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by Melissa Jane

  “I had plenty of reason. After everything that had happened to you, I wanted to be in a position where I could find you. But as you know, there wasn’t a trace of you anywhere. But there was another reason. Do you remember the night we had to answer to Mr. Hopkins because of the stolen bread?”

  “I most certainly haven’t forgotten that moment.”

  “Well, then you’d recall the way my parents behaved when Mr. Salvatore’s name came up in conversation?”

  I didn’t like where this was going. “Yes, I do.”

  “When we were packing up the house to move, I came across a letter from a lawyer saying that my parents were to cease any allegations of rape toward Mr. Alexi Salvatore. When I confronted Mom about it she broke down on the bedroom floor telling how Mr. Salvatore had raped her late one night in the hospital office while he was there visiting his sick grandmother.”

  I sat up to see Romeo’s face. “Oh my God…”

  “They took it to the police, but his sway and power were enough to have any complaints dropped, and of course the lawyer’s intervention meant they were never to speak of it again.”

  “So, he just gets away with it?”

  Romeo nodded, his jaw twitching. “When I became Vice, I made it my priority to bring the Salvatore empire down. Alexi Salvatore proved to be more difficult since he spent most of his time overseas. So I focused my attention on Dominic. He too knew how to cover his tracks well. The only way to catch him was by setting up a sting. He took the bait, and we expected to nail him the first meeting. What we didn’t expect was to have you walk through the door. The girl who’d suddenly disappeared. The girl I thought was dead because there’s literally no record of your name anywhere. And suddenly you’re alive, and on the arm of the mobster we were trying to sting?”

  “I wasn’t there by free will.”

  He kissed the top of my head, which thankfully Laura had helped wash. “I know. It was obvious you were high on something. It was also obvious you were petrified. And you certainly scared the shit out of me. I’ve seen a lot of messed up shit working Vice. A lot of things that shook me to the core. But nothing like seeing a ghost from the past walk in. A ghost I loved and then mourned for. I studied every inch of your face, looked for any clue to tell me it was definitely you. Then you were so close that I just became lost in your touch, your scent, the softness of your hair. Everything.”

  My heart swelled.

  “It wasn’t until I saw the heart-shaped scar on your hip, and having you abruptly torn away from me at the end, did the sting turn into a rescue mission. And with me in disguise, there was no way of telling you who I was, without potentially getting us all killed.”

  “So what now?” I asked, almost too scared to know the answer. “Is Dominic dead?”

  Romeo exhaled heavily. “Unfortunately, no.”

  A hand reached down my throat and twisted my insides, while the other wrapped around my throat. I couldn’t breathe and started to panic. Pulling away from Romeo, I sat on the edge of the bed and rocked back and forth struggling for air.

  Romeo sat behind, his legs either side of mine, and pulled me against his chest. “Hey,” he soothed. “The boys are working on it. Just breathe.”

  I couldn’t. I escaped his hold and stood too quick, the room spinning around me. “You don’t under—”

  “Whoa, I’ve got you,” Romeo said, catching me as I fell sideward. Wrapping my arms around him, I held tight. “Jesus, Lucy, you’re trembling.” He lowered me to the floor, my teeth chattering.

  “He’ll find us, Romeo. He will. And he’ll come after us both.”

  Romeo held tighter, whispering in my ear the same way Mrs. Sanchez did when Mom died. Realizing my nightmare wasn’t yet over, I started to sob. I’d made the mistake of assuming he’d been shot and killed.

  “I promise he’ll pay for everything he’s ever done to you. I’ll make him hurt.”

  Wiping my cheeks, I faced Romeo. “The man is a monster, I’ve seen what he can do. I’ve seen him make others pay for less. If Dominic gets to us first, we’re dead. It’s only a matter of time.”


  I couldn’t settle. The more I thought about Dominic Salvatore still living and breathing, the more I lost control. Laura held my hair when I vomited in the toilet, my nerves bringing up everything I’d eaten. It was like the mere thought of him still being alive brought all the pain he’d ever inflicted on me back in folds. So bad it was crippling.

  “Come on, Lucy,” she soothed, rubbing my back. “We need to calm you down.”

  That was easy enough for her to say. Laura hadn’t seen the atrocities committed by his very hands. She hadn’t seen the way his insane mind unleashed wrath in all its frightening glory. But if she stuck around, she just might.

  A knock sounded at the door, Romeo opening it far enough to peer in. “Can I come in?”

  “Not yet,” Laura said. “She needs time.”

  When I was able to stand, Laura helped me freshen up and guided me back to the bedroom where she tucked me under the comforter. Rummaging in her medical kit, she filled a syringe and found a vein in my arm. “You need more sleep, Lucy. This has been a big day for you. In the morning, you’ll feel better.”

  She was wrong, but I didn’t argue. There would be no peace until I saw Dominic Salvatore take his last breath.

  The only thing missing was Romeo. I wanted him by my side because I wasn’t sure how or when that would be taken from me. The euphoric relief coursed through my body, the hands around my throat allowing me to finally breathe.

  Laura turned off the lamp and left the room, the kitchen light and their voices filtering through.

  “She’ll be fine,” Laura said, trying to put Romeo at ease. “Whatever he’s done to her is creating a PTSD response. It will take some time.”

  A glass smashed against the wall in a fit of rage, but I didn’t startle. My body was too numb, but my heart wasn’t.

  Romeo wanted revenge.

  And Dominic would be relentless in his chase, throwing Romeo into a war he was only just learning about. Tears slipped down my temples because it would surely be a war we’d both lose.


  “We need to hit them where it hurts,” Charles said, wiping a cloth over pieces of his disassembled Glock. Having woken only a few hours later from plaguing nightmares, I followed the voices to the kitchen and listened to the four agents talking options.

  “We have enough testimony from Lucy to put him behind bars for the rest of his life,” Sol offered.

  “Behind bars?” Romeo said, shocked by the idea. “That’s way too easy for the fucker.”

  Laura shook her head. “Romeo, you need to step back from the situation—”

  “That’s the last thing I need to do.”

  “Laura could be right,” Charles said. “You and the girl have—”

  “Lucy!” Romeo interjected. “Her name is Lucy.”

  “You… and Lucy have a history together. You could put us all at risk by allowing your emotions to get involved, especially in a complex case like this.”

  “That’s bullshit!”

  “Is it?”

  “Yeah, it is. Because if anyone has the motivation to get him, it’s me.”

  “The boy could be right,” Sol said, taking Romeo’s side. “But it could put you both at unnecessary risk.”

  The table erupted in a heated discussion, those thinking logically, and others emotionally.

  “I can tell you anything you need to know about Dominic Salvatore,” I interrupted, everyone turning in their seats upon hearing my voice. They waited for me to continue, “I can tell you about three cold-blooded murders, countless rapes, false imprisonment, drug trafficking. Anything. But on one condition.”

  “And that is?” Sol asked.

  “You remove Romeo from the investigation.”

  Romeo pushed back his chair. “No, Lucy. That’s not going to happen.”

  “It has to.” The desperation in my voic
e quietened the detectives, no doubt working through the list of dangers which faced them.

  Romeo rose to his feet and cupped my cheeks. “Lucy, you’re asking me to walk away from bringing this guy down. From having him answer for everything he’s done to you.”

  “And if you go, I run the risk of losing you, and I’m just not prepared for that.”

  Lowering his lips to mine, Romeo kissed with a tenderness that melted my heart. I wanted more of it. I wanted to relish the moment in privacy, where only he and I existed.

  A ringing cell phone cut through the silence, and we reluctantly pulled apart.

  “Yep,” Charles answered. We all waited for a clue. It was twelve-thirty in the morning, an odd time to be receiving a call. When he hung up, he was all business. “We’ve been compromised,” he said, assembling his Glock. “If we don’t move now, we’ll be forever on the back foot.”

  Sensing my panic, Romeo took my hand in his.

  “What did they say?” I asked, needing to know how Dominic planned to attack. Charles remained tight-lipped, his jaw set like stone.

  Everyone started moving with urgency, packing anything they’d need for our next location.

  Romeo turned to me, concerned. “Lucy, I need to talk with Charles. Wait for me in my room.”

  I was frozen in place, unable to move.

  “Lucy,” his hands cupped my cheeks once more, drawing my gaze to his. “Lucy, I need you to listen. Wait for me in my room. I’ll be less than two minutes. Are you hearing me?”

  I nodded, petrified. Truth was, I didn’t want to be alone. I didn’t want to be anywhere near dark shadows. With Romeo talking with Charles, I made my way to the bedroom and sunk to the floor in the corner. I’d been out of Dominic’s clutches for five days, but I feared it was now coming to an end. Romeo rounded the corner at speed, and pulling his duffle bag from under the bed, he packed the few items on the bedside table.

  He knelt in front, wearing a small smile to put me at ease. “Ready for an adventure?”

  Chapter 19


  It was a four-hour journey to our next destination. The supposed threat that came through meant Romeo was to stay with me and get me as far away as possible until the detectives gained the upper hand on Dominic. For my own sanity, they spared me the details about what was said, and I came to accept that as wise. They didn’t need a hysterical woman messing up their plans, because I’d unwittingly done that the night I walked into the penthouse.

  Romeo and I traveled together which gave us more time to catch up on eight years lost. We laughed, his witty sense of humor exactly as I remembered it. We held hands the entire way, our flirting occurring so naturally. But during the quiet moments, my mind wandered. As I absently watched the scenery pass by, my thoughts played a montage of the last night I saw Dominic.

  How had he survived?

  “Before Dominic emerged from the hall…” Romeo began after I asked about it, “… he’d sent a message to Anton instructing him to come up. Outnumbered, he needed backup and it just happened to be perfect timing that when Sol and Charles opened fire, Anton emerged from the lift blasting an AK-47. Needless to say, they made a hasty exit and have been lying low ever since.”

  “That guy has nine lives, I swear it.”

  Romeo turned and smiled. “The good thing about that is eventually those lives will run out, and if we don’t get him, somebody else will.”


  “This is a safehouse?” I asked, in awe of our supposed destination.

  “Not quite,” he smiled. “I mean, it is a safe house. Just not a safehouse.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s a work in progress but I’ll get there.”

  My eyes widened, looking from the dream house on the lake and back to Romeo. “This is yours?”

  “It’s not my main house, but I get out here whenever I can.”

  The sun was starting to rise, the lake glimmering and glistening like a sea of diamonds.

  “Come on.” Taking my hand, he led me down the path and around the lake-side of the house. Lifting a pot plant, he retrieved a key and unlocked the door.

  “Aren’t you guys trained to be suspicious of… everything?”

  “Not in this town. Besides, Mr. Delaney comes in and takes care of the place on a regular basis, so he’s my eyes and ears when I’m not here.”

  Still holding my hand, Romeo led me inside, dropped his duffle bag and pulled me into his arms. Having him so close, feeling his hard body against mine, it all felt the way it should. By now, he wore a light stubble on his tanned face, and it not only looked sexy as hell but when he kissed me, it felt divine.

  “It’s been a long drive. How’d you like me to run a bath for you?”

  “I’d love that.” I smiled coyly. “But only if you’re going to join me.”

  Romeo cocked a brow and I bit my lip to stop a giggle. “You read my mind.”


  Leaning against Romeo’s chest, I let him bathe me, the hot water feeling like heaven as it ran over my bare breasts. I moaned and Romeo chuckled, kissing the top of my head.

  “Does this feel strange to you?” I asked, lost in delirium.

  “What, us?”

  “Yes, like this.”

  “Not in the slightest, babe.”

  I smiled. “I didn’t think so either. It feels so right, it’s scary.”

  “It feels strange in the sense that I have to keep checking this isn’t just a dream. That you’re really here with me.”

  I nodded against his chest, feeling a single tear sliding down my cheek. “I know exactly what you’re saying. Luck hasn’t been on my side, so this feels surreal.”

  A comforting silence fell between us, the only sound was Romeo still gently squeezing warm, bubbly water over my good shoulder.

  A thought crossed my mind. “Did you ever go to the dance with Callie?”

  Romeo kissed the top of my head, once more, though this time it was a solemn kiss. “Lucy, I don’t think you realize how broken I was after you were taken away. I didn’t care for anyone or anything. I just wanted you back. I used to climb up to Neverland and lay there under the stars thinking of you. And when I fell asleep, you’d be there in my dreams.”

  I wanted to tell him I did the same, even as long as a week ago, but the lump in my throat stopped the words in their tracks.

  “Life just ceased being beautiful once you were gone.”

  I turned until I was front facing between his legs. “I never stopped loving you,” I finally managed through sobs. “I know we were just kids, but you were all I had in life and I loved you with all my heart. I still do.”

  Snaking a hand around my neck, Romeo pulled my mouth to his, killing me passionately. I melted into his body, feeling his erection against my tummy. Desire was well and truly swelling between my legs, a throbbing which was getting too hard to ignore.

  He pulled away, a look of shame in his eyes. “Lucy, I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  I frowned, understanding where he was coming from. “You’re not, and you won’t be. I want this as much as you do.”

  Without needing any further encouragement, Romeo shifted into position and scooped me out of the bath, a rush of water and bubbles cascading off us. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his lips locked to mine, our tongues dancing, slow at first and becoming more urgent the closer we got to the bedroom.

  Lowering me onto the bed, Romeo kissed his way down my neck until he sucked a nipple into his mouth. He bit softly, and I writhed with the sensation it stirred. Romeo took charge of my body and I responded to every kiss, lick, and touch. His tongue traveled down my belly and between my legs where he devoured and teased me. My back arched, fists grabbing handfuls of sheets as I fought against the rising pleasure of Romeo’s tongue on my clit.

  I came, spreading my legs further apart as an orgasm rolled through me. I was left panting, wanting more, but exhausted. Romeo crawled up the bed and kissed my

  “You taste so damn good, Lucy.”

  He kissed harder and I raised my hips to meet his, begging for more.

  “Are you sure?” he asked again.

  I nodded, not wanting to waste a second. Romeo obliged, lowering between my legs, his cock at my entry before he finally pushed inside. We both moaned, and I squeezed my eyes closed against the pain. Romeo moved slowly at first until I had time to adjust and then increased the pace, his thrusts long and deep. His mouth claimed mine, and he responded to my cries of pleasure. He pulled out and I caught my breath for only a second, my body demanding more.

  Taking my hand, he lifted me to my knees and turned me around until my back met his chest. Wrapping an arm around my waist, he rose me high enough to sink me over his cock, causing a mewl to escape my lips. He held me tight while he thrust, lips trailing down my neck, one hand kneading my breasts, the other rubbing my clit.

  I could feel it again, the sensation I wanted to feel every time with Romeo. He moved slow, sliding in and out in a controlled rhythm until he felt how close I was. I clenched around his cock and he quickened the pace causing yet another orgasm to claim me. I moaned loudly wishing the sensation would never end.

  Romeo followed, pounding into me as he released his own. He slowed, our panting in sync as we collapsed onto the bed facing each other. I stared into his eyes, getting lost in them as I always did.

  “So that’s what it feels like,” I smiled, loving everything about it.

  Romeo frowned and realization dawned. “You’ve never had sex?”

  “I have now.”

  He inched closer, kissing me tenderly, a cheeky smile playing on his lips. “Well, if you enjoyed it, I can give you more.”

  I moved fast. Rolling him over, I straddled his hips. Although he appeared caught off-guard by my directness, I could feel his arousal stir once more. “I hope you’re not tired.”

  Chapter 20


  For two glorious days we ate, drank, and laughed, but mostly, we made love. Romeo was attentive to my pleasure, always ensuring my needs were met before his own. It was explosive, intimate, and emotional. His simple touch was enough to erase the violence from the past. His kisses replacing the memories of Dominic’s sexual assaults. On the occasion we were able to pull ourselves from the bedroom, Romeo took me out on the lake, a bottle of wine and a picnic packed into the restored wooden boat. I closed my eyes and let the sun warm my skin while Romeo gently massaged my shoulders.


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