The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean

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The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean Page 109

by Carolina Lopez-Ruiz

  Byblos tenth century BCE inscription 58, 69, 224–5, 225, 243, 469–70, 718

  Amarna letters 44

  archive 11

  art 349–53, 360–1, 366

  cemetery 134, 718

  coalition against Shalmaneser III 63–4, 66, 471

  excavations 126–9, 717, 719

  Hellenistic period 102, 225

  ivory (carving production) 360–1, 472

  in the Hebrew Bible 667

  mint 93, 104, 386, 393–6, 395, 396, 398–9

  natural harbor 716

  neo-Assyrian period 63–4, 66–8

  pantheon 92, 119, 121, 276, 285

  Persian-age inscription 91, 225, 286, 363

  Phoenician dialect of 203, 211–12

  Report of Wenamun 12, 44–5

  Roman period 112–14, 118–20, 226

  rulers 12, 44–5, 67–8, 396

  Tiglath-pileser 1, 44, 467

  Byrsa hill, Carthage cemeteries 293–4, 297, 412

  Decumanus Maximus Quarter 78, 435, 440–1

  Hannibal Quarter 435, 438

  houses built against the 178, 443, 445–6

  name explained in foundation myth 144, 146, 680

  southern slope 157

  Byzantium (Byzantion) xvii, 111, 122, 693


  Cabezo del Estaño 586, 590

  Cádiz (Gadir; Gades; Gadeira) Casa del Obispo 295–8, 301, 306

  in ancient sources 61, 261–2, 587, 589, 595–6, 617–23, 676

  relationship with Rome 596–8

  salted fish production 413, 594

  sanctuary of Melqart (Herakleion) 261–2, 265, 285, 618–21, 624

  Teatro Cómico 78–9, 231, 436, 589

  Tolosa Latour plot 300

  see also Castillo de Doña Blanca; Chiclana

  Cadmus (Kadmos) brings alphabet to the Greeks 116, 673, 687, 689, 693, 723

  Europa and 263, 720–1

  founder of Thebes 108, 494, 673

  lineage of 100, 108, 117

  Said Aql 723

  Caere (Cerveteri) 31, 148, 505, 511, 513–15; see also Regolini-Galassi tomb

  Caesarea Ituraeorum (Arca) 112, 114–15, 121

  Cagliari 284, 288, 294–5, 436, 439, 527–8

  Calabria 264, 507–8, 516

  Campania 507–8, 510, 512, 580

  Can Partit necropolis (Ibiza) 592

  Canaanites ancient 720

  in biblical sources 42, 120, 274, 659

  in Egyptian sources 42

  in Mesopotamian sources 42

  participating in seaborne trade 261, 424, 587

  potential unifying name for Phoenicians 199, 657, 699

  Cape Bon 149, 158–9

  Cape Gammarth 163, 437, 458

  Cape Gelidonya shipwreck 424

  Cappidazzu (Motya) 79–80, 541–2, 547–8

  Caracalla 111, 113, 620, 687, 690

  caravan routes 469, 474

  Carchemish (Karkemish) xviii, 64, 68, 467, 472, 497

  Carmel, Mount 40, 122, 125, 128, 279–80, 664

  carpological remains 78, 162, 456, 590, 611

  Cartagena, see Carthago Nova

  Carteia 593, 595, 596, 597, 623

  Carthage (Karkhedôn; Qart Hadasht) site(s), see Bir Massouda; Byrsa hill; Chapelle Cintas; Cothon harbor; Sainte-Monique necropolis

  Carthago Nova (Cartagena; Qart Hadasht) xvii, 141–2, 174, 397, 399, 410, 436, 595, 597, 634

  casemate wall 589–90, 594, 610–11

  cash crop 170, 178, 455

  Cassius Dio 691

  Castel di Decima 509, 511, 513, 515

  Castillo de Doña Blanca archaeobotanical evidence 456, 594

  domestic architecture 436, 589

  faunal evidence 457

  inscriptions 231, 611

  parallel with Lixus 631

  lead 410

  Castro Marim 604, 610–11

  Castro dos Ratinhos 407, 604, 606–7, 613

  Cato the Elder (Porcius Cato, Marcus) 156, 179, 453, 581, 677, 701

  cattle (bovines) as offering or eaten at funerary feast 285, 301, 303, 563

  as sign of wealth 457

  as tribute to Shalmaneser III 402

  breeding 413, 453, 455, 457, 590, 639

  as draft animal 413

  cauldrons, metal 372, 500, 514, 524, 592

  Cebel Ireis Daği, Phoenician inscription 200, 227, 244

  cedar (Cedrus libani) Byblos 44, 349, 350

  Hiram I 58, 65, 660

  in Lebanese flag 719

  Nabonidus 69

  Psammetichus I 69–70

  Report of Wenamun 45

  Tiglath-pileser I 44

  Cerro del Villar early Phoenician 79, 82–4, 436, 447, 589, 590, 613

  food preparation and consumption 31–2, 456

  House 2 2, 436, 439, 442, 447

  workshop 82–4, 83, 438, 446

  Cerveteri (Caere) 31, 148, 505, 511, 513–15; see also Regolini-Galassi tomb

  Ceuta (Septem Fratres) 435, 627, 628, 633, 639

  chaîne opératoire 341, 345

  chamber tombs 134, 460, 487, 549, 560, 592

  Chapelle Cintas, Carthage 146, 320

  Chhim 127, 129

  chicken (domestic fowl) 302, 454, 457, 563, 590, 605, 611

  Chiclana 589, 589

  Chronicles, Hebrew Bible 660–2, 721

  Cicero (Tullius Cicero, Marcus) De lege agraria 679

  De oratore 266

  De republica 678–9, 703

  In Verrem 28, 163, 165, 557–8, 562

  Pro Scauro 677–8

  Tusculanae disputationes 185–6

  Cilicia 11th and 10th centuries BCE 469

  Assyrian control 474

  Early Iron Age 467–8

  kingdom of Tarhuntassa 467

  Persian period 389–90, 396, 399, 472, 475

  Phoenician influence on art of 473

  Phoenician inscriptions 62, 227, 472–3

  Phoenician port (Myriandros) 62, 125, 472, 494

  Phoenician trade with 468–9, 474

  Que 62, 67

  satrap of 389–90, 396, 399

  Çineköy inscription 200, 227

  cinnamon 32, 297, 403, 469

  cippus (cippi) 229, 313, 353, 497, 553, 623–4, 618

  Cirta, see Constantine

  Claudius Iolaus 620, 680

  coffin Ahiram sarcophagus 58, 298, 352–3, 394–5, 718

  anthropomorphic 134, 304, 353, 355, 485, 486, 487, 500, 718

  architectural 354, 485

  basalt 353

  Egyptianizing 226

  Eshmunazor II sarcophagus 91, 226, 304, 718

  marble 134–5, 163, 353, 485, 500

  “priestess of St. Monique” sarcophagus 163

  Tabnit sarcophagus 32, 91, 226, 304

  terracotta 355, 553

  wooden 135, 301, 560

  Colline Metallifere 411, 512

  colonia Iulia Augusta Felix Berytus, see Berytus

  colonia Iulia Augusta Felix Heliopolis, see Heliopolis

  Columella (Lucius Iunius Moderatus) 266, 453, 456, 597

  Conímbriga 604, 610

  connectivity maritime 556, 558, 560–1, 563, 565

  Late Bronze Age 43

  Mediterranean-wide 103, 533

  North Africa 188

  studies in 100–1, 397–80, 505–8

  Constantine (Cirta) El-Hofra sanctuary (tophet) 234–5, 288, 314

  inscriptions 189

  suffetes 187–8

  port of 638

  conviviality 304, 514–15; see also banquet; feast

  Corinthian pottery Carthage 162

  Iberian Peninsula 592, 595, 610

  Ibiza 577

  Italian Peninsula 508, 510

  Corsica xvii, 147–8, 161, 529, 648, 650

  Cortijo de Montañez 81, 84

  Cortijo de San Isidro 80, 81

  Cothon harbor 179

  Crete “Green” alphabet 246

  Aristotle comparing Carthage’s constitution
with 266, 700

  Dictys of 259, 681, 693

  Europa 721

  Late Bronze Age 43

  modern identity of 729

  Phoenician artifacts 343, 356–8, 495–7, 498, 647

  Phoenician cippi 497, 498

  Phoenician inscription 229, 248, 493

  sea routes via 365, 493, 501, 648

  transmission of Phoenician alphabet 248–9

  see also Eleutherna; Knossos; Kommos; Tekke

  Crimisus, Battle of 161, 675

  Cruz del Negro-type urn 608, 610–11, 630–1, 635

  Cuccureddus di Villasimius 522, 529

  Cumae 161, 511, 674

  Cypro-Phoenician kingdom 481, 484–6, 489

  Cypro-Phoenician artifacts 363, 376, 408, 494–7

  Cypro-syllabic script 376, 485–7

  Cyrus Cylinder 69


  Dagon 393

  Damascus xviii, 63, 65–6, 112, 470–1

  Damaskios 259, 688

  David 64–5, 660–2, 666

  deer 315, 458, 590

  Delos 277, 500

  Delphi xvii, 116, 673–4

  Demeter cult 151, 161, 283, 285, 548

  Demetrias, Greek-Phoenician bilingual inscriptions 230

  Deuteronomy, Hebrew Bible 659, 661

  diaspora Heliopolitan triad 122

  of Lebanese merchants 704, 720

  of Leventine mythological heritage 274, 279, 281

  of Phoenicians in Sardinia 521, 526, 531–3

  of Phoenicians in the Nile Delta 350

  of the tophet 320–2

  Phoenician 28, 30, 77, 99, 183, 413, 454, 585, 725

  Tyrian 622, 624–5

  Dictys of Crete, Journal of the Trojan War (Ephemeris Belli Troiani) 259, 681, 693

  Dido, see Elissa

  Diodorus of Sicily (Siculus) Historical Library 156

  on Carthage and Carthage’s hinterland 158–62, 548, 622, 675–6

  on child sacrifice 318

  on Cyprus 488–9

  on Gadir 619

  on Ibiza 147, 571

  on Malta and Gozo 428, 560

  on Punic treachery 677

  on Rhodes 494

  on Sicily 150–1, 161–2, 540, 543, 675

  Dionysius (Dionysios) I 161, 539, 544–5

  Dionysius II 162

  Dionysos (Bacchus; Bakchos) 122, 261, 673

  Dios (Dius) 10–11, 58, 60, 264, 662–3, 680

  Djed pillar 351, 366

  Djerba, island of 560, 733

  dog 302, 458, 590

  dolphin iconography 391–2, 399, 546

  donkey 454, 611

  Dor a Tjeker (Tjekker)/Sikil settlement 45, 466­

  Babylonian period 475

  incorporated into kingdom of Israel 40, 470

  part of Canaan of the Hebrew Bible 659

  part of Iron Age I Phoenicia 10, 40, 45, 466–9

  Persian period 125, 128, 475

  Phoenician inscriptions 228

  “pier and rubble” wall 130

  Dorieus, the Spartan 149, 543

  Dougga (Thugga) probably called Tocae (Tokai) by Diodorus 159

  inscriptions in Libyco-Berber alphabet 251

  Punic heritage 735

  Republican period 185

  Roman colonist and religious rituals 190

  suffetes 188

  tophet 322

  tower 165, 295

  Drepana 172, 430–1

  duoviri 187–8


  Ebesos (Ebusus), see Ibiza

  Edom xviii, 65, 666–7

  Egadi islands, Battle of the 430–1, 431

  egersis 278–9, 286–7, 618, 621–2, 664

  El Carambolo 406, 586, 587–8; see also Seville

  El Haouaria quarries 149, 158

  El-Hofra sanctuary (Constantine) 234–5, 288

  El Sec shipwreck 454, 595

  Elagabalus 115, 681, 689–91

  El-Amrouni inscription 304

  Elephantine 280–1

  Eleutherna (Eleftherna) xvii, 358, 495–7, 498, 647; see also Crete

  Eli-Baal 58, 69

  Elissa (ʻAlišat; Dido) and present-day Punic heritage 729, 737

  depiction on coins 117, 687–8

  Justin (Justinus), Epitome 143–6, 262, 680

  suicide 282

  Menander of Ephesus 142

  Timaeus of Taormina (Timaios of Tauromenion) 61, 142, 679–80

  versions of foundation of Carthage 281–2, 679–80

  Virgil’s Aeneid 142, 263, 281, 680

  Elulaios, King of Tyre 483

  Elymians (Elymes) 151, 537; see also Eryx

  Elyssa (Elissa) shipwreck 339, 344, 425–8, 472

  Emesa (Homs) 112, 690–2

  Emporion (Ampurias) xvii, 578, 651

  emporion 145, 472, 565

  Emsa-Lal-la Juimaa 633, 639

  enchytrismos (enchytrismoi) burial(s) 295, 510

  eparchia 543–4, 546–7

  Eratosthenes 11, 675–6

  Eretria 500–1; see also Euboea

  Eryx 284, 287, 430, 538, 547–8, 704

  Eryx Mount 149, 543

  Es Cuyram Cave 231–2, 232, 285

  Esarhaddon (Esharhaddon) annals 61–2, 408

  palace in Nineveh 68, 482

  period of 60, 63, 67–8

  sack of Sidon 69, 351, 359, 363, 658–9

  treaty with Baal of Tyre 64, 67, 264, 279, 474

  Eshmun (Eshmoun; Esmounos; ’Ešmun) Amrit 276

  Arwad 276

  –Asklepios 688

  –Ashtart 279

  Carthage 283

  dedications to 231, 233, 280, 485

  figurine 355

  –Melqart 279, 573

  North Africa 284

  Sardinia 284

  Sarepta 277

  Sidonian 91–3, 276–8, 351, 388

  temple at Bustan esh-Sheikh 91, 94, 132, 226, 277, 352, 387

  Tyre 279

  see also Asklepios (Aesculapius); Apollo

  Eshmunazor (Eshmunazar) dynasty 128, 277, 286, 398

  Eshmunazor (Eshmunazar) II sarcophagus 91, 226, 304, 718

  Ethbaal (Ithobaal; Itto-Baal) father of Jezebel 660, 663

  founder of Auza 61, 77

  founder of Botrys 59, 77, 494

  priest of Ashtart 286

  Tyre, united with Sidon 470–1

  Etruria exchange network with Sardinia 510, 514, 527, 532

  metal trade 411, 511

  Phoenician presence in 511–15

  relationship with Pithekoussai 510

  trade with Phoenician colonies in western Mediterranean 162, 512, 595

  see also Caere (Cerveteri); Etruscans; Pyrgi; Tarquinia; Thefarie Velianas; Vetulonia

  Etruscans 148, 258, 543, 674, 678, 704

  Euagoras (Evagoras) I 395, 488–9

  Euagoras (Evagoras) II 390

  Euboea (Euboia) xvii, 246, 248, 250, 356, 471, 500–1; see also Eretria

  Euhemerism 275, 688

  Euphrates 64, 112, 472–3

  Europa 263, 687, 720–3, 722

  Eusebius (Eusebios) of Caesarea, Praeparatio Evangelica 11, 116, 275, 694

  Evagoras, see Euagoras

  Ezekiel, Book of 60, 475, 665–7, 717


  faience Egyptian 178, 496, 612

  small artifacts 359, 364, 473, 497, 499, 500, 510

  Uluburun shipwreck 424

  workshops 362, 364, 499

  favissa 133, 313, 351, 355

  feast as soft power strategy 175

  at Għer ix-Xiħ shrine 563

  at Tas-Silġ 563

  burial of the divinity 285

  egersis 278–9, 286–7, 618, 621–2, 664

  funerary 301, 303–4

  marzeaḫ (mrzḫ) 226, 287, 303

  see also banquet; conviviality

  fig (tree) 302, 456, 590, 594, 637, 701

  figurine Akkar Plain workshops 355

  as part of burial assemblage 164, 299, 460, 487, 496, 500

sp; bronze 497, 523–4

  Deae Gravidae 355

  Egyptian 129, 356

  faience 499

  of a worshiper 355

  of a deity 355–6, 497, 499–500

  of a musician 164, 299, 299, 355

  of a priest(ess) 163–4

  stone 563

  terracotta 26, 133, 164, 355, 366, 561

  three-dimensial 360

  Tyrian workshops 355

  fish consumption of 82, 413, 428, 563, 590

  content of Phoenician amphora 82–3, 594

  garum 403, 413, 563

  plate 233, 633

  remains at cemeteries 301–3, 315

  salted 413, 578, 594, 596–7

  symbol 439

  fishing 355, 413, 576, 578, 590

  Flavius Josephus, see Josephus

  Flaubert, Gustave M., Salammbô 311, 703, 705

  Fossa Regia 185–6, 191

  foundation myth(s) of Carteia (possibly) 623

  of Carthage 142–5, 262–3, 679–80

  of Gadir (Cádiz) 262, 619–20, 625

  of Icisium 636, 639

  of the Tartessians 263

  of Thebes 494, 673, 723

  of Tyre 261–2, 617–18

  Francavilla Marittima, Macchiabate cemetery 508, 509, 512


  Gadir, see Cádiz

  galena ores 407, 569, 572

  galley on coins from Aradus 393–4

  on coins from Byblos 395–6, 399

  on coins from Sidon 387–9, 398

  on Sennacherib’s reliefs, Nineveh 425–6, 426

  two-banked (bireme) 646, 721

  games 108, 113, 115, 672, 688

  Gammarth, see Cape Gammarth

  garum 403, 413, 563

  Gaulos, see Gozo

  Gaza xvii, xviii, 10, 96, 392, 470, 659

  Gela 161, 538, 549, 622

  Gelon, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse 150–1, 674, 677

  Genesis, Hebrew Bible 658–60, 665

  Għajn Qajjet 556, 557

  Għar Barka 557, 560

  Għar ix-Xiħ 554, 563

  glass artifacts as part of burial assemblage 496, 499, 500, 508, 578, 612

  beads 473, 500, 512, 578, 612

  ingots 424

  Phoencian production 90, 113, 364, 414, 475, 499, 577

  Phoenician production in Portugal 605, 613

  Phoenician production on Sardinia (Nuraghe Sirai) 530

  Phoenician trade in artefacts of 95, 364, 473, 475

  goat, see ovicaprids

  goldsmith 158, 406, 412, 441, 496–7, 609

  Gordion xvii, xviii, 250

  Gozo Għar ix-Xiħ 554, 563

  Ras il-Wardija 26, 556, 561


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