Professor X

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Professor X Page 26

by Kiki Leach

  "Son of a fuckin' BITCH." Cheddar's face flushed as he slammed the butt of his gun between LapDog's eyes.

  "AYE, SHIT!" LapDog fell to his knees and threw his hands across his face as blood squirted from his nostrils onto his shirt and jeans.

  Xavier dropped back to cover his face with the back of his arm as an uncontrollable laugh escaped him. "Shit, motherfucker," he spat between chuckles, "we can't afford to knock this asshole's block off 'til we get somethin' of worth from him first."

  "We got somethin'," snapped Cheddar. "Asshole all but admitted to knowin' about me and Kyla -- You the goddamn reason she's been kicked off that campus too?"

  "I don't know SHIT about that!" LapDog dropped his hands to the ground, burying his fingers into a patch of grass as his nose continued to spit blood; then he shifted his bruising eyes between Cheddar and Xavier and snorted it back. "And I ain't sayin' SHIT else!"

  Xavier slammed his muzzle against LapDog's temple and sighed. "Wrong fuckin' answer when I got no goddamn problem endin' you where we stand -- right here and goddamn now."

  "They'd snatch your patches for this shit," he shot back.

  "And they'd shove em straight up your ass while it hung from a roastin' rod behind our club -- Are you feelin' me on this shit?" He pulled the trigger until it clicked, forcing LapDog to flinch and sweat against the metal as a pop of air thumped his skin. "I do that shit again, your ass won't be so goddamn lucky. VP gets back here 'fore you agree to come back with us to the clubhouse and tell Boone what the fuck you know, how the fuck you know it and why the fuck this shit happened tonight, well... we can't stop the amount of crazy that'll be ridin' that train and won't fuckin' try; 'specially after you tried blowin' off his goddamn head."

  "We weren't aimin' for your Prez or his VP, asshole," he spat between his teeth as more blood oozed from the corners of his mouth. "Those round of bullets were meant for your skull."

  Xavier lowered his gun with caution and soured as a chill washed over his skin. "T-Bone set this shit into motion?"

  "Last I checked, it sure as fuck wasn't the goddamn Angel of Death, motherfucker."

  Xavier eyed him with a snarl and dragged him back to his feet. "Get your ass back to walkin'," he barked. "That big fuckin' head of yours moves outta place even once and it's two bullets to the back with another set into those kneecaps--"

  "And a pair between those fat as fuck ears," spat Cheddar, "though I ain't sure it'll make a difference when ain't nothin' ever been proven to be there in the first goddamn place. Let's fuckin' go."

  He shoved his gun into LapDog's back, forcing a return to the clubhouse as Xavier paced alongside them and slid another bullet into his barrel.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  A thick sheet of darkness clouded the chapel as Prez looked around the table and shook his fist.

  "Make no mistake about this shit tonight," he started, his eyes pinned as the corner of his mouth twitched with ire. "Regardless of whatever the fuck that asshole said about the bullets bein' meant for one goddamn head out here, the shit was meant for all of us, understand?" They nodded in unison as Prez glanced at Xavier and swallowed hard. "T-Bone is makin' shit more personal than expected."

  "Makin' shit personal 'cause of what the fuck he's hopin' to gain with that dick up his asshole bein' put to ground on his own fuckin' orders." Tractor sank into his chair and crossed his arms. "That asshole drivin' the van was a goddamn kid, brother -- a fuckin' kid that coulda been my own with the right kinda pussy. This son of a bitch is pluckin' 'em right off the goddamn street to do his fuckin' dirty work -- knowin' there's no way in fuck they'll actually be patched in. They could die tomorrow just like the fuckers takin' out Rocka and it wouldn't matter to his ass one way or another."

  "Not in the least," replied Coco. "That bein' said, we need to be lucky that it was only him, LapDog and some other barely fourteen year old prick pullin' triggers or the club itself woulda been lit the fuck up like a firework stand before the goddamn night was over. Motherfucker keeps snatchin' up amateurs to get us fucked like it's some kinda game he's playin'; checkers insteada chess kinda bullshit."

  "He ain't playin' no kinda games with our asses," muttered Scooter. "Nothin' this limp dick prick is doin' has been without thought -- includin' havin' LapDog be the only patched in motherfucker out here sprayin' bullets and babysittin' a couple of clueless toddlers that he knew wouldn't be able to handle what the fuck was comin' after the first set started flyin' past our goddamn heads." He dropped his hand on top of the table and tapped his index against the wood. "He knew those other two halfwits would either end up dead or take off 'cause he wants replaceable bodies droppin' in Pink to scare the locals or mouths runnin' from the outside to put the club to shame. His goal remains the same in gettin' us the fuck up outta here to take over but without liftin' his own goddamn fingers to do it to deflect suspicion. The more people he manages to put between us and him, the better off he thinks the Kings are gonna be and look once this shit is over."

  "He's rampin' up 'cause we ain't budgin' on Rocka." Xavier leaned against the edge of the table and glowered. "Tryin' to scope out VP's place for the contracts, then this shit out here..." He stopped and shook his head. "We ain't givin' him the fight he's lookin' for and he's unravelin' faster than pussy on a goddamn spool."

  "The shit sure ain't fast enough for my goddamn taste when it's givin' him ideas like this," said Sniper. "That asshole almost took us out while keepin' a tight grip on our biggest moneymaker since the club patched in it's first goddamn member. Now I can tolerate alota shit -- my old ass has been around long enough to do it without a single fuckin' complaint outside of lack of pussy; but I'm no longer toleratin' this motherfucker's bullshit outbursts like the one tonight; wasn't just us bein' put in the line of fire out here -- it was our women, coulda been our goddamn kids; a single bullet makes its way through the walls of this clubhouse that comes from another party and the Kings won't need to do shit in gettin' us out, 'cause Pink'll gladly do it before word even gets back to the first goddamn resident on the outside."

  "The old man's right." Big Tech glanced at each of his brothers and bobbed his head. "The compound is a safe haven and if tonight had ended badly, we'd all be fucked beyond the walls of the clubhouse and garage combined."

  Sniper's hand tightened around the handle of his cane as he took in a short breath and snaked his gaze across the room. "We need to end this motherfucker before this club is hit with a weight that's too goddamn heavy to lift from its heart." He peeked at Xavier and lifted his chin. "How the fuck is Mariah doin' with the shit she witnessed tonight?"

  Xavier sighed heavily and frowned. "She's copin'; said bein' in the kitchen right now to focus on a buncha dirty dishes is keepin' her sane."

  "You shoulda sent her ass home on this," mumbled Coco.

  "I can't force her to do shit she ain't willin' to do on her own, motherfucker," he shot back. "She wanted to make sure we got shit handled out here and besides all that, she's doin' a fuck of alot better than Cheddar's girl 'fore the prospects had to carry her the fuck outta here on their backs with Gabi's screechin' ass."

  "Yo!" snapped Cheddar. "My girl was practically screamin' on the way out the goddamn door 'cause she was the one stuck fuckin' that ugly, rat-faced son of a bitch before gettin' whiff of an actual dick that ain't been lengthened with help from a cup of goddamn playdough." He sneered. "When we're done here, I'm checkin' on her."

  "I'll be rollin' out with you to check on Gabi," muttered Scooter. "The prospects might be good for lookin' after 'em at your place right now, but the bitch was losin' it before even walkin' through the front goddamn door; shit was more than about random pussy lookin' to hop all over my cock."

  "You think she's hidin' shit from you and this club?" asked Tractor. "What the fuck have you been gettin' from this bitch beyond info for Wexley and a few ball squeezes mixed in with nightly head?"

  Scooter sat up straight and made a face. "What the fuck are you tr
yin' to get at with this shit, VP?"

  "That bitch had you in the back of this clubhouse before all this shit went down out there. Convenient that she decided droppin' to her knees and throwin' your cock into her mouth while we were gettin' set up for Rider, ain't it?"

  "You implyin' she's somehow in on this shit with the goddamn Kings?"

  "I'm implyin' that bitch ain't as innocent as she comes across and lookin' to get back in with us ain't an indication that she ever stopped lookin' to get in elsewhere; we know you ain't asked her between suck sessions. But she ain't no Mariah -- bitch ain't even got enough loyalty to your own cock."

  "What the fuck are you talkin' about?"

  "Come on, motherfucker, everybody in this goddamn room knows by now that she was fuckin' Cheddar like a maniac on high dollar speed before bein' tossed outta here on that barely seen ass she's got," said Coco, "and he was the one to make that shit happen."

  Scooter dragged his eyes to Cheddar and peered as a flood of anger rushed his veins. "You think she's in with this shit too?"

  "I don't fuckin' know." Cheddar lowered his head and clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "And I never said shit out loud to any of these assholes about fuckin' the bitch."

  "How the fuck else would they know about it, asshole?"

  "Maybe they saw when it went down or she ran her goddamn mouth after slidin' it around your cock; maybe they just figured it the fuck out after watchin' her stare at my ass all goddamn night while humpin' your leg like a fuckin' fish at the goddamn bar." He refocused his eyes on the table and grunted. "She's always seemed outta whack -- 'specially after gettin' some and I don't see any signs of that shit havin' changed in her bein' back; matter of fact, tonight seemed to prove she's only gotten worse. Even Mariah said she was actin' outta sorts in bein' territorial with your ass; gettin' you in the back mighta been her way of keepin' your head from bein' knocked off by one of LapDog's bullets."

  Scooter sucked in a breath as his gaze shifted; he dropped his hands along the arms of his chair and jumped to his feet. "Only one goddamn way we're gonna find that shit out, yeah?" He turned on his heel and reached for the door, yanking it open.

  Tractor groaned and slammed his hands on top of the table. "Motherfuck--"

  Scooter bolted before another word was said and stormed across the club, pointing at LapDog and balling his other hand into a fist. "We need to talk, asshole." He stopped in front of the couch and bent forward, allowing LapDog to lean into the cushions and jerk his wrists as they remained tied at his stomach. Scooter's eyes dipped to his feet as the wire wrapped around his ankles began digging into his skin through his jeans. He chuckled. "I'm gonna rip this tape off your goddamn mouth 'cause I need answers on some shit, yeah?"

  "Hold up a minute, brother!" X rushed out of the chapel as Tractor and the others followed. "We need to fuckin' decide on how to handle this shit; out in the open like this ain't it."

  "Why the fuck not?" Red spun away from the bar and shrugged. "You got the rest of us out here watchin' this prick like a group of fuckin' babysitters while bein' up in there whisperin' about shit we ain't supposed to know. Even got Big Tech at the table when the motherfucker still has another six months before he can be patched in!"

  "You bein' on the outside of what the fuck we know right now is for your own goddamn good." Tractor sauntered to the bar and snatched a bottle of cognac from the counter; he removed the lid and drank back what was left before tightening his hand around the neck and tossing it into an overflowing garbage can near the jukebox. "We don't need the club fallin' to pieces over some unworthy prick lookin' to keep tearin' us down from the inside out."

  "It would help if we were told why the fuck we had to keep our eyes on this dipshit, brother." Shadow leaned against the wall near the door and crossed his arms. "Along with why he needed to be tied up and his mouth slammed shut. We know the shit has somethin' to do with Rocka and T-Bone -- might as well let us in on what the fuck the rest of that shit might be."

  Tractor looked to each of his remaining brothers as they gathered around the bar before turning back to the chapel and tossing his hand toward Prez. "You heard 'em, brother. Maybe there ain't no sense in continuin' to keep quiet on this shit after what the fuck happened out here tonight."

  Coco stepped forward and grumbled. "With the truth on this shit comes more questions that we ain't got the goddamn answers to just yet, motherfucker. We let this asshole start runnin' his mouth in front of the rest of 'em and--"

  "What the fuck are you expectin' as result of this shit?" Rider sat down between Red and Chopper and pushed his brows together, curious as his mind rolled back into place. "You keepin' the rest of us in the dark ain't gonna make this shit any better; lettin' us know the goddamn truth can get it movin' forward, get our coke back and keep our women and kids outta harms fuckin' way; ain't that what the fuck this shit was supposed to be about in the first goddamn place?"

  "He's right." Scooter ripped the duct tape from LapDog's mouth and tossed it to the floor.

  X covered his face and wagged his head. "Jesus Christ."

  "FUCKIN' SHIT!" LapDog pressed his lips together and flinched against the couch as the sting of glue lit his mouth on fire. "Almost snatched off my goddamn skin!"

  "We wouldn't be so goddamn lucky on that shit." Scooter straightened himself and folded his arms. "What the fuck do you know about a Gabriella Hernandez?"

  He soured. "I don't know shit about a bitch with that name. Unless she's ever been on my cock--"

  "She wouldn't have fuckin' been."

  "You sure?"

  "Goddamn positive." Scooter peered before continuing. "Start talkin' on why the fuck this shit happened out here tonight, asshole."

  "He means start talkin' on why the fuck you told X that those bullets were bein' aimed at his goddamn head," said Cheddar.

  "'Cause they fuckin' were." LapDog bent forward and spit on the floor. "T-Bone needs this asshole put down before he has the chance to make it back onto Wexley's campus next week; didn't need you knowin' this shit was comin' from the Kings, but--"

  "You fucked up, that's goddamn clear." Prez walked into the middle of the room and grimaced. "How the fuck does he know about X and Wexley?"

  "He got suspicious after learnin' about X takin' Mariah home. Started doin' some diggin' and askin' questions 'til he found what he was lookin' for; motherfucker's got all the info he needs about you showin' up there next week, right down to the goddamn time. That said, I also ain't the only pair of eyes out there anymore either -- I'm just the smartest, sharpest pair he's got left."

  "Yeah," said X, "that 'smart' shit has been proven tonight with you bein' the first one we actually snatched up while those other two pricks only needed a few hundred in green to keep quiet and be sent outta the goddamn state without question."

  "You can't even be sure they're actually gettin' the fuck out."

  "We got eyes on 'em, dumbass," said Scooter.

  "Oh yeah? The same goddamn pair you got on T-Bone?" he replied. "Same goddamn pair you had on me?" He chortled. "T-Bone knows what the fuck he's doin' in gettin' your asses riled the fuck up and ready to push the fuck outta Pink."

  "To make way for the Kings? Yeah, he can't do shit if we stop him first," said Tech. "One start to that shit is by makin' sure the motherfucker he's usin' as the new right hand for his cock remains at bay."

  LapDog sneered. "You ain't keepin' my ass out here."

  "We can, motherfucker and goddamn will," snapped Prez. "Now who the fuck was T-Bone gettin' his information from, and you better be straight on with this shit or I'm gonna allow Cheddar to make due on his promise to blow off that dick and make you swallow it straight to the goddamn balls."

  He swallowed hard and shifted his jaw, then dropped his eyes to the floor and sniffed as his eyes watered. "I told you that I ain't the only asshole he's got hangin' around out there--"

  "Who the fuck else?" he questioned. "We ain't got all goddamn night to play a fuckin' game with
your ass -- you start talkin' or we shut you up for good."

  "I don't fuckin' know that shit, alright? Those dim fucks on campus don't know a goddamn thing beyond the coke."

  "How the fuck were they able to steal the shit from under our goddamn noses?" asked Scooter.

  "Rocka; that asshole spilled on your shit like an overflowin' tea kettle after you had his ass tossed and his patches revoked. T-Bone kept what he'd been told in a vault, only tellin' me and Flex before decidin' that we needed to make moves in snatchin' it up when the time was right."

  "And that time was after Rocka gained his shares of ACE'S," said Xavier. "You and his VP know about that shit too?"

  LapDog shut his eyes and nodded. "He didn't want the rest knowin' 'til a transfer down here was made official."

  Chopper glanced between them, confused, and frowned. "What the fuck about ACE'S?"

  "Goddamn Kings own 49 fuckin' percent," replied Tractor.

  "SAY. WHAT?!" Red jumped from his chair and slammed his feet to the floor. "How the fuck did that shit happen?"

  "How the fuck else do you think?" muttered Coco. He swiped his hand across his forehead and grunted. "That asshole signed over 49% of his shares to T-Bone and the Kings while keepin' 2 for himself as a way to get us fucked in case he croaked."

  Poke pushed himself away from the wall near the window and dropped his hands inside his pockets; he shrugged. "Where the fuck is Rocka right goddamn now?"

  "Burned to a goddamn crisp and probably blown across Highway 80 by now." Tractor smirked. "T-Bone had the motherfucker taken out the same day we headed off to see what the fuck was up at ACE'S."

  "This shit was right after Shauna called out here in a goddamn panic?" asked Rugger. "That's what it was about?" He sat down next to an abandoned stripper pole and shook his head. "So the asshole ain't just missin'?"

  "Nope. Son of a bitch never went missin', but we needed to keep things low key out here 'til we could figure out exactly what the fuck we were bein' put up against."


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