Professor X

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Professor X Page 24

by Kiki Leach

  "That he knows some shit is up with Rocka, but claims he can't figure out what the fuck it is. Said he stopped by ACE'S with the hope of havin' a talk with him in person 'cause the asshole hasn't been answerin' his goddamn phone."

  "Yeah, no shit he ain't been answerin' his goddamn phone. Jesus Christ." X dragged his hand across his face in aggravation and grunted. "Son of a bitch wants that info 'bout Rocka bein' dead flushed out in the open in order to claim the 49% without anybody knowin' they're the reason for him bein' gone."

  Tractor nodded. "He went out there lookin' for those contracts; clueless on the fact we got 'em back at the club."

  "You know this shit for a goddamn fact?"

  "He didn't need to say it with the way he was sniffin' around my place for 'em like a fuckin' bloodhound. One thing his dumbass never asked for is copies as soon as those papers were signed, that's been made clear as fuck." He paused. "We still can't let him know of us bein' onto their shit."

  "Yeah." X crossed the room as a shot of guilt passed through him and shook his head. "Did T mention anything 'bout offerin' Mariah that job on his compound?"

  "Didn't say a goddamn word about it, which means I was right in him wantin' to use her as pimped out pussy if he can manage to fuck us right up outta ACE'S and damage our rep through Pink. She'd be the gold he's lackin' with his own girls out there and we'd be fucked. Comin' to me directly shows how hard he's gonna push on this shit, X; I can't keep it from Prez."

  X looked over at him and lifted his brow. "And what the fuck do you plan on sayin'? Gonna lay the shit at Mariah's feet for goin' out to see him in the first place -- Gonna lay it on mine for just bein' part of the goddamn club? This shit a brotherhood, or ain't it?" He stopped and swallowed hard. "What the fuck do you plan on sayin' to him, Trac?" He whirled back around to him and crossed his arms. "You said this shit would come back around to my ass, maybe you were fuckin' right and I was wrong. Maybe I'm the motherfucker who stupidly got this shit put into motion and I deserve the blame for gettin' us potentially fucked with the Kings."

  "You sound like a bitch," he retorted. "With two pussies on lockdown instead of one. Ain't like you."

  "I'm tryin' to prepare for the shit that might come back to bite my ass as soon as you roll out there and open your mouth."

  "I never said that I was gonna put this shit on your head, motherfucker -- I said that Prez needed to know about T-Bone sniffin' around our shit, and he does. Son of a bitch knows he's still bein' followed and the shit don't phase him a single fuckin' bit. We need to prepare as a club -- as a goddamn brotherhood for what the fuck he might try doin' next. Whatever the fuck I'm feelin' on how this shit started up is bein' pushed aside for the time bein'; I ain't gonna advocate for you to be tossed out on your ass or have the Enforcer patch stripped; you're the best we got with that, so calm the fuck down and put your dick back into place. Me bein' pissed and spewin' bullshit versus actually bein' pissed and doin' it ain't the goddamn same. Thought you'd be aware of that shit after all these years. Just like I should be aware that you gettin' in my face back at ACE'S means the same, yeah?"

  Xavier became quiet and took in a breath while eyeing his brother with a shake of relief, then he looked to the kitchen and jutted his chin. "You wanna take some of those cases and put 'em on your bike, I'll take the rest out there tonight."

  Tractor's eyes sharpened as a smirk ticked the corner of his mouth, then he glanced at the set of six packs on X's kitchen table and nodded. "Split it up half and half -- I'll throw the tequila in my bags on the side."

  "Alright, yeah."

  After moving into the kitchen and preparing to separate the packs and bottles, both men understood in the moment that a silent resolution to remain on the same side during a continued attempt at usurping the Devils as a whole was the closest they would ever come to a mutual apology.

  What was good enough for the state of the brotherhood remained mandatory for the current state of the club.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  After parking next to Gabi's car and hopping off his bike, Xavier grabbed his beer from the passenger seat and followed Tractor's lead into the clubhouse, pushing through a heightened cloud of smoke and overzealous crowd of fellow brothers and tone deaf, grinding club whores.

  When he saw a laughing Mariah having a beer and playing pool with Cheddar, Kyla and Coco near the corner juke box, a smile parted his lips in remembering lost time spent within the walls of his club. It was as if her absence was only a nightmare and he had been kissed awake by her return; she was back in her element and with the people she loved most; in a world she grew to love before she could speak, where she belonged with no one else but him.

  When she finally noticed him standing near the bar, shifting her eyes between the women blocking her view, he lifted his brows and nodded toward the kitchen. She quickly excused herself and placed her stick on top of the table, then meandered between a group of sweaty bodies dry humping each other in the middle of the room and latched onto the back of his cut to keep from being pulled away by someone else.

  Once they moved inside and closed the door, a visibly aggravated Tractor placed all beer and tequila into the fridge, then leaned against the sink and folded his arms, staring between them as Mariah made a face and pointed.

  "Did you come here together?" she asked.

  "Nah." X peeked at her from the corner of his eye and wagged his head. "VP showed up to see me at the house 'fore we rolled out, 'cause T rolled through to see him at his place first."

  "What for?"

  "Don't really matter beyond what's already known," muttered Tractor. "But I'm gonna need to tell Prez about it, which is what I told your boy before we rolled out here." Her eyes sank to the floor as she nodded. "Also gonna need you to keep from seein' anymore of T on your own for the time bein'."

  She made a face at him and shrugged. "If he calls me again and I don't go out there, he's going to know that I'm aware of something, even if he isn't sure what it is."

  "Don't fuckin' matter -- let the asshole speculate and don't give a solid answer on workin' for him yet," he snapped. "We need to keep him on a string 'til we can dig even further into his shit and boot 'em all out, but you bein' up in his face again is gonna 'cause more problems for all of us than needed."


  "He wants you locked into this shit for himself," said Xavier. "Goin' back out there again, darlin', there's no tellin' the kinda shit he'd attempt to gain from you and use for leverage against this club. If he calls again, you gotta keep the shit short, sweet and simple--"

  "When he calls again, and..." She paused to take in a breath. "You both know that I would never say anything in person or otherwise to put this club at risk."

  "Ain't about what you could say that would have any of us worried," replied Tractor, "it's what the fuck you don't say, which is why seein' him in person again could get us all fucked more than we've been already. You been in this game too goddamn long -- been knowin' more shit than half the members we still got stickin' around out here, he knows that. Comin' to see me on this shit like he did -- all that goddamn sniffin' around my place, he is anxious as fuck for shit to hit the fan and blow back in our faces and could use you to do it with silence." He gulped. "Son of a bitch might be dumb as fuck in some respect, but he's also smarter than we ever gave his ass credit for in other areas, which is why he's been able to pull this shit with ACE'S and the coke without bein' detected 'til now. Also why he sent disposable members of his club to end that asshole; motherfucker couldn't send LapDog or his own VP 'cause he needed a set that he assumed we'd be openly stupid enough to threaten without him givin' a fuck as long as he got what he needed in the end."

  X nodded with agreement. "T never expected us to get our hands on those contracts, but expected us to roll over and play as fuckin' dead as Rocka when he was found. Shit's pissin' him the fuck off the longer it takes to get what he wants, and pissed off motherfuckers can end up doin' alota stupid shi
t to get themselves fucked; it's why everything needs to stay as it is 'til we can figure out the next step beyond me bein' at Wexley."

  Mariah sighed heavily as a rush of fear cooled her skin and rolled her eyes to the ceiling; she wrapped her arms around herself and anxiously sank her teeth into her bottom lip to keep from screaming. "I need to talk to X in private," she said.

  Tractor bobbed his head and shuffled between them, exiting the kitchen. Mariah peeked over her shoulder as soon as the door closed behind him and trudged to the sink, wrapping her hands around the edge and sucking in a breath deep enough to shatter the weight of her lungs.

  X gradually moved in behind her and placed his hand at the small of her back, pushing his fingers beneath her tank and resting them against his name etched across her skin. "I'm sorry 'bout all this shit, darlin'."

  "It isn't your fault," she replied, her voice lowered as she focused on the sink and grimaced. "I never should've seen him out there in the first place."

  "That ain't your fault either--"

  "He wouldn't have come down here otherwise, X. I gave him an opening to move further without thinking and he took it."

  "After what happened, he would've come down here no matter what -- Pussy is just an excuse to throw it off." He stepped to her side and deeply exhaled. "I know he wants you workin' for him, darlin', but that asshole was sniffin' out those contracts tonight; Trac said he wasn't subtle in attemptin' to act like he was there for somethin' else."

  "How does Tractor know for a fact that he wasn’t?" she asked. "If T-Bone has a brain like he thinks, he would know that the contracts for ACE'S wouldn't have been with your VP. Maybe with Boone or somewhere out here, but not with him."

  X glowered. "What the fuck else do you think he coulda been sniffin' 'round for?"

  "I don't know, and I don't think Tractor does either." She stood up straight and folded her arms. "But since we're talking about the Kings, I asked Kyla about LapDog; she said that she hasn't seen or heard from him since coming out here to see you and the rest of the brothers. She tried calling a few times to no avail, and though she doesn't think he's onto her and Cheddar, she can't be sure without actually hearing otherwise."

  "Cheddar talked to you 'bout all this shit?"

  "Yes. He also mentioned that he's the one who hooked up with and eventually had Gabi tossed out of here for being too nosy. He said he thinks that something is off with her in the same way as Pugh."

  "Yeah." X groaned and tightened his jaw. "Like I told you this afternoon, he's a weird ass motherfucker -- and that shit don't include his lust for underage pussy. Prez is gonna have a fleet of brothers from the Kansas charter and a few prospects scopin' out the campus again 'fore I head back on Monday. All young bucks that look as if they could pass for 'bout fifteen goddamn years old."

  "Do you think that you should continue going through with this, Xavier? What if I'm right in your face being shown across campus -- even if it was just to a few people -- Pugh included? The campus being scoped out won't matter."

  "That Pugh motherfucker wouldn't have let me through the front door if that was the goddamn case, darlin'. After meetin' with his ass, I know that much."

  "No you don't," she replied. "And you don't know that he won't have an entire squad of policemen waiting in front of the building as soon as you hop off your bike either."

  "Cheddar's givin' me a ride in the truck -- I can't ride my bike back down there without drawin' up more attention." He turned aside and lifted his hands to her face, tilting her head and brushing his mouth across her lips to roll her taste across the tip of his tongue. She looked into the softness of his eyes and grinned without hesitation as he did the same. "My ass is gonna be good up there no matter what -- I ain't worried 'bout that asshole takin' me down. He's gonna need to worry 'bout what the fuck I'm gonna do if he tries."

  She shook her head inside his hands and wrapped her hands around his wrists. "That doesn't comfort me as much as you think it should, X."

  "It will when you realize I'm right."

  "Yo, yo!" Coco dipped his head into the kitchen and wrapped his hand around the door, pushing it back. He looked between Mariah and X as they remained in entwined with each other and smirked. "Rider's on his way up with a pile of pussy. Be about fifteen minutes or so."

  "Alright. What kinda pussy is he rollin' through here with tonight?" asked X.

  "Not sure; said he met 'em along the way, but they're good enough to fill both of his hands." He chuckled. "Prez got the main crew out front to hand over his gift before he comes into the clubhouse and gets too goddamn drunk to give a fuck about what it's gonna be."

  "Mm. Alright, yeah, brother -- we'll be out there in a second."


  After Coco backed out and returned to the front, X turned back to Mariah and leaned his head aside. His brows pinched as he stared directly into her eyes and straightened his back, the warmth of his face forcing a wash of comfort between them. "You know we're gonna get through this shit with each other, yeah? Long as you do what Trac says in stayin' away from T and the Kings' compound."

  "And you do what I say in being careful on campus next week. Promise me, X."

  "I promise you on all that shit, darlin', always." He kissed her forehead before lowering his mouth to her lips, forcing her to whimper and shake with heightened arousal as she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him close enough to wrestle his tongue. "Goddamn." A burst of hunger overcame her as she spun her fingers between his curls and nearly climbed his body with her weight; he pulled back before they could move further and fixed his cock, shifting it inside his pants before it stiffened and pushed against her stomach. "Shit, darlin', I can't do this with you out here right now. But keep that same feelin' for when we finally leave here tonight, yeah? Maybe right after we head out."

  She laughed as he slinked his arm across her shoulders and walked her from the kitchen, back through the roaring crowd and outside the club.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  After helping his brothers carry Rider's new chopper from the garage, rolling it into the middle of the lot and throwing a tarp around it to cover for a surprise, Xavier jogged to the picnic table and crouched next to a beer drinking Cheddar and cigarette smoking Kyla.

  As he pulled Mariah onto his lap and snaked his arms around her waist, she sank into his chest and mewed. "You good out here, darlin'?" he questioned.

  "Mm-hm." She turned her face into his neck and brushed her mouth across his skin, then looked across the lot and peered. "Why wasn't Scooter out here to help you all with this?"

  "Couldn't fuckin' say."

  "I can," Cheddar chimed in. He glanced at Boone and Tractor as they passed a single joint between the other brothers and shook his head. "Gabi was still flippin' out about one of the regulars wantin' to take him for a spin before we came out here and stormed off to the back room like a motherfucker; he followed."

  Mariah frowned. "The fact that she continues to be pissed about that isn't normal for her, but she's also becoming much more territorial with him lately."

  "Maybe he's into that kinda shit now, and maybe they started fuckin' right after because of it." He sighed. "Either way, I still don't see the shit lastin' beyond a goddamn bed."

  X looked over at him and chortled. "What the fuck makes you figure some kinda shit like that, brother?"

  "Experience," he replied with a shrug. "Bitch like that might be good enough for his cock, but who the fuck can live with that kinda shit all goddamn day? Flippin' out one minute 'cause a few walkin' pussies wanna jack you up while she's waitin' with an 'I'm sorry' and wantin' to suck the skin off your balls in the next? No fuckin' thanks to that schizo shit."

  Kyla allowed a trail of smoke to curl from the corner of her red stained lips and glared as his words sank between the crevices of her skull. "How the hell do you know anything about what she wants to suck on him, Cheddar?"

  "What?" He whipped his head around to her in damn near a p
anic and made a face. "I'm only guessin', babe -- bitch seems like the type."

  "I don't believe that." She tossed her cigarette to the ground and hopped off the picnic table, dropping her foot on top of the lit tip and crossing her arms. She looked directly into the growing paleness of his face and squint as he shifted his gaze and gulped. "I noticed her staring at you tonight while we were playing pool. Even when she was practically humping Scooter at the bar -- what the hell has that been about?"

  "Maybe her goddamn eyes got stuck on my face, Kyla -- I don't fuckin' know. Maybe the bitch is sufferin' from a goddamn starin' problem 'cause I look better than the motherfucker she's currently stuck with -- who the fuck cares?"

  "I care!" she spat, bending forward as she threw her hand across her chest and sneered. "I care. Especially with all that I've given up to be out here with you time and again since we first hooked up."

  "At your goddamn grandparent's renthouse, babe -- that shit wasn't my fault; you were too eager for me to fill you up as soon as you hopped off my goddamn bike just like I knew you'd fuckin' be."

  "After you felt me up -- don't be a dick about it," she returned.

  "Don't be outta your goddamn mind on this shit and I won't be. And what the fuck are you talkin' about 'givin' up'?" he asked. "You're still in fuckin' school -- still stay on that goddamn campus -- what the fuck?"

  "I'm not on campus like that anymore, Cheddar."


  She wagged her foot against the pavement and mumbled. "I haven't just been staying away from it to spend time with you like I said; they kicked me out of the dorms for the rest of the semester."

  "What the fuck?" His eyes bugged as he stood in front of her and brought his hands to his waist. "What the fuck are you talkin' about, Kyla -- When the fuck did this shit happen, babe?"

  She looked aside and inhaled, hoping to lessen the growing rumble in his voice by calming her own. "A few weeks ago," she started.

  "What the fuck for?!"

  "I don't know."


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