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by Melissa Jane


  Melissa Jane

  Copyright 2018 – Melissa Jane

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the Author’s imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organizations or places is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the Author. All songs, song titles and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

  Disclaimer: The material in this book contains graphic language and sexual content and is intended for mature audiences, ages 18 and older.

  Book design by Swish Design & Editing

  Editing by Swish Design & Editing

  Proofreader by Contagious Edits

  Cover design by Sarah Paige at Opium House Creatives

  Cover image Copyright 2018


  Romantic Thrillers



  The Los Santos Cartel Series



  The Bittersweet Series:




  SOFIA #4

  Standalone: Romantic Comedies



  COMING 2018

  Los Loco’s Cartel



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  On a fateful, stormy night, a ghost from the past revealed himself under the glow of a street lamp. A ghost whose smile was as cold and dangerous as his heart.

  He remembered her well. She was the one everyone talked about. The poor girl down the street born into a family of monsters. The one he’d obsessed over, taunted and harassed. The very same girl who’d one day suddenly disappeared.

  Accepting his hand, he lifted her off the dirty, vile street and whispered a promise, “No good deed comes without payment,” and from that day on, she was destined to pay the ultimate price.

  Seeing her for the first time since she’d vanished all those years ago, had only made him realize his obsession never truly ended. And now, with a promise to keep, he was going to make her disappear again… this time forever.


  Dear Revenge,

  Thank you for being so sweet. X

  Table of Contents



  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  A Note for the Reader

  Connect With Me Online

  About the Author


  To my beautiful readers, thank you so much for once again delving into the worlds I create. My stories are nothing without you.

  My fabulous editor, Kaylene Osborn is the absolute bomb. Your constant support and encouragement are what get me through to the finishing line. Thank you for always having my back.

  To Robyn and Brenda, you ladies have been an endless support network for not only me, but all authors. We need more of you in the world.

  Thank you to Becca for your creativity and for being a sound mind when I need help. I truly would not get through a release without you.

  Sarah Paige, your mind is one of a kind. You just get me and the twisted thoughts I have and your beautiful covers perfectly compliment the stories I create.

  I hope you all enjoy NEVERLAND. X

  Dear Readers,

  While NEVERLAND contains some romance, it is also a tale of twisted obsession. It certainly is NOT a hearts and flowers type story, and WILL contain triggers for some readers as it deals with particularly confronting situations. I ask that you take this into consideration. This cruel, yet touching narrative, with its mix of adoring and sinister characters who exist in its broken world, was at times extremely difficult for me to write, and as each scene unfolds, I expect it will be equally as difficult for 'some' to read and accept.

  I do, however, thank you for reading NEVERLAND!


  Melissa Jane

  Chapter 1


  “What the fuck are you looking at, jerk-off?” Nicole snapped at Anton, the club’s bouncer who’d stationed himself in the entrance of the dressing room. He was a large man who seemed to take up the entire frame and that was with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Isn’t it obvious, Blaze?” he replied, smirking.

  Blaze was Nicole’s stage name courtesy of her fiery red hair. Fiery hair, fiery by nature. She had a forked tongue and didn’t shy away from dueling it out with the musclemen who controlled us. In a perverse sense, she enjoyed it. Anton’s beady eyes lewdly traveled the length of Nicole’s mostly naked body. All she wore was a purple lacy G, black fish-net stockings and six-inch heels, her huge, enviable breasts bouncing to every syllable.

  “Judging by the lack of bulge, maybe you’d prefer the men’s club two blocks down,” she hissed.

  “Judging by that mouth of yours, you need a man to shut you up.” Anton appeared unperturbed by her remark as he grabbed his crotch, or lack-there-of, for emphasis.

  “Choke on your own.” Nicole faced me and rolled her pretty green eyes. “He’s such a dick.” Pulling straps over her shoulders, she clasped the matching bra at the front and plumped her breasts. “Anyway, as I was saying, Jonny and I are thinking of going away for a while.” Her voice hushed so others, particularly Anton, couldn’t hear.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, zipping the front of my tube dress. Nicole’s admission rattled me. I was both enviable and frightened by the idea.

  “Jonny says his cousin in Austin has a trailer. Said we can use it until we find something more permanent.”

  “Permanent?” This caused my heart to race. “You’re leaving for good?”

  Nicole straightened, taking my lipstick from my hand and applying it to my lips while she spoke. “Lucy, being an exotic dancer was never a dream of mine. Jonny and I want kids someday and I want a ring on my finger. But as long as I’m strippin’ he ain’t gonna do that. You know what I’m saying?”

  Pulling away, I sat at my mirror, hoping the tears would dry before they spilled.

  Nicole lowered herself so her face met mine in the reflection. “You know you could always come with us.”

  Despite her sincerity and my longing for such freedom, I couldn’t accept her offer.

  “You know I can’t,” I said with an unintentional bite in my tone.
/>   “You keep saying that whenever this comes up, but you just have to have faith that you’ll survive outside this place.”

  She was wrong, but I couldn’t tell her that without having to reveal the truth. The idea of me leaving was a ludicrous one. Not because I didn’t want to. With all my heart I wanted to erase this place from my memory. But the reality was, it would always be permanently etched into my life.

  “It’s not that,” I said, eyeing Anton in the corner.

  “Then what? Why don’t you ever tell me the reasons you can’t just leave this place? Girls come and go all the time.”

  I blinked, my vision blurring. Anton’s cough from the door serving me as a warning.

  Shaking my head, I willed a small smile and lied to my best friend. “You’re just more courageous than me, that’s all.”

  Nicole sighed. “You’re such a bullshit liar, Lucy.”

  Busying myself with the curling tongs, I ignored her reprimand. “Maybe one day I’ll see you on the flip side.”

  “Maybe true, if this place ever burned to the ground…” she raised her voice so Anton could hear, “… with some of the people still in it.” Pressing her cheek to mine, she smiled wickedly. “I could get Jonny to organize that you know. It’ll give him some purpose in life. He’s always lookin’ for his next adrenaline rush.”

  I snorted a giggle at the truth behind it because Jonny was extremely unpredictable in nature and that’s what Nicole loved most about him. While he had a good heart, he also had a few screws loose.

  “Diamond,” Anton warned against the whispering. If it were anyone else, he wouldn’t care, but I came with rules that must be followed.

  “Jesus, relax. We’re just talking,” Nicole snapped.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you’re just doing, your time’s up. Diamond, you’re due on stage. Now!”

  Nicole straightened, fiery eyes burning into Anton’s soulless body. “She’s coming, fucking moron.”

  Anton’s face reddened as he took a step forward. “You better watch your mouth, or—”

  “Ahh, there he is.” Nicole beamed her Cheshire smile as she pointed to Anton’s groin. “You get a little turned on when you speak shit to a woman, do you?”

  “You’re no woman—”

  “Okay!” I interrupted their feud by positioning myself between them. “I’m ready.” Throwing a warning look to Nicole, she responded with a wink. This was all a game to her.

  Wrapping his meaty paw around my elbow, Anton led me out the door and down the darkened hall illuminated only by a single red light. The music from the last dance still reverberated through the walls and the usual nerves kicked in. Some people hated the spotlight no matter how long they spent in it and I was one of them.

  The crowd roared their appreciation as Cindi finished her set. She was a girl who left nothing to the imagination and when the foreign businessmen stopped in for a peep show, Cindi would go that extra mile to ensure their business deal was sealed by the end of her song.

  The heavy red curtain rushed open and Cindi, completely naked and wearing a beaming smile, came bouncing down the stairs holding a hefty handful of bills. I could only dream of that much cash. It’s not that I didn’t earn it, it’s just that unlike the other girls, I wasn’t allowed to keep it. Cindi passed us, leaving a trail of sweet perfume behind.

  “There’s a banker on table six. Be sure to give him an extra special show,” Anton instructed as he pulled me in front. A banker was someone who was liberal with their cash. The more we entertained, the more they gave.

  The room darkened, only small blue LED lights lining the inner stage offering any guidance. Hushed murmurs reached my ears and by that alone I could tell tonight was a full house. I walked the length of the stage knowing the sound of my heels drew attention to my shadowed figure. I never knew what song I’d be dancing to, yet another privilege I wasn’t permitted, so I waited on the exact point where the spotlight would hit me as soon as the music started. Glancing around, I take in the full-house of expectant black shapes, waiting, hapless men, and the occasional small glimmer of sequins as the servers sashayed between patrons.

  But most of all, I could feel the intensity of his gaze. The music began and my heart sank. It always did when he played this song. He relished in what it did to me, memories flooding back to haunt me of a time when it all began. A time where if I’d just taken an extra second packing my bag, I would have missed him and none of this would ever have happened.

  He stood in the glow of the red bar light, his smile one that reveled in my pain. My own personal devil. He watched as I danced, his mouth moving to the lyrics.

  This is between you and me

  An obsession, a hate, a jealousy

  What you give, I so desire

  Watch out for me, I’ll set your soul on fire.

  The room may be full of patrons, but this song… this was for him. Just the way he liked it.

  Chapter 2


  “What are you waiting for, fucking greaser? Hit me!”

  The boy from the eleventh grade circled my best friend, bouncing back and forth on his toes like he was trained to fight. He had this rabid look in his eyes like he wasn’t planning on letting us go unscathed.

  “Romeo, let’s go,” I begged, but my pleas were drowned by the jeering crowd. The eleventh grader took a swing connecting on Romeo’s chin with a sickening thud, the power behind it causing him to stumble to the ground.

  More cheers erupted, spurring the boy on. “Please stop,” I yelled, stepping forward, arms outstretched, willing the older boy to stop. “We didn’t do anything to you.”

  “Not yet you haven’t.” The boy leered, eyeing the length of my body. “But we can change that, can’t we, greaser?” He grinned at Romeo knowing his taunts were having the desired effect.

  “Don’t talk to her like that!” Romeo yelled, taking the bait. I’d never seen him so angry and thirsty for revenge, and all because this eleventh grader took it upon himself to put his hand up my skirt.

  I retreated, unsure how to handle the threat. Surely, he wouldn’t be stupid to do anything to me with everyone watching.

  “Lucy, move out of the way,” Romeo ordered, straightening himself.

  “Yeah, Lucy,” the older boy mocked. “Listen to your taco boyfriend before you wear his blood.”

  “Don’t be an asshole!” I snapped, knowing the racial jibes actually cut my best friend deep.

  Cavalier about the drama he was causing, the boy sauntered up to me until our bodies were only inches apart. “Or you’ll do what?”

  “Arrrgghhh,” Romeo roared, charging forward like a raging linebacker. One minute the older boy was in my face licking his lips like he wanted a taste of me, the next minute he was gone, crash-tackled to the ground by a furious Romeo.

  “Holy shit!” I stood in disbelief, mouth agape. Romeo didn’t match the boy’s height or weight. We were two years younger and while everyone loved him, he was my only friend. I loved him more than life itself, but right now as the older boy managed to roll on top, I feared for Romeo’s life.

  My heart thudded. This wasn’t going to end well.

  The crowd cheered like they were watching their football team in the playoffs.

  “Get off him,” I roared. With each blow the boy delivered to Romeo’s baby face, I hit him in turn, my fists pummeling into the boy’s muscly back. He didn’t flinch. In fact, he didn’t even seem to notice. “Leave him—” Strong arms hooked around mine, pulling me away, my legs kicking. “Get off me,” I continued hollering at whoever held me close to their chest. I watched with a breaking heart as the eleventh grader sent Romeo’s blood splattering across the pavement. He was relentless. A soul so dark he couldn’t even see any light.

  Among the chaos, someone yelled ‘teacher’ and everyone, including the person restraining me, fled the traumatic scene like ants climbing over the top of each other. The boy rose to his feet, a wicked glimmer in his dark eyes with speckle
s of blood, not his own, on his face and clothes.

  “Don’t for a second think this is over,” he warned with a promise I believed. “I haven’t finished with you yet.”


  “Lucy. Lucy. Lucy?”

  Cameron, the boy next to me who barely tolerated my presence at the best of times, shoved my shoulder, breaking through my thoughts.

  “Lucy?” Mrs. Garland asked once more. “Can you tell me the significance of propaganda in World War Two?”

  I sat up straight, knuckles turning white as I gripped my pencil. “Um… yes.”

  “Um…yes,” Cameron mocked in a stupid voice, causing a ripple of giggles across the class.

  “Enough, Mr. Clayton,” Mrs. Garland warned before waiting expectantly for my response.

  “Its significance was the bias it created. Influencing countrymen to do the honorable thing and fight for what they should have believed in.”

  Pleased with my answer, she nodded enthusiastically, before eligibly scribbling my response on the blackboard. Only when she turned her attention to another daydreaming student—her favorite targets—did I relax and fall back into my thoughts. I glanced at the empty seat to my right. Romeo’s desk. After the bell rang early, marking the end of recess courtesy of the commotion, Mr. Frankston, the gym teacher, had picked a dazed Romeo off the ground and escorted him to the office. The eleventh grader had done a runner.

  Ordered to head straight to class, I arrived after the students had taken their seats, my tardy appearance at the door sparking a round of whispers and snide remarks.

  “Is that the girl he felt up?”

  “Who is she?”

  “I don’t get what the fuss is over.”


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