The Fires of Tartarus

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The Fires of Tartarus Page 1

by Emma V. Leech

  The Fires of Tartarus

  By Emma V. Leech


  Published by: Emma V. Leech.

  Copyright (c) Emma V. Leech 2016


  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55


  About the Author

  Other Works

  Want More?


  I could hear his heart beating, a quiet thunder under the roar of flames that surrounded him. Those blue eyes, once so calm and powerful, were wide and wild as terror pushed his body to the limits of endurance.

  He knew it was coming. The night fell with heavy inevitability like the blow from an axe, but that would have been a sweet ending - swift and painless. The end was coming for him just as it came every single day for all eternity. The gathering twilight that once brought him life now brought slavering jaws and pitiless claws to pull and tear at his fragile body and grind his bones. It was inexorable, inescapable and yet ... he tried anyway. Tried to run, to hide, to plead ... to fight. Anything to cling to life for a few more precious seconds, anything to delay the scrape of teeth as he screamed for mercy - but there was no mercy here.

  Here was fire and blood, demons and evil, retribution for sins and punishment for trespasses against the gods.

  Here was Tartarus - and there was no escape.

  “Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?”

  -Beyond Good and Evil, Friedrich Nietzsche

  Chapter 1

  Consciousness pulled at my sleeping mind, and I grasped at it with sweaty hands, at anything to escape the terror.

  I knew I was screaming, but I couldn't evade the horror before my eyes, couldn't accept that the carnage I saw in front of me had been a man, my man, my heart and soul. Monsters fought over his remains with such depravity and evil even my mind could not have imagined.

  My heart pounded, my lungs gasping for the breath to scream again, to tear harder at my throat, already raw from the depths of my terror and anguish, and then ... it stopped.

  Peace, comfort and familiarity wrapped around me like the patchwork quilt from my childhood bed. Except it was no quilt that curled around me, bringing warmth and security.

  I took a breath as my eyelids struggled to open, even the dim light of the fire in the hearth too bright, too real after the brutality of the dream.

  “It's alright, Jéhenne. I'm here.”

  I woke fully as the voice threaded through my tender brain. It was soothing, calming, and yet somehow that irritated the hell out of me.

  “It was just a dream,” he whispered as a large hand smoothed my hair from my face.

  “I know it was a fucking dream!” I pushed Lucas away, unable to bear the touch of his arms around me even though a part of me desperately needed the contact.

  “Well good morning, sunshine.” He smirked, laying back on my bed like he had a right to be there and looking like a bloody aftershave model. Max, the great cat that Corvus had given me, huffed from his position at the bottom of the bed and went back to sleep. He was only too used to me and Lucas yelling at each other in the morning.

  “Do me a favour and go stand in the sun, Lucas,” I snapped at him, throwing the covers back and easing my body out of bed. The dream still clung to me, my muscles taut from the desire to run as hard and fast as I could.

  “Is that a command ... mistress?” I could hear the sneer on his face, even without looking at him. It dripped from his voice.

  I glared at him over one shoulder. “Don’t tempt me.”

  He chuckled and stretched out on the bed, his arms up behind his head. The movement made his T-shirt ride up, exposing a rock-hard stomach and the edge of an impressive six pack. A trail of dark hair disappeared below his belt, and I snapped my eyes to his face, annoyed with myself at having noticed him at all. He looked at me steadily, the dark brown eyes amused.

  “Hungry?” he asked with a slight quirk of one eyebrow.

  I looked away from him. “Starving,” I replied. “Make sure breakfast is ready for me downstairs in half an hour. I could eat a horse.”

  Of course I was well aware he wasn’t talking about food. He wasn’t even implying I wanted sex, though that of course was there too in his expression. The new torture that life had decided to stick me with on top of slicing my heart into bite-sized pieces was the fact I was part vampire and the only one I could feed from was Lucas. I squashed down the wave of despair that rose as I remembered why Lucas was here instead of the man who should be.

  Corvus. His name rang through me like a bell sounding, like the ringing of an empty vessel. He had been everything to me and I to him. To prove it he had sacrificed himself to keep me safe. He had killed himself and made me Master of his family. Now I was linked both physically and emotionally to every vampire Corvus had ever made and every vampire they had made and so on.

  It was a vast and powerful family and took great power to control. Lucas was the last remaining link to Corvus. His second in command, the oldest and most powerful vampire within the family. Corvus’ pure, powerful blood ran in Lucas’ veins, the blood of the Albinus clan, and I needed that connection. I needed the power it gave me.

  The fact that I needed it was bad enough but far, far worse was that, once I wrapped
my head around the fact that I drank blood on a regular basis, I enjoyed it.

  I more than enjoyed it.

  I had always been jealous of the women Corvus fed from, jealous of the fact he touched them, that they got close to him. He had the power to make them feel pleasure or pain when they fed, could bring them to orgasm if he wanted. He’d sworn that since we got together he had made it pleasant but nothing more than that, and I’d believed him. I still believed he’d told me the truth. What he hadn’t said was how much he enjoyed it.

  He hadn’t said how it made him feel.

  I felt a rush of heat just thinking about it. It was very close to a sexual high and Lucas had been quick to point out that blood and sex were usually one and the same as far as vampires were concerned.

  I didn’t want to feel that way for Lucas, not for anyone. As soon as I fed I felt disgusted with myself and got as far from him as possible with frustration burning under my skin, but I couldn’t go far. The depths of my anguish at the loss of Corvus meant that I was prone to waves of depression that could sweep me off my feet. Not just me though. My feelings could be transferred through the entire family. That meant thousands of vampires all weeping and mourning the loss of their Master. Lucas was the only one who kept me level. When he was close, I could focus, and I needed to be focused on getting Corvus back. The closer he was to me, the better I felt and the more I hated him for it. I was going to get Corvus back and until then there would be no one else. I wanted him, him alone, and I didn’t need any distractions.

  I walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and avoiding looking in the mirror. I couldn’t bear to see the place around my neck where the tattoo had been, the mark that Corvus had given me when we had completed the bond. I’d done everything I could to find a way to break that bond and now that it was gone ... I wanted to scream and rage at my own stupidity.

  Be careful what you wish for, Jéhenne.

  I clutched at the sides of the basin as grief took hold of me like a cold, dark wave. Holding my breath for a moment, I squashed the emotions, forcing them down ... Breath out, breath in, breath out.

  I didn’t cry. I never cried.

  Not anymore.

  The only purpose I had was to get Corvus back.

  I ate because I needed to be strong.

  I trained because I needed to be fit.

  I slept because my body needed rest.

  I existed.

  There was nothing more than this. I was a machine. There was no emotion, I wouldn’t allow it. There was one purpose in my life and until that purpose was fulfilled, until my reason to be was back beside me, nothing else mattered.

  I tried to focus on my breathing but the dream still lingered behind my eyes and the worry that had begun to haunt me returned tenfold as the dreams increased. What if it wasn’t a dream?

  I’d always had visions and they often came as dreams. Glimpses of the past or present or what might come to be.

  I showered, dressed, cleaned my teeth and scragged my hair back in a messy bun. I didn’t give a damn what I looked like.

  Walking out of the bathroom, I found Lucas waiting for me just as I knew he would be. He sat stroking Max, and I went to walk past him, but he grabbed hold of my arm.

  “You need to feed.” His voice was gentle but firm, and I could feel his concern for me, but I yanked my arm from his grasp, still shocked by the fact I could.

  “I’m fine.”

  He sighed and shook his head. “Don’t make it a big deal, Jéhenne.”

  I sat on the edge of the bed and began to pull my boots on, my fingers clumsy as I tied the laces. “I’m not. I said I’m fine.”

  I felt the bed dip as he moved to sit closer beside me. “It’s been months now. It isn’t going to change. You have to get used to it.”

  I gritted my teeth, willing him to go away and knowing full well he wouldn’t. I could feel him holding his temper in check, trying his best to be reasonable. Somehow it annoyed me all the more.

  “No, I don’t. I’m going to get Corvus back and then everything can go back to normal.” I got up and then gasped as he yanked me back down. “Damn it, Lucas!”

  “Jéhenne, we have been through this. Even if we get him back, and believe me, that is a very big if ... but if we do, he won’t be the same. Corvus is gone, you have to accept it.” His hand slid down my arm and covered my fingers, and I sighed inwardly at the comfort it brought; like finding yourself at home. “This is your life now and you have to be strong if you don’t want someone to challenge your position.”

  I snatched my hand away, glaring at him, annoyed that he should try and divert me with such tactics. “You can’t spend your life holding my hand and hoping I’ll do as I’m bid, Lucas.”

  He snorted. “No shit.” He sounded tired, and I couldn’t honestly blame him. I’d never been the easiest girl to get along with but now I could well imagine spending time with me was a pain in the arse. Not that he seemed to mind. In fact he seemed to thrive on the constant sniping.

  “Why haven’t you tried it then?” I demanded.

  “What?” He looked at me in surprise, and I wondered if it had really never occurred to him.

  “You challenged Corvus, why not me? If you think I’m making myself weak by not feeding, why not take your chances, take control of the family.”

  I felt a flash of anger from him that he quickly brought under control. “I only ever wanted my freedom, Jéhenne.”

  “Then what’s stopping you trying for it now?” I pressed harder as my curiosity was now piqued. I knew he had always hated me, well, apart from a brief and uncomfortable period when I put a love spell on him to stop him killing me. I looked up at him and had to stop myself from glimpsing inside his mind. I could know everything he was, every thought, every dark desire as easily as pulling back a curtain if I really wanted to.

  I hated that I wanted to.

  He looked back at me, unblinking. “Corvus didn’t need me. He kept me because he felt I wouldn’t make a good Master.” He reached out and tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear. “You need me.”

  I frowned at him, wondering if he was shielding his thoughts from me. I could feel he was sincere I just couldn’t understand why when he had always hated me. His hand fell to my shoulder where it rested.

  “Corvus knew you could do this, Jéhenne, but he wanted me to help you. He asked me to stand by your side and guide you.”

  “The letter he left you?” I asked, and he nodded.

  I looked at him, trying to see if there was anything false in his expression, but warm brown eyes met mine with more sincerity than I was comfortable looking at. “I believe in you,” he said, his voice soft. “I want to help you through this.”

  “Why?” I demanded, feeling more perplexed and off-kilter than ever. Lucas hated me and I hated him. That was the world, nice and simple. Except my world was never simple.

  He shrugged and gave a lopsided grin. “Maybe it’s nice to be needed.”

  “Hmmm.” I dropped my gaze. I wanted to believe him, wanted to believe I had someone to trust but ... But I didn’t trust anyone, not anymore.

  He squeezed my shoulder. “Let me help you, OK? I won’t let you down I promise.”

  I pushed his hand away gently. “Don’t be nice to me ... please.” I looked up and shrugged an apology. “Just keep being a bastard, and I can keep it together, OK? If you’re nice to me ...” My voice broke and I looked away.

  I heard him sigh and then the copper tang of blood filled my senses, making my mouth water and my stomach clench. His arm slid around me as he offered up his wrist to my mouth. I got up with a yell of annoyance, pushing his arm away from me. “I said no!”

  “Don’t be such a whiny little brat and have your damn breakfast!” he snarled.

  “Stop being such a bloody arsehole and quit nagging me!” I yelled back and rushed from the room, not even bothering to close the door with Max at my heels. I ran along the corridor and then hesitated for a
moment at the top of the stairs. “Thank you,” I whispered, knowing he could hear me as well as if I was still in the room.

  I heard a snort. “Whatever.”

  Chapter 2

  I headed to the kitchen with Max padding on silent paws behind me, and I could hear a heated conversation drifting from the doorway, accompanied by the mouth-watering smell of fried bacon.

  “Yes it bleedin’ is!” Rodney exclaimed and set his mug down so hard the tea slopped over the sides.

  “Nu, is not true. I don’t like this story no more. I not read no more. Is not true. If I don’t read it, is not so.” Dimitri folded his massive arms together, looking mutinous.

  Rodney shook his head, clearly exasperated. “You can’t change the endin' and you can’t stop readin' jus’ cause it’s a bit sad.”

  Dimitri banged the table with one meaty fist, making all the china jump and clatter and more tea spill from Rodney’s mug. I sighed and went to fetch a cloth as Max went and curled up under the table by Dimitri.

  “Is not bit sad!” the big man objected. “Is tragedy. Is ... Is ...” His bottom lip trembled, and he fumbled around in his pocket for his hanky as his eyes filled.

  “Aww, bleedin’ ‘ell, Dimitri.” Rodney got up and patted his back as Dimitri put his head in his hands and sobbed.

  “What on earth is going on?” I asked as I wiped up the puddle of tea on the massive oak table that dominated the kitchen.

  Rodney rolled his eyes at me. “Well, Dimitri’s been a bit down in the dumps, like. You know since ...” He shrugged and sighed. “Well I thought maybe it would take ‘is mind off things if he occupied his self wiv somethin’, so I told ‘im to go to the library and read a book.”

  “Oh Lord, what book?”

  Rodney’s lip quirked, and I saw him take a breath and rearrange his face. “Little Women,” he said struggling to keep his expression solemn. He bit his lip, hard.

  I raised my eyebrows. “Probably not the best choice ever.”

  Rodney shook his head, his lips clamped shut.

  Dimitri looked up at me. He held out one massive hand, his face imploring. “Little Beth, she die, Jéhenne. She so sweet and so young and she die and ...” He buried his face in the handkerchief again.


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