Rescue After Dark: Gansett Island Series, Book 22

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Rescue After Dark: Gansett Island Series, Book 22 Page 26

by Force, Marie

  “Yeah, and now he’s got Nik and Evelyn in there and isn’t happy to hear that Jordan is in LA.”

  “She called me. She’s on her way. I tried to call her back, but the call wouldn’t go through.”

  Overhead, a state police chopper came swooping in, landing in the field across the street from Eastward Look.

  “Here comes the cavalry,” Kevin said.

  Riley felt like he was going to be sick. If they went in there with guns blazing, would everyone come out alive?

  The flight to Gansett seemed even more endless than usual as Jordan waited to hear something—anything—about what was going on there. She’d tried to call Mason again from the air, but the call wouldn’t go through, so she texted him via the plane’s Wi-Fi.

  I’m on my way. I hope you get this. What’s happening there? I’m losing it.

  Hey, sweetheart. It’s okay. The state police are talking to him. They’re letting him know that he can end this right now before anyone gets hurt and walk out of there.

  Please don’t let anything happen to Nik and my grandmother. Please, Mason.

  Blaine and his entire team are here, and Josh from the state police as well as their hostage negotiation unit. Keep breathing. It’s going to be okay.

  I’ll die if anything happens to them because of me.

  It wouldn’t be because of you. He’s the one doing this. Not you.

  I brought him into our lives. It’s on me.

  I can’t wait to hug you.

  I need that so bad.

  I’m here, and I’ll be here for as long as you need me.

  Might be a while.

  Not going anywhere. Tell me when you’re landing. I’ll pick you up and get you to them.

  I will. Can’t wait to see you.

  Same, babe. Keep breathing.

  Knowing he was there, helping out where he could and waiting for her, made Jordan feel slightly better.

  She hit up Davy by text. Do you know what he’s doing? He’s got my sister and grandmother held hostage at our home on Gansett. WTF IS HE DOING???

  Davy responded quickly. OMG, no way.

  YES! He’s got a gun. Where did he get a gun!?

  I don’t know. He went off the grid a couple of days ago, and I haven’t been able to find him.

  She’d known he was hiding from her and the server but not that his own people had lost track of him, too. And you didn’t think I needed to know that? Seriously!?!

  I’m so sorry. I’ve been so busy trying to track him down that I never thought to tell you.

  He came to my home with a gun. If I’d been there, I might be dead. I thought you said rehab worked.

  I thought it had. I’m so sorry, Jordan. I totally should’ve called you.

  Yes, you should have.

  Please keep me posted.

  She was fuming that he hadn’t given her a heads-up that Brendan had fallen out of touch with even his closest circle right when she was trying to serve him with divorce papers. That was not a coincidence.

  “What’re you hearing?” Gigi asked.

  “That he went missing days ago, and Davy never thought to give me a heads-up that he’d gone off the grid for even them.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  “Right? He came to find me with a gun, G. Was he going to kill me for wanting a divorce?”

  “I can’t even go there. My God. What was he thinking, and why didn’t anyone tell you?”

  Jordan sucked in a deep breath and blew it out. “How much longer?”

  “Two more hours.”

  “I’ll go mad by then.”

  Nikki and Evelyn remained vigilant as Zane talked on the phone with the state police hostage negotiators.

  “I just want to see my wife. That’s all I want. I’m not looking to hurt anyone.”

  Nikki glanced at Evelyn, who raised her eyebrows.

  “He’s not paying any attention to us,” Evelyn whispered. “We need to make a move.”

  “What kind of move?”

  “Did you get rid of the cast-iron frying pan when you renovated?”

  “No, because I knew it was your favorite.”

  “Can you get it?”

  Brendan had moved to the foyer, where Nikki could see him looking out the front door at the law enforcement officials positioned all over the front lawn.

  “I can get it.”

  “Get it and come back. We need to bide our time. Move nice and slow so he doesn’t notice.”

  Nikki’s heart was in her throat as she kicked off her flip-flops and moved across the kitchen on bare feet. She retrieved the cast-iron frying pan from under the stove without making a sound and was back to her seat at the table within seconds. Adrenaline pumped through her body, making her feel light-headed and supercharged.

  “Good job,” Evelyn whispered, her gaze fixed on Brendan, who hadn’t moved.

  “If I come to the door, you’ll shoot me,” he was saying. “How do I know I can trust you?”

  Evelyn leaned forward. “He’s going to the front door.”

  “I’m going for it.”

  She grabbed Nikki’s arm. “Nik, honey, please—if you don’t have a clean shot, don’t do it. It’s all or nothing. You have to knock him out.”

  “I’ve been waiting years for this opportunity. Don’t worry, I’m not going to miss.”

  Evelyn bit her lip as if trying not to laugh and gave Nik a thumbs-up.

  Taking the heavy cast-iron pan, Nikki got up and tiptoed toward the doorway that led to the foyer. Brendan stood in front of the storm door, talking on the phone and looking out at the police presence in the yard.

  Knowing she would never get a better chance, Nikki ignored the pounding of her heart and moved quickly but quietly, coming up behind him, raising the pan with both hands and bringing it down on his head with all her strength. She put everything she had into making sure she took him down.

  He collapsed like a felled oak, landing in a pile at her feet.

  “Well done, darling,” Evelyn said from behind her as she clapped her hands.

  Nikki leaned over him, grabbed the gun from the back of his pants and then stepped over him to open the storm door. “Come and get him out of here,” she called out to the cops, who rushed the house.

  She handed the gun to Josh from the state police, took her grandmother’s hand and led her out of the house.

  Riley came running up to her, scooped her up and hugged her so hard, she feared he might break her ribs. “Thank God you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine, but he’s gonna have one hell of a headache.”

  “Least of what he deserves. You’re like Wonder Woman.”

  “That’s what we call Gran,” Nikki said.

  “I’m more than happy to turn my cape over to you, darling,” Evelyn said. “You should’ve seen her take him out. It was awesome.”

  “I have no doubt,” Riley said. “She’s amazing.”

  Now that she’d taken care of business, Nikki began to shake from the aftershocks. Her sister’s ex had shown up looking for her with a gun. Thank God Jordan had been nowhere to be found when that happened.

  “He was going to kill her,” she whispered to Riley, who continued to hold her like he might never let her go. That’d be fine with her.

  “Thanks to you, he’ll never get the chance.”

  Mason was already at the airport when Jordan’s plane came into view. A few minutes ago, he’d heard from Blaine about what Nikki had done and couldn’t wait to tell Jordan her loved ones were safe. Her ex was on his way to the clinic, where he’d be treated before being arraigned on a wide variety of charges that would keep him far away from her for decades.

  The sleek Lear came slicing through the clouds on final approach to Gansett.

  Mason got out of the SUV and walked through the terminal to the flight line to meet her as she disembarked. His heart gave a joyful lurch at the sight of her coming down the stairs. When she saw him waiting for her, she broke into a run.

nbsp; She was wearing a sexy-as-fuck black dress with red flowers on it and red heels that she ran in like she’d been running in heels all her life.

  He scooped her up, and the second she was back in his arms, all his agitation settled and everything in his life made sense again. “It’s over. Nik knocked him out with your grandmother’s cast-iron frying pan. He’s in custody.”

  “Oh my God. That’s the best news I’ve ever heard.”

  “By all accounts, Nik was a badass warrior.”

  “That’s my sister.” Jordan sniffled as tears streamed down her face. “You don’t want to mess with her.”

  “Good to know.”

  A throat cleared behind Jordan.

  Mason put her down, and they turned to face Gigi, who was the picture of LA sophistication right down to the designer handbag looped over her forearm.

  To Jordan, she said, “Are you going to introduce me?”

  “Sorry.” Jordan wiped tears as she smiled at Mason. “Gigi, this is Mason. Mason, meet Gigi.”

  They shook hands as Gigi tipped her head back so she could look up at Mason. “You are one tall motherfucker.”

  “So I’ve been told,” he said, instantly amused by her.

  “Jordan says you’re big all over.”

  “Gigi, oh my God! Shut up!”

  “What’s going on with the dickhead?”

  “Nik knocked him over the head with my grandmother’s cast-iron frying pan,” Jordan told Gigi.

  “Of course she did. I love it. The douche nugget had it coming.”

  “He sure did,” Jordan said.

  Mason wanted to kiss Jordan so bad, he could barely resist the urge to do it right then and there. But first she needed to see her sister and grandmother, to see for herself that they were okay. There’d be time for kissing later. Lots of time. He would see to it.

  “How’s your elbow and your hands?”

  “Everything is fine.” Now that you’re back, he wanted to add but didn’t since they weren’t alone. As they walked to his SUV, he bent his arm to show her his elbow was on the mend. “Hardly even hurts anymore.”

  He held the passenger door and the one behind it for the ladies, settling Jordan in to ride shotgun. It was all he could do to keep from staring at her or pinching himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. She’d been gone one day, and he’d nearly gone mad without her. Now that she was back, he would do whatever it took to keep her with him forever.

  But first things first.

  He drove them to the public safety building where Nikki and Evelyn had been taken to make a statement. “Where are they?” he asked the officer working the reception desk.

  The officer’s eyes bugged when he recognized Mason’s companions. “Conference room.”

  “Right this way, ladies.” Mason led them to the conference room that the police and fire departments shared and knocked on the door before entering.

  Jordan ran for her sister and grandmother, the three of them tearful as they engaged in a group hug.

  “I’m so sorry,” Jordan said. “It’s all my fault.”

  “Don’t be silly,” Evelyn said. “You didn’t send him to the house with a gun, and PS, we’re thankful you weren’t there, because he didn’t come there to talk to you. And PPS, your sister was incredible.”

  “I heard.” Jordan hugged Nikki. “I bet you enjoyed knocking him out.”

  “Little bit,” Nik said as she returned the hug. “PS, it was all Gran’s idea. I was just the executor. It’s all over now.”

  “Thanks to you. I love you guys so much, and I’m so thankful you’re okay.”

  “And we’re thankful you are,” Evelyn said. “We’re all okay. That’s the only thing that matters.”

  Chapter 25

  Mason hadn’t left her side since she got off the plane and had even sat with her while she provided background for the officers investigating the incident.

  “I have a proposal I’d like to make,” Evelyn said.

  Her granddaughters gave her their full attention.

  “Charge Brendan with a misdemeanor of your choice,” Evelyn said to the officers, “and make him reimburse the town and the state for the expenses incurred by his stunt today.”

  “In exchange for what?” Nikki asked.

  “I want several things,” Evelyn said. “First, he signs the divorce papers. Second, he makes a public statement on his social media taking responsibility for his own mistakes and making it clear to his lunatic supporters that Jordan was an innocent party in everything that happened. He needs to tell them, in no uncertain terms, to leave her alone. And third,” she said, looking to Jordan, “he agrees to never again contact my granddaughter or come anywhere near her or her family.”

  Josh, the state police officer in charge, looked to Nikki and Jordan. “What do you think?”

  “It’s up to Nik,” Jordan said. “She’s the one who was held hostage by him.”

  “I’d take that deal in a hot second,” Nik said, “if it meant we’d seen the last of him.”

  “In that case, I’m willing to offer him the deal,” Josh said. “From what I’m told, he’s awake at the clinic and asking to see Jordan.”

  She felt stricken by the idea of seeing him again, but knew she needed to so she could close the door on that part of her life.

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” Mason said to Jordan.

  She looked to Josh. “Would you mind if I outlined the offer to him?”

  “Be my guest.”

  To Mason, she said, “Will you come with me?”


  “I’m making dinner at the house,” Evelyn said as they were leaving the conference room. “Everyone is invited. We’ll see you there?”

  Jordan wanted to be alone with Mason, but they’d have time for that later. She looked up at him.

  He nodded.

  “We’ll be there.”

  Evelyn crooked her finger at Mason, bringing him down so she could kiss his cheek. “Thank you for taking such good care of my granddaughter.”

  “It’s my pleasure, ma’am,” Mason said, his face flushing with embarrassment that Jordan found adorable.

  Then again, she found everything about him adorable and endearing and sexy.

  While Blaine offered to drive the others home to Eastward Look, Mason took Jordan to the clinic. When they were in his SUV, Jordan reached across the center console for his hand, turning it palm up and examining the healing wounds. “I’m glad you didn’t reopen them while I was gone.”

  “I was careful.” He turned his hand to rest it on her leg, under the hem of her dress. “Were you really only gone one night? It felt like a hundred years.”

  “It did for me, too. You need to know I was going to come back as soon as I could, even if this hadn’t happened.”

  He glanced at her. “That’s good to hear. You should know that I was going to come after you if you were gone too long.”


  “Absolutely. Would that have been okay?”

  “Hell yes. As long as you didn’t quit the job you love for me.”

  “I would’ve done it if I got to be with you.” He squeezed her leg, his hand inching upward until she stopped it.

  “Hold that thought.”

  “You’re coming home with me later.”

  “Try and stop me.”

  The noise that came from him was part growl, part moan as he squeezed her leg. A few minutes later, after parking at the clinic, he looked over at her. “You gotta at least kiss me, or I’ll never make it until later.”

  She had her seat belt off and was halfway across the car in the time it took him to finish the statement. Like it had from the start, the intense connection between them ignited when her lips touched his. They gorged on each other, neither having a care about who might see them making out in his town-issued vehicle in broad daylight. Those concerns were for other people, Jordan thought. Her only concern was getting closer to hi

  “Fuck,” he muttered when he finally pulled back. “You’re going to get me fired.”

  “That won’t be my fault,” she said, laughing. “You’re the one who started the tongue action.”

  “Can’t help it.” He caressed her face as he gazed at her. “So much I need to tell you. Not sure I can wait until later.”

  “I’d call in sick to dinner, but since it was my ex who held them hostage…”

  “I know. We’ll eat quickly.”

  She glanced at the doors to the clinic, noting two police vehicles parked outside. “Let’s get this over with.” They walked into the clinic together and went to talk to a cop in the lobby.

  Mason introduced her to the officer. “Wyatt, this is the suspect’s wife.”

  “Ex-wife,” Jordan said. She would be soon enough.

  “Ex-wife,” Mason replied with a small grin for her. “He asked to speak to her.”

  “Come on back.” Wyatt led the way to a cubicle, where Brendan was handcuffed to the hospital bed. Had he always been small, or did he just look that way in comparison to Mason?

  His eyes went wide at the sight of her. “They said you weren’t here.”

  “I wasn’t. I flew back here after I heard you’d taken my family hostage.”

  “I didn’t take them hostage.”

  “You showed up uninvited at our home with a gun and wouldn’t let them leave until you got to see me. That’s the definition of taking someone hostage.”

  “Your sister gave me a skull fracture.”

  “That’s the least of what you deserve.” Standing before him, she realized two things. One, she didn’t love him anymore, and two, she was no longer afraid of him. “You and I were done long before you pulled this stunt.”

  “You wouldn’t talk to me! I got clean for you, and then you wouldn’t even see me!”

  “Oh, please, you’ve never done anything in your life unless it benefited you. Don’t waste my time telling me how you got sober for me. Here’s the deal. We’re over. You may as well sign the papers and be done with it, because after today, you’ll never see me again.”

  “I have things I want to tell you.”

  “I don’t care. There’s nothing you have to say that I want to hear. I gave you every chance. I gave you chances you didn’t deserve, like after you taped us having sex and posted the video? Remember that?”


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