Yce: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 3)

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Yce: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 3) Page 1

by A. G. Wilde


  Captured by Aliens: Book Three

  A. G. Wilde


  Yce © A. G. Wilde 2020

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, businesses, or locales is coincidental and is not intended by the author.

  To all the women who are obsessed with the irresistible heroes they read about in books.

  Why must we suffer so?—especially when those heroes end up being cast by real-life irresistible men like Henry Cavill (if you don’t know who he is, Google him. Thank me later;))



  Keep In Touch


  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Next in the Series


  Keep In Touch

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  About the Author


  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only.

  All sexually active characters portrayed in this book are eighteen years of age or older.

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  When she’d left the gym to head home for a quiet night, the last thing she’d expected was to be abducted by aliens to then be thrown into a fight for life and survival aboard an alien slave ship.

  Now that chapter is over and there’s another obstacle in her way—surviving on a desert planet where everything lives to kill…all the while dealing with him…


  The alien she’s stuck with.

  He’s otherworldly, strange, and absolutely confusing.

  She hates him and the feeling seems to be mutual.

  Problem is, they are stuck in each other’s company until they reach the outpost to send a message for help.

  Aliens are the reason she’s in this predicament and Yce is probably no better than her captors…

  Yet, as they face the odds together, she finds that maybe, just maybe, she doesn’t really hate him as much as she’d like and maybe he doesn’t hate her at all…

  Author’s Note

  If you’ve read my other books, you will know there are some underlying dark themes that come across in my work. This book is no different.

  In this book, there is reference to the very delicate topic of childhood sexual abuse. This is not discussed in detail or described; however, there is brief allusion to it.

  If this is a trigger for you and you decide to skip this book, I completely understand! Don’t worry, I’m working on the next in the series and hopefully there will be no dark themes in that one (keyword: hopefully).

  Chapter One


  A descendant of Vikings with hair like fire and a temper to match.

  Bloodline of a warrior from a people that conquered.

  Ragnar Lothbrok’s own daughter.

  A fighter.

  A female warrior.

  Someone to be reckoned with…

  Then how the hell did she get captured by…slugs?

  If she wasn’t so pissed about it, she’d hang her head in shame.

  But she could do that later.

  Right now, she had other things to deal with. Mainly the fact that the vessel she was on was hurtling to its death…and probably hers too—most definitely hers too.

  A red warning light bathed the ship’s interior as alarms blared all around her. The ship, the Elysium it was called, shuddered as another missile connected with it.

  Diana gripped the control panel, standing frozen as she stared out through the wide glass in front of her. She was in outer space, literal outer space, in a galaxy somewhere far from Earth.

  The past few days had been nothing short of hard-to-believe. But here she was, in a spaceship flying through space, trying to escape from pursuers who were determined to take the Elysium down.

  Outside the ship, black fighter jets zoomed past the cockpit now and then. Green laser beams shot from their cannons as they fired at the Elysium.

  She knew who owned those ships.

  She knew who was chasing them.

  It was the High Tasqals.

  When she’d first been abducted, she’d woken up to see slug-like aliens hovering on blue orbs. She’d thought that was bad. She’d soon learned they were called the Isclits but things had gone from bad to worse when it became evident the Isclits were working for an even greater evil—the High Tasqals.

  She’d first set eyes on one when she and the other human women had been auctioned in a grand auditorium to the Tasqals.

  Fucking pieces of shit.

  The Tasqals all had dark-green skin with fluid-filled pockets covering every section of their bodies that the ridiculous white robes they wore couldn’t hide.

  The hate she felt towards them for how she and the other women had been treated had still not cooled.

  The Tasqals looked diseased—like the scourge of this part of the universe. But they were powerful—that she could admit—controlling other species to do their bidding.

  She was sure they weren’t the actual pilots of the ships currently attacking. Tasqals were too “royal” for that. It had to be the gator-like guards that had manned the Isclit ship. They were the other pieces of shit she hated.

  Hell, she hated them all—the Isclits, the Tasqals, and their gator-guard henchmen.

  So far, all aliens could die and cease to exist for all she cared. They were all bad.

  Well…probably not all of them.

  After all, other aliens were the reason she and the other human women had managed to escape from the Isclit ship.

  Members of the Restitution, a group of aliens who were fighting against the Tasqal’s crimes, had targeted the Isclit ship. They had infiltrated it, rescued her and the other humans, and destroyed the Isclit carrier.

  But their relief was short-lived, as now, the Tasqals were after them again. It wasn’t surprising. They weren’t about to let their “slaves” get away so easily. Either that or they were pissed about losing one of their carriers.

  She wanted to think it was the latter.

  “Damage impact: ninety percent,” the female voice of the Elysium’s artificial intelligence said. Ninety percent! Diana was surprised the ship was still even able to function.

  Palms planted firmly against the control panel,
Diana kept her gaze on the huge glass screen in front of her.

  The Tasqal ships were still swarming around them. They swooped and circled, green lasers firing at every pass. It didn’t look good.

  It didn’t look good at all.

  The chances of survival looked dim.

  The other human women, all four of them that had been rescued, had bailed ship with the other alien members of the Restitution.

  Athena had abandoned ship with Xul, Piper had gone with Crex, Song was with Kyris, and Evren was with Kyro.

  She could see them now.

  Well, she could see the trails of their escape pods as they shot away from the Elysium. They would land somewhere on some planet called Muk that was directly below them.

  Staring at the fighter jets as they swooped and fired their lasers, she knew one thing: she should have gone with them.

  She’d been an idiot not to abandon ship.

  But she was tired of running.

  Tired of not fighting back.

  And maybe she wasn’t the only one.

  Movement to her side drew her attention back to the fact that she wasn’t alone. An alien, a member of the Restitution, had also refused to abandon the Elysium.

  Watching him now, she frowned slightly.

  Maybe he was tired of running too.

  Or maybe he was just batshit crazy like her.

  He’d refused to leave the Elysium, and for some reason she could not understand, she’d stupidly followed behind him to the control room. Now, he was busy pressing buttons she didn’t know the purpose of, his concentration focused on what he was doing.

  He didn’t seem to even notice her presence, and that was fine.

  He was doing what he could to save them…or the ship, at least.

  Either way, she wasn’t about to get in his way when he obviously knew what he was doing.

  As she returned her gaze to the huge glass screen that served as a barrier between them and space, the ship shuddered again and tilted forward.

  “Two supplemental engines damaged,” the ship said.

  Diana gritted her teeth and balled her fists.

  “Damage impact: ninety-five percent,” the ship continued.

  Diana let out a breath. Five percent left. Did that mean the ship would explode soon?

  “Cloaking systems: down. Main engine: down. Shields: down,” the ship said. “One engine remaining.”

  Things were even worse than she’d thought. Now more than ever, she wished she’d hopped into an escape pod. She’d have had to have gone alone though. The captain, Xul, had ordered that each human abandon ship with a “guard” so to speak, for the humans’ safety. Apparently, the planet below was harsh and unpredictable and as they were familiar with it and the humans weren’t, it only made sense to pair up.

  But the big blue alien beside her had decided to stay on the dying Elysium. That meant she would have been the only one without a “guard.” Not that she needed one, but maybe going it alone on a strange planet was better than her current situation.

  The Elysium was doomed and she was beginning to feel helpless. It was a feeling she hated. She didn’t like not being in control. If the ship was that damaged, she needed to do something to increase their chances of survival.

  It was a fight and she was used to fighting. As with life, everything was.

  There must be something she could do.

  She glanced at the alien next to her and watched him move. He was completely focused on the buttons he was pressing. The white tattoos networking all over his blue skin seemed to glow with his deep concentration as the gem embedded in the middle of his forehead did the same. Whatever he was trying to do, she didn’t know. But she couldn’t just stand there watching them fall to their death.

  When she’d thought of what would kill her, it hadn’t been getting blown up in space. You know, what were the chances of getting into space in the first place? Unless she’d somehow become good friends with some higher-ups at NASA, or maybe Elon Musk, that wasn’t happening.

  But here she was.

  Well, she’d quarrel about it later.

  Right now, she needed to do something.

  “What can I do to help?”

  Thanks to the translators that seemed commonplace in this section of the galaxy, she knew he could understand what she said and she could understand him as well. Back on the Isclit ship, they’d so graciously shot her behind the ear with her own translator and the memory of it made her skin itch at the spot.

  She said graciously, but they hadn’t been gracious at all.

  If she remembered correctly, getting the translator implanted had involved her being held down against her will while they’d pointed a gun to the side of her head.

  The big blue alien brushed past her, ignoring her question, and she wondered for a second if he’d heard what she’d asked.

  His name was Yce and as a testament to his name, he reminded her of a big, blue glacier.

  He was tall, muscular, and unnerving.

  He could pass for a human in costume, but she knew he was anything but human. If that huge gem embedded in the middle of his forehead wasn’t any indication, she didn’t know what was.

  Unless he was just one of those people who loved extreme modifications…but something told her that gem was a part of his actual forehead.

  How that worked, she’d probably find out later—if they survived.

  “I said,” she spoke louder as the ship shuddered again, “what can I do to help?!”

  He paused then and glanced at her, his finger poised over a button as if he hadn’t really thought of asking her for assistance.

  Pssh. Men.

  “Can you steer?” It was a question she didn’t expect.

  “Steer?” Diana’s frown grew deeper. “You mean steer the ship?” There was another loud explosion and the ship shuddered again.

  “Yes.” His face was expressionless. Yce was like ice. “I am directing all the energy in the ship to the central core and the one remaining engine. It should give us just enough energy to shoot towards Muk and hasten our entry to the planet before the ship is completely destroyed.”

  “Ok.” Diana nodded, biting her bottom lip. She was getting the picture. “And you need me to steer as we enter?”

  “No.” He began pressing buttons again, his attention focused on the panel. “I need you to steer after we enter. The ship will be free falling.”

  Of course. She couldn’t have asked for less.

  The ship shuddered again and Diana took a deep breath.

  He knew more about this stuff than she did.

  She’d just have to follow his lead.

  After all, she had no choice. She’d been the one to stay behind when she could have gotten into an escape pod and hopefully made it past the barrage of lasers and the ships swarming outside.

  “Entering Muk’s atmosphere in five…four…three…” the ship said.

  “Hold on to something!” the alien beside her shouted as he slammed his fist on a big button in the center of the control panel.

  Hold on to something, like what?!

  The closest thing to her was his muscly arm and she wasn’t grabbing on to that!

  There was nothing else around them to hold on to except the pilots’ yokes but before she could stumble over to one, the ship went into a full nose-dive, slamming her against the control panel as it suddenly picked up incredible speed and entered the planet’s outer atmosphere.

  “Shit!” she shouted, as the room was suddenly illuminated by a bright and blinding light. They were entering the atmosphere fast. Way too fast. Even she knew that. But if this was the only way to get away from the fighter jets, so be it.

  “What if they follow us?!” Even though she was shouting, she could hardly hear her voice over the roaring of the ship.

  “They won’t. Their ships aren’t meant for landing from directly space. They are only suitable for space combat. They will explode if they follow us.” He didn’t look at her
as he spoke. Instead, he gripped the panel in front of him, his focus on the outside of the ship as his white eyes seemed to glow.

  Yep. White.

  She wasn’t even kidding. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t his eyes alone that were glowing. The gem in his head and the tattoos across his body were glowing too and she wondered if he was going to blow up with the ship.

  The Elysium was still shuddering, its alarms blaring as they went further into the planet’s atmosphere, and it felt as if everything was going to break apart.

  “Now!” the alien ordered, his white eyes flashing to hers.

  His eyes startled her every time their gazes met, but she’d have to deal with that later. Right now, she needed to summon her big girl panties, pull them up, and help him with their escape.

  Gulping, Diana nodded.

  Right. It was her turn to help.


  All she had to do was steer.

  Shit, she wasn’t even a good driver on Earth.

  With a momentary glance at him, she shrugged.

  What he didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.

  Well…maybe this was one of those cases in which it could.

  But he didn’t have to know that.

  Chapter Two

  The ship was shuddering and, with each shudder, he could feel her pain.

  The Elysium was his, given to him by his father as a rite of passage after completing the coming-of-age trials.


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