by Damon Suede
Verb shapes vibe.
Remember: when I say “verb,” I’m referring to character actions and tactics, both. The verbs that comprise a characterization simply express the character’s energy flowing through the narrative.
Always factor in the type of story you’re writing and the connotations of those verbs for genre and subgenre. Subtle variations in meaning really will recast an entire scene or character. Turning a boat even one degree can land you somewhere miles from the original destination.
What verbs serve your story and your characters best?
What actions and tactics get overused in your (sub)genre?
What are the actions and tactics used by protagonists of current bestsellers in this stretch of the bookshelf? How about genre classics?
Which actions and tactics would move this book into a different genre/subgenre? How would that transform your story for better and worse?
For my part, I suspect that audience tastes actually come down specifically to the kinds of verbs and vibes readers find entertaining. When a reader is bored by one type of book or drawn to another, it’s because the actions (and tactics) resonate and evoke appealing emotions. Genre audiences show up expecting certain obligatory scenes, beloved archetypes, and timeless tropes…new wine in old bottles. How can you stretch your readers’ imaginations and expand the landscape of your genre?
Remember: the best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Different actions and tactics can change a cozy into a noir into a romantic suspense into a paranormal. Obsessive fan devotion flourishes in the subtle distinctions between these subgenres, and canny verbalization will help you navigate the emotional landscape and determine the kind of audience you attract. And of course, actions and tactics will always be transitive and specific to the characters and their context.
Use language to put your story on the right genre shelf for its audience. Readers gravitate to their favorite kinds of emotional rides; your job is to engineer the most satisfying emotional ride possible within the framework of their expectations.
Genre language operates as a kind of promise to the reader and a fulfillment of that promise. Lazy authors recycle the half-assery of other lazy recyclers, and overuse eventually turns the perfect word into a feeble cliché—know the difference!
Genres evolve via their language, which means you’ll need to keep abreast of developments and mutations in your neck of the fictional woods. To do your job and grow as an artist, you’ll need to meet and exceed reader expectations with every new project.
“If you have a story that seems worth telling, and you think you can tell it worthily, then the thing for you to do is to tell it, regardless of whether it has to do with sex, sailors, or mounted policemen.”
Dashiell Hammett8
Representative Authors and Titles
• Steve Berry, The Templar Legacy
• Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park
• Clive Cussler, Raise The Titanic!
• Anthony Hope, The Prisoner of Zenda
• George MacDonald Fraser, The Pyrates
• Rafael Sabatini, Captain Blood
• B. Traven, The Treasure of Sierra Madre
-abort, access, accrue, accumulate, acknowledge, acquire, adjudge, advise, afflict, aggravate, alarm, alert, ally, amass, amaze, ambush, analyze, anchor, anger, arbitrate, arrange, arrest, assault, assemble, assess, auction, audition, authenticate, avenge, -avert, award
bait, ballyhoo, barricade, batter, beam, beat, beckon, bedraggle, beguile, belittle, benchmark, benefit, best, bestow, betray, bias, bid, bilk, blackball, blackjack, blacklist, blind, blindside, blitz, block, bluff, blunt, blurt, bogart, boggle, bolster, bombard, boobytrap, boost, bootleg, borrow, botch, box, -boycott, brace, brandish, breach, bribe, bridge, broadcast, bulldoze, bump, burden, burglarize, burst, bury, bushwhack, bust, butter, -bypass
calculate, calibrate, camouflage, capsize, captain, capture, carry, carve, catalog, catalyze, categorize, caution, certify, chafe, challenge, champion, chart, charter, chase, cheat, chisel, choreograph, churn, circle, circumnavigate, -circumvent, claim, clarify, clasp, classify, clean, climb, cloak, clobber, close, cloud, clout, clutch, coerce, coffer, collect, combat, commandeer, commend, compact, compare, compel, complicate, compute, concatenate, conceal, concede, concoct, condemn, condense, conduct, confide, confiscate, conflate, confound, confront, conk, conquer, conserve, consign, consolidate, construct, consult, consume, contain, contest, convey, convict, convince, convulse, coordinate, cop, corner, corrode, cost, counsel, countermand, counterpunch, cover, covet, cow, cram, cramp, crank, crash, crate, credential, crest, cripple, criticize, cross, crosscheck, cross-examine, crowd, crush, cue, cuff, cull, customize
damage, dangle, dare, dazzle, deactivate, decipher, decode, decrease, decrypt, deep-six, defame, defang, defeat, defend, deflate, defraud, defray, defuse, defy, delay, delegate, deliver, delouse, demand, demilitarize, demolish, demonstrate, denigrate, deplete, deploy, deposit, desire, destabilize, destroy, detach, detain, detect, -deter, detonate, detour, devalue, devise, diagnose, dictate, diddle, dig, direct, disable, disappear, disarm, discharge, discipline, -discount, discourage, discover, discredit, disillusion, dislodge, dismantle, dispatch, dispirit, display, disqualify, -disregard, disrupt, dissuade, distill, distract, distrust, divide, doctor, -dodge, dog, donate, double-cross, double-deal, down, draw, drive, drown, dump
earmark, earn, edify, efface, eighty-six, electrify, elevate, elicit, eliminate, -elude, embalm, embroider, embroil, emphasize, empty, encrypt, endorse, engross, enrich, ensconce, enslave, entomb, entrap, entrust, erode, escalate, -escape, -eschew, escort, estimate, evacuate, -evade, evoke, exact, examine, excavate, excuse, exhort, exhume, expedite, expel, expense, explain, exploit, explore, expose, extort, extract, extricate
face, fake, familiarize, fast-forward, fast-track, fathom, fatigue, faze, feed, feign, fetch, fetishize, fight, finance, fine-tune, fix, flag, flaunt, -flee, fleece, fling, flummox, foist, follow, forage, -forbid, force, forfeit, forgive, fortify, frogmarch, -frustrate, fry, fuel, fumble, furnish
garble, garner, gather, gauge, gild, glamorize, glean, glorify, goad, gobsmack, gouge, grab, grasp, grease, greenlight, grill, gross, guard, guide
half-ass, haul, hawk, hazard, heal, heap, hide, highlight, hijack, hoard, hoax, hog, hoist, hollow, holster, hoodwink, hook, hose, hospitalize, hotwire, hound, hunt, hurl, hurry, hustle, hype
identify, immortalize, impair, impersonate, implicate, import, impound, impress, improvise, incapacitate, incarcerate, indemnify, indulge, inflate, injure, instigate, instruct, insure, intercept, interpret, interrogate, interrupt, intrigue, inventory, invest, investigate, invite, invoice, itemize
jack, jam, jeopardize, jerk, jog, juggle, junk, justify
-kibosh, kick, kick-start, kidnap, kneecap, knife
lasso, launch, launder, lead, leash, lecture, legitimize, level, leverage, libel, license, limelight, link, liquidate, load, loan, lobby, locate, lock, loot, lowball, lubricate, lug, lure
machinate, maim, maltreat, mandate, maneuver, map, mar, maroon, mask, master, mastermind, maximize, mechanize, menace, micromanage, misappropriate, mismanage, misplace, misread, mistake, mobilize, moderate, modify, mold, monkey-wrench, monopolize, mortar, mothball, motivate, mug, mummify, mystify
nab, nail, navigate, negotiate, net, neutralize, niche, nitpick, nominate, numerate, nurse
obey, obfuscate, obscure, obstruct, obtain, offload, open, optimize, orchestrate, order, organize, orient, oust, outbid, outclass, outdistance, outdo, outgun, outlay, outmaneuver, outperform, outplay, outrace, outrank, outshine, outsmart, outstrip, outwit, overcome, overemphasize, overhaul, overload, overpower, override, overrule, oversell, overtake
pace, pack, palaver, pass, patent, patrol, paw, penetrate, perplex, petition, pick, pierce, pile, pilfer, pillage, pilot, pimp, pinion, pinpoint, pirate, placate, plot, pluck, plumb, plunder, poke, police, polish, position, praise, predetermine, preempt, presell, preser
ve, pressure, -prevent, price, prime, prioritize, probe, process, procure, profile, profit, program, -prohibit, prolong, promote, prop, propel, propose, publicize, pulp, pummel, pump, punch, punctuate, purloin, pursue, push, puzzle
quantify, quash, quell, question, quiz
race, raid, ransack, ransom, ration, ravage, reach, ream, reclaim, reconnoiter, recoup, recover, recruit, recycle, redact, redeem, -refuse, regret, rehabilitate, rejigger, release, remove, renegotiate, rent, reorient, repair, represent, reprimand, repurpose, rescue, research, resist, restore, resuscitate, retain, retool, retrieve, review, revoke, revolutionize, reward, rifle, rig, rile, rob, rope, rotate, rue, rupture, rush
sabotage, sack, safeguard, salvage, sample, sap, save, scald, scale, scam, scan, scavenge, schedule, schmooze, scoop, scope, scorch, -scorn, scour, scout, scrap, scruple, scrutinize, scuttle, search, seize, select, sell, sensationalize, shadow, shanghai, shine, shock, shoot, short-circuit, shove, showcase, shroud, -shun, -sidestep, sideswipe, signal, siphon, skewer, skim, skunk, slug, smash, smuggle, snap, snare, snatch, sneak, snipe, snooker, soft-sell, solicit, solve, sour, source, spark, spearhead, specify, spitball, sponge, sponsor, sport, spot, spotlight, spring, spur, square, squeeze, squirrel, stage-manage, stagger, startle, stash, staunch, steal, steamroller, steel, steer, stiff, stipulate, stockpile, stonewall, store, stow, straighten, stress, strew, strip, strong-arm, stump, stupefy, stymie, suborn, subvert, sucker-punch, sugarcoat, supercharge, supersize, supply, suppress, surf, surprise, surrender, survey, suspend, swamp, swear, sweet-talk, swindle, swipe, synchronize, synthesize
taboo, tabulate, tackle, tail, tally, tangle, tantalize, target, tarnish, taste, taunt, tax, telegraph, test, tether, throw, -thwart, toast, tolerate, top, topple, torch, torpedo, tote, toughen, tour, tout, tow, track, trail, tranquilize, transcend, translate, transmit, transport, trap, trash, trash-talk, travel, traverse, trick, trigger, trivialize, troubleshoot, trump, truncate, turn
uncover, undercut, underpay, undervalue, underwrite, unearth, unfasten, unleash, unload, unlock, unman, unpack, unravel, unscramble, unshackle, untangle, update, upgrade
valuate, vanquish, verify, vet, -veto, vindicate, -void, volunteer, vouchsafe
waive, wangle, want, ward, warehouse, warn, waste, weaken, weaponize, wedge, weigh, weld, wheedle, whet, whitewash, whittle, win, withdraw, worm, wound, wow, wreck, wrest, wrestle, wring, wrinkle
zap, zone
Representative Authors and Titles
• Peter Beagle, The Last Unicorn
• S.A. Chakraborty, The City of Brass
• Robin Hobb, Assassin’s Apprentice
• Barry Hughart, The Bridge of Birds
• Ursula K. LeGuin, A Wizard of Earthsea
• Patricia McKillip, The Riddle-Master of Hed
• Naomi Novik, His Majesty’s Dragon
-abandon, abase, abdicate, abduct, abolish, absorb, accept, access, acclimate, accompany, accost, accumulate, accuse, achieve, acquire, adopt, adumbrate, advantage, affirm, afflict, affront, aggrandize, aggrieve, aid, aim, align, allay, allot, allure, amass, anguish, animate, annihilate, annoy, anoint, apotheosize, appease, appoint, appraise, apprise, archive, arm, armor, arrange, arrogate, assail, assassinate, assemble, assert, assimilate, astonish, attain, attire, attract, augment, augur, avenge, await, awe, axe
badger, bait, balance, -balk, bandage, banish, barbarize, barricade, barter, battle, bear, beg, begrudge, behead, bejewel, believe, bemoan, beseech, bet, betray, betroth, bewitch, bid, bind, bite, blackguard, blame, blazon, blend, bless, blockade, borrow, botch, bother, bottle, brainstorm, brave, break, breathe, brew, bring, broach, bronze, bully, bungle, buoy, burgle, bury
cadge, cage, cajole, camouflage, captivate, cart, center, chain, champion, charm, check, checkmate, cheer, cherish, choke, choose, chronicle, circulate, civilize, claim, clash, claw, cleanse, clear, cloak, clothe, club, cocoon, codify, coerce, collect, combat, comfort, command, commit, compile, complete, compose, concretize, confine, confirm, congratulate, conjecture, conjure, conquer, consecrate, consign, contribute, contrive, control, convene, counsel, counter, counteract, covenant, covet, craft, crest, crown, crush, crystallize, cudgel, cull, curse, curtail
dare, daunt, dazzle, decant, deceive, decipher, declare, decode, decrypt, dedicate, deface, defeat, defile, defy, degrade, deify, delay, delegate, delegitimize, delight, demonize, demoralize, depredate, desecrate, desire, desolate, destine, detain, -deter, determine, dethrone, devastate, devise, devote, dictate, diffuse, dilute, diminish, direct, disband, discard, disclose, discourage, discover, disembowel, disenchant, disfavor, disgrace, disguise, disobey, disorient, dispense, disrespect, disrupt, dissatisfy, disseminate, distill, distinguish, divine, dominate, doom, douse, dragoon, drain, draw, drink, drop, drug, dub, -duck, dulcify, dull, dumbfound
earn, echo, educe, elaborate, elucidate, embarrass, embattle, emblazon, embody, empower, enchant, encircle, encode, encompass, encourage, encumber, endure, enforce, engender, enrapture, enroll, enshrine, ensoul, ensure, entertain, enthrall, enthrone, entitle, entrance, entreat, entrust, entwine, equip, eradicate, escort, eulogize, evacuate, -evade, even, evoke, exact, exalt, excavate, exchange, -exclude, excoriate, excruciate, exert, exhilarate, exhort, exile, exorcise, explore, externalize, extol, extort
face, fascinate, fashion, father, fathom, fell, ferry, fight, fire, flout, foil, force, foresee, foretell, forewarn, forfeit, forge, formulate, -forsake, foster, fragment, fête, fulfill, fuse
galvanize, gammon, garnish, gate, gather, gauge, gird, girdle, glamour, glean, goad, govern, grace, grant, grapple, grasp, greet, ground, group, guard, guide, guzzle
-halt, hamstring, handicap, handle, handpick, harangue, harbinger, harbor, harmonize, harness, harshen, harvest, hatch, heal, heat, helm, hex, hoard, hocus-pocus, holster, honor, hornswoggle, host, humiliate
idealize, imbue, immortalize, impart, imperil, implicate, implore, impose, impregnate, impress, imprison, improv, incite, include, inconvenience, incubate, infatuate, infect, infiltrate, inflame, influence, inform, infuse, inherit, initiate, integrate, interrogate, intertwine, intimate, intimidate, intrigue, intuit, invade, invent, investigate, invigorate, invite, invoke, isolate
jab, jail, jar, jilt, join, jolly, judge, jumble, juxtapose
keep, kidnap, kindle, knight, knit
lard, lash, launch, lavish, lead, legitimize, levy, liberate, light, limit, lionize, loose, loosen, loot, lull, lumber
magnify, maintain, malign, manacle, manage, maneuver, maraud, march, marinate, mark, marshal, mask, master, mature, maul, mediate, meld, mellow, mesmerize, mimic, mine, minimize, mirror, misdirect, mislead, misrepresent, misrule, mistreat, mitigate, mock, moisten, mollify, mooch, mother, mourn, muddle, muscle, muster, mystify
-negate, -neglect, nourish, -nullify, nurse, nurture
obey, obligate, obliterate, obscure, occult, occupy, offend, offer, one-up, open, oppose, oppress, order, orient, originate, orphan, -ostracize, outfox, outgrow, outrage, overcharge, overcome, overindulge, overpower, overrule, oversee, overshadow, overthrow, overwhelm, owe, own
pamper, pardon, parent, patch, permeate, permit, perplex, personalize, personify, persuade, petition, pierce, pilfer, pillage, plan, pledge, plot, plunder, plunge, pocket, ponder, possess, praise, précis, preach, predict, pretend, prioritize, proclaim, procure, prod, profane, profit, project, prompt, prophesy, propitiate, prostrate, protect, prove, provide, provoke, pummel, puncture, punish, purge, purify, purloin, puzzle
quaff, quash, quell, quench, question
raid, rally, ransack, ransom, ravage, raze, reach, reactivate, ready, realign, reanimate, reap, rear, reassemble, rebuke, recapture, reclaim, recruit, rectify, redeem, reduce, reference, refine, reflect, regale, regard, regenerate, regiment, rein, reinforce, reintegrate, reinvigorate, -reject, rejoin, rejuvenate, release, relish, remedy, remind, rend, renew, repay, replace, replenish, reproach, reprovision, repulse, request, rescue, resent, reserve, resist, respect, restore, restrict, resurrect, retrace, r
etrain, retrieve, reveal, revenge, reverence, revive, reward, right, risk, ritualize, rob, roleplay, rook, rouse, rout, rule, run
sacrifice, salt, salve, sanctify, sanction, sandbag, satisfy, save, savor, scapegoat, scatter, scavenge, scent, school, scorch, scotch, scourge, scrape, scrimp, scrounge, scrutinize, sculpt, seal, sear, search, secrete, secure, sedate, seek, seize, select, sentinel, serve, set, sever, shackle, shadow, shape, share, sharpen, shatter, sheathe, shed, shelter, shelve, shepherd, shield, shift, shill, -shirk, shortchange, shoulder, show, shrink, shroud, shut, sidetrack, signify, singe, skew, skull, slake, slaughter, slay, slow, smite, smother, snag, snitch, soak, soften, soil, solicit, solidify, solve, spare, spawn, spellbind, spend, spirit, spite, split, spook, spur, -spurn, squire, stable, stalk, starve, steal, stimulate, stipulate, stir, stockpile, stoke, storm, strategize, strong-arm, study, stultify, subdue, subjugate, submerge, subordinate, substantiate, subvert, suckle, suffocate, suffuse, suggest, summon, sunder, supplant, support, suppress, surpass, surprise, surrender, survive, swathe, sway, swipe
taboo, tame, tantalize, target, taunt, teach, temper, tempt, tend, tender, test, thank, threaten, thrust, -thwart, tickle, tidy, tilt, tire, titillate, tone, tool, topple, torment, trace, track, trade, train, trammel, transcend, transform, transmute, transplant, trash-talk, traverse, treasure, treat, treble, trespass, trigger, troll, trumpet, truss, tuck, tune, tutor, typecast, tyrannize
unbind, unbuckle, unburden, unchain, undermine, undo, unearth, unfasten, unfold, unify, unite, unleash, unlock, unmask, unseal, unseat, unshackle, unspool, untangle, untidy, untie, upset, upstage, urge, usher, usurp
vamp, vanquish, venerate, venture, verbalize, -veto, vex, villainize, violate, vocalize, vow
wag, wager, wangle, warm, warn, warp, warrant, waylay, weave, weigh, welcome, whip, whisk, wield, win, wind, wish, witch, wither, withhold, wonder, woo, worm, worship, wreak, wrest, wring, wrinkle