"Handcuff me first, and I'll tell you."
Silas almost fell off the bed and glared at Chester when he laughed. He went to the drawer he kept his items in and pulled out his handcuffs. Twirling them on his finger, he asked, "You want these?"
"Fuck, yeah." Chester's eyes glowed, his hard dick bobbed, and precome dripped from the slit.
They’d both had two orgasms, and it looked like they'd be having another.
"Get over here, Sheriff, and cuff me."
"Should I wear my uniform?" Silas teased.
Chester growled. "Yeah. Arrest me, Sheriff, and punish me."
Silas ran into the bathroom and grabbed some towels then his uniform and dressed, noticing Chester's eyes never left him, and he growled when Silas picked up the cuffs and strolled over to him.
"You're under arrest, Chester."
Chester grinned. "Good, Sheriff. Make me pay."
Chester raised his arms over his head, and Silas cuffed him to the bed frame then stepped back, his eyes roaming over Chester's body.
Chester lifted his legs to his chest. "You're gonna need lube."
"What do you think? Wanna feel your hand fuck my ass, Sheriff."
Silas groaned and rolled his shirt sleeves up. Once they were clear, he poured lube on his hand, making sure it was covered.
He moved between Chester's legs and ran his wet fingers over his red hole.
“How do I do this?”
"The usual way at first. One finger then two then three. When you have four fingers in, you need to tuck your thumb into the palm of your hand and slowly slide it in."
"How long since you last did this?"
"A few months before I met you."
He followed Chester's instructions and panted with excitement as Chester's hole swallowed four fingers. Chester twitched and moaned, his body constantly moving.
"More," he whimpered. Silas paused. He'd never done this before, and he didn't want to hurt him. "You won't. Feel me, Sheriff. You'll know if it gets too much."
He moaned and closed his eyes, Chester's pleasure, lust and excitement rushing through him, and the next thing he knew his hand was in Chester ass.
Chester was crying out, his head rolling on the pillow. "Fuck me with it, Sheriff!"
Slowly at first, he fisted Chester, eyes widening that Chester's ass could take the whole of his hand. He only did it twice before Chester's back bowed and he screamed, jets of come shooting from his untouched dick.
Silas removed his hand and flipped him over. He pulled his hips up, before frantically unzipping his uniform and shoving his dick in, hammering into Chester's abused hole. Chester screamed again and moved back, meeting him with every thrust. Silas' teeth ached, and he couldn’t stop himself from biting into Chester's shoulder.
When Silas came, it was only a dribble, having already come so much today, but the intensity rocketed through him, and Chester's flowed back. Their combined emotions built and Silas saw dark spots in his eyes. He collapsed over Chester, both of them falling to the bed.
They lay panting, and when Silas could move, he pulled free from Chester and tugged the keys from his pants, uncuffing him.
"Shit," he muttered when he saw the marks on Chester's wrists.
Chester pulled them free, looking at them with a grin. "Fucking great."
His eyes still glowed, and Silas leaned over him, knowing what he needed. Chester immediately struck, hard and fast, and Silas moaned at the wash of pleasure that flowed from Chester into him.
He only took a couple of mouthfuls then pulled free, licking the wound closed.
"Wow, Sheriff."
They lay next to each other on the bed, staring at the ceiling. "When's Troy back?"
Silas smiled hearing the happiness in Chester's voice. "Tomorrow. Why?"
Chester rolled on top of him, kissing him deeply. "So we can carry on fucking."
"Give an old man a break!"
"You're my mate, so your stamina will match mine."
"Oh. Shower sex?
"Wanna ruin my ass?"
"Fuck. I'm dirty, Sheriff. Need you to clean me."
Silas laughed as Chester pulled him up from the bed and towards the bathroom.
Chapter Nine
Chester winced when he moved but still grinned. Silas was a fucking god in bed, and Chester was going to feel him for at least a week. He'd lost count of how many times Silas had fucked him through the night and at no point had Chester complained. He'd needed Silas in a way he'd never needed anyone before. Silas was his mate, the other half of his soul.
Still asleep, Silas snored quietly next to him, and Chester rolled his head on the pillow and stared at him. His mate, and even though his ass was sore, he wanted to climb that hard body and ride his gorgeous dick again.
Humming, Chester sat up, pulling the covers down to reveal the dick his mouth watered for and leaned over it, sucking it into his mouth and moaning at the intense flavor that flooded his mouth.
Silas' hand rubbed his bald head. "Didn't you get enough," he muttered, his voice hoarse from sleep.
Pulling free, he shook his head. "No. Waited too long to have you." He bent down and licked the head again, sucking the precome that seeped from the tip.
"You must be sore."
"A good sore. No, a great sore."
When Silas' dick was hard, Chester threw his leg over Silas' hip positioned himself over it and slowly dropped down. When Silas' spongy head touched his abused hole, Chester gasped and bit his lip. He knew it would feel good, and rotating his hips, he sank down on Silas, moaning as he pushed into his ass.
He winced slightly at the pain but then leaned back and rocked his hips, moving up and down. Silas' dick hit his prostate, and even though it was sensitive, it still felt fantastic.
He moved slowly, enjoying the fullness in his ass, and stared into Silas' eyes.
Silas sat up carefully, and Chester leaned back so he could wrap his legs around Silas' waist. They kissed slowly, tongues licking into each other's mouths.
"Love you," Chester muttered in between kisses.
"I know."
Chester grinned then leaned back in Silas' arms, moving slowly. "I think this is my favorite place."
"What? My dick in your ass?"
"Hmm. Yes."
They stopped talking, and Chester hummed, enjoying the slow, lazy morning fuck. There was nothing better than having just-woken-up sex when you're still sleepy and warm.
Small movements on Silas' dick, making sure his gland was rubbed just right, quickly brought Chester to the edge, but he wasn't quite ready to fall over yet.
They kissed leisurely, lips and tongues moving over each other, kissing mouths and skin, sliding along jaws and down necks to suck and bite. Silas licked the bite he'd given Chester the night before, and Chester moaned. He'd loved Silas biting him and wanted him to do it more. He wanted everyone to know who he belonged to. Silas.
"Bite me, Silas. I want to feel you."
Silas licked his shoulder, and Chester groaned when his blunt teeth bit into his flesh. Yes, it hurt, but when Silas finally broke the skin, Chester's body shuddered. The shared blood deepened the bond between them and Chester could feel him in a way he'd never dreamed possible.
Both Donnie and Jared had told him how it felt, but to experience it was far, far different. Silas licked the blood that oozed to the surface and glanced up, their eyes meeting and holding.
"You are one kinky vampire."
"This is nothing, Sheriff. Just wait until you try sounding."
Silas licked up his neck and kissed his lips. "Can't wait."
"I know I can't."
They kissed again, and Chester moved faster. Silas gripped his ass cheeks and helped him move on his dick.
They breathed each other in, not really kissing now, just open mouths touching and tongues licking. Both moaned when Chester tightened his hole around Silas' dick.
; "Close," Silas muttered, lips sliding across Chester's.
Chester moved faster, squeezing Silas' dick again, and he felt it thicken in his ass before hot pulses of come filled him. Silas moaned, his head dropping to Chester's shoulder, hands tightening on Chester's ass as he fucked up into him.
Silas dropped back on the bed, and Chester lay over him, hard dick trapped between them. Silas grinned up at him then rolled them over, his dick slipping free from Chester's hole. Chester grinned when Silas moved down and sucked his dick into his mouth. He punched his hips up, arching back as Silas sucked him.
A minute later, he also came and groaned loudly watching Silas swallow his load. "Fuck, Sheriff."
Silas swallowed one last time, licking the head, then moved up Chester's body, kissing him along the way. "What is it with you calling me Sheriff?"
"When we're in bed, you're the one in charge, so you're the Sheriff."
"You never-"
"I tried it, of course I did, but I prefer being held down and fucked."
Silas grinned. "I enjoy doing the fucking."
"I noticed, and I'm not complaining." Chester smiled. "You know Troy's back, right?"
Silas blinked. "What? I haven't heard him."
"I did. He's in the kitchen."
Silas slumped on Chester. "Great," he muffled into Chester's neck.
Chester chuckled and rolled them over then ran his fangs over Silas' vein. He heard Silas' muffled 'do it', and he pierced the skin, letting the blood flow into his mouth. Swallowing a few times, Chester sealed the wound closed and kissed the skin. "Love how you taste."
Silas hummed. "Shower then breakfast?"
"And face the son."
Silas groaned again. "Don't remind me. God, I hope he didn't hear anything."
Chester laughed. "Only one way to find out."
* * *
Walking into the kitchen behind Silas, Chester inhaled the scent of freshly cooked bacon.
"I'm starving, Troy."
Troy grunted. "Yeah, I heard you work up an appetite."
Chester chuckled, slapping Silas on the shoulder. "I knew it."
"Yeah, cause every kid wants to come home and hear the parents going at it." He took a sip from his glass of water and leaned back on the counter. "So, are you moving in now?"
"Nah, it's okay, Silas." Chester watched Troy stare at the glass in his hand. "It'll happen when we're all okay with it."
Troy shrugged. "Sure."
"Troy. You knew this would happen one day but only when you're okay with it."
"I'm just... not sure."
Silas leaned on the counter next to Troy. "What about?" Troy shrugged, not answering Silas. "Troy."
"I don't know, okay! I don't know how I feel about all this. He's a vampire and... and I know..."
"I'm not going to hurt him, Troy. Mates are the most important person to a vampire, and one day you'll experience it. I'm not going to take him away from you either. He's your pops, and you two are a family. I just want to be part of that too."
Troy sighed and nodded. "I know but... I can't help how I feel."
"It'll take time, Troy, but I know once you get to know me better you'll realize that I'm not that bad."
Troy grunted. "Well, you can't be that bad. I could hear both of you as soon as I walked in."
Silas blushed, and Chester grinned. Shrugging, he said, "Sorry."
"Don't worry. One day it'll be me."
"I don't think so," Silas spluttered out.
"Pops, I'm eighteen, almost nineteen. I leave for college in a few weeks. I'll make sure I have plenty of condoms, so don't worry about any babies turning up."
Silas spluttered again, and Chester burst out laughing. "Oh man, he's got you there. Didn't you go a little..." Chester laughed again, catching the look on Silas' face.
"I'd stop laughing, Chester. Now you two are mated that makes you pops number two."
Chester grinned. "Always wanted brats."
"Who you calling a brat!" Troy looked offended then laughed. "Oh, the look on your face then."
"Troy," Silas warned. "Let him get used to the fact he now has a son, then you can laugh at him."
"I'll catch you guys later, got to study for exams."
Chester stepped in front of him when he went to leave the kitchen. "Troy. Are you okay with this?"
Troy stared at him and then shrugged, glancing away. "No, not really, but that's not your fault."
He pushed past, and Chester let him go, looking over at Silas. It felt like Silas' heart was breaking as he watched his son leave the room and Chester walked over, hugging him close. "Give him time."
"I know this isn't going to be easy. He swings from being okay one minute to wanting to kill you the next, and I never know which one I'm going to be faced with."
"I'm the thing he hates. We knew this would happen."
"I just wish things could be different." Silas frowned, shaking his head. "Why did she do it, Chester? I just don't understand why. And to force Troy as well? Was she trying to make him like her? Make him see humans as food and nothing more? I'm human. Is that how she saw me?"
"I don't think we'll ever know the answer to that, Silas, but from everything you've told me, Tina loved you and Troy. I don't know what happened to her to change that."
"Have you ever come across it before? A vampire that hunts and kills humans?"
"Yeah, of course I have, and the opposite too, where gangs of humans would hunt vampires down and torture them and I still don't know why. A psychiatrist might be a better person to speak to."
Silas nodded. "I just-"
He stopped talking when Chester's cell rang. Chester saw Ale's name on the screen and sighed. He'd just returned from a call out, he didn't want to go on another.
"Sorry, Chester. You're needed back here. I'm calling everyone in on this one."
"Group missing in the mountains including kids."
"Shit. Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can."
Chester hung up, and Silas asked, "What's happened?"
"Mountain rescue. A group of people missing, including kids."
"Yeah. I've got to go in. Ale's got us all in on this one, and he's right. The more people we take, the greater the chance of finding them."
Chester reached for Silas, and they kissed quick and hard.
"Go and get your things. I'll make you a coffee to take with you."
Chester arched a brow. "Nice and domesticated."
"Fuck off."
Chester chuckled and pulled Silas down, kissing him thoroughly. When he stepped back, they were both panting.
"Love you."
Silas smiled. "I know. Go and get ready."
Chester grinned and jogged from the kitchen. As soon as they found the missing group, he was coming home to Silas and Troy.
Chapter Ten
"Have you tried sending pictures yet?"
Silas stared open-mouthed at Jeremy. They'd met up for a coffee to talk about what they knew about being mates.
"We haven't really tried talking to each other," Silas admitted.
Chester had left so quickly the morning after they'd bonded that they hadn't discussed whether it would be okay for Silas to contact him. He was sure it would be, but he didn't know how to do it, and the last thing he wanted to do was distract him when he was busy.
"You haven't? Oh my, you're in for a treat."
Grinning, Silas finished his pastry. "These are so good, Jeremy." Silas pushed his plate to one side and leaned on the table. "So, what's the treat?"
"Well,—" Jeremy glanced around the coffee shop, "—once you can talk over various distances, try sending Chester images. You know, dirty ones."
"I take it you’ve tried."
Jeremy nodded quickly. "Donnie stormed into the house, and I had the best night ever."
"So, we're talking..."
"Dirty ones, Silas. Listen." Jeremy r
olled his eyes. "Okay, I was jacking off and made sure to tell and show Donnie what I was doing."
"Right, TMI, Jeremy, but I guess it worked."
"Fuck, yeah. Like I said, best night ever."
Silas sat back in his seat and smiled when Amber came over and topped up their coffee. "I just think of Chester, and he'll hear my thoughts."
"Kinda. You need to think about him and channel your thoughts to him."
"Channel?" Silas furrowed his brow staring at Jeremy. Channel? What the-
"Try it. Go on. Think about Chester and follow that connection you have, you know the one that's in your chest."
"Er, okay." Silas closed his eyes and felt the connection that had developed since bonding and 'thought' to Chester. Chester.
He waited a few seconds, and not getting a reply, he opened his eyes and shrugged. "Nothing."
Jeremy frowned. "Try harder."
Now it was Silas' turn to roll his eyes. "I don't know if I did it right the first time. How is trying harder going to help?"
"Ugh! Just try." Jeremy waved his hand at him, and Silas chuckled. He'd learned early on that Jeremy wanted everyone to be as happy as he was with Donnie and considering his past —his ex-partner was abusive— he'd come a long way in accepting his relationship with Donnie. In fact, they were blissfully bonded.
Closing his eyes again, he reached out, trying to feel his connection to Chester. He felt stupid and could feel his cheeks heat up, but for Jeremy, he'd try. Chester.
When he still heard nothing, he opened his eyes and shook his head at Jeremy, who sat back in his chair muttering under his breath.
"I'm sorry, Jeremy. Maybe it's-"
Silas blinked, his mouth falling open. "Oh, my."
Jeremy's fist pumped the air. "I knew it."
You can hear me.
Yeah, I can.
What's the situation?
Tornado Alley. Again. Dead, missing, devastation. Will be here for at least another day. Miss you, Sheriff.
What was it about Chester calling him Sheriff that now made his dick harden? Probably all the times he screamed it when Silas had been fucking him.
Miss you too. Come home safe.
Will do.
Silas blinked several times. "Wow, that's... that's... wow."
Rescue Inc Collection Vol 2: Mine to Protect & Mine to Keep Page 6