Falling for the Alien Prince

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Falling for the Alien Prince Page 18

by Hannah Davenport

  “No…it’s…” I watched as his mind kicked into overtime, trying to find evidence of a lie.

  “I do not have time for your deceiving kind. Thanks to your colonel, my Ryges is missing. We will search this entire building. Anyone who stands against us will be executed.”


  “Wife. Unlike the Andores, we love fiercely.”

  “You have my word sir, no one will stand in your way.”

  I would have said thank you, but these low-dwellers didn’t deserve even vague gratitude. They deserved to be executed and all their females and children taken somewhere safe. Clearly, their males did not care, and there were so many species who needed mates.

  The idea built. Perhaps I would suggest such a thing when our people rescued us.

  True to his word, the building was searched. They even allowed Venge into the restricted areas. Millie wasn’t there. That left only one option: either someone had taken her into the Andore passageway, or she had followed Jyan.

  If she followed him, I would bend her over my knee and punish her until she promised never to do something so dangerous again.

  Somehow though…I had a sickening instinct that he might well have taken her himself.

  It took some time until Venge returned, a solemn look on his face as he held Millicent’s blood-stained daggers in his hand. He didn’t need to tell me; I already knew he had not found her.

  The men searched the office while the official stood in the doorway. Apparently, someone had placed him in charge of the situation, but he knew better than to interfere.

  Smart Human.


  Back in Tizun Territory, I paced the expanse of the small office. I knew she could handle herself, so I shoved away any other possibility. Millie would be alright. She had to be.

  In such a short time, she had wrapped herself around my hearts and I could not imagine living without her.

  “Kyrio?” Gar stood at the door.

  I turned, facing him. “Yes?”

  Gar stepped further inside. “You care for her?” he asked, carefully reading body language as well as words.

  “She is important to me.”

  His eyes met mine. “Then we shall find her.”

  I nodded, knowing it was up to Millie at the moment. I trusted her to somehow call for help.


  I ran as fast as possible but still heard footsteps behind me. I had to hide. Without a weapon, Jyan would easily kill me.

  With one halfway decent eye, I tried to find somewhere, anywhere to hunker down. Bushes scraped my already bleeding hand and my head throbbed. I’d consider myself lucky if I didn’t have a broken nose or eye socket.

  Trees large and small gave some shade and provided a little covering while I ran. But his taunts still caught my ears.

  “Run!” he laughed menacingly. “It makes it more exciting when I catch you!”

  Shivers ran down my arms. I knew I couldn’t keep up the pace. The swollen eyes weren’t the only injuries I had cataloged; even my back hurt from where he’d kicked me to the ground.

  “Millicent…” he called, closer now.

  Frantically I searched. My strength was waning; soon I’d run out of my ‘get up and go.’ Finding a large dead tree with a hollow trunk, I dropped on hands and knees and crawled inside. With knees drawn up, I held as still as possible and prayed he didn’t find me.

  Closer now. “Millicent…I know you’re around here somewhere.”

  I held my breath, barely taking a small gasp.

  “You know, before this show of defiance I thought I’d just kill you outright. But now…” He allowed the threat to hang in the air and my imagination ran away with it.

  Ten feet away, I could see from his shoulders down as he headed my direction. Did he already know where I was?

  Dammit Millicent, you should’ve kept running!

  Wait! I had the emergency contact thingy in my pocket. But right now, I was too afraid to move. I had to wait until Jyan moved on.

  Five feet away and I felt like I had no choice: it was now or never. I reached into my pocket, flipped the top and pressed the button.

  “Got you!” Jyan said, leaning over and looking into the hollowed tree.

  I screamed then kicked at his hand as he reached inside. His other hand circled my ankle and yanked. My back hit the ground as he dragged me out of the hollow trunk.

  Straddling me, I tried to fight him off. But without weapons, I was no match for his strength or size. He roughly grasped my chin with his large hand, fingers and thumb pressing into my cheeks so hard they would leave marks.

  I’d almost given up when a commotion sounded behind him. Jyan startled, looking over his shoulder. With my almost swollen-shut eyes, I couldn’t see but suspected Murda had found me. I relaxed somewhat. Not that I had much fight left anyway.

  Jyan jumped to his feet. I heard grunting and the clang of metal, but the fight didn’t last long before another Andore stood over top of me.

  I wanted to cry. For the first time since the death of my family, I had something to live for, and now…

  Hopefully my death will be quick, I thought with sorrow and terror.

  “Are you alright?” the Andore asked.

  Hell no! What a stupid question. One would think that my face would be a dead giveaway.

  I sat up as best I could and spotted Jyan lying face down, a knife protruding from his back.

  “What happened?” I asked, now very confused.

  The guy standing in front of me had a gray aura, as did most normal people. Four others appeared behind him. Not wanting to be in a venerable position, I stood but wobbled. The Andore grabbed my arm to steady me. I shook his hand off.

  “I killed Jyan.”

  “Why?” I asked, uncomprehending.

  Maybe he hit my head a little too hard...

  “Many of us do not approve of the normal Andore ways. We watch Human families; we know we have mothers of our own, and we want to change things.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There has been an uprising for a while. We want mates, or wives I guess you call them, for ourselves. Someone to share our lives with and raise our offspring.”

  “So why now? Why not two or three years ago?”

  “That is a valid question. Raun has always been an obstacle that nobody could tackle. Facing him meant death.”

  “And now he’s gone.”

  “Yes. Once we realized, we started following Jyan, hoping to catch him off guard. There are many others like them who believe in the old ways, but they will now be easily dealt with.” He cocked his head as his eyes raked over my injuries. “Come with us and we can help you.”

  I started laughing and couldn’t stop. There wasn’t anything funny, only ironic. Like I’d ever go anywhere with the likes of any of them.

  By the look on his face, he thought Jyan had broken me. Not wanting to anger him, but needing him to leave, I told him the truth. “Thanks for the offer, but Murda will be here any minute.”

  His eyes widened slightly and he gave a slight bow of his head. “If you are certain.”

  “I am.”

  “Then we shall take our leave.”

  He faced the others; when he stepped past them, they turned and followed at a casual pace. Once they were out of sight, I crawled back to my hole in the tree and hugged my legs.



  Wrapped in warm blankets, I snuggled into Murda’s side as he wrapped his arm around me.

  Finally home.

  “Millie, what did I tell you about boys?”

  I raised my head. “Mom?”

  “Honey, you can’t have boys at the house. You know the rules.”

  “But…I married this one.”

  “Really? That’s great dear…”

  “Millicent…” A pained voice woke me from sleep.

  I blinked but couldn’t see very well. One eye opened only a slit, the other halfway. That rea
lly messed with my vision.

  “Millicent, can you hear me?”

  I saw the outstretched ash-colored hand with silver tipped claws. My heart leaped with relief. “Murda?”

  “Yes. Can you move?”

  I took his hand and let him help me out. When I raised my head, I heard a few tiny gasps. I didn’t try to read their emotions; I didn’t have the strength. Besides, I trusted Murda with all of my heart and knew he would keep me safe the same way I had done for him.

  He barked out orders as he scooped me up into his arms. I didn’t care, didn’t bother to listen; I just wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest.

  Feeling the heat from his body, I sighed in comfort. “Murda?”

  He kissed the top of my head. “Yes?”

  “I’ve had a bad day.”

  He barely chuckled. “As have I. Rest and let me care for you.”

  Sometime later, I stirred. The pillow under my head smelled like Murda. I knew I was in his—err, our—bed. Everything ached and not in a good way. When I tried to turn over, I groaned.

  “Millie?” Murda sat in a chair holding my hand.

  I smacked dry lips together and immediately, he held a cup of water to my mouth. After lifting me up slightly, I took a small sip.

  “Thanks,” I croaked.

  I felt his gaze rake over my body, especially my injuries. “Why are you not healing?”

  “It takes longer for Humans.”

  He frowned, clearly displeased with that answer.

  “What happened?”

  “It was a stupid mistake.”

  “So you did not go after him?”

  “No.” I grimaced, then quickly regretted it. “Awl…” My hand went to my face.

  “Don’t,” he said, grabbing my wrist.

  “Can I take a bath?”

  “Yes. Stay here and do not move. I will be right back.”

  I heard muffled noises followed by running water. He came back—naked—scooped me into his arms, and I thought about everything that had happened. That I could remember any of it and didn’t have a concussion was remarkable in and of itself.

  At least, I don’t think I have a concussion…oh hell, I don’t know…

  Setting me on the commode, he carefully stripped my clothes away. After stepping into the bath, he lowered me down onto his lap, nestling me between his parted legs, my back to his chest. Carefully, he poured warm water over my cuts and bruises.

  “I’m sure I look hideous.”

  “Rest assured, I was never attracted to your looks.”

  I laughed, then grimaced. “Don’t make me laugh, it hurts too much.”

  I knew he wanted to know what happened and I needed to tell him.

  “When everyone was fighting,” I began, “I didn’t take notice and stood in front of the hidden passageway that Jyan used. He snatched me, hit me over the head and knocked me out.”

  “We found Jyan dead not far from where I found you.”

  “His own people killed him.”

  Murda’s hand froze mid-air before he resumed pouring water over my arms and chest. “Really?”

  “Yes. There were several of them. Apparently, they’re not happy with the way things are run. They want marriage, kids, family. But until Raun was out of the picture, their hands were tied.”


  I glanced over my shoulder. “I killed David.”

  “I know. I found his body.”

  “I shouldn’t feel sad, but I do.”


  “He was the last of my remaining family.”

  “Yes. But you did your world a favor. And you have me.”

  I looked over my shoulder again. “But for how long?”

  “For as long as you want.”

  He helped wash my hair and then carried me to bed. I felt better, still sore, but much better. When he started to walk away, I grabbed his hand. He halted, then turned to face me.

  I tugged him to the bed. “Thank you.”

  Bracing himself on one arm above my pillow, he kissed my forehead and stared into my eyes. “You are welcome.”

  I stared into his brimstone eyes, so different than anyone I’d ever known. Suddenly I understood what the one elusive color in his aura meant, and I decided to just tell him how I felt.

  “I don’t know how it happened, but…I’ve fallen for you. I love you, Murda.”

  He grinned, kissing the top of my head. “I love you too, Millicent.”

  “Even though I’m ugly?”

  “I don’t know how I ever thought such a thing. I will admit, in the beginning, I did not like the way you looked, but you were always beautiful.” I swallowed back the tears and tried to smile. “Go to sleep, wife.”


  Sitting by her side, waiting for her to wake, I thought back on the day’s events.

  Those hours that ticked by without her, not knowing if she was alive or dead, had been some of the most fearful of my life. When the locator beacon chirped, I thought my hearts would burst out of my chest—she was alive.

  The signal came from the outer edges of the Human and Andore Territories, a remote place that made my fear skyrocket.

  We found Jyan dead, a knife protruding from his back, but that did nothing to alleviate my fear. It was not Millicent’s dagger. And then I saw her face.

  My rage knew no limits. One look at my men confirmed they felt the same. I carried Millicent home while my mind burned with anger. Things would change starting now.

  Once I got her settled in our bed, I found the other three in the office. I’d been idle for far too long and it was now time to step up and take back control.

  They stood at attention until I took a seat behind the desk.

  “Kyrio?” Gar began. “What are your orders?”

  I knew my eyes glowed with fury, my face remaining in battle mode. “Take ten men back to the government building, and tell them we will pick our own liaison this time. If they give you trouble, kill them.” Looking to Venge, I continued: “Find the Andore that killed Jyan. I wish to speak with him.”

  “Yes, Kyrio.”

  “And me?” Strikr asked briskly.

  “Try to reach our people.” Looking at Gar, I added, “Tell them we know they are blocking our signal. They either cease now, or we will take over and do it ourselves.”

  “After the display today, I doubt they’ll give me any trouble.” He hesitated a moment. “How is the Ryges?”

  “Time will tell.”


  Walking back toward my office, I thought of my sleeping wife. After I had washed her and put her to bed, she told me that she loved me. My hearts fluttered with joy.

  I sat by her side for hours; it troubled me that her wounds did not appear to improve after the healing sleep. I needed to find out why.

  Gar, Venge, and Strikr waited as per my orders. Walking in, I looked to Gar expectantly.

  “Kyrio.” I nodded for him to continue. “The Humans quickly agreed to your demands. They did try to deny blocking the signal, but with the threat of taking over, the—one in charge at the moment—said he would investigate. I gave him three days to correct the problem.”

  “Good. Venge?”

  “Sir, discretion is needed to find the one who killed Jyan. We had a few leads today, and I have several men still looking. I will let you know as soon as he is located.”

  “Thank you. That will be all.”

  Everyone filed out except for Gar. He looked at me suspiciously before asking, “How is she?”

  I sighed. “She is not healing; I do not understand why. She told me it takes longer for Humans, but surely it has been long enough...”

  “What are you planning?”

  I smiled. “Rarely does anything get past you, old friend.” I did need someone to provide the answers, and only one person came to mind. “I am going to ask her friend Jenna for help.”

  “Let me go in your place.”

  “I wish it
was that simple. No, it must be me. Stay with my Ryges. Take care of her for me. If she wakes, tell her I will return soon.”

  “As you wish.”


  Standing on the porch, I listened before lifting my hand to knock on the door.

  When the little boy opened the door, he took one look at me and screamed. “Tizun! Jenna!”

  Then he escaped into another room. I sighed.

  Slowly, Jenna cautiously strolled to the screen door, but did not offer to open it. She stared at me before finally asking, “What do you want?”

  Not the most pleasant of greetings…

  “I need your assistance.”

  Her face turned from ice to worry. “Is everything okay? Where’s Millie?”

  I hated admitting weakness, but I would do anything to help my wife. “She has been injured and I do not know how to help her.”

  “Bring her here and I will help.”

  “I cannot. You must come with me.”

  “It’s not that simple.” When I offered no response, she sighed. “Wait here.” I nodded. She turned away and yelled, “Austin! Cara! Come here please.”

  And then she disappeared into another room.

  I heard debating—the pros and cons of traveling with me—until finally Jenna appeared once again at the door. “Let us pack some things and we’ll go with you.”


  “Yep. I have two kids, so either we all go, or we all stay.”

  Ten minutes later, they appeared with a large case. Jenna clarified as I stared at it. “We packed light.” I nodded, then took it from her. “Thanks.”

  The solar board waited a mile over the hill.

  “What happened to Millie?” Cara, the one who had tried to steal from me, asked. When I did not answer quickly enough, she threw up her arms. “Come on, you can’t still be mad over that little mishap. I’m sorry. It was my mistake, and I’ve felt like shit ever since Millie had to leave.”

  “Language!” Jenna chastised.

  “You really takin’ us to your house?” Austin asked.

  Before I could answer, Cara pressed on. “What happened to Millie?”


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