Mister Tonight

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Mister Tonight Page 8

by Kendall Ryan

  By the time we arrived at the school, the front lawn was already jam-packed with parents and their kids milling around a long wooden table, where rows and rows of baked goods were on display. Maddie quickly spotted her friends and dragged Kate and me over to them, where I introduced Kate to the other parents as our new neighbor.

  “Kate was kind enough to bake this pie for us—with Maddie’s help, of course,” I said. “I’m hopeless when it comes to baking.”

  “When I walked in, he was trying to crack an egg open with a knife.”

  Kate snorted, already charming the hell out of the other parents. They all laughed and began teasing me about my horrible baking skills, sparing no details when it came to all the times I’d tried to pass off store-bought cookies as my own.

  “You would’ve gotten away with it if you’d just remembered to remove the price tag,” my friend Sandra said, laughing.

  Sandra was Ashley’s mom, and Ashley was Maddie’s best friend. The two of them were already giggling and pointing at all the different cakes and cookies lined up on the table, chattering away like only four-year-old girls can.

  Just as I was about to come up with a response, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to find a petite woman standing there in tight jeans and one of the T-shirts the preschool had made for the parents on the board. She was smiling widely at me and tossed her hair over one shoulder before speaking.

  “Hunter, I didn’t know you’d be here! Did you bake something?” she said loudly, her voice cheery and excited.

  “Hey, June, how are you? No, this time around I had to call in reinforcements.” I stepped back to make room for Kate in the conversation.

  June gave Kate a quick once-over before smiling broadly and sticking out her hand. “Well, hi there, stranger! I’m June, Erika’s mom. How do you know our Hunter?” she asked, looking quickly from Kate’s face to mine, and then back to Kate’s.

  Our Hunter?

  “I’m his neighbor,” Kate said, smiling and shaking June’s hand. “I didn’t realize he had such a reputation for being a horrible baker.”

  June kept smiling, but something in her eyes changed. I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable about the way she was looking at Kate. June had been hinting that she was into me for a while, and judging by the eye daggers she was silently throwing in Kate’s direction, I was guessing those feelings hadn’t changed, despite the fact I’d never shown any interest in her.

  “Well, Hunter,” June said, her voice taking on a more serious tone, “you know you can call me anytime with whatever you need. I’m always here to offer you my services,” she added, raising her eyebrows slightly. As she spoke, she put her hand on my arm, squeezing it slightly.

  “Thanks, June, I appreciate that.” I smiled politely.

  June nodded and gave my arm another squeeze before sauntering away to monitor some rogue preschoolers stealing licks of frosting off cupcakes around the corner.

  “I didn’t realize how popular you were here,” Kate said, watching Maddie and Ashley survey brownies a few feet away from us.

  “Yeah, the whole single-dad thing kind of makes me stand out,” I replied as the two of us wandered in Maddie’s direction.

  “It seems like you’re a pretty hot commodity around here,” Kate said.

  “I guess. I think the moms are just happy to see some dads around every once in a while.”

  We walked in silence for a while, watching Maddie and occasionally chatting with the other parents. Kate continued to be her charming, outgoing self, but in between conversations, I could tell that something was bothering her. Suddenly, I felt bad for bringing her. I was sure that hanging out at a preschool bake sale was the last thing she wanted to do on her Saturday afternoon.

  Great, drive your hookup away with how boring your life really is. Nice one, Hunter.

  Maddie picked out the baked goods she wanted, and we stepped in line to pay. Kate stood with me in line while Maddie ran around the lawn with Ashley and a few of her other friends. I was happy to let her get the last of her energy out before going home for the afternoon.

  “Hey,” Kate said, crossing her arms and lowering her voice. “Just because we’re messing around doesn’t mean you can’t date. Clearly, June’s into you, and I’m sure a lot of the other moms here are too. If that’s what you want, you should totally go for it. I’ll just . . . fade into the background, no hard feelings.”

  Her words hit me like a sucker punch straight to the crotch. Didn’t see that coming.

  “Kate, I—”

  Before I could finish, Maddie came barreling into me, wrapping her arms around my legs and laughing.

  “Safe, I’m safe!” she cried, laughing hysterically as her friends formed a circle around us, clearly annoyed that they couldn’t tag Maddie in their game. I gave Kate an apologetic look before looking down at Maddie.

  “This is your five-minute warning, okay? It’s almost time to go.”

  “Aw, okay,” Maddie said, still gripping my legs and leaning into me, opting to stay at my side rather than run off and enjoy the last five minutes with her best friend.

  Soon, we were at the front of the line. We paid for our two brownies and slice of cake, happy to find that every slice of our apple pie had been sold.

  “Told you a little brown on top makes it better,” Kate bent down and said to Maddie. The two of them smiled at each other, and Maddie ran to her side to give her a small hug.

  Once back at my place, I put Maddie down for some quiet time. When I came back into the kitchen, I found Kate standing over the sink, cleaning up from the pie baking earlier.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I said, joining her by the sink.

  “I made the mess. It only makes sense that I clean it up,” she replied, scrubbing the last bits of crusty dough out of the mixing bowl.

  I gently took the bowl and sponge out of her hands. “I don’t think that’s how it works.”

  Kate let me take them and moved out of the way, turning to stand next to me as she leaned against the counter.

  “I really appreciate all your help today,” I said, loading the measuring cups into the dishwasher. “I can’t imagine what we would’ve done without you.”

  “Yeah, of course. Don’t worry about it. It was fun,” she said, shrugging with a smile.

  “Also, as far as what you were saying earlier about June . . . she’s been into me for a while, and she’s been less than subtle about it. If I wanted to date her, I would’ve done that already. I’m not interested.”

  Kate nodded but didn’t look at me, staring into the living room behind me. “Well, even if it’s not her, just know that I’m okay with that. You dating someone else.”

  She was trying to be nice. But why does that thought make me want to hit something?

  I took a deep breath, trying to keep any agitation out of my voice. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I glanced out the window, looking for signs of Hunter. It was a sunny day, and I was hoping he’d be outside playing with Maddie or working on the yard. I hadn’t seen him since the bake sale, and I couldn’t seem to get him off my mind.

  I’d tried meditation and yoga, but after my first downward dog, I gave up. I’d even considered going on a run before deciding I didn’t need him off my mind that bad.

  Something was gnawing at me, making me uneasy, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on why. I thought maybe if I could just see him, I would finally be able to concentrate and figure out what was up with me.

  When I tried to distract myself with work, my mind kept drifting, so I decided to clean the kitchen. Usually, cleaning and organizing relaxed me, but as I wiped down the countertops, I only grew more and more anxious. I mean, we’d had a great time at the bake sale, but suddenly I was feeling like a crazy person.

  I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and picked up the bottle of detergent, realizing that I’d been staring blankly at nothing, completely zone
d out for several minutes. After closing the dishwasher, I pressed Start and walked away, determined to get out of my head.

  A few minutes later, I jolted . . . there were bubbles everywhere.

  Fuck. I’m losing it. I took a deep breath, worried that I was no longer adorably neurotic but had become full-blown psychotic. Whatever the case, I had a kitchen full of bubbles that needed to be dealt with.

  Yeah, so I’d wanted to get Hunter’s attention, but this wasn’t the way I’d intended.

  There was only one thing to do—I called Hunter. He came over in a couple of minutes, looking painfully sexy in jeans and a white T-shirt that fit snugly on his muscular arms.

  “Shit,” he said when he walked in, setting down his toolbox. The kitchen floor was filled with bubbles and soapy water.

  “I’m so sorry. I have no idea what happened.” I hovered behind him as he examined the dishwasher.

  He stopped it and pulled it open, checking something inside. “It’s fine, just too much detergent,” he said, standing back up. “How much did you put in there?”

  I shrugged, not wanting to admit that I’d been so distracted by thoughts of him earlier that I may or may not have spaced and dumped half a bottle of detergent inside. “I’m so sorry for bothering you. I was just worried I’d broken it or something.” I smiled apologetically, hoping he didn’t think I was a total idiot who didn’t even know how to use a dishwasher.

  “No problem. I wasn’t doing much.” He ran a hand through his hair, his bicep flexing.

  My breath caught, and I forced myself to look away.

  “I guess I’ll just clean up.” I grabbed a mop and some towels. “Thanks again for your help.”

  “I can stick around and help out.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to hijack your whole afternoon.”

  “You didn’t hijack anything. Maddie’s having a play date and won’t be home for another half hour.”

  I set aside the mop and tossed one of the towels to Hunter. Scrubbing my kitchen floor on our hands and knees wasn’t the physical activity I’d envisioned in my Hunter-inspired fantasies.

  Soon, we had the mess cleaned up, and Hunter sat back on his heels to survey our work. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, his shirt lifting slightly to reveal his toned stomach. He looked like he’d walked right out of a body spray commercial.

  “What?” He smirked.

  Damn. I’d definitely been busted checking him out.

  Before I had time to process what was happening, I was crawling across the floor to kneel in front of him. Without a word, Hunter lifted my chin and pressed his mouth to mine in a searing-hot kiss. When I parted my lips in gentle invitation, his tongue slid against mine.

  God, this man. He was perfection.

  Large hands gripped my hips, hauling me in closer as his tongue gently caressed mine. Then he pulled me down on top of him as he lay back on the floor.

  As we kissed, I slid my hand down his body, palming his erection over his jeans. He groaned as I slipped my hand inside, wrapping it around him and slowly stroking until I could feel him throbbing in my hands. He was so thick that I couldn’t fully wrap my fingers around him, and he let out low grunts as I stroked him, gripping even more tightly before finally running my finger over his sensitive tip.

  “Fuck.” He grunted, lifting his hips toward my touch.

  “I want you,” I murmured.

  “Get naked.” His voice was a rough growl, and it sent a thrill racing through me.

  While Hunter yanked off his shirt and then pushed his jeans and boxers down, I stripped out of mine. Then he pulled my T-shirt off over my head and reached for the clasp of my bra, freeing my breasts.

  He kissed me again as he cupped my breasts in his hands, slowly caressing me. He pinched a nipple in his fingers and I closed my eyes, feeling the sensation move through my body and down between my legs, where I knew I was already wet. He moved to the other breast, and I let out a low moan.

  I reached out to stroke him again, the feel of how long and thick he was driving me wild with desire. I moved to straddle him, wrapping my legs around his waist, then slid myself forward until his erection pressed against my center.

  I rocked my hips against him, feeling him press into me the slightest bit. He pulled me even closer, his hand gripping my hair in a knot at the back of my head as he continued to kiss me.

  Unable to resist any longer, I pulled back and whispered, “I need you inside me.”

  He lifted me again, one hand on my hip and one gripping my ass, and then he lowered us onto the floor.

  I cried out in pleasure as he pressed himself against my wetness, rubbing just the tip of his erection against me. I moaned his name softly, thrusting my hips forward, needing more. He continued to tease me, pressing just the tip of himself against me as I writhed beneath him. I ran my hands up his shoulders, all the while trying to press myself closer into his lap.

  “Condom?” he asked.

  Under normal circumstances, I would have felt self-conscious sprinting butt-naked to my bedroom in front of a man, but nothing about this situation was normal. I wanted him. Right here. Right now.

  Seconds later, I was back with the condom.

  Hunter readied himself and then pulled me close again. He stared into my eyes for a moment before rocking into me, working himself inside, moving deeper with each thrust. I inhaled sharply as he buried himself in me, digging my nails into his shoulders.

  “You feel so good,” he said, his voice low and husky as he stilled, enjoying the sensation of being buried inside me.

  He gripped my ass, pushing himself even deeper. I gasped, every part of my body clenching. Closing my eyes, I cried out, my hips rocking against his.

  We were so frenzied. I wasn’t sure if it was because his daughter was due home any minute, or because we were just so desperate for each other.

  “Hunter.” I groaned, inhaling sharply as pleasure poured through every inch of me.

  Minutes later, a powerful release rocked through me, stealing my breath and making me contract almost violently around him.

  “Shit, shit. Fuck,” he cursed, still pumping into me. “Gonna come.”

  “Yes,” I cried out, pulling his hips to mine.

  His breathing changed, and he buried his face against my neck as he came.

  We breathed heavily for a few minutes, our bodies slippery with sweat. Hunter reached down and brushed the hair back from my forehead as I rolled closer to him.

  “Well, that was unexpected.” He smiled at me and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

  “Yeah, I didn’t see that coming.” I chuckled.

  Once he helped me up from the floor, we gathered our clothes, and Hunter threw the condom away and washed his hands at the sink.

  I stilled at the sound of a car idling in the driveway, and then a door opening.

  “Shit. I think Maddie’s home.” He smiled apologetically as he peeked out the window.

  “No need to apologize,” I said, quickly dressing. “Thanks for fixing the dishwasher . . . and the rest of my plumbing.” I smirked at him as he tugged his clothes on.

  “Anytime.” He laughed. “Just call me if you need help with that, or anything else, again.”

  Hunter headed toward the door, then turned back. “Also, I wanted to say thanks again for everything at the bake sale. It meant a lot to Maddie.”

  I smiled, touched to hear that she’d had a good time. “Of course. It was fun for me too.”

  He looked into my eyes for a moment, and my heart skipped a beat. How did he do that? It was like every time he looked at me, I forgot about everything but him.

  After one last warm smile, he turned and walked down the stairs.

  Once I’d shut the door, I leaned back against it and slid down so I was sitting on the floor. I put my head in my hands. What was this? Was this how other people acted? Ruining their dishwasher to get a guy’s attention?

  I couldn’t deny it anymore. I knew why I was losi
ng my mind.

  I don’t want Hunter dating other people.

  There it was, the cold, hard, ugly truth. I was pissed that I’d told him I was okay with him going out with that woman from Maddie’s school.

  I’d liked baking with them . . . really liked it. It felt good to be around him, and not just because he knew what he was doing in the bedroom. I even liked hanging out with Maddie, now that we were on good terms.

  I stood up and looked out the window, not sure how to handle my realization.

  Shit. I was in deep. I’d never felt this way before, so crazy and desperate over a guy I was sleeping with.

  Was this what other women felt like when they liked a guy?

  I didn’t know what exactly was happening between Hunter and me, but I definitely hadn’t been expecting this twist.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Here comes the S.S. Maddie, returning from its journey across the ocean.” I chuckled, guiding Maddie’s plastic bath toy from one end of the tub to the other, making chugging sounds as the little blue boat floated along.

  “Yay!” Maddie squealed, splashing her arms in and out of the water in excitement.

  Morning baths weren’t part of our normal routine, but we had stayed up late playing bingo the night before, and I’d completely forgotten about bath time. It wasn’t until she crawled into my bed for some early morning cuddles that I realized we’d forgotten it. One whiff of the top of her head, and I knew it was time to take the S.S. Maddie out for another voyage.

  “Where did the boat go this time, Daddy?” she asked, looking up at me with bright, excited eyes.

  Leaving the toy bobbing in front of her, I squirted shampoo into my hand and worked it into her hair. As the shampoo foamed up under my fingers, I gently scrubbed her scalp, smiling at the bubbles that formed all over her head.

  “Well, I heard that it traveled all the way to Iceland since the last time we saw her.”



  “Is Iceland really cold, Daddy?”


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