by Damon Suede
taboo, tailor, tame, tantalize, tarnish, taste, taunt, teach, tease, tempt, tend, thank, thaw, threaten, thrill, thrust, -thwart, tickle, tie, titillate, tolerate, torment, torture, toss, track, trammel, transform, trash, treasure, treble, trick, troll, trumpet, trust, tune, two-time, typecast
unbalance, unbind, unburden, unbutton, unchain, undercharge, undercut, underestimate, underpin, undervalue, underwhelm, underwrite, undo, undress, unite, unleash, unload, unlock, unman, unpack, unscramble, untangle, unveil, unzip, update, upgrade, urge, use
validate, value, vamp, varnish, veil, violate, vulgarize
wake, warm, warn, warrant, waste, wean, weather, weave, wed, wedge, weed, welcome, whet, whisk, wind, winnow, wish, wither, withhold, withstand, woo, worship, wound, wow, wrack, wrangle, wreck, wrench, wrestle, wrong
Science Fiction
Representative Authors and Titles
• Lois McMasters Bujold, The Warrior’s Apprentice
• Philip José Farmer, To Your Scattered Bodies Go
• William Gibson, Neuromancer
• Frank Herbert, Dune
• Anne McCaffrey, Dragonflight
• Larry Niven & Steven Barnes, Dream Park
• Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age
-abort, abrogate, absorb, abuse, acclimate, accommodate, accost, accustom, achieve, activate, adapt, administer, adorn, advise, advocate, agonize, alarm, alienate, allay, allot, amalgamate, amaze, amplify, analyze, anesthetize, annex, annihilate, ape, appall, appraise, apprentice, appropriate, armor, ascertain, assassinate, assemble, assign, astound, atomize, attune, auction, augment, authorize, automate, await, awaken, awe
badmouth, bag, bait, ballyhoo, bamboozle, bankrupt, barbarize, barricade, barter, bastardize, beam, beat, bedeck, benchmark, best, bet, bid, blacklist, blaze, blitz, block, blockade, boggle, bolt, bombard, boost, botch, -boycott, braid, brainstorm, brand, brave, breach, bridge, bring, broadcast, broker, browbeat, brownnose, buffalo, bug, bully, buzz
cadge, cajole, calculate, calibrate, capsize, captain, captivate, categorize, caution, celebrate, cement, censor, chafe, charge, chart, chauffeur, cheat, chip, chisel, choke, circumnavigate, clamp, classify, cloak, clog, clone, clothe, clout, clutter, coalesce, coat, coax, cocoon, code, codify, coin, collect, colonize, combat, command, commend, commercialize, commission, compact, compensate, compile, complicate, compute, con, conceive, condemn, condense, conduct, confine, confirm, confiscate, confront, congest, connect, conquer, consolidate, constrain, construct, consult, contact, contain, contaminate, contour, contract, control, convene, convince, coopt, correct, corrode, crack, craft, crank, crash, crave, criminalize, cross, crosscheck, crumple, crush, culture, curb, cure, customize
dare, daze, deactivate, debrief, deceive, decode, decontaminate, decouple, decrypt, dedicate, deduce, defuse, defy, dehumanize, delegate, deliver, delouse, dent, depersonalize, deplete, depopulate, deport, depredate, deprive, deprogram, design, desolate, detain, -deter, deteriorate, devastate, develop, devise, dictate, dilute, disabuse, disarticulate, disconnect, disenfranchise, disengage, disgrace, disintegrate, dislodge, -disown, dispatch, dispense, disprove, dispute, disqualify, disrupt, dissect, disseminate, distill, distinguish, divide, -dodge, dose, double-talk, doubt, download, downsize, drag, draw, drive, duel, dumbfound, dupe, duplicate
earmark, earn, eat, echo, eclipse, edify, educate, educe, eject, elbow, electrify, elevate, emancipate, embattle, empower, encase, encrypt, endanger, endow, endure, energize, enforce, engender, engineer, engulf, enhance, enmesh, enslave, ensoul, entertain, enthrone, eradicate, erect, -eschew, escort, evacuate, evaluate, evict, exacerbate, exaggerate, excavate, exceed, -exclude, execute, exert, exhaust, exonerate, expel, expense, exploit, explore, expunge, extend, exterminate, extinguish, extort, extricate
fabricate, face, fake, fast-forward, fault, feed, fell, ferry, fertilize, fight, filch, find, fix, flank, flatter, flimflam, flood, flout, flub, flummox, flunk, foist, foment, force, forecast, forego, forewarn, forfeit, forge, formulate, fortify, fragment, frame, freeboot, fry, fête, fuel, fumigate, fuse
gain, galvanize, gamble, gather, gestate, gird, glean, govern, graft, graph, grease, grind, grip, grok, guard, guide, gull
habituate, hack, half-ass, halve, hammer, handle, harbor, hard-sell, harshen, harvest, hatch, haul, hazard, head, hector, heighten, helm, hide, hijack, hire, hocus-pocus, hose, host, house, humor, hunt, hustle, hybridize, hype, hypnotize
idolize, illuminate, imagine, impair, imperil, impersonate, implant, import, impound, impress, imprison, inactivate, incite, incorporate, incriminate, incubate, indemnify, index, induce, indulge, infatuate, infect, infest, infiltrate, inflict, infuriate, infuse, inject, innovate, inoculate, inspect, install, instigate, institute, insulate, insult, integrate, interbreed, intercept, intermingle, interpret, interrogate, interrupt, intimidate, inundate, invade, inventory, investigate, invoice, involve, issue
jack, jam, jerry-build, jerry-rig, jettison, jolt, jostle, juice, junk
keelhaul, kill
lame, lard, launch, lead, leech, level, leverage, liberate, license, liquefy, lobby, lobotomize
machine, maintain, mandate, maneuver, manhandle, manufacture, map, mar, march, marginalize, mark, market, maroon, massacre, master, mastermind, maul, maximize, measure, mechanize, medicate, menace, merge, metabolize, mimic, mine, misappropriate, miscalculate, misdiagnose, misgauge, mislabel, misrule, mobilize, modernize, modify, monetize, monitor, monkey-wrench, monopolize, mortar, motorize, multiply, mutate
nab, name, navigate, negotiate, net, network, neuter, neutralize, nudge, -nullify, numb, numerate
occlude, offload, open, operate, optimize, orbit, order, organize, orient, originate, orphan, -ostracize, oust, outclass, outdistance, outlay, outmaneuver, outperform, outrank, outsell, outthink, overcharge, overcome, overhaul, -overlook, overpower, override, oversell, overthrow
pacify, pack, partition, pass, patch, patent, patrol, pawn, peddle, peruse, pet, pierce, pilot, pinpoint, pioneer, pirate, plague, plan, plot, plug, plumb, plunder, poke, poll, pollute, position, power, prescribe, presell, pressure, pressurize, pretend, price, prime, prize, process, procure, profit, program, proliferate, propel, propitiate, prostitute, prostrate, protect, provoke, punch, puncture, punish, purchase, purge, pursue, puzzle
quaff, qualify, quantify, quarantine, quench, query, quicken
race, rank, rankle, ransom, ravage, raze, reach, reap, reboot, recoup, recreate, recruit, recycle, redeem, reference, refine, reflect, refract, refurbish, regenerate, regiment, regulate, rehabilitate, rejigger, rejuvenate, relaunch, remedy, render, renew, renovate, repair, repay, replace, replenish, replicate, repurpose, requisition, rescue, research, reserve, reshape, resist, restock, restore, restrict, restructure, resuscitate, retain, retool, retrain, retrieve, revenge, revere, review, revitalize, revoke, revolutionize, reward, rifle, rig, right, rinse, rip, risk, rivet, rob, rook, rubber-stamp, rupture
safeguard, salvage, salve, sample, sandbag, sanitize, saturate, scale, scam, scan, scathe, scavenge, schlep, scoop, scope, scorch, scour, scout, scrap, screen, scrounge, scrub, scrutinize, sculpt, scuttle, seal, search, sedate, segregate, send, serve, service, shade, shanghai, shed, shield, shill, shortchange, short-circuit, shorten, shrink, shunt, shuttle, sicken, sift, signal, simplify, simulate, siphon, slam, sling, slit, slough, slow, smash, snarl, snatch, snooker, -snub, solder, solve, sort, sour, source, spark, spawn, spitball, splatter, splice, splinter, sponge, sponsor, square, squash, squelch, stabilize, stake, standardize, stash, steal, steamroller, steep, steer, sterilize, steward, stiff, stiffen, stigmatize, stimulate, stipulate, stock, stoke, store, stow, stretch, strong-arm, structure, study, stupefy, subdue, subordinate, substantiate, suck, supercharge, supervise, supplant, supply, surf, survey, suss, sway, swear, sweeten, swipe, switch, synthesize, syrup
tackle, tail, tame, tap, tax, tempt, tender, terminate, test, tether, thrash, threaten, thump, tone, tool, top, topple, torpedo, tote, toughen, tout, tow, trace, trade, traffic, train, transcend, trans
form, translate, transmit, transmute, transport, trash-talk, trick, trigger, trouble, troubleshoot, turn, tweak, twist, tyrannize
ulcerate, uncork, underrate, underwrite, unite, unlock, unseal, unskew, untidy, unwind, update, upgrade, uproot, urge, usurp, utilize
value, vaporize, ventilate, verify, vex, vindicate, vivisect, -void, volunteer
waive, wake, wangle, want, warehouse, warn, warp, wash, waylay, weaken, weaponize, weasel, weld, wet, wield, wing, wire, worm, worry, wow, wrack, wreak, wrench
zap, zone
Representative Authors and Titles
• Lee Child, Killing Floor
• Frederick Forsyth, Day of the Jackal
• Thomas Harris, Silence of the Lambs
• Patricia Highsmith, The Talented Mr. Ripley
• Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
• Helen MacInnes, Above Suspicion
• John Le Carré, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
abase, abduct, abet, abolish, abridge, absolve, absorb, accelerate, accentuate, accomplish, accumulate, accuse, ace, acquit, activate, adulterate, advise, affect, afford, agitate, alibi, align, allege, amass, ambush, anchor, anguish, annihilate, anonymize, antagonize, appease, apprehend, approve, arm, arrange, arrest, asphyxiate, assassinate, assemble, assess, assign, attack, attaint, attest, audit, augment, award, axe
backhand, badger, bait, battle, beam, beguile, behead, beleaguer, believe, belt, beseech, besmirch, bestialize, bestow, bet, betray, bewilder, bilk, blackmail, blame, bleed, blind, blindside, block, bludgeon, bluff, blunt, bolster, bombard, bond, boobytrap, boost, brainwash, brief, broach, brutalize, buck, bug, bulldoze, bungle, burglarize, burn, burnish, butcher, butter, -bypass
cage, cajole, calculate, calibrate, camouflage, -cancel, candy-coat, canonize, capture, carve, case, case-harden, castrate, catch, chagrin, challenge, chance, charge, charm, chase, chastise, check, checkmate, chide, chill, churn, cinch, circulate, -circumvent, clarify, clinch, cloak, clobber, clone, cloud, club, clue, coach, coerce, collar, collate, combat, commandeer, commit, compare, compel, compensate, compile, compromise, compute, concatenate, conceal, concentrate, concern, conclude, concoct, concuss, condense, condition, condone, confess, confound, confront, congratulate, conk, constipate, constrain, constrict, consume, contaminate, contest, contextualize, contract, contradict, convert, convict, convulse, coordinate, copy, corner, corrupt, counter, counteract, counterfeit, cover, covet, crab, craze, create, credential, cross-examine, crush, cudgel, cuff, cultivate, curb, curtail
damage, dare, dazzle, deactivate, deadbolt, debase, debrief, debug, debunk, deceive, decide, decipher, decode, deconstruct, decoy, decrease, decrypt, deduce, deepen, deep-six, defend, deflect, defraud, defuse, defy, dehumanize, delay, delegate, delete, delude, demolish, demonstrate, demoralize, denounce, depose, -desert, desire, destabilize, destroy, detect, determine, detonate, devise, devour, diagnose, dignify, diminish, direct, disable, disappear, disappoint, disarm, disbelieve, discern, discharge, discipline, disconcert, -discount, discredit, -disdain, disembowel, disguise, disgust, dismantle, dismember, disobey, disorient, -disown, disperse, dispute, -disregard, disrespect, disrupt, dissatisfy, dissipate, distort, distract, divulge, dizzy, doctor, dog, domineer, doom, double-check, doubt, down, dragoon, dread, drill, drive, drug, dumbfound, dupe
earn, eighty-six, eject, elect, eliminate, -elude, embed, embellish, embezzle, emphasize, employ, empty, encircle, enclose, encode, encrypt, endorse, engineer, engross, enrage, ensconce, ensnare, ensure, entangle, entice, entomb, entrap, equal, equip, eradicate, erase, erode, escalate, -escape, escort, evacuate, -evade, even, eviscerate, exact, examine, excavate, excise, excuse, exempt, exhibit, exhort, exhume, exonerate, expedite, expel, expend, expiate, expose, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, extract, extrapolate, extricate, eyeball
face, facilitate, fake, falsify, fashion, fast-track, fathom, faze, fight, filch, film, finagle, finesse, fine-tune, finger, finish, flatter, flaunt, flay, fleece, flip, flout, flummox, flush, foil, foist, follow, force, forestall, forfeit, forge, formulate, -forsake, foul, fracture, freeze, frighten, -frustrate, fuel, fumble, fumigate, funnel, fuse
gainsay, gamble, game, gash, gaslight, generalize, generate, goad, grade, grapple, grasp, greenlight, grieve, grill, ground, guard, guesstimate, guillotine
hack, handpick, harangue, harness, hassle, hasten, hatch, hazard, hide, hijack, hinder, hobble, holster, hoodwink, hook, hospitalize, hotwire, humiliate, humor, hush, hustle, hype, hypnotize
identify, -ignore, immobilize, immolate, impair, impart, impede, imperil, impersonate, implant, implicate, improvise, incapacitate, incense, incinerate, incriminate, indict, indoctrinate, induct, infect, infiltrate, inflame, inoculate, institutionalize, instruct, intensify, intercept, interest, internalize, interpret, interrogate, interrupt, intersect, interview, intrigue, intuit, inure, investigate, isolate, itemize
jack, jade, jar, jeopardize, jettison, jinx, juggle, juxtapose
kidnap, kill
label, land, launch, launder, lavish, lead, leak, lecture, legislate, legitimize, level, lick, lift, lionize, liquidate, lock, loot, lubricate, lull, lure
machinate, magnetize, magnify, malign, maneuver, manipulate, manufacture, mar, marinate, mask, massacre, mastermind, maximize, medicate, menace, minimize, miscalculate, mishandle, mishear, misinform, misinterpret, misjudge, mismanage, misread, mitigate, modulate, molest, monitor, motivate, muscle, muster, mutilate, mystify
narrow, nauseate, needle, -negate, neutralize, normalize
obligate, oblige, obliterate, obscure, obsess, offset, oil, -omit, oppose, orchestrate, orient, outguess, outlast, outplay, outrace, outrun, outsmart, outwit, overdose, -overlook, overpay, oversee, overtake, overturn, overwhelm
pace, pacify, palm, panic, paralyze, parry, pause, penalize, perfect, perforate, perplex, persecute, petrify, pinion, placate, plan, plant, plot, poach, pocket, poison, police, portray, posit, position, postpone, pound, precipitate, predetermine, preempt, prejudice, prepare, present, press, pressure, -prevent, prioritize, probe, profess, profile, program, prolong, promise, prosecute, protect, prove, provoke, prowl, publicize, pulverize, pummel, pump, punctuate, puncture, purloin, pursue, puzzle
quash, question, quicken
race, railroad, rally, ransack, ransom, rape, ratify, ration, rationalize, reap, reassure, recapture, recommend, recon, reconnoiter, recover, recreate, redact, redeem, redirect, referee, refine, -refuse, reinvestigate, -reject, release, relegate, relinquish, relish, repel, represent, reprimand, reproduce, rescue, resist, restrain, restructure, resuscitate, reverence, reverse, revise, revive, ridicule, rile, risk, ritualize, rob, romance, rue, rush
sabotage, sacrifice, safeguard, sanitize, savage, save, savor, scan, scapegoat, scar, schedule, scout, scramble, screen, script, scruple, scrutinize, scupper, search, secure, sedate, seduce, seize, sell, sense, sentence, sentinel, sequester, sever, shadow, sharpen, shatter, shelve, shield, shiv, shock, short, shoulder, show, shroud, -shun, shunt, sicken, sideline, -sidestep, sideswipe, signal, silence, simulate, singe, sink, skew, skin, skyjack, slake, slander, slash, slate, slaughter, slay, slice, slot, smash, smuggle, snap, snatch, sneak, snipe, sober, solidify, solve, sophisticate, spare, spearhead, specify, spend, spike, spin, split, spoof, spook, -spurn, spy, squeeze, stab, stage-manage, stagger, stalk, stand, stash, sterilize, stiff, stockpile, stomach, straightjacket, strangle, strategize, streamline, stress, strong-arm, stun, stymie, submerge, subpoena, supersize, suppress, surprise, surrender, survey, survive, suspect, suspend, swat, swindle, swipe, synchronize
tail, tap, target, telegraph, terminate, terrify, terrorize, testify, threaten, thrill, throttle, time, titillate, tolerate, torch, torment, torture, trace, track, trail, train, tranquilize, transfix, translate, trap, trash, traumatize, trawl, trigger, troubleshoot, truck, truncate, turf, tweak
uncuff, undermine, unfold, unhinge, unlock, unpack, unravel, unscramble, unseat, unsettle, unshackle, unveil, upbraid, upset, upstage, usurp, utilize
vaccinate, value, vandalize, vaporize, varnish, veil, venture, vet, -veto, victimize, villainize, vindicate, violate
wager, warn, weaken, weaponize, weather, weigh, weight, weld, welt, whack, wheedle, whitewash, wipe, wire, wiretap, withdraw, withhold, withstand, witness, wreck, wrestle
Representative Authors and Titles
• Willa Cather, Death Comes for the Archbishop
• Zane Grey, Riders of the Purple Sage
• Louis L’Amour, Hondo
• Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses
• Larry McMurtry, Lonesome Dove
• Charles Portis, True Grit
• Glendon Swarthout, The Shootist
abduct, abrade, abuse, accept, accompany, accost, accrue, accuse, acknowledge, acquaint, acquire, actualize, adjudge, adjudicate, adjust, admire, adopt, adore, advantage, afflict, affright, aggrandize, aggravate, agitate, aim, alert, alienate, alleviate, allocate, allow, alter, amaze, ambush, annex, annoy, antagonize, anticipate, appall, appease, applaud, apply, appropriate, arbitrate, arrest, arrogate, assault, assemble, assert, assimilate, assuage, auction, authorize, await
backbite, bait, bake, balance, bale, -balk, bandage, bankrupt, baptize, barbecue, barricade, bat, battle, beat, beautify, bedraggle, befriend, beggar, begrudge, belittle, bemoan, bequeath, berate, better, bewilder, bind, blackguard, blackjack, blame, blast, bless, blight, bluff, boot, bootleg, borrow, brand, brandish, break, breathe, bribe, bridle, bring, broach, browbeat, buck, budget, buff, build, bulletin, burden, burgle, burke, bury, bushwhack
cage, calm, castigate, catch, cauterize, cede, challenge, champion, chance, chaperone, chasten, cheapen, cheat, check, cheer, chew, circle, civilize, claim, classify, clean, climb, close, clothe, clout, coarsen, coerce, collect, colonize, comfort, command, commingle, complete, compliment, concede, conciliate, condemn, conduct, confine, confirm, confound, confront, congest, conquer, conserve, consider, construct, contain, content, contest, control, convince, corner, corral, correct, corroborate, counterpunch, court, cover, cowhide, cradle, crease, crib, cripple, criticize, crucify, crush, cull, cultivate, culture, curse, cushion