water from the foil.

  “You’re talking about your eccentric aunt?” Jade giggles.

  Tessa smiles. “Yes, I adored her. Well, her Joe was her first love. He drove her crazy, and they were very passionate. There was a man working on the house next door while I was there, and she said he reminded her of him. She was crushing on him big time.”

  “Was he cute?” Jade asks.

  “I have no idea. She made me take a plate of food to him the first night. He was working inside and sawing, so I put the food inside the door. I never saw him.”

  “So, Ann had a crush?” Molly asks, all starry-eyed.

  “She certainly did. The second night … the last night … she took him a plate again. He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. I saw it through the window. It was so sweet. When she came back, she was glowing.” Tessa wipes at her face but smiles.

  “You never met him?” Jade asks, popping a potato into her mouth.

  “I sort of did, when the paramedics came the next morning. Poor guy, I was holding her and didn’t want them to take her. He followed them in and pulled me off of her and held onto me while I freaked out and tried to get to her. He was a good man. He called Pastor Lou. I was in the shower when Pastor Lou got there, and he left. I’m happy he showed her so much kindness before she died.” Tessa wipes more tears away. “He was her Joe.”

  “What about Uncle Fred?” Molly asks.

  “Well, he courted her for three years before she finally accepted his proposal. He was the love of her life, her partner, her friend, her forever,” Tessa answers.

  Unable to see her cry anymore, just sitting here and talking about a couple old folks and a horrific time, one in which my life was so fucked up that I didn’t even know she was going through that, I walk over and help her rinse more foil and ask, “You okay?”

  “I am. These are happy tears. We need to reuse this tin foil.” Tessa places it in the basket near the paper plates. “She wouldn’t be happy that we are using paper plates, eithe

  Molly says softly, “I’m glad you were there, Tessa.”

  “Me, too.”

  The six of us walk from the campground to the park. The girls walk together, laughing and talking about when they were younger and their whole family used to come here together. We walk behind them, and Ryan asks Cory how things are going then laughs when Cory shakes his head and says, “Better than I ever could have expected.”

  “So, Lucas, Molly tells me that you’re getting tattoos today,” Cory says.

  “I guess we are.”

  As soon as we walk through the gate, Tessa grabs my hand. “You ready, Lucas Links?” She doesn’t even look at me as she waves the others on.

  We’re really doing this shit.

  “Let’s get changed into our suits first,” she adds.

  After hitting the locker room, I wait with the guys outside the girls’ locker room.

  When she walks out in black boy short bottoms and a matching top, I immediately look around to see how many dudes I’m going to want to throttle for checking out her tits, and I see at least five already.

  She tugs on my shorts. “Look good in white. You ready?”

  “Yes.” I glare at some punk who is smirking at me.

  “Then, what’s wrong?”

  “The pigs checking you out.”

  “Let them look. I’m yours, Lucas.” She puts her arm around my waist and tucks her thumb just inside my waistband. “I’m going to have Lucas’s tattooed as a tramp stamp, okay?” She laughs.

  I nod once, still throwing daggers all the fuck over the place.

  When she stops, I look at her, and she points up to a sign. Airbrushed Tattoos.

  “This okay?” She giggles.

  “You really had me going,” I say, trying to chill my relief.

  “I can’t believe you were going to.”

  “Neither can I.” I kiss her and make damn sure the half chubs walking around see that shit, too.

  I get her name across my lower back, just above my waistband. She tried to talk me into pink, but I insisted on black. She does the same color and has Lucas’s tattooed across hers.


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