Cowboy Wilde (Cooper's Hawke Landing Book 2)

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Cowboy Wilde (Cooper's Hawke Landing Book 2) Page 19

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  He nuzzled his whiskered jaw against her cheek and his warm breath brushed her skin. “I couldn’t wait to see you.”

  Swiveling to face him, she laid her arms over his shoulders and smiled, feeling a rush of desire. “I’ve been wanting this too.” Standing on tiptoe, she kissed him, and he responded by deepening the kiss. He enveloped her in his arms, leaving her as soft as butter when he pulled away. “How did training go?”


  “Did you get my text?” she asked.

  “No service.”

  “Figures. Sam and his mother are here.”

  “I saw the little guy on the sofa. Where’s his mom?”


  “Do you have a minute so I can talk to you outside?”

  “Sure.” No matter what task she was in the middle of she’d always have time for Ruger. He’d become such an intricate part of her life.

  He took her hand and led her to the back door and onto the patio. He closed the door behind them. “Are Priscilla and Sam staying?”

  “Yes.” She saw the concerned lines around his eyes. “Is there a problem? I thought we agreed that we’d help.”

  He took a step back and swiped his palm down his jaw in a jerky swipe. “Yeah, I want to help but we can’t stop being cautious where Gam is concerned. He won’t like that they left him.”

  Wrapping her arms around her waist, Grace swallowed hard. She’d feared the same thing. “Isn’t there something we can do? Can we call Sheriff Conley and let him know what’s going on?”

  “I’ve already spoken to him. He said he’ll stop over to the campsite and visit Gam and gauge how he’s doing, but Conley can’t camp out on our doorstep. I’ve also told the hands so they can help keep an eye out. I think it’s a good idea if I sleep on the couch a few nights.”

  She blinked. “On the couch?”

  He chuckled. “Don’t look so shocked. That couch you bought is pretty damn comfortable.”

  Why did she feel a slump in her shoulders at his suggestion? “Would it be completely aggressive for me to offer my bed?”

  Ruger took her hand into his. “Yeah, but I guess I was sort of hoping you’d be willing to share it with me. I didn’t want to come off as the guy using the situation to sleep with you.”

  Walking into his arms, she laid her cheek on his shoulder, absorbing the heat from his skin. “I agree that we need to be careful with Gam, but I feel safe with you.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad you do. I’d never let anything happen to you. I promise.”

  She lifted her head. “Although I’d love to stay right here like this longer, I better get inside. I’m already running late for dinner.”

  “The men can be on their own tonight.” He bent his head and kissed her neck. “I think you and I can think of something better to do.” His eyes twinkled.

  She quivered in his arms, feeling the power of his touch all the way to the center of her bones. He had that way with her, an unexplainable power that melted her. “Right, but I feel like it wouldn’t be fair to leave Priscilla and Sam alone. You should get used to having a house full. Once this place opens, it’ll be filled to the brim.”

  “I’m glad you’re certain.” With a sigh, he pulled his head up a few inches. “I guess I’ll wait until tonight to hold you in my arms.”

  “After dinner I have to run into town and use the diner’s internet. I have a teleconference with Emily to go over some details regarding the new shop, so I might be a little late getting back.” She’d told him everything about her life in New York.

  “All right. All right. I think a successful woman is sexy.” He threaded his fingers through her hair.

  “And I find a cowboy sexy,” she teased.

  “Everything about you drives me wild. Your nose.” He kissed that part. “Your eyes.” He kissed that part too. “This part.” He continued to kiss her until he came to the back of her hand. “I’m hooked.”

  She liked the easiness between them. This felt right. Like they were meant to be near one another. “If I’m not in bed before you get there, keep the covers warm for me.” She planned to stop at the boutique and grab one of the silk gowns she saw when she was there last. At the time she didn’t think she would have any use, but now she couldn’t wait to turn the heat up in the bedroom.


  “WOW, YOU LOOK amazing.”

  With Chynna’s compliment, Grace swirled in her new print, flutter-sleeved, tiered dress that she fell in love with the second she unpacked it from the box Emily had sent her. The delicate material made her feel feminine and the new ankle boots with the rhinestone straps made her look right at home for the festival. “I can’t forget this.” She lifted the cowgirl hat from the hook and placed it on her head. She’d bought it specifically for the dance where she hoped Ruger won her.

  “Have you heard from your house guest?” Chynna asked.

  Disappointment flooded Grace. She woke up that morning and Priscilla and Sam were gone, no note or anything explaining leaving. “No.”

  “She went back to him. I’m sure of it.”

  “I hate to think that, but that’s my guess too.” Grace sighed. Things had been going well. Priscilla was a hard worker and went above and beyond to help. Sam had even settled in.

  “The least she could have done was tell you where she was going. She owed you that.”

  “She didn’t owe me anything. I helped because I care for her and Sam.”

  “And she still went back.” Chynna rolled her eyes. “I saw Gam a few days ago, drunker than a skunk. He’ll never change.”

  “Let’s hope he does.” Shrugging, Grace grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder. “How about we get going? I don’t want to keep you too long from the booth.”

  Climbing into Chynna’s cherry red Corvette, they drove to the fairgrounds and Grace was surprised how crowded it was. Parked cars filled the field and people waited at the entrance. Chynna flashed her badge and she and Grace skipped the line and headed through the gate toward the main strip of the fairgrounds where rows of booths were set up.

  “I’ll see you later at the booth,” Grace said.

  “Enjoy the event.” Chynna waved and headed for the Daisy Blooms booth.

  Grace bought an elephant ear, fried cookies, then waited in line at a booth that boasted that they had the best lemonade shakes this side of Montana. Her cell buzzed and she jumped. She’d gotten used to not having any service.

  The message was from Ruger…

  “I’m getting ready for the event. Wish me luck.”

  She tapped in: “I’ll be there watching.”

  “What can I get for you?” the toothy young woman asked from inside the food trailer.

  Ordering a drink, she took it and her food and found her way to the arena, which wasn’t difficult because that’s where everyone had gathered around the fence. She hoped she’d find a spot so she could watch Ruger.

  “Grace? Grace? Over here.”

  Harvard was standing on the other side of the fence, close to the barn, waving at her. She waved and mouthed, “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Stepping through the throng, she dropped her napkin and bent to grab it. When she stood back up a familiar woman was standing in front of her. Grace blurted, “Flora?”

  The pretty blonde smiled and narrowed her gaze. “Do we know each other?” Suddenly, her smile fizzled. “Oh, so you’re her. Grace, right?”


  Flora swept her gaze down Grace and she gave a low groan.

  No denying, Flora was pretty with wide, almost doe-like, brown eyes and a pouty, red mouth. “I recognize you from when you stopped out at the ranch,” Grace explained.

  Flora flushed slightly. “Are you here to watch Ruger?”

  “I am. So are you?”

  Grace wasn’t jealous, but she had a feeling the other woman didn’t like her.

  “I’m here with a date, but I always like to watch
Ruger.” Her eyes dazzled as a smile perked her lips.

  “It’s really nice to meet you.” Grace didn’t feel like they had any reason to be enemies.

  Flora shot a glance over her shoulder then turned back to Grace. “Just so you know, Ruger isn’t the marrying kind. If that’s the plan…”

  Grace sighed. “I don’t have a plan. Were you hoping he’d marry you?”

  Flora tilted a wide hip in the short shorts that left little to the imagination. “Honey, if I wanted a ring on my finger, I’d have one. I’m just doing you a favor by warning you. You know, woman to woman.”

  “Thanks for the warning, but I have this handled.”

  “If you say so,” Flora pushed out bitterly. A balding man standing close to the fence called her over. She gave Grace one last smirk before she joined the man who must be her date looking out of place wearing tie and slacks.

  Grace continued to the other side of the fence to meet Harvard. A petite brunette with bright red cheeks and large glasses had her hand looped around his arm. “Hi, Miss Grace. I’d like for you to meet my wife, Tammy.”

  “Tammy, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Congratulations on the baby,” Grace said, glad to see a couple friendly faces after her accidental run in with Flora.

  “Thank you for feeding my hubby. I’ve been so sick that I can hardly stand on my feet. I didn’t think I’d make it today, but I wanted to try. The festival is big around here.”

  “That’s what I’ve heard.”

  A whistle blew and she heard chuckles from the crowd. Pressing against the fence, she saw a group of teenagers release chickens from pens. They scattered all over the arena, pecking at the feed that had been dropped on the ground. She easily spotted Ruger standing with a group of cowboys. He was inches taller than most of the men. He and Hank were bound together by a rope tied around one of their legs. A three-legged race! She hadn’t seen one of these in a long time.

  . The presenter came over the speaker, announcing their names and the rules of the event. The object was to corral their corresponding chickens into a pen. The team who corralled all their chickens first, while being bound to each other, won.

  Across the dirt arena she met Ruger’s gaze. He waved and she waved back, mouthing, “Good luck!”

  The whistle was blown again and the cowboys scattered in different directions, chasing the chickens that had no desire to be rounded up.

  Laughter echoed throughout the crowd as many of the competitors faceplanted in the dirt then struggled to get up with the burden of using only three legs. She couldn’t remember ever laughing so hard.

  The announcer boomed over the speakers, “We have a winner, folks! Let’s give a big round of applause to Ruger Wilde and Hank Hawke for getting their chickens corralled first. Give all the cowboys a round of applause for being good sports.”

  The crowd erupted into hoots, hollers and clapping. Ruger and Hank gave a dramatic bow to the crowd and a busty blonde ran to meet the men.


  Grace stood in amazement as the woman stood on the tips of her cowgirl boots and pressed a kiss to Ruger’s lips. More whistles and catcalls were heard among the men in the crowd as the announcer exploded with, “Looks like someone won a prize! That’s for dang sure. I should have joined the competition myself.”

  Feeling Harvard’s gaze on her profile, Grace forced a smile on her lips. “I should get going. I promised Chynna and Daisy I’d help at the booth. It was really nice meeting you, Tammy.”

  “Nice meeting you too.” The woman planted her hand on her stomach, looking so happy that it made Grace’s mood lift, even if a few feet away the man she cared for was getting felt up by an ex.

  Stepping out of the throng, she looked around for where she needed to go. People were starting to leave the arena and she was being bumped and pushed. She could only manage to stay with the flow of traffic until a firm grip wrapped around her arm and pulled her to the side. Ready to unleash on the barbaric act, her words were lost when she met the familiar blue gaze. “Ruger.” His name fell from her lips in appreciation. Even when upset with him she couldn’t deny the trigger of emotions in her.

  “I yelled for you. Didn’t you hear me?”

  “No,” she raised her voice over the chattering.

  A group of cowboys strolled by and they were busily chatting and accidentally bumped Grace, spilling some of the lemonade on her. The shortest one of the group saw Ruger’s frustration and apologized. “Sorry, ma’am.” He tilted his hat.

  “Let’s move in this direction.” Ruger took her hand and led her further outside of the crowd to a barn. She dropped her trash inside as they passed a can. “I was hoping you would have waited for me.” His eyes dazzled.

  “I figured you were busy.” She didn’t want to be jealous, but the feeling seemed to rear its head whether she liked it or not. What right did she have? They’d slept together a few times, flirted every chance they got, and enjoyed each other’s company but that didn’t mean anything. Seeing how Flora had possessively wrapped herself around Ruger and he didn’t push her away did make Grace doubt where she and Ruger were headed.

  “What’s wrong?” He lifted a tendril of her hair and wrapped it around his wide knuckle.

  “Nothing. What could be wrong?”

  “You saw what happened with Flora, right?” One corner of his mouth played with a smile and it drove through her.

  “You think this is funny?” She puffed out her bottom lip. “Glad one of us can.”

  “I didn’t know she’d do that.” He laid his palms on her hips. As much as she tried resisting him she knew without a doubt she’d never be able to. “She means nothing to me.”

  She slipped off her hat and held it against her aching chest. “Obviously, she still has feelings for you.” She couldn’t dislike the other woman for simply liking Ruger. He had a way about him that could charm the scales off a reptile.

  He settled his thumb under her chin and gently lifted her face so their gazes connected. “I had to get a good look at your hat. I want to make sure I win a dance with you later. Come here.” Still holding her hand, he guided her behind the barn where they were alone. “I’ve thought about you all day. This dress is amazing.” He whistled through his teeth.

  “Thank you.” Her cheeks warmed.

  “I couldn’t wait to do this.” He lowered his mouth and kissed her deeply, smashing her hat between them.

  Left breathless and needful, she swooned, grateful that he held her steady in his brawny arms. When he brought his head up, his smile targeted all her sensitive parts.

  “You certainly know how to sweep a woman off her feet.”

  “Not any woman, sweetheart. You.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I need to get ready for the cattle auction. The ranch needs some more livestock. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you at the dance.” He stared down into her eyes.

  “I’ll watch for you.”

  He gave her one last quick kiss before he ducked out into the crowd. Waiting for her knees to stop quivering, she finally was able to walk.

  With a soft sigh, Grace went in search of her friends.

  “That good, huh?” Chynna said when she saw Grace.

  Joining Chynna behind the booth she sat down on the empty plastic chair. “I think I’m in big trouble,” she whispered.

  “Because a certain cowboy has won your heart?”

  “Yes.” There was no use in denying how happy she was with Ruger. “How did this happen?”

  “Very easily.” Chynna slurped up the Diet Coke through a straw. “Ruger’s a catch.”


  “But what?”

  “You told me he was a playboy.”

  “Yeah, he was but that doesn’t mean he isn’t capable of being with one woman.” Chynna patted her hand.

  “Hi there, Grace.” Daisy swept in like a breath of fresh air. She carried a Styrofoam cup and a corndog. “You ladies have to stop me from eating everything in sight. There’s nothing be
tter than carnival food,” she said around a mouthful.

  “It’s cheat day. I’ve already had a fried cookie and an elephant ear,” Grace admitted with a laugh.

  “I like that, “cheat day’.” The pretty brunette had nothing to worry about. She was stunning with piercing blue eyes, flawless skin and lustrous dark hair.

  “Will Poppy be here soon?” Chynna asked.

  Daisy reached for her phone from her purse. “She said she’ll be here for the dance.”

  “Grace, you haven’t met our older sister yet. She and her husband, Prick—”

  “His name is Pruett,” Daisy said with a grin.

  “Like I said, Prick,” Chynna gave her sister a stubborn sigh. “cheated on Poppy with his nurse and they’re getting married.”

  “Chynna, Sis and Pruett have been divorced for a little over a year.”

  “She should have taken him for everything or put me in a room alone with him for ten minutes.” Chynna sniffed and rolled her eyes.

  “Poppy got the house. That’s all she wanted,” Daisy added and set the unfinished corndog aside.

  “You always liked Prick. I never did. I told Poppy from the start to dump his ass. She could have any man she wanted. Including Hank Hawke.”

  Hearing the mention of Ruger’s friend, Grace asked, “Were they an item?” “A hot item,” Chynna said.

  “Well, wouldn’t it be hot for anyone in a relationship with a man like Hank?” Daisy’s cheeks blossomed.

  “You still have a crush on him?” Chynna teased.

  “Of course not.” She laughed.

  “Change of subject. Who thinks our wonderful new friend here should stay in Cooper’s Hawk?” Chynna raised her hand and Daisy mimicked the act.

  “That’s because we’re all wonderful people. We don’t have all that smog clogging our brains around here,” Daisy added. “You really should stay.”

  “What would I do?”

  “I say do Ruger. Isn’t that enough to keep you here?” Chynna gave a dramatic wag of her overly plucked brows. “Unless you already have done him.”


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