Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4)

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Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4) Page 11

by Elle Boon

  Time moved quickly with The Bishop standing on the other side as if he was bored. F.O.C.U.S too didn’t appear to be amped up like they were getting ready to kidnap three people. Duke, he just felt rage. The thought of what they’d done to his Lennox without an ounce of remorse made him want to gut them right then and there.

  The Bishop raised his hand, palm facing down. Duke knew he was giving him a signal to calm the fuck down. He took a deep breath, letting it out as quietly as possible.

  The door opened, two women, who were pretty but had nothing on Lennox, entered. He heard their laughter, one shoved the other with her skinny hip, making her friend rub at an imaginary injury. Or for all he knew it probably did hurt since neither of the bitches seemed to have any meat on their bones. The door opened again. This time, a guy sauntered in, his cocky walk had Duke’s fists clenching with the need to pop out to show him just how not cocky he was. That had to be the little fucker who’d raped his girl. Duke let The Bishop shut the door, his attention on the guy, knowing the other two would take care of the bitches.

  “Hello. We are so happy you three could join us,” The Bishop said in his proper accent.

  Duke wanted to snort at The Bishop’s words. He wondered how the other man sounded when he was fucking a woman, then thought better of it. The last thing he wanted to know was the noises The Bishop made, ever. “Well, lookie what the cat dragged in, my friends. A pile of shit and two little whores.” Duke moved quick, punching the fucker in the jaw. Sure, he could’ve subdued him without...hurting him. That wasn’t how Duke was planning on this going down. Hell no. The man named Marco was in for a whole lot of hurt with a side of whoop ass. Duke planned to make the fucker wish he’d never laid a hand on his girl.

  “What do you want?”

  Duke looked up from the asshole, to the one who’d spoke. “Bitch, there ain’t nothing you got I want,” he answered her, dismissing both women for the moment. Oh, they’d get their dues as well, he had no plans on letting either of them go free.

  “Now, don’t be hasty, my friend.” F.O.C.U.S circled the women. “You dance doncha, girl?” he asked, lifting her hair with his gloved hand, first one then the other woman’s.

  Both women nodded, fear had their eyes wide and pleading. “Well, I might have a place for you. You’ll have to try out of course.” F.O.C.U.S grabbed the back of both their heads in his fists. “What do you think, brother?” he asked.

  The Bishop watched him and Duke. “I say we take this, interview of sorts, somewhere else.” He pulled a strip of duct tape off the roll. “Here you go, let us see if they are as pretty with this over their mouths.”

  Duke could see The Bishop thought they’d be much more appealing that way.

  When the two women realized they were going to be taken, they began to panic. F.O.C.U.S, a man who was known for his brutality and his zero fucks given attitude, easily slapped his hand over each of their mouths, holding them in place. “I like it when they fight. Makes the winning, for me, that much sweeter.” He licked a trail up the cheek of the woman on his right, then did the same to the other woman’s cheek closest to him. “Keep it up and I’ll think you really want my attention,” he said, nodding toward The Bishop. “My friend there”—he turned them so they could see who he was talking about—"It excites him even more when you cry. You want me to make you cry for him?” They both shook their heads, staying silent.

  The Bishop put tape over their mouths. “I like a little blood play is what he is trying to say. Do you like to bleed?”

  His question made them whimper. Duke wanted to laugh, but the little prick he’d knocked out was beginning to stir. “Can I get some tape here? Either that, or I gotta knock this asshole out again. I don’t want to kill him, yet.”

  F.O.C.U.S sighed. “Dammit, always so needy.”

  They worked together, wrapping the arms and legs of the women with duct tape, keeping their mouths covered as well. Duke had done the same to Marco, making sure the tape was tight enough to cut off his circulation.

  The trip back to the underground parking garage was done in silence. It wasn’t lost on Duke that none of them had used their names. F.O.C.U.S stood for Fuck Off Cause U are Stupid, which in Duke’s mind was a whole hell of a lot of people. The Bishop was a man who looked like a total badass, like most other Royal Bastards, he was big and tatted up, but the man was very high-brow. You never heard the man speak in contractions. If Duke ever needed someone to write a letter that sounded classy, The Bishop would be the man he’d call. He looked over the back of the seat. F.O.C.U.S’s big SUV with the XLT came in damn handy when you had three bodies laid in the back covered by a piece of carpet.

  “Not every day you drive around New York like this, huh?” Duke said, turning back around as they began the descent into the garage.

  “More than you’d think,” F.O.C.U.S said.

  Nope, he wasn’t gonna ask. Sometimes it was best to not know. Again, lights came on around them. This time, the table where all the papers had been was now filled with shiny things that glinted under the lights. Duke squinted trying to make out what exactly they were, but then the SUV came to a rocking stop before reversing.

  “Alright, time to get our victims out.” F.O.C.U.S clapped his hands together in anticipation.

  Duke grinned. “Have I told you I think you’re a sadistic bastard, and I like you?”

  The other man patted his shoulder. “That’s what everyone says.”

  The Bishop opened the back of the SUV. “Don’t give the asshole a bigger head than he already has. Help me out here, assholes.” He began pulling the first woman out.

  As if they’d done it before, The Bishop and F.O.C.U.S took the two women to the far wall where chains with leather cuffs were. It took them no time to have both women secured and then they were back, helping Duke get his guy on a table near the other table. They strapped him down, arms and legs spread eagle. Now that he was closer, he could see what he couldn’t earlier. “Nice,” he said.

  Marco’s eyes widened at what they made sure he saw. Knives, hand saws, drills, and scalpels were all laid out like you’d see in any good horror flick, only this was real life. “Whatcha think, you like our set up, boy?” he asked.

  The other man shook his head back and forth, eyes wide like saucers.

  “Ah shit, my bad. You can’t talk, what with that on your mouth.” Duke put the wicked looking blade he’d lifted back down, making his way over to where Marco was. With his eyes holding the other man’s, he gripped the corner of the duct tape, hate filling him as he ripped it off. The howl was almost girlie as the little fucker whipped his head back and forth. “Yo, I’m gonna need to strap his head down I think. Look at him.” His face was bleeding in several places from where the tape had taken off skin when Duke had pulled it off.

  “I got you,” F.O.C.U.S said, stepping around him. “Ouch, bet that hurt.” He nodded toward Marco’s face. Under the table, he pulled a leather strap from each side, made a few adjustments, then moved it over his forehead. “There, that’ll hold him. Anything else?”

  Duke looked from Marco to the table. “Nah, I’m good.” He went over to the table, picked the knife he’d held earlier up, returning to where he was. “Do you know why you’re here?”

  “You can’t do this. Let me go and...and I’ll not tell a soul.” Marco’s eyes shifted off to the side.

  “Lie,” The Bishop said. “He looked away, a clear indication he was lying.”

  “That was very stupid, boy. We don’t like liars. Do we, brothers?” Duke asked, running the knife down the man’s chest. He placed the blade underneath, slicing the material in half.

  “Nope. There’s a saying, ‘Snitches need stitches’. Only, in our world, they need ditches for us to bury them in.” F.O.C.U.S rubbed his chin, tugging on his beard. “I sure hope you don’t plan to let him get away with lying to you.”

  “Ah, there’s so much he has to atone for, lying is but a drop in the bucket. Again, I asked if you knew why you
were here, boy. Do you know who I am?” Duke went to the foot of the table cutting Marco’s clothes off him. Just as he’d ripped away Lennox’s safety and sense of humility, he would do the same to this man.

  “While you teach him a lesson, do you mind if we play with our other guests?” The Bishop asked.

  Duke looked at the wall where the two women where held. They not only allowed the monster in front of him to rape Lennox, but orchestrated it. “Do as you wish with them. They are nothing but trash.” He flicked his hand with the knife toward them.

  Whimpers met his words, falling on deaf ears. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never met you before.”

  His knife was near Marco’s groin, the denim all but in tattered pieces around him, leaving him in thong. “Seriously, you wear a piece of floss up your ass?”

  Red stained Marco’s cheeks. “You like taking dick up the ass too, boy?” Duke prodded him, slicing the last bit of fabric away revealing a less than impressive dick. “You a grower not a shower?”

  “Did I hear he likes dick in the ass, brother?” The Bishop asked, his question echoing around the large concrete space.

  “He never answered me. How about it, boy? You swing for both teams?” Duke flicked the flaccid cock with the knife, nicking it slightly causing him to cry out. “Oops, did that hurt?”

  The sound of heavy boots brought his head up. “If he likes cock, or even if he doesn’t.” The Bishop handed Duke a huge dildo.

  “Dayum, I don’t know what pussy or ass can take this.” Duke sat the dildo to the side. “Since you seem to be at a loss as to who I am and why I’m here, let me enlighten you three.” He looked over his shoulder. “Hey, Bish, are the whores there listening?” Duke waited for the affirmation, then he trained his eyes on the fucker he planned to hurt then kill.

  “Yes, brother. They are completely aware. Although, I will say they are a little scared. I plan to amp that up in a bit. Go ahead, they can hear you just fine.”

  Duke didn’t know what F.O.C.U.S was doing at the moment. He knew if he needed the other man, he’d be there in a second. “My name is Duke Royal.” He waited to see if his name meant anything to the little fucker. The two women whimpered. They’d clearly heard of him. “Your friends over there know who I am. Hmm, I wonder why you don’t?”

  “Here, why don’t we have one of these bitches explain to him who you are. Sometimes it’s better to hear it from another,” F.O.C.U.S said.

  “Sounds good. I’m going to see which tool I want to use next.” Duke let the knife drag down his thigh, opening the flesh enough to make him bleed, the wound more a burn than a real painful injury.

  There was a scream, followed by one of his friend’s chuckle. Duke lifted a hammer, put it down. If he started beating on the fucker with it, things would be over before he ever began.

  “He’s the guy Len...Lennox talked about. Oh God, we’re fucked.”

  “Ah, that you are. That you are,” The Bishop said.

  Marco shook. “No, I didn’t. We...they told me to do it,” he cried.

  Duke didn’t want to hear anything else from the fucker. He lifted a scalpel from the selection of tools.

  “Might I suggest silencing him before slicing him?” The Bishop offered.

  A grin split his lips. “I like the way you think,” he agreed.

  The piece of tape he’d used before lay off to the side. He showed Marco. “Damn, that really had to hurt.” He made sure the asshole could see him ripping off a fresh piece, walking over with the tape in one hand, scalpel in the other. “You really shouldn’t have fucked with my girl.” Duke slapped the tape over his mouth with far more force than necessary, possibly loosening a tooth or two. “Word of wisdom for you, Marky. If you feel your mouth fill with fluid, swallow. Although, with your penchant for having dick in your ass, you probably like it in your mouth, too. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but my dick ain’t going anywhere near your body.” He lifted him by his bangs as he spoke, giving him a hard yank, letting it go when he finished speaking, uncaring when his head hit the hard metal beneath him.

  “It’s a shame these girls were such bad apples. We could’ve turned them into good little whores. I think they could’ve made us some money. Hell, scratch that, they can make us some money. What do you think? You want to come to work for us? I bet I can have both of you properly trained and begging for a Master.” F.O.C.U.S’s words floated over to him.

  “I think they’re more trouble than they’re worth, brother,” Duke warned the other man.

  “Nixx was a one off, my friend.” The Bishop, ever the levelheaded one spoke up.

  Duke ran the scalpel across Marco’s chest, carving his name in the other man flitted across his mind. “When you decided to drug Lennox, what went through your mind, hmm? Did you know she was saving herself for me? How about after you took her, did you realize she was a virgin and feel bad?” He sliced down his abdomen, anger making him see red. With each question, he lost a little bit of himself thinking of what she’d gone through, making cuts on the fucker that had no pattern. He hadn’t realized he’d zeroed in on the man’s dick until F.O.C.U.S stopped his hand. Duke looked down, seeing rivers of red covering the other man’s torso.

  “I think he has something he wants to say, brother.”

  This time it was F.O.C.U.S who ripped the tape off, although there wasn’t as much blood left behind as when Duke had ripped the tape away before. Pain was etched on his once handsome face, his chin wobbled like a fucking pussy. “I didn’t...didn’t rape her. It was a lie. They made it up,” he sobbed.

  Duke froze, his fist holding the scalpel shook. “What the fuck do you mean? Lennox isn’t a liar,” he gritted out.

  The little prick tried to shake his head back and forth, but the strap held him immobile.

  F.O.C.U.S handed Duke his cigar cutter. “Here, try this. What you were gonna do would’ve killed him. This, you snip the end off, then use this,” he lit his lighter. “You cauterize the wound, then you can keep him alive long enough to—well long enough.” He shrugged.

  He looked at the custom cigar cutter. “You sure you want me to use this on him? This looks special.”

  His friend gave a nod. “I got a couple of ‘em. Go ahead.”

  “I swear it. They drugged her wine and then roughed her up. They had me come in and lay beside her. All I did was say what they told me. I didn’t touch her except...I had my arm around her and waited for her to wake up that next morning but”—he swallowed, shaking uncontrollably—‘she was banged up and naked already. I told them it was a bad idea...Grace told me if I didn’t do it she’d dump me and tell,” he gasped, shutting his mouth.

  “He’s lying,” one of the women yelled. “He likes fucking bitches in front of me,” Grace screamed.

  Duke put the tip of the cutter closer to his dick. “You want to know what’s really sad?” He looked across to F.O.C.U.S. “His dick is almost small enough to fit inside here. Check it out. All I gotta do is push it just a little, and it’ll go right in.” Duke wasn’t going to lift the man’s junk up, but the threat was there.

  “I wouldn’t lie. Not with my dick in question. Fuck, man, please,” he begged.

  The Bishop came over. “He is not lying. I know these things. That one up there, she is lying in this instance. He, on the other hand, is telling the truth.”

  Duke stared down at the bloody mess he’d made of the asshole. He may not have raped Lennox, and fuck if he didn’t want to sag in relief, but they’d all mind raped her. She’d left her dreams of New York and came running back to California with nightmares. “You may not have raped her body, but all of you raped her mind. You robbed her of her life. You took her safety, her hopes and dreams, and smashed them beneath your tacky fucking feet without remorse. You, you did it for pussy. Why did they do it?” Duke looked toward the wall, hating the little bitches even more.

  Marco licked his lips, his color looking a little paler. “She was better than they were
. One of them was going to lose to her for a part, and they knew it. They wanted to eliminate the threat by getting her to leave. God, I’m cold.”

  “That is because you are dying, boy.” The Bishop said. “You may not be guilty of raping Lennox, but I’ve done some research. It didn’t take me long to find the three of you and your dirty deeds. Lennox was lucky to escape. Isn’t that right, Grace?” he asked, walking to the table of instruments.

  Duke sucked in a breath at The Bishop’s announcement. “What do you mean?”

  The Bishop picked up the scalpel. “These three have a very expensive lifestyle. How do you think they fund that lifestyle? They find young, naïve girls and then sell them to men I’m reformed, of course. However, I still take in those girls, but instead of raping and killing them, we train them at our academy. You contacted me a few months back, Grace dear. I gave you an advance on a young female who you promised would be a wonderful addition to my stable. Only the woman and you never showed up.”

  This time, the women began to cry, denials falling on deaf ears.

  “Was the woman Lennox?” he asked Marco.

  The man swallowed hard. “Blair said we couldn’t, not Lennox. So Grace said she had to go, or they’d lose their spots in the school. I...just went along with them.”

  Duke saw his eyes dart to the side. Oh, he may not be as good as The Bishop when it came to reading liars, but he knew the other man was lying. Here he was on the brink of death, yet he wouldn’t come clean. “You’re not very smart. Are you? You didn’t just go along with them. You were part of their schemes. You probably got off on it just as much as they did. I’m going to ask you one more time, and you best be truthful. Did you or did you not, rape Lennox?”

  He held the cigar cutter so hard in his palm, he felt the metal bite into his flesh.

  “I swear to you, she left untouched by me. If she was a virgin when she came here, she left one unless she found...” he stopped at Duke’s scowl.


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