by Damon Suede
fabricate, falsify, familiarize, fancify, fancy, fascinate, feature, feign, fetch, fiddle, finagle, fine-tune, fire, fix, flabbergast, flag, flaunt, fleece, flimflam, fling, flip, flog, flout, flub, flummox, fluster, fondle, fool, forestall, forfeit, -forsake, frazzle, -frustrate, fry, fudge, fumble, funnel, further
gain, galvanize, game, generalize, glitz, glue, goad, gobble, gobsmack, grab, grace, grade, grant, gratify, grease, ground, gull, guzzle
half-ass, -halt, hammer, hamper, harangue, hard-sell, harry, hassle, hatch, hawk, heckle, hector, heighten, henpeck, hide, hinder, hoax, hock, hog, honor, hoodwink, hornswoggle, housetrain, humble, humiliate, hurt, hustle, hype
idolize, ignite, imbue, imitate, impede, impel, impersonate, implicate, impoverish, impress, improve, improvise, impugn, inconvenience, indulge, infantilize, infatuate, inflame, inflate, influence, inform, infringe, infuriate, infuse, inherit, inhibit, inject, injure, instigate, insult, intercept, interrupt, intoxicate, introduce, inveigle, invent, invert, irritate
jab, jeer, jerk, jettison, jilt, jimmy, jolly, jostle, juggle, juice, jumble, junk, justify, juxtapose
-kibosh, kick, kick-start, kid, kindle, knead, knock
label, lambaste, lampoon, lance, land, lard, leech, lend, lengthen, lessen, level, libel, lionize, litigate, loan, loosen, lose, louse, lowball, lube, lubricate
madden, magnify, malign, manipulate, marinate, market, mask, massage, master, maximize, mellow, milk, mimic, mince, minimize, misappropriate, miscalculate, miscommunicate, mishear, misinterpret, mislabel, mislay, mislead, mismatch, misplace, misread, mistake, mistreat, mix, mock, moderate, molest, mollycoddle, monetize, monkey-wrench, monopolize, mooch, mortify, motivate, muckrake, muddle, muffle
nag, neaten, needle, neg, net, neuter, nibble, niggle, nitpick, nudge, -nullify
obscure, observe, offend, offload, oil, one-up, orbit, orientate, outdistance, outgrow, outplay, outrage, outsell, outsmart, outwit, overcharge, overdramatize, overemphasize, overindulge, overload, -overlook, overprotect, oversell, oversimplify, overspend, overstuff, overwork
package, palaver, panic, parade, parody, parrot, parry, paste, patronize, pawn, peddle, perfect, permit, perplex, persecute, persuade, peruse, pester, pickle, pigeonhole, pimp, plan, pleasure, pledge, plonk, plot, plow, poach, pocket, poll, pollute, popularize, pork, position, postpone, praise, prejudge, prepare, pretend, -prevent, price, prick, primp, prize, proclaim, prod, profane, profess, -prohibit, promise, promote, prompt, proposition, provoke, publicize, punctuate, punish, purchase, purge, pursue
quantify, quell, quench
rate, ravish, razzle-dazzle, reap, reassure, -rebuff, rebuke, recreate, redirect, referee, refine, refund, regulate, reimburse, rein, reinvigorate, -reject, rejigger, remodel, rent, repel, rephrase, repossess, repress, reprimand, reproach, repulse, repurpose, restrain, retort, retrench, reverence, reverse, revile, reward, ridicule, roast, rock, roleplay, romance, rook, roughen, rouse, ruffle, ruin, rumple
sabotage, sample, sap, sardine, satirize, sauté, savage, scam, scandalize, scathe, schedule, schlep, schmooze, schnorr, school, scold, score, -scorn, scotch, scourge, scrape, screw, scruple, season, second, sell, sentimentalize, separate, service, shake, shame, shanghai, shape, share, shift, shill, -shirk, shock, shortchange, shove, showcase, shred, shrink, shuffle, sicken, sideline, -sidestep, sidetrack, sink, siphon, skew, skewer, skimp, skin, skirt, skunk, slake, slam, slander, slant, slate, slather, -slight, sling, slot, slur, slurp, smack, smother, smudge, snag, snap, snooker, snow, -snub, soap, sober, soften, soft-soap, solicit, sophisticate, sort, spackle, spank, spark, spend, spiff, spin, splatter, splice, spoil, spoon-feed, spring, spur, -spurn, squander, squeeze, stall, startle, steam, steamroll, stereotype, stiff, stifle, stimulate, sting, stipulate, stir, stoke, straddle, stretch, stroke, stump, stupefy, submit, sucker, sue, sugar, sugarcoat, support, surfeit, surpass, surprise, swallow, swat, swear, sweet-talk, swill, swindle, switch, syrup
tailor, tally, taunt, tease, tempt, thimblerig, thrill, throw, thrust, thwack, tickle, tilt, titillate, tolerate, toss, tout, trade, trample, trash, trick, trigger, trivialize, troll, trump, trust, tug, turn, tutor, tweak, twist, two-time, typecast
unbalance, unbutton, unchain, uncomplicate, underestimate, undermine, underpay, underrate, undervalue, underwhelm, undress, unleash, unload, unnerve, unseat, unsettle, unskew, untie, unzip, upbraid, upchuck, upset, upstage, urge, use
varnish, venture, verbalize, verify, vex, vow, vulgarize
wag, wager, wangle, warrant, waste, waylay, wean, weasel, wed, wedge, wet, wheedle, whitewash, win, wind, winnow, wish, wither, withhold, wolf, worry, worship, wound, wow, wreck, wrong
Representative Authors and Titles
• Bernard Cornwell, The Archer’s Tale
• Joe Haldeman, The Forever War
• Jack Higgins, The Eagle Has Landed
• Alistair MacLean, The Guns of Navarone
• Patrick O’Brian, Master and Commander
• Michael Shaara, The Killer Angels
• Herman Wouk, The Caine Mutiny
-abandon, abduct, -abort, abuse, accelerate, accent, acclaim, accompany, accomplish, accost, ace, acknowledge, acquire, actualize, adorn, affect, affirm, aggrandize, aim, alert, align, allocate, ally, amplify, analyze, anesthetize, annihilate, annoy, apply, apportion, approach, appropriate, approve, arm, armor, arrange, arrogate, assault, assemble, assign, assimilate, assuage, atomize, attack, audit, augment, automate, avenge, -avert, avow, award
bait, -balk, bandage, batter, battle, bear, beat, begrudge, bellow, belt, benchmark, bend, berate, besiege, best, bewilder, bind, blackjack, blazon, blemish, bless, blight, blitz, blitzkrieg, blockade, bludgeon, bolster, boobytrap, boost, boot, bother, bounce, box, brace, brand, brandish, brave, breach, break, bridle, brigade, bronze, browbeat, buff, buffer, build, bulldoze, bump, buoy, bushwhack, buttress, -bypass
calibrate, call, cant, capsize, captain, capture, case-harden, cede, certify, chafe, chair, champion, chaperone, chart, charter, chasten, check, checkmate, cheer, choke, chunk, circle, -circumvent, civilize, clarify, classify, clobber, clog, clout, coach, coarsen, colonize, combat, comfort, command, commandeer, commemorate, commend, commission, commit, compare, compromise, concede, condition, conduct, confiscate, confront, congest, congratulate, conquer, conscript, conserve, constrain, constrict, construct, contain, control, convert, convict, cordon, corral, correct, counterfeit, countermand, counterpunch, court, cover, crate, crease, credit, cripple, criticize, crop, crosscheck, crush, curb, cure
damage, dare, deactivate, deaden, debilitate, debrief, debug, deck, declass, decorate, decoy, decrease, decree, deface, defeat, defend, deflect, defraud, defund, defuse, defy, dehumanize, deliver, delude, demilitarize, demolish, demonstrate, demoralize, demote, denigrate, denounce, deploy, depopulate, depose, deputize, derange, -desert, designate, destabilize, detonate, devastate, dictate, dignify, direct, disable, disappear, disarm, disband, discard, discharge, discipline, discover, discredit, disencumber, disengage, disfigure, disgrace, disguise, dishearten, dishonor, disillusion, dismantle, dismiss, disparage, dispatch, dispense, disperse, disrespect, disrupt, distinguish, distort, distribute, disturb, divert, -dodge, dog, dole, domesticate, dominate, double-deal, down, downgrade, downsize, draft, dragoon, drill, dull, dupe
ease, echo, educate, eighty-six, eliminate, emancipate, embattle, employ, emulate, encircle, encompass, endorse, endure, engineer, enhance, enlarge, enlist, ennoble, enrage, enroll, ensure, entreat, entrench, entrust, equal, equalize, equip, eradicate, escalate, escort, establish, esteem, estimate, eulogize, -evade, evaluate, even, -exclude, excoriate, execute, exercise, exhibit, exhort, exonerate, expect, expel, expend, explode, explore, exterminate, extinguish, extort, extract, extricate
face, fast-forward, fast-track, fatigue, fell, fence, ferry, festoon, fight, finish, flabbergast, flank, flannel, flatten, flog, flub, flunk, focus, follow, foment, forage, forewarn, forge, forgive, -forsake, fortify, foster, found,
frame, free, frogmarch, fête, fulminate, furnish, further, fusillade
gain, gamble, garland, garnish, garrison, gather, gauge, generate, gouge, govern, grieve, groom, ground, group, guarantee, guard, guide, gull, gut
hail, -halt, halve, handicap, harangue, harbor, harden, harm, harshen, head, heave, hedge, helm, hijack, hog, hoist, hold, honor, hose, hotwire, hump, hurl
illustrate, immobilize, impose, improve, inactivate, inaugurate, incapacitate, incarcerate, incorporate, incriminate, incur, indoctrinate, influence, injure, inspect, install, institute, instruct, intersect, intimidate, intoxicate, inure, invade, invalid, inventory, investigate, invigorate, invoice, issue
jail, jam, jeopardize, jerry-build, jerry-rig, jettison, jilt, jog, jump, junk
keep, kidnap, kneecap, knight
lacerate, lament, lather, launch, lead, leak, learn, leash, legitimate, level, levy, liberate, license, lobby, lodge, lose, lug, lumber, lynch
machinate, malnourish, manage, mandate, map, march, marginalize, mark, maroon, marshal, mash, massage, master, mature, mechanize, mediate, medicate, melt, memorialize, mend, meter, micromanage, minute, miscalculate, misgauge, mismanage, misrepresent, mitigate, mobilize, modernize, moralize, mortar, mothball, motivate, motorize, mount, mourn, muster, mute
nail, -negate, negotiate, neutralize, nominate, notch, numb, numerate
obliterate, obtain, occupy, offset, operate, oppose, oppress, optimize, orchestrate, order, organize, orient, orientate, orphan, -ostracize, oust, outclass, outguess, outgun, outmaneuver, outperform, outrank, outreach, outshine, outthink, overcommit, overextend, overhaul, overpay, override, oversee, overset, overshadow, overthrow
pace, pacify, paralyze, pardon, partition, patch, patrol, penalize, perforate, perplex, pigeonhole, pile, pilfer, pillage, pilot, pioneer, placate, place, plan, plot, plumb, point, police, post, pound, precipitate, preempt, prepare, prescribe, preserve, -prevent, prime, primp, promote, propose, prostitute, prostrate, protect, provision, provoke, pulverize, pummel, pump, punch, punish, purchase, purge, pursue, push
quarantine, quell, quench, query, quicken, -quit
raid, rally, rampart, rank, ransack, ransom, rate, ratify, ration, rationalize, ravage, ready, ream, recapture, reclaim, recognize, recommend, recon, reconcile, reconnoiter, record, recover, recruit, redact, redeem, reform, regale, regard, regiment, regulate, rehabilitate, reinforce, rejoin, relax, release, relegate, relieve, remedy, remove, renegotiate, -renounce, renovate, repair, replenish, repress, reprieve, requisition, -rescind, rescue, resent, resign, respect, restock, restore, restructure, retard, retool, retrieve, reunite, revere, revise, revive, revolutionize, reward, rig, risk, rival, roil, rotate, rubber-stamp, run, rupture
sabotage, sack, sacrifice, safeguard, salute, salvage, salve, sandbag, save, scale, scan, scandalize, scant, scar, scavenge, schedule, school, scope, scotch, scout, screen, scrimp, scrounge, scupper, scuttle, season, secure, sentinel, settle, shave, sheathe, shelter, shelve, shepherd, shine, -shirk, shock, shoot, short, shoulder, show, -shun, shuttle, sideline, sidetrack, signal, situate, skipper, skull, slam, slash, slaughter, slot, smash, smooth, snaffle, snarl, snipe, soak, sober, solidify, source, spare, specify, spin, spotlight, spy, squash, stabilize, stage, stagger, stand, standardize, station, steady, steamroller, steel, steer, steward, stigmatize, stitch, stockpile, store, storm, strafe, strategize, streamline, strengthen, stress, strike, stultify, subdue, subjugate, submit, subordinate, suborn, suffer, supercharge, supervise, supply, support, suppress, surrender, surround, sustain, swat, synchronize
tabulate, tackle, taint, tally, tap, target, tarnish, task, taunt, teach, tear, telegraph, temper, tend, terrify, terrorize, thaw, thrash, thrust, thump, -thwart, time, tire, toast, top, topple, torpedo, toughen, tow, trace, train, transfix, transmit, transport, trash-talk, traumatize, treat, trim, troubleshoot, trounce, trump, trumpet, tug, turf, tutor, tweak, twist, tyrannize
unburden, undershoot, unearth, unhorse, uniform, unman, unmask, unnerve, upbraid, update, upgrade, uphold, usurp, utilize
validate, value, venerate, vet, -veto, victual, vilify, volunteer
wage, waive, warehouse, warn, warp, waste, weaken, weaponize, weather, welt, whip, whup, wield, wire, withdraw, withstand, wound, wrack, wreak, wreck
yank, yield
Mystery & Suspense
Representative Authors and Titles
• James Anderson, The Affair of the Bloodstained Egg Cosy
• Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None
• Elmore Leonard, Get Shorty
• Peter Lovesey, The False Inspector Dew
• Walter Mosley, Devil in a Blue Dress
• Arturo Perez-Reverte, The Club Dumas
• Barbara Vine (aka Ruth Rendell), The Brimstone Wedding
abduct, absolve, access, accuse, acquaint, acquit, addle, adjudge, adjudicate, admit, afflict, affront, aggravate, agitate, agonize, alert, alibi, allay, allege, amend, analyze, antagonize, anticipate, appease, applaud, appraise, apprehend, arbitrate, archive, arraign, arrest, articulate, ascertain, asphyxiate, assemble, assert, assess, assist, attack, attaint, attest, authenticate, avenge
badger, baffle, bag, bamboozle, bar, barricade, barter, bastardize, batter, befuddle, behead, belittle, bend, bequeath, beseech, betray, bias, bilk, blab, blackball, blacklist, blackmail, blame, blast, bleed, blind, blindfold, blindside, block, bludgeon, bluff, blunt, blur, blurt, bogart, boggle, bootleg, botch, -boycott, brainstorm, brew, bribe, brief, broadcast, broker, brutalize, bug, bulldoze, bully, bungle, burden, burglarize, burgle, burke, bury, bust, buttonhole, buy
calculate, camouflage, canonize, case, castrate, catalog, catalyze, catch, categorize, center, challenge, charge, chase, chastise, cheat, check, checkmate, chill, chronicle, churn, cinch, cipher, circle, circulate, -circumvent, claim, clarify, cloak, clock, clue, clutter, codify, coerce, coin, collar, collate, comb, commodify, compel, compile, complicate, compress, compromise, compute, con, conceal, concentrate, conclude, concoct, concuss, condemn, condense, confess, confide, confine, confirm, confound, confuse, confute, conjecture, conk, connect, consider, construe, consult, contemplate, contend, contest, contextualize, contradict, contrive, convict, convince, cook, coordinate, cop, copy, corner, correlate, corroborate, corrupt, couch, counter, counterfeit, cover, cozen, crack, crib, criminalize, cross-examine, crowbar, crucify, cuff, curb
dangle, dare, daunt, deadbolt, deal, debase, debate, debit, debunk, deceive, decipher, declare, decode, deconstruct, decontaminate, decry, decrypt, deduce, deepen, deface, defend, defer, deform, defraud, delay, delegitimize, delete, delude, demonstrate, denounce, dent, -deny, depersonalize, depict, deport, deposit, destroy, detach, detain, detect, -deter, determine, devalue, devise, devote, dictate, disabuse, disclaim, disclose, discombobulate, -discount, discover, discredit, disgrace, disintegrate, dismay, -disown, disparage, dispel, dispute, -disregard, dissect, disseminate, dissipate, distinguish, distract, distress, distrust, divide, divulge, doctor, document, -dodge, dog, double-check, double-cross, double-talk, downgrade, drag, dredge, dupe, duplicate
educe, efface, elaborate, elicit, eliminate, elucidate, -elude, embezzle, emphasize, encode, endanger, endow, enfold, enforce, enlighten, enmesh, enrage, enshrine, ensure, entangle, entrap, erase, escalate, -escape, -eschew, escort, espouse, estimate, estrange, euchre, euthanize, -evade, exacerbate, exact, examine, exceed, excise, excruciate, exhume, exonerate, expense, expiate, exploit, expose, expunge, extinguish, extort, extrapolate
fabricate, fake, falsify, fast-track, fathom, fault, faze, feign, ferret, fiddle, filch, film, filter, finger, finish, flood, floodlight, flub, flummox, flush, foil, follow, force, forge, forgive, fortify, frame, frisk, fudge, fuel
gag, gamble, game, gammon, garble, gaslight, gate-crash, gauge, glad-hand, glamorize, grab, grasp, gratify, grease, grill, grope, guard
hack, -halt, hammer, hamper, hamstring, handcuff, handle, hang, harass, harbor, haunt, hide, highlight, hijack, hinder, hoard, hock, hocus-pocus, hogtie, honey, honor, hook, hound,
humiliate, humor, hunt, hush, hustle
identify, idolize, ignite, -ignore, illuminate, imitate, impart, impede, imperil, impersonate, implicate, imply, impound, incarcerate, incriminate, indemnify, index, indict, indispose, induce, inflame, inform, infuse, inherit, inhibit, insinuate, inspect, instruct, insulate, insure, intercept, interest, intern, interpret, interrogate, interrupt, intertwine, interview, intimate, intimidate, intrigue, intuit, invade, invalidate, inveigle, invent, inventory, invest, investigate, itemize
jab, jack, jade, jail, jimmy, jolly, judge, justify
keep, kidnap, knife, knit
label, lampoon, lance, launder, leak, learn, legislate, legitimate, legitimize, level, leverage, libel, light, limn, link, liquidate, lock, lodge, loot, lull, lure, lynch
maim, malign, manhandle, manicure, manipulate, marinate, mark, mask, master, mastermind, measure, mediate, mind, mirror, miscommunicate, misconstrue, misdiagnose, misdirect, misguide, mishandle, mishear, misinform, misjudge, mislabel, mislay, mislead, misplace, misread, misrepresent, mistake, misuse, modulate, molest, monetize, monkey-wrench, monopolize, muckrake, muddle, muddy, muffle, mug, murder, muscle, muzzle, mystify
nab, nag, nail, narrow, navigate, -negate, neutralize, nobble, notify, -nullify, number
obfuscate, obscure, observe, obstruct, occlude, -omit, outbid, outfox, outsmart, outwit, overdose, -overlook, overpower, owe
paint, pardon, parrot, pawn, peg, penetrate, permit, perplex, persecute, persuade, pester, pierce, pilfer, pimp, pinch, pinpoint, pirate, pity, plagiarize, plague, plan, plant, plead, pledge, plot, pluck, poach, pocket, poke, police, pollute, ponder, predetermine, prejudice, preoccupy, prepare, prescribe, press, pressure, -prevent, prick, prioritize, probe, process, prod, profess, profile, profit, promise, prosecute, protect, prove, provoke, prowl, pulp, pump, punctuate, puncture, punish, purchase, purloin, pursue, puzzle
quash, query, question, quiet, quiz