Furbitten Falls Alpha's: A Wolf Shifter Mpreg Romance Bundle

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Furbitten Falls Alpha's: A Wolf Shifter Mpreg Romance Bundle Page 39

by Preston Walker

Heat raced from the simple contact, pouring into my limbs and stirring in my innocent body. Like any alpha and omega pair, we'd toyed with each other before I had been taken away. A kiss here, a touch there, it'd all been for something deeper than we understood when we were young. As mature, fertile adults, with the blood of wolves running in our veins, this new sensation was electric.

  I broke the kiss and intended to go back to his neck, but he decided to try mine instead. My body arched with hard-fought longing as his mouth traveled my collarbone and descended down, down, over my chest and toward my navel. His thumbs hooked in the too-small briefs we had been issued. Out of my mind with desire, I tried to help him rip them off.

  Graham grabbed my hands, put them around his neck and kissed me again. I didn't want to be burdened by his lips. I pushed his head away and shimmied out of my underwear. Where they landed, I'd never know. I didn't care, either. I needed him more than I needed to breathe.

  "You're a pushy little thing, aren't you?" Graham rumbled.

  "Fuck me," I panted, prying buttons from his shirt.

  "You sure about that?" Graham asked.

  "Please. Please, you don't understand. If you don't knot me right now, I'm going to lose my mind," I whined.

  My toes curled with the exertion of the sound. It was hard to concentrate, even harder to string together enough words to beg.

  He kissed me again, then shoved me backward onto the bed. His hands rested on my knees.

  And then he unzipped.

  His thick manhood sprang free, half-hard and stiffening with every breath I took. I licked my lips and started to curl upward. Instead, he presented two fingers to my mouth and I took them in gladly. Imagining that I was sucking his cock, I spun my tongue around each digit and suckled like a newborn pup.

  For his part, he licked his palm and wrapped his fist around my shaft, stroking me off. I didn't need it. The sight of him was enough to have me bucking against his hand in no time. It was still a kind gesture and one that most of the alphas in my romance novels didn't bother with very often.

  "Roll over," Graham ordered.

  The mutt in me obeyed, his fingers popping free of my mouth. I slid onto my knees and felt a hand caress my ass. I shuddered. This was happening. It was happening now, and I loved it. Hadn't I spent so much time rebelling against the rule of the alphas at Talewah? I snarked and snapped, sneered and snooted. I could have had this with them, if I'd been so bold. Nothing said we had to marry as virgins. Think of the favors I could have gotten.

  But then I wouldn't have had this with Graham, and I'd always wanted him to be the one who took me.

  The first of his fingers slid into me and brushed my sweet spot, sending colorful spots before my eyes. I sank onto the bed, burying my face in a pillow as he opened me up. Was it wrong to muffle my moans and make him work for louder ones? If it was, I didn't want to be right. If he earned every noise he made me make, I'd be in some form of heaven.

  A second finger followed the first and I whimpered against the fabric covering my mouth. He tapped the inside of my knee with one of his and I spread my legs willingly, as far as they would go. His digits worked to stretch me before he made us one, to lessen any pain I might feel at such wonderful intrusion.

  They withdrew quickly and I felt that hand come to rest on my right hip once more. This was it. I braced myself, completely unsure of what was to come but knowing I wanted it more than anything.

  The head of his cock rested against my entrance. One hand on my hip, the other quested until it found my hair and pulled my head back by it.

  "No burying your head. I want to hear you," my new alpha commanded.

  The words sent shivers down my spine.

  Then he bucked forward and the world went white. His arm snapped around my waist, holding my ass to his groin as I adjusted. The mixture of pleasure and pain was already too much. Sounds I hadn't known I could make poured from me, and all he'd done was hilt himself in me.

  Once I managed to get ahold of myself, he wrenched forward. He drew back. His thrusts gained a natural rhythm that had me putty in his hands. Submissive, grateful, begging for more, I rammed myself backwards over and over again. His thick sage-and-butterscotch scent was overwhelming.

  His hand found my cock once more and wrapped tightly around me, jerking me in time with his own tumultuous movements. I wasn't going to last anywhere near as long as I wanted to. Did that mean I'd have more left in me for next time? I dug my nails into the bed beneath me, ignoring the fact that many omegas had probably lost this internal struggle with themselves as much as I was.

  "Fuck, Parker, you're incredible," Graham groaned.

  I tried to respond, but I didn't have it in me. Or rather, I did, and that was part of the problem.

  Graham rutted me like an animal and before long, I felt the bulbous head of his knot pressing against my entrance on every slam. I trembled, the saner side of my mind warning me while my inner wolf roared for it to shut up. This was what I was made for, what I wanted above all else.

  His knot pushed past the tight ring of sinew that held me shut, forcing me as wide as I could be. My seed splattered against the pink-ish sheets, my lungs on fire as Graham's hip ground to a halt.

  I could feel every stream of his load soaking my insides, impregnating me, claiming me as his own.

  His scent would never rub off now. Every alpha we met would know I was his, the mate of Graham Nell.

  And I realized, as I laid beneath him, that I wasn't even sure what he did for a living.

  Graham rolled us onto our side. It'd be an hour before we could be separated, maybe longer. It was the perfect time to pry some information out of my alpha.

  "All those letters and you've never mentioned what you do these days," I whispered. My throat was so sore from crying out. Had I been so loud? Had I even realized it until then?

  "I'm just your average CEO, love," Graham said. He placed a kiss on my temple.

  I felt safer than I had in years, wrapped in the arms of a man who had loved me from a distance for so long. Life with him would be so much better than any other alpha I could have come across. He knew me. He cared. He'd let me pursue a degree, work. We'd have pups, but I wouldn't just be a walking cub bakery.

  "But a CEO of what?" I asked. "Maybe you grind up babies for a living. How am I supposed to know?"

  Graham laughed, the sound rich in my ears. The hair on my arms stood up, thickening, threatening to shift. Why wasn't he answering?

  "I run a small business you won't have heard of. Our official grand opening is tomorrow. You have to be there," Graham said.

  "It's hard to support work I don't know anything about," I frowned back at him.

  "I run a company designed to help omega like you. Displaced ones, confused ones, omegas that have lost their alpha. It makes sure that a sweet man like you is never left out in the cold, never on the street where someone could hurt him. Rare though they are, we even take care of the female omegas that pop up," Graham said.

  "It's an omega charity?" I asked.

  "Something like that," Graham nodded.

  "Well, you're a hero," I chirped.

  My alpha was sympathetic to the needs of omegas everywhere, not just the one he had in his bedroom. What a wonder he was, and what a rarity. I always knew that Graham was something special. We stayed that way for hours until the sun peeked in to see what we were doing. It was only when he withdrew that I was left alone.

  I wondered what the alpha showers were like in this building. He'd gone to clean up, but he certainly wasn't going to use the taps we had last night. My mate was too tall for them, and he'd gone through a different door than I had.

  On the nightstand, his cell phone buzzed.

  Cell phones had come quite a long way since I had owned one. It took me a few pokes and prods before I managed to open it. I was his mate. That meant I was allowed to read his e-mail, right? Nothing was secret between mates.

  'Hey, hope you had fun last night. That's a hot
piece of ass you scored yourself. Good pull.

  Anyway, there are Rise protestors out here trying to stir up trouble. Take a little extra time getting into the office. We won't start the celebration without you and your new husband. If Rise gets too heavy handed, I'll have them dealt with.'

  Jenard's nametag appeared at the top of the message. I frowned. I didn't know what Roll Over was, but I damn sure knew who Rise was. Any omega who had been in Talewah had been approached by the organization. My older brother, Scott, had been a huge fan of them.

  Rise was an omega welfare advocate, one made up of sympathetic alphas and emancipated omegas, that were intent on putting alphas and omegas on equal footing. I had signed my name to a charter when I first got to Talewah, but there wasn't much I could do to help the organization when I was behind solid walls. The only reason I'd been able to send letters to Graham was that we'd pretended to be distant cousins.

  Talewah couldn't risk an alpha-omega relationship coming to fruition, much like mine and Graham's had, through some kind of pen pal relationship.

  Still, the problem remained. If Graham was trying to open a charity for omegas, why was Rise protesting it?

  Was my mate lying to me?



  "I'll send a car for you," I’d told him.

  As far as I knew, he was still in route to the office complex. Just what was taking him so long? The more visible omega support we had, the more omegas in attendance, the better Roll Over would take root with the werewolf public.

  The stress weighed heavily on me. I shifted into my wolf form, that of a tawny alpha with more mane than a lion, and went to work ripping up the cushions upon the couch in my office. I could easily afford a thousand of the stupid things and, as I savaged it, I felt better.

  My mate, freshly bred last night, was still missing when I finished.

  It couldn't have been Rise. I glared out the window at the protestors on the sidewalk. Only an hour ago, the police had forced them off the road to our skyscraper and onto private land. Irritable, I raked my carpet as well. How dare they show their faces on our opening day?

  Rise was a bunch of soft-hearted alphas trying to score with the few unmated omegas wandering through society. Everyone knew they weren't serious. How could they be? Alphas were going to rule the world until the day we died. Then a new wave would take over.

  It was how it had always been.

  It was how it would always be.

  I snorted and curled upward, letting my body take its human form once again. Sore from the movement, I picked up my phone and flipped through my contacts.

  "Hey boss, what's up?" Scott answered on the second ring. Parker's brother was one of the best gofers we had.

  "Did you drop off Parker?" I asked.

  "Yeah. He's out front, asked me to stop so he could grab a coffee. Why? He not make it upstairs yet?"

  He was out front.

  I spun and looked out the window, scanning the crowd. There, among the signs and the chanting annoyances of my life, stood a distant figure with a little sign clutched in his hands.

  I'd have known those black curls anywhere.

  I stormed out of my office, trying to keep a lid on my temper. Though I hadn't been a CEO for terribly long, it seemed to be getting the better of me the longer I held the position. There was a stereotype, in Hollywood, of men in power having very little patience. That happens when you work a nine-to-five position that has you sleeping on your desk most nights.

  Down the stairs I went, too pissed off to take the elevator. I tore across the lobby and ripped open the front door. There, I found my mate sitting in a drum circle and singing some hackneyed song about saving omegas from their "domestication camps".

  And the cameras were all over me the second I set foot out the door. Thankfully, it hadn't yet gotten out that I was married to one of the omegas protesting my company. Had he somehow learned what Roll Over was? How?

  I hadn't been married an entire day yet and my mate was already causing me problems.

  Technically, I hadn't been lying to him. Roll Over was designed to assist omegas. It kept them where they belonged. It protected the weaker members of our species, the ones that were more likely to be hurt or injured in the case of an attack. Most of all, it kept our only means of reproduction safe. They were supposed to cherish themselves. Two alphas couldn't make a pup. Neither could two omegas. We needed each other to make a future.

  "Mr. Nell, if you don't mind--" started a reporter.

  "I do mind, thank you," I told her.

  Then I crossed the street. I was fair game, walking straight into their trap, but I had to get my mate out of their clutches. Rise would poison his mind against me, tell him that he could take on the world. I wished he could. That wasn't how our lives worked. If he ran off by himself, any alpha could do unspeakable things to him.

  He was mine. I'd protect him with my life, but first? I needed to stop these protestors from turning his head away from me. Parker had to trust me if we stood any chance of having a real relationship. They would ruin that.

  I was struck with a nefarious idea. I could twist this, use it against Parker and even turn him into something… sinister. A little lightbulb guttered above my head. It wasn’t perfect, but it would work in a pinch.

  "Love, what are you doing down here?" I purred at my mate. "You're supposed to be upstairs, enjoying the view and the wine."

  The drum circle stopped abruptly. Suspicious eyes fell on Parker, muttering started up. In a single, quick statement, I'd ruined their opinion of him.

  And I felt like a monster for doing it. Parker stood up and, stiff-legged, marched across the street and up into the office. I followed him at a distance, half-tempted to call Jenard.

  He was the old pro at calming down angry omegas, not me. From the look on Parker's face, I was about to face the heat. How ridiculous was that? He had Scott drop him off, runs off, joins up with a bunch of alpha-haters and acts like I'm the one who did something wrong?

  I followed him inside. He opened his mouth and I put my hand over it. Quick as I'd come down them, I hurried the two of us back upstairs and locked the door to my office. There, I released his mouth and waited.

  "I don't know what the hell you think you're doing, but I had every right in the world to go see what those people were up to!" Parker snarled.

  "You did," I agreed, casually. "And I had every right to remove you. They're liars, Parker. They want to turn Roll Over into some hateful movement. You know better."

  "Do I?" Parker asked. "Because that's not what they told me. They said that you're trying to demean omegas and keep us on the ground."

  "As I said, they're just trying to poison you. What would be better than an outspoken omega, except for an outspoken omega who's married to the CEO?" I asked.

  "Then why's it say you want all that stuff on the flier they showed me?"

  Fuck. I hadn't expected them to come out of the gate swinging. I wondered if Parker had been deliberately thick enough to introduce himself as my mate. Rise would do anything to get their hands on him, then.

  Our fliers weren't the most subtle thing in the world. Parker pulled one out of his pocket and I winced. The header showed an omega licking the feet of a well-endowed alpha, strong and leading the world. I hadn't designed it, but I'd certainly signed off on it. Imagine the regret I felt when I looked down into Parker's eyes and saw the fear that laid in them now.

  "We're trying to appeal to the masses. That means sacrificing a little originality here and there. Besides, how is it so different from how things are now? There's nothing wrong with it. You're kept comfortably. You don't have to worry about a single thing in the world. The alphas are the ones who go to war, kill themselves at work--"

  Parker had started to fluff out at odd angles. His creamy, toffee fur was a long memory of the past, but I'd always loved it. That didn't change the fact that my mate was so upset with me, he had almost forced a shift to happen.

u don't let us work. You're the ones who start the wars. Do you think there'd be a lack of force in our militaries if you let omegas in?" Parker snapped.

  "We know there would be. They've run tests, love. They've considered the inequalities. Where one omega stood, the enemy could get through the line and break down our communications. They could stage an attack that could kill countless brave alphas," I answered.

  "By biased companies, intent on keeping alphas on top," Parker said and sank into one of my client chairs.

  "I didn't know you were so pro-omega. When did that happen?" I asked, taking the seat beside him.

  "When they dragged me out of my house the first time I had a heat, Graham. When I lost over a decade of my life behind cold, stone walls because I was told it was 'better' for me," Parker sighed.

  I sat there, watching him as he stared at the ceiling. I wanted to understand, to empathize, but I was an alpha. I would never allow them to put me in a cage like that. And wasn't that the whole point of it? Omegas knew, somewhere inside, that they had to be in safe zones like that.

  I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I missed you while you were gone. But what do you think would have happened to you out here? One wild omega, constantly going into heat, not able to control himself. You'd have ended up in a bad situation. Pick any of them. You know them as well as I do."

  "I'd have been different," Parker said, defeated.

  "I wish you would have. Roll Over is trying to make the world safer for omegas, Parker. We're not trying to give them a one-way ticket to misery. We're making sure that they'll be kept in good hands no matter where they are. We're overseeing exchanges, looking for ways to secure single mates for omegas, and finding homes for orphaned omega children."

  "The omega orphanages are okay with this?" Parker asked, drawing his head back from me.

  "Of course they are. They know what changes an omega has. What we're offering is assistance for omegas who are willing to understand their place in society," I explained, slow and cautious.

  Parker seemed to be coming around to the idea, but I knew the influence of passionate groups could sway anyone. It wasn't enough to love Parker. He had to be convinced.


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