Rich Kids 2

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Rich Kids 2 Page 7

by Quin Perin

  “Are you finished pouting now?” Sem asked me as I climbed out of the cab and he followed after me. The building in front of us was large and unmarked. It looked the same as every other place around us. The same as the nice restaurant right across the street and the little café next to it. But this building didn’t have any signage. A complete mystery.

  Now I couldn’t sulk anymore. Too excited. Bouncing on the balls of my feet a bit, I hooked my arm through Sem’s and grinned. “I guess so. Until I have to wear these ugly things again on the way back to the hotel.”

  Sem shook his head and unlinked our arms, hand going around my waist and sliding down to my ass instead. Meik and Sebastian led the way into the building. Pushing past the outer door, we were greeted by a bouncer who clearly knew Meik well. They asked for our IDs, and when the bouncer gave Sem and me a look, Meik suddenly spoke up.

  “They're married, like us,” he said. A shiver ran along my spine. Was that what Sem had told Meik to explain why our surnames were the same? I looked up at my brother, but couldn't decipher the look on his face. Cold as ice. The bouncer gave a curt nod, and after some very quick paperwork, we entered what was entirely my idea of heaven.

  It was a large room with black painted walls that were covered with various...instruments. Whips, paddles, cuffs, chains, Catherine wheels. Perverted, dirty things that I wanted to play with. All of the other customers were men, and I was more than happy with the veritable buffet of beefy guys that roamed around in various states of undress. Some with partners, some clearly on the prowl. Heaven.


  Nate hadn’t even noticed the small, black bag that I had carried into the club. I even had to hand it over to the bouncer so he could confirm its contents. Meik had shot me a dirty grin, knowing exactly what was inside. And then, when we finally stepped past the threshold it was everything I’d imagined, and more.

  There were easily fifty guys around, some chatting, some making out, others fucking… I’d been in sex clubs before, but none of them had been designed in such an open space. And none of them had floor to ceiling windows facing New York City. The glass was tinted, one way, of course, but it still felt like everything was literally on display. It was perfect. Meik and Sebastian strolled toward an area with couches and armchairs, giving us some space which I appreciated.

  Nate looked around excitedly, like we’d just walked into a candy store. We were going to do dirty, filthy things in here. Us. Brothers. In front of so many strangers. No one would know...but Meik. And it was clear he wasn’t saying anything. I snatched up the back of Nate’s neck and leaned in. He’d stiffened at my touch, sucking in a breath. “Like what you see?” I cooed, pressing the bag I’d brought into the curve of his spine. All Nate could do was breathe out a “Yes.” He couldn’t move even if he tried, my grip too hard.

  “I’m going to sit over there, and you're going to stand still until I tell you to strip, you hear me?”


  I smiled and pushed him forward, into the middle of the club, making him stumble. When I passed him to head toward an armchair I’d spotted, facing the middle of the room, Nate stood still like an abandoned puppy, eyes darting around and lower lip between his teeth. I licked my lips and turned to face him. Walking backward, I lifted one finger to remind him. Stay. And he did stay, but the expression on his face flickered with defiance.

  As I eased down into my armchair, I cast Meik a glance. He was already occupied on a couch only a few feet away from my seat, admiring his boy, unwrapping him like a present.

  I sat back, placed the bag next to the armchair and tipped my head toward my little brother. “Strip,” I mouthed and then relaxed into the soft cushions. I felt like a king. Nate stood in the center of the room, and there were a few unoccupied men who focused their attention on him. I was already pleased.

  Nate slowly pulled his shirt off over his head, snapped it to the floor and then peeled down his pants, eyes on me. His hips wiggled in an overexaggerated way, body twisting to draw more attention to him. And it worked. Like bees to honey, more heads turned. The little shit was making a show out of it. I ground my jaw. You just wait until you get here. Once he shed his shoes too, Nate stood in the middle of the room in his full glory. I could barely hear the moans and smacking sounds coming from the other couples. There was no music. Just the symphony of reckless lust. He twisted around a little more, acknowledging every one of those men with a naughty smirk.

  Oh, that little bitch.

  With a snap of my fingers, he turned reluctantly and set into motion, leaving behind his clothes and shoes in a puddle on the floor. Him, with his lace stockings and pink thong. Good God, he looked divine. Those freckles on his pale skin, leading all the way down his shoulders and arms... That unruly silky, brown hair...

  He slid across the floor to close the space between us and glanced at the bag next to the chair. Inclining my head back, I met his eyes again. I held out my left hand, palm up, and gestured to his foot. Nate gave me a confused look and then frowned. “Huh?” I narrowed my eyes at that. He wasn’t going to question me in public, was he? I pointed at his right foot and curled my fingers.

  “Your foot,” I hissed under my breath. He lifted it, and I placed it on my knee. I reached for the bag on the floor, untied it, and pulled out a pair of high heels. Nate’s toes twitched. I flicked my eyes up at him, making sure he wasn’t going to say anything inappropriate.


  “Have you recently developed a foot fetish or something?” I asked him, wiggling my toes as he wrapped the straps of the shoe around my calf. “ ‘Cause heels? Seriously?”

  I barely had time to see the anger flash through his eyes before his hand connected with a loud slap to the side of my face. Hard enough that spots danced in front of my vision. I stumbled, nearly falling as my foot dropped from his leg with a loud clatter. It was hard to balance with one foot bare and the other in what had to be at least four or five inches of heel. “Wha?” Blinking at Sem, I brought my hand up to my cheek and rubbed at the burning skin. He'd fucking dazed me; he'd hit me so hard. Hard enough that I couldn't even taunt him about it like usual to make him do it again. Fuck, I loved him so much.

  Sem lifted himself out of his chair, just enough to grab me by the back of the neck and haul me forward as he sat back down. His grip was like steel, and I didn't have any choice but to drop to my knees in front of him. Spreading his thighs, he yanked me into him. My face was buried in his crotch, eyes closed as I struggled to breathe against him. The way the tips of his fingers dug into my skin made me squirm. Pinpoints of uncomfortable, bruising pressure applied to tender flesh. It made my eyes water.

  I felt him flexing as he leaned forward, hovering over me. “Listen here you little bitch,” he hissed. “We are in public, and you will not disrespect me. You are mine. My fucktoy. My whore. My dirty fucking cumslut. And you're going to fucking act like it. Or you will be punished. And it won't be a punishment that you like. Do you understand me?”

  Shivers twisted down my spine, and my stomach clenched. Jesus, Sem sounded fucking terrifying, and my body took definite notice of it. My breath hitched as I shuddered. I was surprised that the delicate fabric of the underwear I was wearing didn't tear from the sheer force of my erection. I loved it when Sem got all evil and wild. Had been hooked to it from the very beginning.

  Grip still tight, Sem hauled me back so that I could look up at him. “I want to hear you say it,” he said, eyes narrowed. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, God, yes,” I breathed.

  “Good.” He didn't so much as let me go as toss me away from him so that I went sprawling to the floor, hands on the ground behind me and eyes wide.

  For a moment we stared at each other. Gazes locked and no words being exchanged. And then he snapped his fingers, making me flinch. He pointed to his thigh, and I rose to my feet shakily, placing my next foot on his thigh. Patiently, I waited while he slipped the shoe on and then tied it up, trying my hardest no
t to fall. When he was finished with that, he nudged my foot off him and leaned back, scanning me over. I bit at my lower lip, folding my hands in front of my crotch. My legs were shaking faintly, muscles unused to being in the heels. They fucking hurt.

  Another snap and gesture and I moved back to my knees in front of him, settling between his thighs and looking up at him. He was so forceful. So commanding. It was hard not to obey him. To do whatever he wanted.

  A smirk crossed his lips, and he adjusted himself in his seat, popping the button of his pants open and unzipping them. I watched his hand move into the opening, disappearing in the fabric before reemerging with his thick cock in his hand. Fuck. Running my tongue across my lips, I glanced up at him, but he shook his head.

  “Uh-uh.” Sem mouthed at me, fingers wrapping around his cock and starting to stroke slowly, lazily. Making sure I could see the way it stiffened and flushed with every passing heartbeat. He was trying to torture me. Fucking torture me.


  That was better. Much better. Nate was terrified of me; I could see that glint—proof—in his eyes. Sometimes he forgot what our relationship was built on, especially when I was out of the country. But now, well, he’d been reminded.

  His eyes were fixated on my cock and how I drew my hand up and down just to tease him, to mock him… I knew how much he loved cock. Mine especially. He'd told me multiple times that if he were only to suck one cock for the rest of his life, it would be mine. That wicked little bitch sure knew how to set my blood on fire.

  I watched him lust after it, swallowing hard with his fingers on my thighs, ready to pounce. When I looked up, I noticed that we had an audience. My little outrage had attracted attention. Good. They’d get quite a show if it was up to me. Which it clearly wasn’t because my brother, the little shit, darted his tongue out, almost grazing the tip of my cock to catch a taste. Oh… Immediately, I snatched up his jaw, fingers digging into his cheeks. My thickening dick dropped back onto my stomach, almost fully hard but not quite there yet.

  “What did I just tell you?” I snarled, teeth-baring as Nate squeezed his eyes shut, nostrils flaring. He didn't answer, but the rapid rise and fall of his chest was enough to tell me he was already anticipating what was coming next.


  I yanked his head back in place right after my hand had connected with his cheek, his breathing off, eyelashes fluttering. God, he always loved it when I manhandled him. Funnily enough, the men I asked to keep him company never wanted to go this far. It wasn’t right, hitting him. But Nate…

  “That all you got?”

  His words freed a storm inside of me. He’d choked them out loud enough for our spectators to hear. It wasn’t enough? Well, be my guest.

  I chuckled darkly and sat up until my hard dick jutted out between my thighs. I fastened my left hand in his hair and lowered myself, so I spoke right against his ear. For a moment, I let him wait for it, made him squirm in his spot between my legs. “Is this how you wanna play it, yeah?” I whispered gruffly and tensed my left arm, so his neck was stretched uncomfortably. Nate whined, lips pressed together. “Wanna play with the devil, sweetheart?” By now, his breath hitched, coming out in quick puffs. Nails scratched down my thighs, clawing at me to let him go. “You want my dick so bad you disobey me, isn't that right?” Another strangled whine, a sob bubbling up. His back was arched in a curve, his throat exposed and head forced back.

  “Yes…” The word sounded like it took a great effort to get out.

  “Perhaps you need a reminder of why you should listen to me…” I clucked my tongue. I wouldn't hit him again; he didn't deserve it. After all, he wanted it, or else he wouldn't have teased me for more. I released him and tossed him to the ground before reaching for the supposedly empty bag again. There were two items in there. One...for more permanent damage, and another that would wash right off with his tears.


  Sem took his time going through the bag, pretending like he was looking for something, even though I could tell that he wasn't. I didn't bother getting up, legs splayed out in front of me, one hand resting behind me to keep me up as I wiped my wet face off on the back of my hand. My breathing was still ragged, heart pounding out of rhythm.

  He was really doing a number on me. A proper one. It had been a long time since he’d treated me this roughly. Even the night he snuck into my apartment to play invader, he hadn’t been this bad. This was closer to the Sem that I’d known before. The one that I hated but who I kept coming back to. Out of control and out of his mind. Completely crazy and evil. I was scared about what was coming next. It couldn’t be anything good.

  I was surprised when Sem pulled two markers out of the bag. Surprised and a little disappointed that it wasn’t anything...dramatic. That’s what I’d been expecting. Sem smirked at me and cocked his head to the side. He tucked his cock back into his pants and zipped up before he rose to his feet, slipping one of the markers into his back pocket and uncapping the other. He grabbed my chin and tilted my head back, bending down to press his lips to my ear again. “You look so disappointed, little brother,” he whispered to me. “You’re going to have that look wiped off your face shortly. Trust me.” Straightening up, he turned my head from side to side and looked me over. “Now stay still, understand?”

  “Uh-huh,” I breathed, eyes fixed up at him.

  Sem brought the marker toward my face, going to my left cheek first. I flinched at the feel of the felt tip on my skin, making me squirm as it tickled me. One sharp line and then two angled lines were drawn, but I couldn't tell what they were. He turned my cheek and repeated the motions on the other one. With that done, he capped the marker and put it with the other in his back pocket. “There we go,” he cooed. “Do you know what I drew on you?”

  I shook my head, running my tongue over my lower lip. “What is it?” I asked him, looking up with wide eyes.

  “Instructions,” he said mysteriously. “Now let’s see…”

  Twisting his fingers in my hair, he gave a jerk and made me crawl after him on my hands, back to the center of the room. “Stay right here. On your knees like a good little whore,” he said.

  I shifted on my knees, spreading my thighs a bit and resting my palms on the floor in front of me. Sitting all proper as I fixed my eyes up at him. He gave my hair a gentle stroke of approval and then walked off.

  I watched Sem move around the room, occasionally talking to some of the guys that had taken an interest in us. He was selecting them. That much was obvious. When he came across on one that he liked, he touched their shoulder and murmured something to them. If they agreed to whatever it was he said, they came over and stood near me, smirking but not speaking. By the time Sem was done, he had four men standing by me and then went to grab the bowl of condoms from the end table.

  My eyes narrowed, and I tilted my head to the side. Just what did he have planned with me?


  Nate looked utterly submissive with those red arrows on his cheeks, pointing to his mouth. The men around him were rather burly. I had picked them because of the way they were built. Older, somewhat butch. I wasn’t like that. More on the tall and lean side than anything else. Although I didn’t look that threatening, Nate knew better than to underestimate me.

  They all selected a condom when I told them: “He likes to suck dick until it’s hard and then he wants his mouth to be fucked with it.”

  I gave each of them a quick look to confirm they were up for it. One was grinning, red hair, black tie around his neck. He wore a white shirt and slacks as if he’d just come from the office. He probably had. Palming his crotch, he gave its contents a little shake and nicked his head at me. “Care if I go first?” he asked; I shrugged.

  “Be my guest.” I glanced at Nate on the floor then, his eyes wide, pupils blown. His balls were too much for his scanty underwear, barely hanging on to his tight globes. I crouched in front of him like I’d crouch in front of a dog and looked him squarely in the eye. �
��You know what to say if you want it to be over,” I whispered so the others couldn’t hear me. I was cruel, but not reckless. I didn’t want to ruin him after all. I wanted to teach him a lesson. Nate blinked slowly and nodded, a stormy look on his face, like he didn’t believe I’d go through with it. When I pushed up to my feet and turned to walk away, he croaked out a desperate little whine.

  The attention of the room was on him all of a sudden, except for the couples that were playing, of course. But even Meik and Sebastian had paused and were looking at me worriedly. The redhead stepped forward and unzipped while I placed the bowl of condoms by my chair and sat down. “No,” Nate gasped, stirring in his spot. I could feel Meik's eyes on me, his gaze hot and fierce. I knew what I was doing. We did have a safeword, and No was not it.

  I watched with my elbow on the armrest, slouched down in my seat and biting on my thumbnail. It was intoxicating to watch, Nate staring at me until the redhead patted his face, his half-hard cock sheathed with a condom, his thickening shaft perched between his thumb and forefinger. Nate's attention was suddenly averted, his body still in flight mode. It wasn't like I was getting off on this, far from it, actually. It made my stomach clench and twinge to watch Nate on his knees before anyone else but me. However, Nate had always been somewhat of a cockslut, and while I'd fought my possessiveness, I wanted him to know why he was mine, why no other man could satisfy him the way I could.

  I was whoring him out to keep him around.

  The moment the redhead’s dick was encased by Nate’s mouth, blue eyes staring up at the man, I felt my cock stir. The men I’d talked to had been informed that Nate liked it rough. No slapping, I’d said. But gripping him by the hair would be okay. I was the only who’d be allowed to smack him around. My baby brother.


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