Professor X

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Professor X Page 18

by Kiki Leach

  "You want this shit hard again, baby?" He slapped my behind with the palm of his hand, forcing it to bounce back against him and bit his fingers into my skin. "Rememberin' how goddamn good that shit felt?"


  He spun me back around until I was on top of him again and pumped in and out of me with fervor. My body nearly exploded into a fit of stars as he sucked each of my breasts into his mouth; as he snaked his tongue between them before trailing the tip along my collarbone and throat. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me close and crossed my ankles as he nibbled my pulse, steadying myself as he remained on the bed, his knees sinking into the mattress as his strokes deepened.

  My head rolled aside as my skin bruised between his lips; my sex swelled around his cock as the heat from within my body poured through the sweat spouting from the tips of my hair, falling onto my back and mixing into the fabric of his sheets.

  He lay me back down to the bed and covered my body with his own as I called for him, then he pushed deeper as I clawed at his back and kissed him with a sweetness that ached my teeth. He squeezed my breasts, rolling them inside the palms of his hands as our tongues fought against each other, and tensed before relaxing against me.

  "Say you're mine, darlin'." He reached for my face, cupping my jaw and brushing his thumb across my chin while suckling my bottom lip. "Say you're always gonna be mine from now 'til the goddamn end."

  "I'll always be yours, X," I breathed. "From now until the end of everything."

  "Goddamn right."

  As our tongues slid against each other, collided with an eagerness liable to end us both, he rolled to his back, allowing me on top of him once again.

  I gave him all that was left of me as he grabbed my behind and pushed inside me until we came together in a rush of ecstasy.

  After rolling to his side and brushing my hair from my face, he reached for my waist and pulled me close enough to taste the sweat dotted across his upper lip. The deliciously delightful look in his eyes, the flush of red in his skin left me as breathless as his tongue. "You fuckin' felt me with all that, yeah?"

  "Yes..." I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him again. His tongue explored my mouth as his hand snaked my throat all over again, then fell between us as his phone started blaring from the living room.


  I pulled back and laughed while reaching for his blanket to muffle the sound. "You should probably get it before we go for another round," I said. "It could be Rocka or the club."

  "You promisin' me another round already?" he questioned. I smiled up at him as sweat shined his upper lip, and nodded. "Shit, darlin'. You really fuckin' missed my ass, yeah?"

  "More than you could ever know, X. More than I've ever wanted to admit out loud to you or anyone else. You know that by now."

  "Yeah, baby, I do." He leaned in and swirled his tongue between my lips before jumping from the bed and snatching a pair of grey sweats from his dresser drawer, sliding them on. "Get one of my shirts from in here and throw it on," he said. "Then come out there to me, yeah?"


  As he headed out for the phone, I hopped up and ran to his already open drawer, digging through his mess of clothes and grabbing one of his club shirts that read "DEVILS' PROPERTY". A half smile arched the corners of my lips as I slid it over my head and closed his drawer with my hip; it remained in place as I shook my fingers through my hair and reached for his sheets, preparing to dump them in the washing machine.

  "FUCK THAT ASSHOLE!" I dropped the sheets back down to the bed as X hollered from the living room and bolted from the bedroom. He turned to me as soon as I entered and brought his hand to his waist, then rolled his eyes toward the kitchen and grumbled. "The motherfucker was still breathin' when I left his ass down there, Prez -- Mariah's my goddamn witness to that shit."

  "Oh no." I brought my hand to my mouth and gulped as he walked toward me shaking his head.

  "Me knockin' him out wouldn't have done some shit like that -- not the next goddamn mornin'; he'd have to lose oxygen to the brain as soon as he hit the goddamn floor and he didn't." He reached for my hand and brought it to his chest, resting it on top of his heart as Boone mumbled in response. "Yeah, brother, I can be back down there. Gimmie some time to tell Mariah what's up and I'll be on my goddamn way."

  After hanging up and tossing the phone onto the couch, Xavier lifted my hand to his mouth and eyed the floor.

  "Rocka's dead?" I asked, my voice shaking with fear as the truth rattled my brain; he frowned. "He's dead."


  I snatched my hand from his grip and crossed the room in a panic. "I knew that something bad would come from what happened yesterday."

  "I ain't the goddamn reason that asshole is dead, Mariah. Shauna found the motherfucker this mornin' after headin' in to clean up from whatever the fuck went on down there last night -- a party or some shit with another club that drove down from Kansas. He was up and talkin' on the goddamn phone to one of his kids 'fore she and those other fuckers went home -- I didn't do this shit to that asshole."

  I spun back around to him and deeply exhaled. "Where does Boone want to see you?"

  "ACE'S. Him and a few of the other brothers are headin' down there to help analyze this shit; said the motherfucker's still sprawled out on the goddamn floor of his office."

  "Did Boone say anything about any other injuries found on him besides a swollen jaw and bruised knuckles?" He made a face at me and became quiet. I anxiously lifted my eyes toward the ceiling. "I knew that you coming down there for me yesterday was a mistake, X."

  "One that led to us bein' here," he replied. "Right goddamn now... You regrettin' this shit now too?"

  "I don't regret us coming back together. I don't even regret that Rocka is dead. I regret the role you might've played in him being there because it could lead to us being apart all over again." I paused. "He's the reason I left the first time. Even in death, he's determined to keep the trend going."

  "That shit ain't gonna fuckin' happen to us again, darlin' -- alright? It ain't gonna fuckin' happen."

  "That's something you can't know--"

  "Do you love me?" he asked, stepping forward. I lowered my eyes and pressed my lips together. "It's a simple fuckin' question, darlin' -- yes or goddamn no."

  "You already know the answer."

  "I need to hear that shit from you again; especially right goddamn now."

  "I love you, Xavier," I told him. "I've been in love with you, I always will be."

  "That's all the shit that matters to me right now. Whatever the fuck happened to that asshole out there, we're gonna find the fuck out and we're gonna bury that shit along with him and whoever the fuck else managed to put him there, yeah? I don't need you worryin' 'bout this shit and how it might hit me or the club; it won't."

  "What about my job? Without the owner of ACE'S to hire me back--?"

  "The Devils still own a share of it," he said. "You ain't gonna be without a way to make money to stay in school either, alright?" I nodded because I believed him, and because he believed in himself. "I need to start headin' down there for this shit... You gonna be good out here? You want me to send somebody to look after you while I'm gone -- one of the prospects?"

  "No... I'll be fine in waiting for you to get back. I'll wash your sheets and take a shower... maybe cook something that I can't burn and study for exams. I'm good as long as I know that you are too."

  "I will be, darlin'. You can always bet on the fact that shit won't change."

  He gradually pulled me into his arms and planted small kisses against my trembling lips before getting dressed and heading out the door.

  I returned to the bedroom for his sheets and dumped them into the laundry as soon as his bike sped from the driveway, then grabbed my cell from my purse and dialed the Devils' clubhouse.

  Chapter Sixteen


  "About goddamn time, motherfucker." Tractor slammed his beer bottle on top of t
he bar as Xavier stepped into ACE'S and looked across the room in search of Prez. He closed the door behind himself as Tractor peeked at him from the corner of his eye and sneered. "There a reason it took your ass longer than normal to make the way back out here? At least one outside of temporary pussy?"

  "Hey -- I'm here now, asshole, yeah?" he retorted, stepping further into the club as he latched onto his cut. "My ass is right fuckin' here."

  "Yeah, late and not without force."

  "Chill, brother," muttered Scooter, taking a seat near the stage. "Motherfucker showed up just like he said."

  "And what the fuck? No, I ain't gonna fuckin' chill on this shit." Tractor glanced at him before turning back to Xavier and bent forward. He pointed. "This prick is goddamn late as usual and the shit needed to be called out--"

  "Why the fuck would I wanna bring my ass back down here after learnin' what the fuck happened to that son of a bitch upstairs?" asked X. "I was havin' a good goddamn time in bed with my woman when you assholes called me down here for this shit."

  "Hey, brother, she's your woman with you actually knowin' about that shit this time? Finally acceptin' the goddamn truth?" Cheddar wagged his brows as a hearty grin parted his lips. He leaned away from the bar and bobbed his head. "I'm happy if you got a little somethin' before makin' your way back down here -- I can say I had the same last night."

  Coco sat down along the edge of a table and bent his head in question. "Chocolate pussy again?"

  "Yep! Kyla's sweeter than a motherfuckin' sin."

  "Jesus Christ -- who gives a rats fuck if that bitch or your bitch or any other bitch with valid pussy sucked this motherfucker's cock last night or this mornin'?" snapped Tractor. "We're in a goddamn crisis 'cause of whatever the fuck went down with 'em out here last night."

  "He ain't dead 'cause of me," said Xavier. "Wantin' to handle that shit and actually doin' it ain't the goddamn same."

  "Then tell me, motherfucker, how the fuck is he dead? Relay that shit to the class and make it make some goddamn sense."

  "I don't fuckin' know -- Ain't that why the fuck we're all out here right goddamn now?"

  "No, motherfucker, we ain't out here for shit." Tractor stood up from his chair and gnashed his teeth. "Your ass is out here 'cause nobody else between the rest of us got enough of a beef with that fucker to wanna strangle his ass to fuckin' death."

  "We might not have wanted him dead, VP, but this asshole could've been fuckin' around with anybody else on the side lookin' to make that shit happen," said Scooter. "For all we know, pussy could've taken his ass out or those militant lookin' fucks that were out here last night got pissed at him for some shit, came back and tossed him around 'til he stopped breathin'."

  "Shit's possible," replied Cheddar. "Rockafeller was known to piss off alota motherfuckers around here and beyond. No tellin' what the fuck he did to piss somebody else off; X ain't the only one that would've wanted him put to ground for some shit he had no business puttin' his hands or cock all over."

  "And if I wanted that asshole dead..." Xavier turned back to Tractor and narrowed his eyes; he dropped his hands from his cut and grit his teeth. "He'd have been thrown the fuck under long 'fore last night."

  "Then VP's right in askin' why the fuck we're out here." Coco opened his hands and looked between them. "If you ain't take out this motherfucker and we ain't take out this motherfucker, who the fuck did?"

  "The Kings." The brothers looked to the stairs as Boone returned to the floor with a small tape clutched between his fingers and Big Tech on his heels.

  Scooter shook his head and glowered. "What the fuck, Prez? You said the goddamn Kings?"

  He nodded. "Yep."

  "Jesus Christ." Tractor moved toward him as he stepped in front of the stage and crossed his arms. "Those motherfuckers call you up or some shit while you were up there? Braggin' about it or somethin'?"

  "Didn't need that shit." Big Tech moved in front of him and shrugged. "Rocka had a small camera inside his office -- shit's as small as a goddamn needle. If not for the magnet on my belt pickin' up a vibration from the metal inside, we'd have never found that shit hangin' from the goddamn ceilin'."

  "And the tape from that camera got the Kings takin' him out?" asked Cheddar.

  "Three of 'em at least," muttered Prez. "All recognizable assholes that Tech managed to find through his phone while we were up there, 'cause not a single one was wearin' shit to cover their faces, cuts or tats. Seems they were patched in just last year and took the motherfucker out around 6am."

  "Jesus. Dumb fucks probably never thought about cameras bein in his goddamn office of all places."

  "That shit seems clear," replied Coco.

  "That tape got any sound to it?" asked Xavier, his tone cautious as he lifted his brow and jerked his chin. "Could you hear some shit 'bout why they were takin' that asshole out?"

  "There's sound all throughout," said Tech. "'Specially when they were talkin' him out. Bottom line is, those assholes know we've been informed about 'em bein' the ones behind our coke dryin' up."


  "How the fuck is that possible?" asked Cheddar. "Unless this asshole ran to LapDog about maybe gettin' back into Mariah's panties. LapDog asked how the shit could happen after all this time and he told; then LapDog took off to T-Bone with that same info."

  "The tape don't make any of that clear just yet," said Prez. "I need to push it back further for analyzin' bits we missed upstairs; all we were lookin' for right now was who did it and all we know right now is they're onto the shit and that motherfucker is the most likely reason for it."

  "What the fuck else do we have outside of what Cheddar is thinkin', Prez?" replied Tractor. "We don't know shit 'cause the asshole is dead; and you can't ask dead assholes if they snitched, you can only assume that shit when they're taken out by the motherfuckers they mighta snitched on. And we can't go to the goddamn Kings askin' why they took out their latest informant and our former brother. We're DOA as soon as we step on their territory with 'em knowin' our shit now."

  "So what the fuck do we do?" asked Scooter.

  "Deal with it like always," replied Prez, "but first, we need to deal with what this asshole left 'em in death. Which mighta been another reason for him to go out the way he did, and go now."

  Xavier folded his arms and soured. "What the fuck are you talkin' 'bout, Prez?"

  "Contracts." He pulled a roll of papers from the inside of his cut and dropped them on top of the table in front of Scooter. "Some new shit that asshole had drawn up last year for himself and ACE'S."

  "What?" Scooter lifted the papers from the table, unrolling each one and skimming a set of underlined paragraphs. "Jesus." He rolled his eyes back up to Prez and jumped up from his chair. "That son of a bitch gave 49% of his ownership to the goddamn Kings in death -- leavin' himself with only TWO?!"

  "WHAT?!" Tractor snatched the papers from Scooter's hands to read for himself. His eyes nearly bugged from his head at every word. "How the fuck can he legally do that shit without us givin' some kinda 'OK' for it first?!"

  "He owned majority," said Coco. "And got his own private attorney for shit just like this. Fucker could do whatever the hell he wanted with just a few signatures, which was the point."

  "The point was to come through us first," he shot back. "We sure these assholes ain't plant this here as bullshit for us to find after they took him out?"

  "Tech checked with Rocka's attorney," muttered Prez. "Shit's legal and legit."

  "Jesus. Christ." Xavier looked to each of his brothers and swallowed hard. "This shit makes us full-time partners with the goddamn Kings. Givin' 'em that 49% while that asshole kept 2% for himself means--"

  "Can't nobody outside of us here know he's dead yet," said Coco. "Maybe Snipe 'cause the old man would figure the shit out as soon as we rolled back to the club, along with Shauna and Mariah -- That's what the fuck it means; not even the other brothers, his exes or his goddamn kids that he clearly left nothin' to in all this shit -
- whether forced or not. Otherwise, we don't just get questions, we get the Kings comin' around here sniffin' out property like they own more than we've fuckin' got."

  "They own just as much!" snapped Tractor. "We're half and half with those motherfuckers now, which is why that asshole pulled this stunt in keepin' 2% for himself in case he got whacked! And the Kings know we can't do shit about 'em takin' out Rocka beyond havin' the motherfuckers who did it put to ground alongside him in retaliation, even if it caused a ripple through Pink; because T-Bone and the rest will still. own. forty-nine fuckin' PERCENT of OUR SHIT!"

  "VP's right, which means we're fucked if they were told or knew about these contracts," said Cheddar. "To keep us safe right now, along with the shit about him bein' dead stayin' here, the Kings don't need to be aware that we know they're the ones who fuckin' offed Rocka. And unless they got their own cameras out here somewhere monitorin' shit, they won't."

  "My guess is they ain't got shit in takin' him out the way they did inside his own goddamn office," said Scooter. "Unless those dumb fucks are dumber than we think and wanted us to know it was them, which after this shit, I fuckin' doubt." He looked to Tech and tipped his head. "You said that camera shit couldn't be detected if not for the magnet on your belt, yeah?"

  He nodded. "Shit could've been invisible but was hangin' low enough for me to step on top of his desk and pluck it straight down from the ceilin'. Once we head back, I'm pluggin' it into the laptop to let Prez see what more he can find."

  "That shit's all well and goddamn good, but we realize that what happened out here fucks us up with more than just ACE'S?" said Coco.

  Xavier tightened his arms and nodded. "That asshole was our one-way ticket to bustin' these fuckers on our own goddamn turf." He stopped and rattled his head. "It's why I didn't take him out myself when given the chance for it. We ain't ever gonna get the Kings back out here in good faith again -- least not in this lifetime and probably not the fuckin' next."

  "Listen, brother, I know you weren't plannin' to go in with this shit if we got proof of the Kings bein' involved with our coke, but shit's changed, and the campus option is still out there for us to take advantage of."


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