Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4)

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Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4) Page 16

by Elle Boon

  “They’re gone.” Duke’s words rang like finality.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Duke let his words linger in the air. Waited for her to ask how he knew or shit, he waited for her to ask the questions he knew had to be running through her mind. Lennox was far from stupid. She knew he wasn’t a good man. He’d be a damn good man to her, but to anyone who crossed him, or his, he’d have no qualms when it came to taking care of them. However that rolled out. Now he’d find out if she was meant for him and his world. “Ask, Dancer.”

  She blinked, licked her lips then nodded. “So your trip to New York wasn’t club business?”

  “Yeah it was. You’re mine. You’ve always been mine. That makes you club business. Now ask what you really want to know, Lennox. I’m not going to say it unless you ask.” He kept his gaze on her.

  “You killed Marco?” She whispered the question.

  “I did, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. He was a sick fuck. Even though he hadn’t raped you, they had others and even did worse. They’d planned to sell you months before setting you up like they did. When that fell through, they cooked up that plan.” He reached for his whiskey, taking a healthy sip.

  Lennox held her hand out, taking a drink, coughing at the fiery liquid. “Holy shit, what is that?”

  Duke chuckled. “That’s top shelf whiskey, baby.” He patted her on the back, wondering if he’d need to get her a drink of water.

  “Obviously I’m not a whiskey girl,” she gasped out after her coughing fit. “Wait, they were going to sell me? What the fuck?”

  He slammed the rest of the drink before repeating the same story to her as he’d told King. Knowing none of them could hurt Lennox was the only reason the rage was banked. “Calm down, tiger. They can’t hurt you or anyone else for that matter anymore,” he told her.

  She shifted until she was straddling his lap. “So let me get this straight. You went off, could’ve gotten yourself killed, or arrested. Here you are, back home, and you waited this long to tell me I’ve not know. Do you know what that means, Duke?”

  He placed his hands on her hips, wondering what the fuck he should say. Women didn’t make sense to him at times. “It means you’re safe, and I’m not in jail or dead, so it’s a non-issue.” Duke’s fingers bit into her sides when she shifted closer. Her sweet pussy covered in denim, rubbing against his cock had his eyes nearly crossing. “If you don’t stop squirming on my cock you’re gonna find yourself flat on your back,” he warned her.

  “Promise?” She moved her hips more, making them both moan. “Lord, do you not see what is right in front of you?”

  “What’s right in front of me is a pair of tits and a sassy woman I want to be buried in so fucking bad my dick is ready to explode. I’m trying to be a gentleman, Lennox.” He held her against him, a shiver wracking his large frame.

  “Don’t be. I like you the way you are. Not that I don’t think you can be sweet and shit, but I prefer you being you. Sure, I should probably be freaked out knowing you’d flown off and did what you did.” She swallowed.

  “I fucking sliced and diced him, Lennox. I wasn’t nice, and I sure as shit wasn’t polite. The two little cunts were chained up and watched. I left them knowing they wouldn’t live long enough to see another sunrise, and if they did, it wouldn’t be pleasant.” He wasn’t going to tell her any more than that, especially not who helped him.

  “I don’t care, Duke. You did that for me, and if roles were reversed, I’d do the same for you.”

  He pinched her chin between his fingers. “I don’t ever want you in danger. You understand me? It’s my job to protect you. Shit goes sideways, you are who I make sure is clear from any of the blowout. You cool with that? I need to know you will be able to live with me and how I am. I’m not gonna change, baby.” He wouldn’t sugar coat shit for her. His dick ached with the need to slide between her thighs and would for the rest of his life. However he wouldn’t lie to her or allow her to lie to him.

  “Yes, Duke, I know how this life works. I’m not a doormat, though.” He grinned.

  “Dancer, if there’s one thing I know about you, it’s that you’re no doormat.”

  She leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Thank you for taking care of me,” she whispered.

  He palmed the back of her head with one hand, his fingers tangling in the ponytail. “I’ll always take care of you, baby.”

  Lennox turned her head the way he wanted her to with the slightest tug, her mouth spreading into a smile. “I’ll take care of you right back, starting now,” she said.

  Duke was sure he was ready for her and her kiss. How fucking wrong he was. She moved her lips over his, brushing those plump lips over his in a butterfly kiss as she scooted off his lap. She stood between his spread thighs, hands steady as she lifted her shirt over her head, exposing her lacy bra covered tits. “I fucking love your breasts,” he told her, meaning it.

  “Shirt for shirt.” She pointed at his chest.

  He pulled the T-shirt off, tossing it to the side of the couch where hers landed, waiting for her next move. She kicked her shoes off, but instead of demanding he take his boots off, she knelt, unlacing one then the other for him. Shit, she was taking care of him on a basic level that threatened to undo him. One by one, she took his boots and socks off.

  “Your feet are sexy, too.” She ran her pointer finger over the top of one foot.

  Duke had lost the ability to speak as she leaned forward, tits in his face, using that distraction to unsnap his jeans. “Lift up,” she instructed him.

  Like a goddamn kid, he did as he was told, allowing her to take his jeans and boxer briefs with them down his hips. They were a little harder for her to wiggle off him, making her grunt. He kept the chuckle in, holding his bobbing cock in one hand as she finally freed his legs.

  “Shit, that was a lot harder than it looked. Oh, whatcha got there?” She pointed at his hand.

  “It’s a treat for good girls. I think you’re the one that’s overdressed now. Take your bra off,” he growled, stroking his palm up and down his shaft.

  Her fingers went to the front clasp. “I don’t have much.”

  Duke got up, pulling her into his arms. “Woman, your tits are perfect.” He pulled the bra the rest of the way off. “Look, they fit my palms perfectly and my mouth even better.” The words no sooner left his mouth before he was putting words to actions. Shit, he knew once he had his hands and mouth on her, he’d lose his damn mind.

  “Holy fuck,” she muttered, her hands scratched at his scalp.

  Duke chuckled against her flesh, pressing the little bud against the roof of his mouth then released her with a pop. “You make me lose my damn head.”

  She glanced between them. “Um, I don’t think I do. That is a huge cockhead.”

  Never in all his thirty plus years had he laughed when he was naked with a woman. Yet with Lennox, he found himself harder than he’d ever been and laughing at the same time. “I think we need to move this to the master bedroom.” He didn’t give her a chance to agree, sweeping her into his arms.

  “Oh, I like this.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

  Duke shook his head. He’d lose his damn man card if his friends and brothers saw him carting his ole lady around with his dick bobbing up and down. “Don’t get too used to it. I like you over my shoulder or on your knees.” The last he’d yet to have, but a man had fantasies.

  “Mmm, I could get on board with that.”

  He kicked his bedroom door shut, locking it before striding toward his bed. With the blackout curtains pulled, it was dark as shit, but he knew the path to his bed even in the dark or if he’d been blindfolded.

  “What’s your room look like?”

  Her voice had a little hesitancy to it that had him stopping at the end of the king sized bed. “Our room, baby. This is our home.” He’d asked her over the years what her favorite colors were, what her favorite things were, and filled his home, their ho
me with what he knew she’d like. Her favorite color was dark purple, but he refused to have a bedroom that looked like Barney jizzed all over it. Instead he went with her second favorite color mixed in with his black and white, adding her orange. He actually liked the look of it, but he’d wait and see what she thought.

  Duke made sure she was steady as he placed her on the bench at the foot of the bed. “Clap your hands.”

  “Do you have a clapper?” she asked on a laugh, then clapped, lights coming on. “Oh, this is beautiful.”

  He had two chairs by the window that were a dark orange velvet with a table between them. The patio doors could be opened up like two sliders, or if they wanted they could slide all the way open, making the room completely exposed to the outside. He had yet to do that, but he remembered her saying once that was on her wish list. She turned to look at the bed, eyeing the comforter he’d chosen. “If you don’t like anything, we can replace it.”

  “I love it. This is exactly what I’d have picked. I mean seriously. If I’d have been shopping these are exactly what I’d have chosen.” She covered her mouth with both hands. “How?”

  Duke crowded her with his body. “Lennox, I’ve heard everything you said to me. At eighteen, you were too fucking young, and before that, you were jailbait. Yet you talked, and I listened. I may be a fucking prick who everyone walks a wide circle to avoid, but when it came to you, I didn’t miss a thing. When your dad told me to let you go, I had to stay drunk for the first six months. It’s a miracle one of my brothers didn’t off me.” He didn’t tell her how close he’d come to the edge during that time.

  “You want to go back to school, I’ll let you. Fuck, it’ll be one of the hardest things I’ll do, but for you, I’ll do it. I won’t let you go alone this time though.” Duke nuzzled his face into the curve of her shoulder. “God, you smell so damn good.”

  Lennox tilted her head to the side, giving him better access. “What do you mean, Duke? You won’t let me go alone or that my dad told you to let me go for that matter?”

  Duke’s hands went to Lennox’s jean shorts, holding her gaze, he popped the button. “Where you go, I go. You go to New York, I go to New York. You go to Miami, I go there too. That’s what I mean.” The button came undone with a snap. “Damn, lace panties too,” he whispered.

  He didn’t have to ask her to lift her hips in order for him to take the shorts and panties off, her body obeying his silent command.

  “I need to get my own clothes,” she said breathlessly.

  He shook his head. “I kinda like the thought of you going naked.” He didn’t want to talk about her dad or what had happened three years ago.

  She shivered. “You saying you’re fine with me walking around the clubhouse naked?”

  “Fuck no. Around here, absolutely. House rule, no clothes.”

  Lennox eyed him up and down. “You’re obviously not shy.”

  Duke looked down at his body, then at her. “Nope. I’m done talking though. Move to the middle of the bed, Lennox.”

  THE COMMANDING WAY he spoke, his deep intake of breath, turned her on more than she’d ever thought it would. “What if it won’t work?”

  Duke grinned, moving forward as she scooted backward. “Sweetheart, it’ll work,” he reassured her.

  She laughed. “I know that will work. I have no doubt your dick is working. I mean...what’re you doing?” she asked, falling backward.

  “Figure if I let you continue you’ll talk until my balls are blue, and you don’t want that, do you?” He straddled her body, holding himself over her.

  “Blue balls are bad.” She licked her lips.

  “Relax, Dancer, I promise I’ll only make you feel good.” Duke’s head swooped down, his mouth covering hers.

  She tried to do as he said, relaxing a little until a different type of tension came over her. His lips left hers, trailing a path down her neck. “Oh god,” she muttered.

  “Hmm, I keep telling you my name is Duke. Before I get done with you, you’ll be screaming my name.”

  Lennox would’ve told him he was full of shit, except he chose that moment to begin kissing her chest, then he was sliding down sucking, licking, and biting his way along her chest, taking one hardened tip into his mouth while his fingers plucked at the other. Her back arched upward, wanting more, more of his sweet torment.

  “Ah, I’ll give you more, Dancer.”

  His words had her realizing she’d spoken her needs. Duke’s mouth left her breasts, kissing his way down her stomach, making her totally aware of the fact he was going places no one had ever been. She held still; her legs stiff as he nudged them apart. “Damn, you’re pretty everywhere,” Duke said, rubbing his fingers through her folds. As a dancer, she’d been waxing for years so she didn’t have any embarrassing mishaps in her costumes.

  “Have you touched yourself?” Duke asked, his finger ran up and down her slit.

  Lennox tried to close her legs, but having him kneeling between them prevented her. “Duke,” she groaned.

  “I’ve jacked off a shitton thinking of you.” He ran his finger up and down her, circling her clit. “When I came, I’d call your name because it was your face I pictured.”

  “I’m sure the women you were with liked that. Not.” She brought her hands up to cover her breasts.

  Duke sat back on his haunches. “You and I both know I’m no virgin, Lennox, but I told you I haven’t been with anyone since you left, and I meant it. Before that, yeah, I was with my share of women. I told you I wouldn’t lie to you. Not once did I make any promises to them, other than whatever pleasure I was offering for the night. No, I never called your name when I was with them even though I wanted you since you were way too fucking young for me even before you were eighteen. I wouldn’t disrespect you or them that way. When I jacked off or closed my eyes, it was you I saw. I never brought any here. This place I saved for you, for us.”

  “I can live with that if you can live with me and my baggage.”

  “What kinda baggage you got, baby? I guarantee whatever you say I can raise you five.” He began moving his finger up and down again. “We done talking yet?”

  She looked at his dick, then met his stare. “Yeah. For now.”

  “You’re gonna be trouble,” he said, slipping his finger inside her.

  Her hips rose. “Think you can handle me?”

  Duke shifted, using his other hand to hold her open while he pumped one digit inside her, adding another a second later. “Oh yeah. I can more than handle you, Dancer. You’ll be handled like the greatest treasure I’ve ever had.” He added a third finger, using the thumb of his other hand, rubbing tiny circles over her clit. “Damn, this little button is quivering for me.”

  Lennox wanted to say something witty or sexy in response. A look down, watching him bend down, head lowering, his tongue peeking out moments before he licked where he’d been touching shot every coherent thought out of her mind. “Holy Mother of Pearl,” she whispered.

  His deep chuckle against her flesh added another sensation, making her gasp out her next breath.

  “Fuck, yeah, give it to me, Dancer. I want to taste your sweet cream in my mouth. I can feel your pussy pulsing already. Let go, baby. Nobody can hear you scream,” he said.

  She didn’t think she could do what he was saying. Her body felt as if she was right there, yet try as she might, that elusive pinnacle seemed out of reach. He lapped at her, pumped those large fingers in and out, driving her crazy as she twisted on the expensive sheets, reaching for the edge.

  “What do you need, Lennox?” he asked, his hands stopped moving, one now clamped down on her hips to hold her still.

  “I don’t know,” she sobbed.

  Duke removed his fingers, making her whimper at the loss. “Sssh, I got you.” His head bent again, pressing little sucking kisses along her mound, taking her lower lips inside his warm mouth one at a time.

  Her eyes opened wide; tingles raced up her back. “Oh, that’s nice.”

  “I can do better than nice,” he murmured.

  DUKE COULD MAKE A MEAL out of Lennox. After he sucked her pussy lips into his mouth, he traced around that little bud he’d felt swelling again, wanting to feel it quiver like before. Motherfuck, it was hard as steel again. He wanted to pump his fist in the air but knew that wasn’t a guarantee she’d be coming. No, his little dancer needed to relax completely before she could come, or he needed to fuck her good and make her forget everything else. He planned to do both.

  He pushed her legs further apart, nuzzling his nose against her, wanting her scent to soak into him. Hell, he could bathe in her juices and still want more. Her sweet cream filled his mouth, teasing him with what was to come. This time, he used his tongue to fuck her, lapping everything she had to give, taking her clit between two fingers, he pulled it, pinched it, worked it. The feel of her hips jerking was accompanied by a moan. Her hand came down on top of his head, making him wonder if she was going to try and push him off. Instead, she held him to her, little moans became high-pitched wails. He could live with that since her walls began to flutter, letting him know she was coming.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he said. His groan escaped him as she came. He moved his mouth to her clit, pushing three fingers inside so she could ride out this orgasm with a part of him in her. Damn, she was so fucking tight, nearly strangling his fingers. He loved to eat pussy before, now, he would forever want to wake up with his mouth buried between Lennox’s legs.

  “Holy shit, Duke, that was...I’ve never...You know what I mean?”

  He looked up her body, loving the shy way she spoke. The flush of orgasm was still rocking through her system making her shiver. He rubbed his jaw on her thigh before crawling up her body. With the raging hard-on he’s had for the past three years with his need for her, he didn’t think he’d last long once he was finally buried inside Lennox. For her, he’d do his best to make it last more than eight seconds though. “You good, baby?” he asked, holding his upper body up by his forearms, caging her in as he shifted his legs between hers.


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