Yce: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 3)

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Yce: Alien Abduction Romance (Captured By Aliens Book 3) Page 8

by A. G. Wilde

  “You want some of these?” She pushed one of the packets toward him and he stared at it for a second.

  “No,” he said. But even though he wasn’t human one thing was obvious. She knew a liar when she saw one.

  His eyes were still locked on the packet as she pulled it back toward herself.

  “Okay,” she said, purposefully moving the packet to her mouth slowly.

  His eyes followed her movement as she took a sip of the thick liquid.

  This one tasted like a fruit mix.

  As she pulled it from her mouth, she ran her tongue over her lips to catch a stray drop that hand landed there.

  His eyes followed her movement and she watched him gulp.


  He was starving too.

  “You want some, don’t you?” It wasn’t a question. She knew he wanted some. Eyeing him, she slowly raised the packet to her lips again.

  “You have it. You need the energy,” he said, making to turn away.

  “And so do you.” She trudged behind him. She couldn’t walk as fast in his boots. “What will you eat?”

  “I will hunt a zehmip for shelter and dinner soon.”

  “Yea, well, how are you going to hunt one of those things if you don’t have any energy to?”

  “I’ll manage.”

  God, what was it with stubborn people? She just could never understand them.

  “Listen.” She stopped in her tracks. “Hey!”

  The seriousness in her voice must have caught his ear because he paused to look back at her.

  “You need to eat,” he said. “You will be weak.”

  “Dude.” Diana rolled her eyes. “So do you, Einstein.”

  She waved the packet in the air and watched as his eyes followed it for a second.

  “You know you want it.”

  “You need it more.”


  “Don’t make me have to force it down your throat.”

  This time, the amusement behind his eyes was clear. Heck, it even reached his lips and she realized it was the first time she’d seen him smile.


  She’d been missing out. His smile made him even more gorgeous.

  “And just how would you do that?” he asked, trying unsuccessfully to hide his smile.

  “Are you daring me?”

  “No,” he sobered. “I know you are…wild.”


  Did he just call her wild?

  “Wild?” She narrowed eyes at him, dropping her bag in the sand as she trudged toward him. “Wild? You think I’m wild?”

  “You wrestled a sand cat. Only an insane—”

  “Oh, so now I’m insane too.” Her eyes narrowed further.

  Yce gulped.

  He was putting himself in a corner and he knew it.

  “I just mean—”

  “I’ll show you fucking insane.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  He could sense something was about to happen but he wasn’t sure what. That was the problem with Diana. She was so unpredictable.

  “Eat it,” she said, advancing on him, eyes narrowed.

  He couldn’t tell if she was joking or not.

  He couldn’t tell much with this human.

  Humans were confusing.

  And this one particularly so.

  Why didn’t she eat the food?

  “You can’t force me to eat it,” he said, watching her advance. She was having trouble trudging towards him while wearing his boots but that did nothing to stop the determination in her eyes.

  It almost made him smile, but he didn’t dare smile while looking her directly in the eye.

  He had no idea how she would respond.

  She was so…illogical.

  Her response could be anything.

  “Oh, I can’t? You’re going to eat this. I know you want it.”

  Those last five words made him think of something else immediately and his gaze dropped, only for a second, to her chest.

  Even underneath the zehmip covering, he could see the bulges.

  Her breasts. Her beautiful, bountiful breasts. He’d had no idea he had a particular liking for breasts until he’d seen hers.

  A sliver of energy ran through his cock immediately.

  “You want it. I saw it in those alien eyes of yours. And if you think you’re going to starve and collapse out here on me in this wilderness, you have another thing coming.”

  She was almost upon him now and finally, a hint of the smile he was trying to hold back reached his lips.

  “You worry about me?”

  She paused then and flashed him a look he couldn’t read.

  “No, I worry about myself.” Her gaze faltered for a second and it made him believe she wasn’t telling the truth. He didn’t need to read her mind for that.

  “Well, you can’t force me. I won’t eat it.”

  He made to turn and continue trekking when small hands and a leg gripped him. The arms held on to his while the leg slid between his and somehow, he didn’t know what she did, but somehow, instead of standing he was now falling.

  Yce’s eyes widened, the suddenness of the move not something he’d expected.


  She’d taken him down?


  As he hit the sand, unexpected laughter bubbled in his belly.

  What was this human doing?

  Using an arm to pin down one of his own, the human crawled over him, pressing him into the sand with her body as if that would hold him there.

  “Eat it.” Her face appeared above his as she moved the packet to his lips.

  His laughter spilled forth. It was a deep rumble that vibrated between them both and he saw her hesitate for a second.

  “No,” he said between laughs. “I won’t. You eat it.”

  “Goddammit, you’re so stubborn!” she exclaimed, pressing the packet to his lips.

  Closing his mouth, he gripped her to his chest and spun, throwing her beneath him in the sand.

  It was her turn to look surprised, as her mouth opened slightly and she stared up at him.

  Then, he could almost see it, almost as if it was tangible—competitiveness and determination. They were both swirling in her eyes.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing?” Her question came out somewhat breathless from the sudden movement.

  He couldn’t help but smile.



  This human was so illogical.

  He knew she had fighting knowledge. After seeing her wrestle that sand cat, that information was clear.

  But she really thought she could use her skills to hold him down and force-feed him?

  Before he could answer, she somehow managed to twist herself so that they were rolling over again and he was suddenly on the bottom.

  “I’m not that easy to control, Big Blue.”

  Big Blue?

  That made another set of rumbles to echo through his chest.

  “Big Blue? That’s what you call me?”

  This time, he saw the amusement in her eyes.

  “That and several other things,” she answered.

  His curiosity was piqued, but it was obvious he wasn’t going to get to delve into that line of conversation because a soft human hand was once again approaching his lips with the food packet.

  Her persistence made him laugh again.

  She was straddling him now, squeezing her thighs against his sides to hold him still.

  “Eat,” she ordered.

  “And if I don’t?”

  She paused for a second, as if she hadn’t thought that far ahead.

  He could easily grip her arms and pin her down beside him. But, to his surprise, he was enjoying this little play of theirs. Waiting for her to reply he watched her narrow her eyes at him.

  She was a little feral one, this Diana, and her narrowing her eyes made him choke on a laugh.

  “Then I will just have to force-feed
you then, won’t I?” She was determined. He’d give her that.

  He couldn’t help it now. The laughter shook through his body without hindrance.

  This human.

  And it was the perfect opportunity. As he laughed, she forced the opening of the packet into his open mouth and squeezed.

  Eyes locking with her blue ones, he had no choice. He had to swallow or choke.

  Mmm. The food tasted so good and it was his favorite flavor too.

  His laughter settled as he allowed her to feed him.

  Her eyes were on the packet as he squeezed but his gaze was on her face.

  She was beautiful…this being. This human.

  This woman.

  Wild, illogical, and unexpected…but, so beautiful.

  When her gaze finally rose to his, she paused and stiffened.

  It felt as if they were staring into each other’s eyes for ages, though in reality, he knew it was only for a few seconds.

  Something swam in her eyes. Something he wasn’t sure of.

  But he felt, with clarity, that it was a reflection of what was in his own.

  They’d connected and he wasn’t sure what that meant but something had changed between them in those few short minutes.

  As she cleared her throat and lifted herself from his chest, it felt almost like a loss to no longer have her warm body there.

  That caused him to frown slightly.

  Should he be worried about what that could possibly mean?

  Chapter Fourteen

  She must be insane.

  Scoffing at herself, she laughed softly.

  She was…a bit. Just a bit.

  Why on earth had she wrestled him to the sand?

  It was hard to understand why she’d done that but that wasn’t what was bothering her.

  She’d felt it.

  His hard body.

  His cock underneath his pants.

  The sexy rumble of his laughter through his chest.

  Did she just say sexy?

  Glancing up at the alien leading the way, Diana groaned.

  It had been sexy.

  Surprisingly sexy.

  She didn’t even know he laughed. He was always so…serene.

  He always seemed to keep such a straight face but their little romp in the sand had brought out a part of him that she hadn’t seen before.

  He’d stopped to kill another zehmip, giving her the skin to wrap around herself to keep warm during their night trek.

  The meat of the zehmip he’d eaten, as he’d told her he would do. He’d even offered her some, which she’d taken.

  The thing smelled like coal but it was edible.

  She’d eaten it and continued trekking behind him, trying to keep the thoughts surrounding his body from her mind.

  That had been a feat.

  She kept feeling the hardness smack between her legs. The strength in his muscles…his thick thighs.

  The rumble as he laughed.

  How good it sounded when it’d reached her ear.

  Maybe what was happening to her was the equivalent of seeing oases in the desert.

  Maybe she’d gone so long without a man that he looked to her like a tall glass of water. It didn’t help that he was blue.

  As the twin suns rose slowly into the Mukkian sky, Diana sighed.

  They’d been walking all night. It had been so tiring.

  Her feet ached.

  Her back ached.

  As a matter of fact, her entire body ached.

  She felt like she needed a full body massage or at least ten hours of uninterrupted sleep.

  He must be tired too.

  He was walking much slower than usual.

  It figured.

  They hadn’t encountered any sand cats in the night but that didn’t mean the trek hadn’t been a long one.

  It was probably the longest she’d ever walked without stopping.

  “Let’s camp here,” Yce said, stopping in a relatively flat area.

  “I’ll hunt a zehmip,” he continued.

  “Need help?” she asked though she knew well that she wouldn’t be of much help. She was far too exhausted.

  “No, you rest here,” he said, his gaze running over her for a few seconds as he watched her collapse to the sand.

  Taking his blade from the bag he was carrying, he dropped the bag on the sand beside her and headed off.

  Not far away was a dune, a sleeping zehmip. It would be their victim for shelter.

  When he finally returned and began setting up the tent, she could hardly keep her eyes open.

  She was almost asleep when she felt strong arms surround her, lifting her from the sand.

  If she wasn’t so exhausted, she would have protested, but when he took her into the tent and laid her on the zehmip skins he’d spread there, all she could do was sigh with contentment.

  She was asleep before he even put the barricade up.

  * * *

  She was on a beach in Jamaica. The sky was a brilliant blue, the sand a brilliant white, and the sea so crystal clear, she could see straight into its depths.

  Bringing the drink she’d been holding to her lips, she adjusted her sunglasses as she took a sip.

  It was tangy and strong, real Jamaican ginger beer, and she breathed in deeply enjoying the slight burn in her throat.

  Condensation dripped from the bottle and fell on her exposed breasts and a slight gasp escaped her lips.

  It was so hot outside, she hadn’t even realized she was naked. But that didn’t matter. The beach was deserted.

  It was just her relaxing on a beach chair underneath the swaying leaves of a palm tree.

  Somewhere behind her, she could hear soft music playing and she assumed she’d turned on a radio or something.

  But that didn’t concern her.

  This was heaven.

  A soft breeze brushed against her skin, tickling her nipples, and Diana smiled.

  The only thing that would make this better would be a hunk of a man…but alas, she couldn’t get everything she wanted.

  The waves crashed softly against the shore and Diana focused back on the horizon.

  It was then that she saw it.

  Wait, was she seeing clearly?

  Yes, there was something, no, someone, coming out of the water.

  As the person rose, Diana gasped softly.

  Oh my…

  Maybe she could get everything she wanted.

  He was big. Hunky.

  Water dripped from his head down his shoulders unto impressive pectorals.

  As he came closer, Diana slowly pulled down her sunglasses, as if they were obstructing her vision.


  This guy.

  She didn’t know where he came from, but he was definitely welcome.

  He was standing waist-deep in the water now as he approached slowly, and as the waterline receded, the V in his torso caught her sight next.

  Like a valley leading to the Holy Land, the lines of that V kept her attention till he stepped just a bit closer.


  An appreciative smile graced her lips.

  He was packed.

  His cock bobbed over the waves as he exited the water and headed her way. Like three stacked coke cans.

  It felt as if she’d seen that cock before but, hey, she didn’t mind drooling over it again.

  As he came closer, she hadn’t noticed before, but his body was decorated in tattoos and his long hair hung in wet strands over his shoulders.


  He was hot.

  He approached her with determination, as if his sole purpose for appearing was her, and she couldn’t help but gasp.

  “Diana.” His voice was a deep rumble that seemed to make the air around her vibrate.


  He didn’t need to say anything else. As he crawled over her on all fours, the drink slipped from her hand and crashed to the sand. Her sunglasses were forgotten as she threw them somewhere behind
her and wrapped both arms around the hunky stranger.

  But he wasn’t a stranger.

  Something about him felt familiar, familiar enough for it not to feel strange.

  He dipped his face to her neck, kissing her there as one of his hands gripped her breast.

  As her eyes fluttered closed, she felt his lips move down her collarbone tracing small kisses before reaching an exposed nipple.

  A soft gasp left her lips as she fumbled for his cock.

  That’s what she wanted.

  Gripping it, she felt the power flow through her hand and she responded immediately, a jolt of electricity running straight from the tongue on her nipple to her clit.

  She was already wet and she wanted him. This handsome hunk. She wanted him deep inside her.

  Gripping his cock, she guided it to her entrance and moaned as she pushed the head of him inside her.

  “Fuck me,” she breathed and he gripped her legs, lifting them up above her head so she was fully exposed to him.

  “You’re so wet,” he murmured.

  As he started pumping, Diana’s vision went blurry.

  It felt so damn good.

  So so good.

  She was so close.

  So close.

  She was going to come.

  Opening her eyes, she locked gazes with him.

  White eyes met her blue and Diana gasped as her orgasm crashed over her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Stretching on the zehmip bedding, Diana’s eyes fluttered open.

  She felt good. Rested…and…

  That dream!

  It came back to her like a freight train. Her eyes widened as she glanced around the tent.

  Somehow, seeing him naked, his massive cock hanging between his legs as he washed himself, had turned her on so much she’d dreamed about him?!

  She was hot for an alien? This alien?

  Maybe it was how wild he had looked...untamed...primal while washing himself in the rain.

  Diana squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on her breathing.

  She didn't want him to know that she was awake. She couldn't face him yet; not after the dream she’d just had.

  She heard him shuffling in the cloth bag and then there was the sound of a blade being sharpened.

  He was keeping busy.

  Wasn't he tired?

  He had to be.


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