Professor X

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Professor X Page 10

by Kiki Leach

  "You didn't give a motherfuck who the hell she climbed on top of 'fore walkin' out the goddamn door that night, asshole," he said. "You were only pissed I'm the one she climbed."

  Rocka drank more of his vodka and sneered. "Yeah, motherfucker, I was pissed. She loved you; I knew she always fuckin' would just from the way she always looked at your ass like some kinda goddamn king. Maybe it was in the wrong MC from the start."

  He swallowed hard to suppress the flare of anger rising in his chest and latched onto his cut. "You burned her shit--"

  "And I'd do it a-fuckin'-gain in a goddamn heartbeat if I thought the reason behind it would get through to her thick ass skull. But here she is, still callin' your ass for help and here you are, fuckin' doin' the shit right on goddamn schedule. The motherfuckin' savior she's always wanted from the beginnin' -- the motherfucker she's always longed for." He threw his head back and laughed aloud, then brought his eyes back to Xavier's and glowered. "She plan on suckin' you off as a reward for this shit or did that already happen last night?" Xavier remained silent. Rocka grinned. "I know about her headin' off to Wexley not long after boltin' from the club," he said. "Had her tracked to make sure she stayed true to her word in never makin' it back this way any goddamn time soon."

  "You been trackin' her this entire fuckin' time?" Rocka clamped his lips together as Xavier grimaced. "What about LapDog?" he asked. "You know how the fuck long that asshole's been seein' this bitch he's with on campus?"

  Rocka lifted his shoulders and bent his head aside. His eyes widened as his bottom lip nearly fell to his feet. "Couldn't fuckin' say."

  "Couldn't? Or fuckin' won't, asshole."

  "Maybe some of goddamn both, motherfucker -- the shit ain't my business to tell," he shot back. "Look, if that bitch of yours wants to roll back into ACE'S..." He stopped and shook his head as Xavier's eyes darkened with ire. "I need to see what the fuck she's still workin' with -- if anything anymore. Did her tits hold up -- face in check? Is her stomach still flat -- her ass still high? 'Cause motherfuckers might pay to fuck damn near anything labeled 'pussy' but they ain't gonna pay shit to see an ugly fat bitch on stage shakin' a pair of tits that hit the goddamn ground before she can even bend the fuck over to pick up their dollar bills." He licked his lips and swallowed, nearly choking on another laugh. "She still rockin' a pair of sweet ass nipples that poke through her clothes when that pussy gets wet? 'Cause if they sit right, she can make double than before; 'specially with bein' a little older now."

  "What the fuck is old to you outside of the goddamn womb?"

  "Tight young pussy sells like a motherfuckin' barrel of crack coke, brother. The club knows that shit." He placed his bottle on top of the desk and folded his hands while looking to the door. "You get her to come out here in three days. I gotta make a run to Nevada for one of my kids between that time. We'll set up the hour, I'll see her -- we'll talk. If she's still got the goods..." He shrugged and looked aside. "But she makes her way back down here without her goddamn bodyguard."

  Xavier snarled. "I can't promise that she'd be willin' to see your ass alone out here, brother."

  "She's gonna fuckin' have to, X. Anything else and she can keep the shit 'cause last I checked, I ain't the one lookin' to shake my tits on stage to stay in school. Say whatever the fuck she needs to hear to get her ass back out here alone. It'll be taken from there and you can close that goddamn door on your way back out."

  Xavier stared into his face with a weight of daggers forming behind his eyes before storming from the room and slamming the door hard enough to crack the frame inside the wall.

  As Rocka spat profanities, he laughed to himself and hurried back down to the bar.

  Shauna clutched her fingers around the towel she was using to wipe down the counter and exhaled as he walked back over to her, sullen. "I'm sorry," she said. "I hope that what I told you about--"

  Xavier lifted his hand to stop her from going further and rattled his head. "No need for any of that shit with me, darlin', we're good. But what the fuck is up with that asshole suckin' back a goddamn bottle of vodka like a case of water before noon?"

  "My guess is him still being stuck on Mariah," she said.

  He snorted and wagged his head. "Son of a bitch ain't ever cared 'bout her like that, darlin'."

  "He cared about the fact that you were number one for her, and he never was. It's his ego, X -- the shit has been bruised since knowing you were together before she left. The one comfort he had with you never taking her to bed while being patched in was shattered the second he learned you had..." She dug her nails into the towel as a ball of nerves suddenly filled her stomach. "He told me about burning her clothes on your front lawn when it happened; said that if I mentioned a word about it to anyone else within the club or out here that he'd have me put down like a dog by one of the prospects and find a pack to eat what was left of me right after."

  "Jesus Christ. Motherfucker lost what was left of his goddamn mind."

  "He's never had much of it to begin with," she replied.

  He wrapped his hands around the back of a chair and lightly dragged it against the floor. "Did you know anything 'bout him havin' Mariah watched down there at Wexley?"

  "I overheard him mention something about it on the phone once, not long after she had taken off. But I'm not sure who he was talking to or how long he kept it going."

  "Yeah... Okay, darlin', thanks."

  "Hey." He pulled back as she scurried around the bar and stood directly in front of him. She tossed her towel on top of the counter and folded her arms. "Is Mariah working her way back into the MC, X? Is that why you needed to see Rocka -- to explain her coming back?"

  "Nah." He shook his head again and sighed. "She needs money to stay in school; thinks rollin' back through ACE'S might keep her there."

  Her mouth dropped as her eyes nearly flew out of her head. "She's willing to come back and work for Rocka? Even after everything--?"

  "She needs the money; and I can't exactly tell her shit 'bout not takin' the opportunity to make what she needs down here. We both know that nothin' will top what she'll get in tips on stage."

  "True, but... Where are you with all of this personally? Even if you're not back together, I know that you still care about her. And I know that it's different now because of--"

  "Darlin', I, uh..." He scratched the side of his head and flicked his thumb toward the door, taking a step back before she could finish. "The club is havin' church in a bit -- my ass needs to roll the fuck out 'fore Prez starts ringin' me off the goddamn hook for it. Mariah will be out here to see that asshole when he returns from Nevada. If you're concerned 'bout this shit, you should talk to her 'bout it then, yeah? And maybe keep an eye on her while she's out here with that asshole on her own."

  She bobbed her head as he flashed a quick peace sign and without another word, returned to his bike and raced back to the club.

  Chapter Seven


  "Alright." Prez slammed his gavel on the table and wagged the handle between his fingers. He leaned forward and sneered. "Do we truly fuckin' think this asshole ran his mouth to a member of the goddamn Kings?" The room trembled with silence as the brothers glanced between each other with question and grit their teeth. "We need to come together on this shit one way or another," he said. "'Cause if that motherfucker ran his goddamn mouth to LapDog and that asshole ran to T-Bone with the idea of usin' those pissant, half-cocked fuckers to screw us over, there's no comin' back from this shit."

  "I can't see another scenario beyond it, Prez," muttered Cheddar. "X said Rocka slipped up in sayin' he'd been havin' Mariah watched since she left the club. That asshole has been keepin' mum on whether it's still goin' on and if it's LapDog or some other prick with eyes on her down at Wexley."

  "LapDog makes the most sense in bein' a motherfuckin' spy for that asshole," said Strap. "Ain't no goddamn way he was out there shoppin' for college pussy without some pushin' first with the way he loved lappin' up bitches t
wice his mama's age; and ain't no goddamn way this Kyla is the first one he's hooked up with."

  "Mm-hm -- LapDog probably hooked up with some other bitch the first go round in order to have a reason to keep movin' around campus and look after Mariah," said Rider. "This time around, he needed local pussy for the dope -- IF that's what's been goin' down, and picked this bitch to keep his shit fresh and on the move."

  "I'm agreein' with my brothers on this one, Prez." Chopper nodded. "Don't want to, but it's right goddamn there. Not to mention how much Rockafeller couldn't be trusted even before turnin' in his goddamn patches. If he was havin' her watched at any point -- if he still fuckin' is, he'd know the ins and outs of that goddamn school like the back of his fuckin' hand. And he wouldn't hesitate to run his mouth about our coke to the Kings if the shit somehow managed to benefit him in the end."

  "I'm with that shit one-hundred percent, brother -- fuckin' all of it." Coco dropped his hand to the table and sighed. "Rockafeller's way has always been easy money; it's why he was so goddamn eager to get his hands on more shares of ACE'S after tappin' outta here. Pussy sells on poles and he knows just how to do it with ease; motherfucker could do it in his goddamn sleep if he wanted. He never felt as if he got his fair share from what we made on the coke and it would be right up his ally to fuck us up when he got the goddamn chance for it."

  "Damn right," muttered Sniper. "Tellin' us he wanted higher shares in ACE'S to keep it within the 'family' in the fear of us losin' it to outsiders once money started droppin' off and bill collectors were hittin' us up left and right just to keep on the goddamn lights was nothin' but bullshit. Motherfucker knew what he was doin' with that shit just like he knows what the fuck he's doin' right goddamn now."

  "Fuckin' us up as a club ain't the same as fuckin' up this asshole down here." Tractor bent forward and pointed across the table at X, who shifted in his chair and looked straight ahead. "Rocka pulled this shit for the sake of pussy and jealousy; asshole's been pissed about X and Mariah for years now. Fuckin' once didn't matter, but findin' out he was down there last night sent him over the goddamn edge."

  "Maybe today, brother, and beyond all that shit," said Pecker. "But we got usurped by those vanilla wafer lookin' motherfuckers long before X or the rest of us even knew where the fuck Mariah had gone -- that's what we're sayin'. If he has in fact been watchin' her since she left and he does in fact know the ins and outs of that campus, he ran to the only motherfucker he knew would listen and oblige while also cuttin' him a side deal that earned enough cash to stay afloat beyond ACE'S." He paused. "LapDog spilled that shit to T-Bone and the Kings, who made their way inside Wexley with the help of pussy; they moved around to those cocksucks as a result, promisin' whatever the fuck they wanted to hear in exchange for shufflin' the coke across campus and blew us the fuck up. Ain't nobody else would have the kinda information needed to pull this shit off but the same motherfucker who knew about it before he bolted for himself." He looked to each of his brothers and exhaled. "Chop is right -- Rocka couldn't be trusted with or without the patches, Prez. If the Kings are behind this shit, Rocka's the asshole who helped make it happen."

  "Shit." Prez tossed his gavel to the table and allowed his shoulders to sag as the weight of defeat landed on top of them like a pair of boulders. "We're gonna need solid proof on this shit before movin' any further with it. Tech's got the tails on LapDog to see where the fuck he's goin' when he's not pussy divin' on that goddamn campus; we might have to switch a few over to Rocka..." He stopped and leaned back, shifting his attention to X. "You said that asshole will be gone for three days before comin' back to meet with Mariah about ACE'S?"

  Xavier nodded. "Said it was some shit to do with one of his kids."

  "Alright, that can give us the time we need to set up alternatives in case the Kings are truly part of this shit. 'Cause we can't risk your ass bein' on that campus to teach shit outside of how to throw a cock between a set of open lips if so."

  "Mariah can get some info from that asshole if she plays her cards right," muttered Tractor. He glanced at Xavier and smirked. "They used to talk about shit in between all that fuckin', yeah?"

  Xavier sat up straight and swallowed the urge to fly across the table in a fit of rage. He grinded the back of his teeth and soured. "I don't know what the hell they ever did outside of all the fuckin', asshole."

  "You lived with that prick -- she came around more often than not. Granted, it was with the hope of you finally givin' to her what the fuck she's always wanted, but you weren't a blind motherfucker to the shit you saw between 'em... I'm sure with enough titty shakin' and pussy showin' durin' her audition to return to the stage, she can get him to admit some shit with the Kings."

  "I ain't askin' her to put herself on the goddamn line for this club like that." The whites of Xavier's eyes flashed red as he stared. "She's lookin' for a job -- nothin' more; if that asshole were to find out she was fishin' for info on our coke and the Kings, he'd try burnin' more than just her goddamn clothes on the front lawn."

  "We got no other choice here, brother."

  Xavier whipped his head around to Cheddar and scrunched his brows as a rush of fury flowed between them. "What the fuck?"

  "Mariah needs your help in the same way we could use hers," he said. "She ain't gonna need to search for shit deep enough to get him pissed off, just enough to give us somethin' to work with as far as him possibly workin' with the Kings against us. That's all."

  "Y'all forgettin' Mariah ain't that kinda pussy for us anymore." Every eye turned to Rugger as he dropped back and shrugged. "She doesn't owe us a goddamn thing when it comes to this shit. Had X and Scooter never seen her out there last night, she wouldn't even be an option for us today."

  "Yeah, motherfucker, but the goddamn point is that they did see her and she did need a favor from X." Tractor grinned. "It was fate or some shit, yeah? All the fuck you can do is ask and all the fuck she can do is say no; but I bet the fuck she won't if she thinks that gettin' involved with this shit helps you." He pointed. "Even if she gets nothin' from him on sight, I'm sure that after he gets a good look at her tits again and hires her back, she'll have time to snuff him out. Maybe with her mouth around his cock instead of yours this go-round, but she'll have time."

  "Fuckin' Christ, asshole." Scooter looked to Tractor and wagged his head. "That VP patch on your chest ain't ever given you the goddamn right to keep spewin' enough shit to force us into doin' what the fuck you want when the fuck you wanna have it done."

  "I ain't forcin' shit, motherfucker," he retorted. "I ain't forcin' shit on nobody inside this goddamn room -- 'specially this asshole over here. It's a suggestion that he would be wise to undertake. She's gettin' what the fuck she wants in meetin' up with Rocka in three days -- he ain't gonna not hire her ass back. And he ain't gonna not look for a way to crawl himself right back between her legs. She ain't gotta give him what the fuck he wants on that end, but she can make him think he's gotta goddamn chance in order to find out what the fuck is goin' on between him and the Kings--"

  "If. Anything," said Scooter. "Which we still don't fuckin' know."

  "That's the goddamn point, moron -- Ain't you hearin' what the fuck is bein' said?"

  "Alright." Prez clutched his gavel. "Settle it the fuck down before the end of this thing gets shoved up an asshole."

  Tractor looked over at him and swallowed hard. "Ain't no goddamn crime in askin' the bitch if she'd be willin' to help us out. If anything, he can throw in the fact that if Rocka snitched and got us fucked, he's out for good. We regain majority shares of ACE'S, she returns to workin' for us on the regular again. Ain't no way she won't be satisfied with that shit if nothin' else. At least, I would fuckin' think so." He rested his hands on top of his stomach and eyed Xavier as he threw his back into the chair and sank into the leather like a slug to dirt. "Am I right or fuckin' wrong on this shit, brother? You tell me."

  Xavier dropped his elbows to the table and folded one of his hands inside the other;
he glanced at Scooter before dragging his eyes to Tractor, then turned to Prez and shook his head. "I don't feel right 'bout askin' her this shit. It ain't as if goin' back to work at ACE'S is somethin' she's lookin' forward to doin'."

  "Sucks for her, but we need to make sure the asshole she's lookin' to work for again ain't a goddamn snitch lookin' to keep us fucked." Tractor balled his fists and rested them on top of the table. "Give her the upsides on this shit. She can make her own goddamn decisions."

  "And if I ask and she says no?"

  "We'll figure it the fuck out when we know where the fuck she stands," said Prez. "In the meantime, we need to get into puttin' that tail on Rocka." He nodded toward Xavier. "Head back down to Mariah's tonight. Let her know what's up on all points and report back so that we know where we need to move next." Xavier dragged his eyes back down to the table and quietly bobbed his head. "Alright, if nothin' else?" He looked across the room for answers and lifted his brows. "We're done with this shit for the day." He pointed the gavel toward Rugger and jerked his chin. "You and Poke round up the pussy for tonight."

  "Fuck yeah," muttered Cheddar. "Pussy I had this mornin' was ripe and sweet. as. fuck. I'm callin' her out here for tonight."

  "You talkin' about Kyla?" Scooter chortled. "That bitch actually let you hit after the way you ran your mouth off to her out here?"

  "She liked that shit! Tried to act as if she didn't at first, but as soon as I got her back to that house, she was rubbin' her hands all over my cock like she'd never seen or felt one before. LapDog ain't pullin' his goddamn weight -- she's been settlin' with half a pipe this whole fuckin' time."

  "You sure this ain't some kinda twisted shit she's pullin' to suck you in before runnin' back to LapDog with our shit?" asked Shadow. "You don't know this bitch outside of what the fuck her cunt feels like wrapped around your cock."

  "Her titties too, but she ain't runnin' no fuckin' where but right back here. Bitch ain't even stayin' on campus tonight 'cause she was hopin' I'd call her up for another round. I might be in for good with this one for awhile."


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