Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4)

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Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4) Page 18

by Elle Boon

  He brought the comforter up over her shoulders. “Sleep. I’ll keep BD out of SP.”

  “Do I want to know what that is?” She laughed.

  “Sweet pussy,” he told her.

  Duke fell asleep with the even breathing of Lennox as his chosen music, knowing she was safe in his arms. They had shit to figure out like he’d said. Namely her dick of a father. Duke didn’t want to deal with the fucker, but for Lennox he’d play nice. Talking could wait another day.

  KEYS LOOKED AT HIS monitor again. “Fuck,” he cursed, getting to his feet. He’d left home at eighteen, joined the military and became a SEAL without looking back. Being told you weren’t good enough for anyone, not even your own family, was a motivator on the best of days. On his worst, they had been what shoved him to the ground, kicked and beat him while he was there. Nobody helped him clean the cuts or bandage the shit that needed bandaging. He’d only had himself to rely on since he was old enough to know he was the unwanted bastard child left in the garbage. He’d been fine with the status quo, knowing one day he’d either die from one too many beatings, or he’d get the fuck out of there. Small towns talk, so he knew everyone knew what went on down that dirt road he called home. They knew he didn’t fall off some bike or walk into a wall, or any other shit that some would make up. No, he was that family’s very own whipping boy.

  Until he met her. She was everything he wasn’t but wished he could’ve been for her. He knew it. She knew it. Fucking hormones didn’t seem to give a fuck though.

  He looked at the image again. Same blonde hair, cornflower blue eyes staring at the camera with a devil may care smile. Shit, Palmer Coker was the girl wet dreams were made of. Five feet five, with curves for days. Her body had been made for fucking. Not by the filthy little bastard from the dirt road at the edge of town, even if she hadn’t been too young for him. Sweet little Palmer Coker was too good for the likes of him. The Mayor’s daughter was three years younger than him, but she hadn’t gotten the memo about why she needed to steer clear. And he, the dumb little fuck, couldn’t tell her no when she’d found him broken and bleeding one night.

  “Dammit, what the hell is going on?” he asked, punching in a series of codes, trying to trace the URL that sent him the email with the picture of Palmer.

  When he’d left the small town he’d grown up in, he’d left with no intention of ever going back, knowing he’d ruin the only thing he cared about if he stayed. Even after he left the SEALs with honors to his name, he didn’t go back. He’d thought of riding in, had plans of going back with a backpack of things he’d need. His friends had said it before. Keys could level the entire town that held nothing but misery for him, a place that nearly broke him beyond resurrection. Shit, he could’ve leveled that town with several options. He didn’t though. Why? Because sweet little Palmer Coker lived there.

  The computer to his right beeped. He rolled his chair across to the monitor, pressing a couple keys. “Gotcha,” he said.

  What popped up had him sitting forward, eyes narrowing on the grainy image. “What the fuck?” Growing up an outcast had been his life. The family who’d taken him in let him know he was not their blood and that he should be thankful they allowed him to sleep under their roof. Although many nights, he hadn’t been allowed that luxury. The image he pulled up was of a man who looked so familiar, had he kept his hair in the military style he’d had while in the SEALs, it could’ve been him, only this picture must’ve been taken over thirty years ago. Since he was only thirty-three himself, the man in the picture had to be a relative. “Why you sending me cryptic messages about that fucked up town, asshole?” Better question was if he was related to Keys somehow, then why the hell had he left him with a sadistic family instead of taking him in himself?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lennox stretched, freezing when something tickled her inner thigh.

  “Mornin,” Duke said, pressing a kiss against her inner thigh.

  She looked down, surely he didn’t plan to. Her eyes closed in bliss as he swirled his tongue around her folds. “Oh my god,” she whispered.

  “Nope, just me and BD here.”

  His words would’ve made her blush except he was a master at oral, using his tongue to fuck her, then his fingers, taking her to the edge. “I love your taste, love how slick and hot you are for me.” He moved his fingers in and out of her, each word had her hips lifting up to him.

  Duke raised his head, giving her a wicked little grin that had her toes curling. “Something you need, Dancer?”

  “Yes, dammit.” Her fingers itched to grip his hair and force him back to where she needed him.

  “Let me hear you say it, Lennox. I want you to say the words. Not just any either. I want you to say the dirty, filthy ones you know I like.” He licked a slow path around her, making sure she could see what he was doing. “Damn, you’re better than coffee.”

  She didn’t agree with him, yet she would do anything he asked right then. “Duke, please.”

  “Please what, baby. You want me to kiss you here?” He put action to words.

  Lennox wanted to smile at his teasing. “I definitely want you to kiss me there, but I want you to use your oh so talented tongue. Yes. Just. Like. That.”

  He spread her lips wider, his tongue moving faster, sending her crashing into bliss. Duke didn’t give her a chance to catch her breath, flipping her onto her stomach, yanking her up onto her knees, already on his, his dick in his hand, guiding himself into her. “Yes,” they both hissed out.

  He slammed into her, nearly pushing her back down onto the mattress, only his steel band of an arm around her waist kept her where he wanted, allowing him to continue. “Dammit, I was going to go slow,” he growled.

  “Next time,” she cried out. His name became a chant as she pressed back into him with his every surge forward. Her body ached, muscles that had never been used were sore, yet she wanted him to continue. With each slam of his cock, he hit something within her that sent tingles racing down to her toes, building to a fever pitch she couldn’t control. The feel of his finger sweeping along the crack of her ass should’ve freaked her out, instead it sent her over the final bit. Her back bowed. She sobbed his name, pushing back into him, into that finger as the pleasure consumed her even more. “Fucking hell, Duke,” she screamed.

  “That’s it, take what you want, what I give you.” He continued the frantic pace, his hips driving into her until he roared her name, filling her with come.

  A fine sheen of sweat covered them both. She’d felt a little drip fall from him onto her back as he’d moved furiously behind her, sinking into her skin. As they lay spooning, she didn’t think she could move. “That was one heck of a way to wake up,” she whispered, coughing to clear her voice. Damn, she sounded rough.

  He patted her ass. “I love to give head, baby. I could make it a morning ritual. Me waking you up with my head between your thighs, your moans filling my ears. Sounds like bliss to me.” He levered up behind her, glancing over her shoulder. “Unless of course you feel like you should be the one doing the giving. I’m an equal opportunity man.”

  She rubbed her hand over his jaw, the bristles scraping her palm another thrill. She knew her inner thighs would be sporting his marks, which she was looking forward to feeling. “You gonna let me finish the next time I’m down there?”

  Duke shifted, making room for her to roll to her back, looming over her. “Oh yeah. The next time you want to go down on me, I’ll be more than happy to let you finish what you started.”

  Lennox took a deep breath, their mingled scents filling her senses. The sound of something buzzing interrupted them as Duke groaned and rolled to the side. “Hold that thought.”

  He got up, sexy naked ass on display, and grabbed his cell phone off the dresser across the room. She watched him look at the display before punching in a code to unlock the screen. He strolled back to the bed, sitting on the edge he pressed another button. “Hey, brother, what’s up?”

e watched his back stiffen but couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end. He nodded, then agreed they’d meet up in a half hour before hanging up.

  “Who was that?” Her heart was racing in fear.

  “That was Keys. Come on. We gotta get cleaned up and meet up at the clubhouse. That meeting with your dad is gonna be a lot sooner than I anticipated.”

  Lennox struggled to a sitting position. “My dad is here?”

  Duke looked over his shoulder. “He’s on his way in. You got a problem with telling him about us.”

  She looked down her body, seeing the marks of his possession all over her. Down Duke’s back she could see where her nails had scraped him, leaving several spots bloody. “No. No I don’t,” she answered. Even though the room had a chill, she didn’t bother to cover herself. He’d said the night before she was his. Her body, her everything. He’d been right, it was just as her heart was his. “Do you?”

  He twisted, reaching for her, settling her on his lap. “Fuck no, baby. I told you, I’d battle the fucking world for you. That includes your dad. I just needed to see where your head was at. When we walk in there, he’s liable to be angry. I can handle it, can handle him. What I can’t handle is him or anyone disrespecting my property. You became my number one piece of real estate last night. In case you didn’t get that memo.”

  Lennox looped her arm around his neck. “Does that mean you belong to me as well?”

  Duke gripped her hair in one fist, tipping her head back. “Such a sassy little thing. Come on, we ain’t got time for me to put that mouth to good work and still have you presentable for your dad.”

  DUKE THOUGHT ABOUT letting her get on her knees and show up to greet her dad with lips that had just sucked his dick. What stopped him was knowing Doc would look at his daughter with disdain. He could give a shit less what the bastard thought of him, but for Lennox, he never wanted her to lose anything, especially respect. Fuck, he was pussy whipped.

  In the end, he had her use the master bathroom while he used the one across the hall, knowing he had little to no restraint when it came to a naked Lennox. Add in her sweet ministrations, in the name of cleaning him, and he’d have her up against the shower tiles again, and they’d be late.

  He strolled back into the bedroom as she was coming out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body, another around her hair. “Shit, you need a hair dryer?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’ll just brush it and braid it.”

  He hit the jackpot when it came to low maintenance. While she’d been in the bathroom, he’d stripped the bedding off and tossed it into the washing machine. She eyed the bed with the sheets folded on top. “We can make it when we get back. You hungry?” he asked her.

  Her stomach chose that moment to rumble. “Are you cooking?” She lifted one brow, dropping the towel she’d been rubbing her hair with.

  “I can scramble eggs and fry some bacon. Finish getting dressed and meet me in the kitchen in ten minutes.” He looked her up and down. “I like seeing you with my marks on you. How do you feel about tattoos?”

  She bit her lip. “I like them.”

  “I’d like to see you wearing something of me on you permanently. I’m not wanting you to tattoo Property of Duke on your forehead.” He grinned at her look of shock. “Baby, you don’t need that tattooed on you for everyone to know who you belong to.” He crowded her against the wall. “The Royal Bastards all have a skull with a crown on its head. I think you’d look sexy as fuck with a female version of one with the crown on, only your crown would be a queen’s crown. Hell, I might put that up for vote for all our ole ladies.”

  She put her hands on his shoulders. “Where would this tattoo go if I agreed to it?”

  He took a step back, taking the towel with him. Her gasp made him smile. Duke crossed his arms, staring at her body. “Turn around,” he told her, swirling his finger in a circle.

  Lennox huffed out a breath but complied. With her back to him, she shook her ass, looking over her shoulder. “How’s this?”

  “Like I said before, you’re a brat. I see the perfect place.” He twirled his finger again.

  “I’m not getting a tramp stamp, Duke Royal.” She bent to pick up the towel, standing with it in front of her like a shield.

  This woman who took so much yet gave even more was amazing, telling him what she would and wouldn’t do. He lifted her chin. “Baby, you’d never get a tramp stamp. I’d never let a man near your ass crack unless it was me sliding my dick in there. We’ll discuss it later. Times a ticking, and I’m hungry. I’ll have to feed the one hunger, since the other will have to wait.”

  Lennox opened her mouth and then shut it. “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  “Good, don’t. See you in seven minutes.” He turned and walked out the door, already thinking about the tattoo she’d be getting and where. A sexy sugar skull with a princess crown on its head. Not on her ass, but right on her hip so that when he’s having his morning snack he can see it as a reminder of who’s property she was.

  They made quick work of breakfast. Lennox unable to eat more than a few bites of the eggs he made along with a couple pieces of bacon. “Come on, let’s get this over with, shall we?” Duke scraped the leftovers on his plate in the sink.

  Lennox got up, following his lead.

  “Leave it. We’ll clean up when we come back.” He had no doubt they’d return after dealing with her father. A little bacon grease sitting for an hour didn’t hurt anyone.

  “Do I look alright?” she asked him as they stepped outside.

  He took her hand in his. “Baby, you look fucking gorgeous like always.” He didn’t tell her she looked like they’d fucked all night. Her fresh face, wet hair, puffy lips attested to the fact she’d been doing a lot more than sleeping at Duke’s place.

  “I’m an adult, dammit. Why am I so nervous?” she muttered.

  Duke stopped before walking up onto the porch of the clubhouse, turning so that her back was to the door. He lifted her up, wanting her to be closer to his level. “Baby, you’re nervous because your father is just on the other side of that door and you love him. You don’t want to upset the man. I get that. I really do. It’s why I fell for you all those years ago. I looked into these beautiful baby blue eyes and could see the rest of the world melting away, with just the two of us, and you know what, everything was calm inside me during those moments. You did that for me. You were too young, too sweet, too good for a bastard like me, and I knew it. He knew. I let you go because...fuck, all I wanted was for you to have better than this.” He waved his hand down himself. “I promised I would give you a chance to chase your dreams, and if those dreams didn’t include me, I’d let you go. That man in there wanted all that for you. You’re scared because you think he’s not going to like you here with me. Right?”

  She nodded. “I love you both. He’s my father, but you’re my heart and soul.”

  “You’ve been that for me for years, Dancer. Whatever happens with your dad, I’ll still be right here. Hell, I’ll even try to like the man. See, I didn’t even call him a name,” Duke joked.

  “That was mighty big of you, son.”

  Duke lifted his head, staring around Lennox to see Doc and King standing on the edge of the porch. He’d thought they were inside, but to his dismay, they’d been outside. “How long you two...been there?”

  “Long enough to hear you’re a fucking pussy whipped bastard,” King said, eyes like his sparkled with mirth.

  “King Royal, you take that back or no sex for a day for you,” Ayesha said, sniffing. “Duke, if I wasn’t so in love with that man over there, I’d love you so hard. Lennox, if you’re smart you’ll scoop that one up and not let him go. Oh god, Keys,” she yelled, rushing past Duke and Lennox into the clubhouse.

  “Woman, what the fuck you yelling for Keys for?” King stomped into the clubhouse, the door slamming behind him.

  “Why does she want Keys?” Lennox asked, looking around like
the answer should come to her.

  Doc met Duke’s stare with a shrug.

  “Let’s go in and find out.” Duke walked up the steps, nodding at Doc to go first.

  They walked inside, coming to a stop, nearly colliding with Doc who stood with Traeger.

  “Bullshit, Keys. You have eyes everywhere, which means you got that on camera. I can totally upload that to YouTube and have a bazillion hits. King, tell him to give me the recording of Duke’s confession of love to Lennox. Seriously, women will swoon...what the heck is that look for?”

  “Ayesha, do you like sitting down?” King asked.

  “Are you threatening to spank me for wanting to make him a star?” She grinned.

  Duke shook his head, knowing what the other woman had done. She’d seen a situation she thought needed diffusing and diffused it. “Brother, have I told you how much I love your ole lady?” Duke hollered.

  “Do you love my daughter more?” Doc asked, looking serious. For a man who was only ten years older than Duke, he needed to get out and get laid.

  “Doc, you know I could say it’s none of your business, but I won’t. You also heard me out there doing as Ayesha said. Yeah, I love Lennox. She loves me too. Neither of us want you to be angry or whatever the fuck you are with our relationship. Fuck, I hate that word.” He ran his hand over his head. “Three years ago, you thought I just wanted to fuck her.”

  “Which you’ve clearly done,” Doc snarled.

  Duke saw red. He didn’t give a shit who the man was, speaking about his ole lady like that wasn’t acceptable, ever. His arm was up and hauling back, punching the other man before he registered what he planned. Doc fell on his ass, holding his nose. Duke squatted down, his hands hanging loosely between his knees. “You and I both know you deserved that. I’ll say this once, and I better never have to say it again. Lennox is not a whore I fuck. She’s my ole lady, and what she and I do is nobody’s business. We clear?”


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