Mister Tonight

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Mister Tonight Page 4

by Kendall Ryan

  When I arrived at Kate’s entrance, the door was slightly ajar, so I knocked lightly before gently pushing it open. “Kate?” I called, stepping through the door. “I just wanted to swing by to drop off your keys and see if you need anything.”

  “Be there in a sec!” Her voice came from the bedroom, accompanied by the sound of boxes sliding across the hardwood floor.

  Shutting the door behind me, I wandered into the living room, where Kate had already begun assembling a bookshelf and sorting boxes. Before I could take a peek at what kind of books she liked, she came walking around the corner, her face flushed, tiny beads of sweat on her forehead.

  “Thanks for dropping off the keys. I would have completely forgotten about them in all the chaos of moving.” She chuckled and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

  The combination of her flushed appearance and slightly out-of-breath voice took me right back to that night at my place, her voluptuous body pressing into mine, her lips on my skin. I could feel a stirring behind my zipper, so I promptly wandered around the room, nervous that she might notice the action in my pants and take it the wrong way.

  Not that I didn’t want her to think I was interested. But the last thing I wanted was to seem like a creepy landlord preying on his latest tenant.

  “No worries,” I said lightly, walking over to the bookshelf. “It looks like you’ve been busy. I’m impressed.” I turned and flashed her a smile while gesturing to the newly assembled bookshelf, and I could have sworn she blushed a little.

  “Well, when you live alone, you have to be able to take care of yourself,” she replied, raising a playfully arched brow.

  She walked to the opposite end of the bookshelf, and I couldn’t help feeling like we were circling each other, testing the physical boundaries of our new dynamic.

  I took a step toward her. “I don’t doubt that you’re more than capable. But know that if you ever need anything, I’m always available.”

  “Careful. Anything is a pretty big offer.” Her mouth twisted into a coy smile.

  “I mean it. Anything.” I held her gaze for a few seconds longer than appropriate. God, what I wouldn’t give to just push you up against that wall right now.

  Kate smiled and chuckled softly before turning away and tucking her hair behind her ear.

  Maybe I’d gone too far, but I meant it. Even if our connection wasn’t serious, I was already feeling a little protective of her. She was a single woman, and if she needed a man for a job, something inside me wanted to be that man.

  Running my fingers over the top of the bookshelf, I let my gaze wander over the boxes scattered throughout the room. Books, kitchen supplies, knickknacks . . . whoa.

  “Wow,” I said as I locked on a much larger box in a corner of the room. “You have a huge vinyl collection.” I walked toward it, my eyes growing larger by the second.

  “You’re into vinyl?” she asked, a smile spreading across her face.

  “Big time. Do you mind if I take a look?”

  “Be my guest.”

  When I reached the box, I bent over and began thumbing through her records, all housed in pristine sleeves. I’d already thought that Kate was cool and sexy, but this? This was taking it to a whole new level.

  “Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, the Beatles . . . you’ve got all the classics,” I said, unable to hide the surprise and admiration in my voice. I couldn’t believe that Kate liked music this much . . . or that our taste in music was so similar.

  She joined me in front of the box. “I started collecting them when I was sixteen. Once I got into it, I couldn’t really stop. It’s a little out of hand.” She chuckled, rolling her eyes.

  “No, no, this is amazing. Like really fucking cool.” I was so floored, I didn’t have it in me to be articulate. “Paul Simon? I love this album.” I turned to look at her with wide eyes, shaking my head in disbelief.

  “If you want to borrow any of them, you’re welcome to. Normally, I keep my obsession with records to myself, but now that you know, I guess the cat’s out of the bag—or the album’s out of the sleeve, in this instance, so you’re more than welcome. And if you ever want to come by for a listen, I’m only a short walk away.”

  “Yeah, of course, that would be great. Maddie loves this stuff too.” Shit. Nothing like bringing up your kid to kill the mood.

  “Maybe a little dance party will help her warm up to me.” Kate gave me a crooked smile.

  “Nah, she likes you just fine. She’s just . . . adjusting.” That’s one way of putting it.

  “Well, I just hope she’s, uh, not scarred for life,” Kate said.

  We both chuckled awkwardly, and I struggled to keep myself from picturing Kate naked for the tenth time today.

  “She’ll be fine,” I said, placing the record back in the box. “That reminds me, I should probably get going. Maddie’s quiet time is ending soon, and she’ll be upset if I’m not back when she comes out.” That, and if I stayed in Kate’s apartment any longer, I wasn’t fully confident I’d be able to avoid making a move on her.

  “Right, of course. Thanks for stopping by,” she said, walking me to the door.

  As I stepped outside, I turned to wave awkwardly before turning the corner around the garage, my heart beating fast. Kate waved back, smiling softly, and shut the door.

  Back at my house, I had about ten minutes left before Maddie came barreling out of her room, insisting that she didn’t need quiet time anymore. I took the few minutes of silence to collect my thoughts.

  I could already tell that I was in trouble when it came to this woman. No matter how badly I wanted to forget what happened between us, every time I was around her, I couldn’t keep my mind from wandering to the sight of her naked body, the feel of her slick warmth around me. And that vinyl collection? It wasn’t helping anything either. She was sexy and interesting. And living mere yards away from me.

  I had to find a solution to all this pent-up sexual energy, and fast.

  Chapter Five


  The air conditioner in the apartment had decided to die on me on the hottest day of the year so far. Worse, I was struggling to pull off the tape I’d used to roll up my gray shag rug.

  I’d moved in my things a few days ago, but between writing my column and several long meetings with my editor, I’d barely even been in the apartment, never mind unpacking everything. Now, after an afternoon of rearranging furniture and unpacking boxes in the heat, I was sweating like I’d just run a marathon.

  I’d stayed motivated by telling myself I could have a cocktail once I got everything done, because I was definitely going to need one. I didn’t do well in heat—the only place I liked to get this hot and sweaty was in the bedroom.

  Despite the setback with the air conditioner, I was excited about the way the apartment was coming together. I hated to admit it, but I was starting to appreciate suburban life. It was so quiet out here, and I was getting the best sleep of my life. Maybe I was just getting old and boring, but watching the little ducks splash around in the backyard pond was my new favorite hobby.

  It was a great apartment, and if I could just get it all unpacked, I’d finally be settled.

  There was only one way to deal with this situation if I didn’t want to melt into a puddle. I stripped off my soaking-wet T-shirt and shorts, opting to unpack in my bra and panties, and splashed some cold water on my face. I dug my portable speaker out from the bottom of a box and put on my “happy” playlist. I’d never lived in my own place before, but I had a feeling I was going to like it. Especially if it meant I could hang out in my underwear listening to Bruno Mars anytime I wanted.

  I looked out the window between the shades and noticed Hunter’s car in the driveway. I hadn’t seen him since our last awkward encounter, when Maddie had first realized that the random woman she’d caught straddling her dad had moved in. We’d ended the night normally enough, but I still felt uncomfortable about the whole thing. He and I had almost had a run-in the
other day as I was getting in my car to meet my editor, but I’d pretended not to see him. I told myself I wasn’t avoiding him; I’d just been busy and hadn’t had time to make small talk.

  As if on cue, Hunter stepped out his front door carrying a trash bag, and I jumped away from my window, my heart racing.

  Okay, so maybe I was avoiding him. But it seemed like I couldn’t be around this guy without making a fool of myself, so I wasn’t exactly in a rush to see him.

  “Uptown Funk” came on and I grinned. This was the perfect song to make me forget all the drama with Hunter. Yes, I knew it was overplayed, but I still loved it and couldn’t sit still when it came on. I might be a thirty-year-old woman, but I still knew how to get down.

  I was just getting into the chorus, doing my best reenactment of the music video and holding up a wooden spoon as a microphone, when I heard a voice behind me. I spun around, mid hip-thrust, and saw Hunter standing in the doorway. We stared at each other for a moment as he took in the scene.

  And that scene wasn’t a flattering one. I was in a basic white cotton bra and a pair of neon-green boy-shorts with penguins all over them.

  “Oh my God,” I shouted as Hunter stood gaping. I dove for my T-shirt.

  “Shit. I’m sorry,” he said, turning to look at the wall as I pulled my shirt on. “I didn’t realize . . . The door was open.” He trailed off, standing uncomfortably as I snatched up my shorts.

  Seriously? This was the second time I’d had to rush to put my clothes on in front of Hunter in the past week.

  “It was hot, so I opened the door. I guess I forgot about it,” I said, mortified and trying to ignore my flaming cheeks. I couldn’t have embarrassed myself more in front of him if I’d tried.

  “Sorry,” he said again, once the music was off. “I was coming by to check on the A/C unit. It tends to blow its fuse on really hot days like this.”

  “Yeah, I noticed.” I fanned my sweaty face. I was still recovering from the shock, but I managed to put on a smile. “But thanks for coming to check on it. My last landlord would have let me die of heat exhaustion before fixing anything.”

  “No worries.” Hunter smiled. “I know it can get pretty hot up here. Do you mind if I take a look at it?”

  “Of course.” I gestured toward the fuse box on the wall.

  He unplugged the air conditioner, flipped a few switches, then bent down to plug the air conditioner in. It immediately hummed back to life.

  I grinned as cold air breezed past me. “That was amazing.”

  I made eye contact with Hunter, and my stomach did a somersault.

  “I usually wear clothes,” I added quickly, hoping my face wasn’t as red as it felt. “But it was hot, so, you know. And then that song came on.”

  Jesus, Kate, stop talking.

  He laughed. “Don’t worry about it. It’s my fault for just walking in. I should have called first.”

  “So,” I said, desperate for a subject change. “How’s Maddie?”

  “She’s good.” He smiled, and his eyes lit up like they did every time he talked about his daughter. Even though I wasn’t a kid person, I had to admit it was pretty adorable. “She’s watching a movie in my bed.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “So she kicked you out?”

  He laughed. “Pretty much. She’s very persuasive.”

  “In that case, do you want to stay and have a beer?”

  He glanced out the window.

  “It’s okay if you can’t leave Maddie alone,” I said, but he stopped me.

  “No, she’ll be fine for a few minutes. A beer would be great, actually.”

  I motioned for him to take a seat on the couch while I went to grab two beers from the fridge. If we were really going to be on good terms, I’d need to spend some time getting to know Hunter the person, not the panty-dropper I’d met at a bar. Although, with how good he looked in his casual jeans and T-shirt, that was going to be easier said than done.

  I handed him a beer, and he took a long swig.

  “Long day at work?” I asked.

  He swallowed. “Is it obvious?”

  “You look a little tense, that’s all.”

  “So, she’s beautiful and perceptive,” he said, and my heart skipped a beat.

  I looked down at my beer bottle, suddenly at a loss for words. Still, I could think of a few things I’d like to do with Hunter, and most of them didn’t require clothing.

  “So,” I said, eager to get my mind onto a safe topic. “What’s new in transportation?”

  “Nothing exciting.” He smiled and took another swig. “We’ve just been trying to meet this deadline, and it’s not going well. But seriously, you don’t want to hear about it. Even I’m bored by it.”

  “Okay, so, what’s new in life? Any girl drama?” I paused, realizing what I was saying, then added sheepishly, “Well, other than me.”

  After a beat of silence, we both laughed, and relief washed over me. It seemed like we were finally moving past the awkwardness of that situation.

  “Not much else. You pretty much took the cake on that one.”

  Still laughing, I said, “It wasn’t my finest moment.”

  “At least you’ll never forget what you did on your thirtieth birthday.” He grinned.

  “Thank God I’ll always have that memory to cherish.”

  Still grinning, he ran a hand through his dark hair. I watched him, trying not to get distracted by those expressive eyes and how perfect his full lips and straight white teeth looked when he smiled.

  I’d never gotten turned on by a guy’s lips before, but something about Hunter’s made it impossible not to think about kissing him. I was too aware of how close we were, close enough that I could easily swing my leg over to straddle him. I struggled to keep my breathing even as I imagined his hands grabbing my hips, pulling me closer as I rocked against him. It didn’t help that I knew exactly how good he felt, could still feel his hands on my skin, his mouth possessing me.


  Luckily, Hunter interrupted my thoughts before things got too dirty.

  “What about you?” he asked. “What’s the latest celebrity gossip?”

  “That’s privileged information.” I smiled coyly. It wasn’t, really, but I didn’t think he’d be interested in hearing about who Jennifer Aniston was dating.

  “Okay, let me guess. Taylor Swift has a new boyfriend, and Justin Bieber embarrassed himself at a club.”

  I snorted.

  “Am I close?” Grinning, he took another sip of his beer.

  “I didn’t peg you for the kind of guy who’s up-to-date on celebrity gossip.” I laughed.

  “I have a daughter. She’s only four, but somehow she knows everything.”

  I grinned. “That’s impressive. Maybe I should hire her to be my assistant.”

  “She’d be in here telling you how to write your column on the first day.”

  I laughed and took another sip of beer, feeling like the heat had turned up again in the room. I couldn’t deny it, though. The butterflies were definitely still there, despite my best efforts to keep things platonic.

  I’d never felt like this before around a guy, especially after the way our hookup had gone. In fact, even when things went well with a guy, I usually got bored with them after a week or two. Then again, neither of us got to finish that night, so maybe I was just recovering from the lady version of blue balls. In a few weeks, the tension would ease, and hopefully I wouldn’t be imagining jumping into bed with him every five minutes.

  “I should probably get back and make sure Maddie hasn’t set the house on fire.” He stood up and stretched, and his shirt lifted just enough for me to sneak a look at his hard-as-rock abs.

  I bit my lip. No, Kate. I mentally slapped myself. This was exactly the kind of thing I needed to stop thinking about. Too bad I could still remember how those abs felt under my hands as I rode him.

  “See you around.” I smiled, trying to pretend I wasn’t remembering what his cock f
elt like inside me, and walked him to the door.

  “Thanks for the beer,” he said, then added with a sly grin, “And let me know if you need anything up here. Judging by what I saw earlier, you seem to be having a pretty good time so far.”

  I slapped his shoulder and snorted a laugh. “You’re not allowed to tell anyone about that.”

  “Okay, my lips are sealed.” He smirked before heading down the stairs.

  Once he’d left, I collapsed on the couch, trying to recover from the roller-coaster ride that was my attraction to Hunter. But it was nice to know we could have fun together without getting horizontal.

  I resolved to work even harder to keep our relationship strictly landlord and tenant. After all, I was a classic commitment-phobe; I couldn’t even commit to a cat or a signature lipstick color. What did I think I was doing fantasizing about getting involved with a guy who had a kid? I wasn’t committed to being a stable role model for his daughter, and it wouldn’t be fair to him or her to blur the lines in our relationship, especially when things inevitably went south.

  As much as I wanted to tear my clothes off and finish what we’d started the week before, I’d have to keep it PG, no matter how cute and helpful Hunter was.

  Chapter Six


  “No, no, no, there’s no way I’m letting you wear that on a date,” Kate said, crossing her arms and shaking her head.

  I’d just walked out of my bedroom to show her what I’d thought was a reasonable outfit for a casual let’s start with drinks and see where this goes kind of date. But based on the horrified look on her face? I was dead wrong.

  “What’s wrong with this?” I asked, gesturing at my khaki pants and blue plaid shirt. I wouldn’t have gone so far as to call myself a style expert, but I didn’t think this outfit was that bad.

  Kate’s eyebrows shot straight up, her eyes growing wide with disapproval. “Khakis?” she exclaimed. “For drinks?”

  “They’re nice,” I said defensively, brushing the front of my pants with my palms.

  Kate softened for a moment, uncrossing her arms and sighing. “They are nice,” she said, leaning forward from her spot on the couch to take another sip of her glass of wine, “if you’re going to church on a Sunday and a picnic afterward. But you’re going on a date. I beg of you, go try again.” She nodded authoritatively, scrunching her brows together in a determined look.


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