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Activate Page 119

by Damon Suede

  dam, dangle, deacon, debit, debrief, deceive, decoy, deduce, defang, defer, defraud, delay, delight, demand, demilitarize, demotivate, deplete, deprive, derive, desire, despoil, detain, detect, determine, devour, diagnose, dig, disappear, disarm, discern, discover, disencumber, disentangle, disguise, disrobe, distill, distract, divest, double-check, double-deal, double-talk, down, download, draft, drag, drain, draw, dredge, drink, drug, dupe, duplicate

  earmark, earn, eat, echo, economize, educe, elicit, embezzle, embrace, embroil, employ, emulate, enamor, enchant, enclose, encompass, endear, enfold, engage, engross, engulf, enlist, enmesh, enrapture, enroll, enshrine, ensnare, ensorcel, entangle, entertain, enthrall, entice, entrance, entrap, entreat, entwine, envelop, envy, estimate, euchre, evaluate, evoke, exact, examine, excavate, exhaust, exhume, expense, exploit, extort, extract, extricate, eye, eyeball

  fake, fancy, fascinate, fathom, feign, ferret, ferry, fetch, fiddle, filch, film, filter, finagle, finesse, fixate, flag, flannel, flatter, fleece, flimflam, focus, foil, fondle, fool, forage, forestall, fox, freeboot, freeze, frisk, frost, -frustrate, funnel

  gain, game, gammon, garner, gather, gauge, gazump, get, ghostwrite, glamour, glean, glom, gobble, goldbrick, gorge, grab, grapple, grasp, gratify, grill, grip, grok, gross, gull, guzzle, gyp

  -halt, hamper, hamstring, hand-carry, handpick, hang, harbor, harvest, haul, heap, heave, hijack, hinder, hire, hoard, hoax, hocus-pocus, hog, hoist, hold, holster, honey, hoodwink, hook, hornswoggle, hose, hotwire, house, hug, humbug, hump, husband, hustle, hypnotize

  ice, imbibe, imitate, impede, impersonate, implore, import, impound, impress, incline, include, inconvenience, incur, induce, infantilize, infatuate, influence, ingest, ingratiate, inhale, inherit, inhibit, inspect, intercept, interest, internalize, interpret, interrogate, intertwine, interview, intrigue, intuit, inveigle, investigate, invite, invoice, invoke, involve

  jerk, jolly, juice, juggle

  keep, kid, kidnap

  lament, land, lasso, leach, lead, learn, lease, leech, levy, lobby, loot, lowball, lug, lull, lure

  magnetize, manipulate, maraud, materialize, measure, mesmerize, metabolize, meter, midwife, milk, mimic, mine, minimize, minute, mirror, misappropriate, misdirect, misguide, mislead, misrepresent, mollycoddle, monitor, monopolize, mooch, mother, mourn, mousetrap, move, muckrake, muster

  nab, name, net, niche, nick, nobble, nosh

  observe, obsess, obtain, oil, orbit, outfox, outguess, outslick, outsmart, outthink, outwit, overcharge, overhear, overprotect, own

  pacify, page, palaver, palm, pamper, panhandle, parrot, pause, personify, persuade, peruse, petition, pick, pickle, piggyback, pilfer, pillage, pincer, pinch, pirate, placate, plagiarize, plead, please, pleasure, pluck, plumb, plunder, poach, pocket, police, poll, ponder, possess, postpone, preempt, preoccupy, pretend, price, procure, profile, propitiate, provoke, pucker, pull, pump, purchase, purloin

  quaff, quantify, quarry, quench, query, question, quiet, quiz

  raise, rake, ransack, razzle-dazzle, read, reap, recall, recapture, receive, reclaim, recollect, recon, reconnoiter, record, recoup, recover, recruit, reference, reflect, refrigerate, regain, regret, rein, reinvestigate, relish, remember, remove, rent, replicate, repossess, repress, reprieve, reproduce, request, require, requisition, rescue, research, reserve, restrain, retain, retard, retract, retrieve, review, revoke, rifle, rob, roleplay, romance, rook, root, rope, rustle

  sack, salvage, sample, sap, sate, satiate, satisfy, save, savor, scam, scan, scant, scavenge, schlep, schmooze, schnorr, scoop, score, scrimp, scrounge, scrutinize, search, secure, sedate, seduce, seek, seize, select, sense, shanghai, sheathe, shelter, shelve, short, shortchange, shuttle, sidetrack, sift, simulate, siphon, skim, skimp, slake, slow, slurp, smell, smuggle, snaffle, snag, snare, snarl, snatch, sneak, sniff, snitch, snooker, snow, soap, soft-sell, soft-soap, solicit, solve, source, spellbind, spin, spirit, sponge, spoof, spoon-feed, spot, spud, spy, squeeze, squelch, squirrel, stack, stall, stash, staunch, steal, stiff, stint, stockpile, stonewall, stop, store, stow, strip, strum, study, stultify, suck, sucker, sue, sugarcoat, summon, surround, survey, suspect, suspend, suss, swallow, sway, sweet-talk, swig, swill, swindle, swipe

  tabulate, take, tally, tangle, tantalize, tap, taste, taunt, tax, tease, temper, tempt, test, thrill, -thwart, tighten, titillate, tote, tow, trademark, transfer, transfix, transport, trap, trawl, trick, truck, truss, tug, turn

  unburden, unbury, unclothe, uncork, uncover, undercharge, underemphasize, underpay, undress, unearth, uninstall, unpack, unzip, uproot, use, usurp

  vacuum, vamp, ventilate, vet

  waft, want, warehouse, watch, waylay, weasel, weed, weigh, weight, whammy, wheedle, whisk, whitewash, win, wiretap, wish, withdraw, withhold, witness, wolf, wonder, woo, worm, wrangle, wrap, wrench, wrest, wrestle, wring



  Join (+)

  “Join” verbs connect objects in the environment outside the subject, linking items together or creating a sense of cohesion and community out of constituent components. Because they assemble pieces into a coherent whole, they tend to include behaviors that appear logical, sociable, pleasurable, supportive, cooperative, and creative.

  “Join” verbs create common ground between people, things, groups, and concepts, e.g., teach, exonerate, kindle, transform. These are verbs of inclusion and cooperation, often seen as benevolent because of their unifying force and the emphasis on constructive, social coherence…like a spoon gathering things together. Vibe-wise, these verbs reflect the magnetic attraction of Eros, god of love, and the cooperative benevolence of any community.

  Along the POV character’s external axis, “join” verbs heal, build, protect, organize, and improve. In these instances, the characters opt to encourage community and show hospitality.

  abet, absolve, access, acclaim, acclimate, accommodate, accompany, accomplish, accustom, acknowledge, acquaint, acquit, activate, actualize, adapt, add, adjudge, adjudicate, adjust, admire, adore, adorn, adulate, advantage, affirm, affix, agglomerate, aid, alibi, align, allay, alleviate, allow, ally, amalgamate, amass, ameliorate, amend, anchor, animate, annex, anticipate, apotheosize, appease, applaud, appraise, appreciate, approve, approximate, arbitrate, armor, arrange, articulate, assemble, assign, assist, associate, assuage, assure, attach, attest, attire, attune, augment, augur, authorize, automate, avow, await, awaken

  back, balance, bandage, baptize, barber, barter, bathe, bear, beatify, beautify, bed, bedeck, beget, bejewel, believe, benefit, betroth, bind, blazon, blend, bless, bolster, bolt, bond, brace, braid, brainstorm, brainwash, brave, brew, bridge, brigade, brighten, broker, bronze, buckle, build, button, buttress

  calibrate, canonize, case-harden, catalog, categorize, celebrate, cement, center, certify, change, chaperone, characterize, cheer, cherish, chronicle, circle, civilize, clamp, clarify, classify, clean, cleanse, clinch, clip, clothe, coach, coagulate, code, codify, coin, collage, collate, combine, comfort, commemorate, commend, commingle, commit, compile, complement, complete, complexify, complicate, compliment, compose, compound, compute, computerize, concatenate, concede, concentrate, concoct, concretize, condition, condone, confess, confirm, conflate, congratulate, conjecture, conjugate, connect, consecrate, consign, console, consolidate, construct, consummate, content, convene, convert, cook, coordinate, corral, correct, corroborate, costume, couple, cradle, craft, create, credential, credit, crossbreed, crosscheck, cross-fertilize, cross-pollinate, crown, crystallize, cultivate, culture, cure, cushion, customize

  dandify, debug, debunk, decide, decipher, deck, decode, decontaminate, decorate, decrypt, dedicate, defend, defrost, defuse, deify, delouse, demystify, design, designate, destine, develop, devise, dignify, divine, document, domesticate, double, dress, dulcify

  ease, edit, educate, elucidate, emancipate, embattle, embellish, emblazon, embroider, enable, encircle, endorse, endure, energize, enfranchise, engender, engineer, enhance, enjoy, enlarge, enlighten, enliven, ennoble, ensoul, ensure
, entitle, equalize, erect, escort, espouse, establish, esteem, eternalize, eulogize, even, exalt, exchange, excite, excuse, exercise, exhilarate, exonerate, expect, expedite, expiate, explain, expose, extol, extrapolate

  fabricate, face, facilitate, fallow, familiarize, fancify, farm, fashion, fasten, favor, feast, fertilize, festoon, fetishize, fine-tune, fix, flavor, flood, flounce, forge, forgive, form, formulate, fortify, foster, free, fry, fête, fulfill, fuse

  galvanize, garland, garnish, generalize, generate, gentrify, gestate, gild, gird, girdle, gladden, glad-hand, glamorize, glitter, glitz, glorify, glue, gold-star, grade, graft, graph, grease, greenlight, greet, griddle, groom, ground, group, grow, guarantee, guard, guide, gussy

  habituate, hallow, handle, harbinger, harmonize, harness, hatch, heal, help, hierarchize, hitch, honor, hospitalize, host, housetrain, humor, hybridize

  idealize, identify, idolize, ignite, illuminate, imagine, imbue, immortalize, improv, improve, improvise, inaugurate, incorporate, increase, incubate, indemnify, index, indoctrinate, induct, indulge, inform, infuse, initiate, innovate, inoculate, inspire, install, institute, instruct, insulate, insure, integrate, interbreed, intermingle, intermix, intoxicate, inure, invent, inventory, invigorate, itemize

  jack, jerry-build, jerry-rig, join, judge, justify

  kindle, knight, knit, knot

  lace, lard, latch, launder, legalize, legislate, legitimate, legitimize, lengthen, liberate, license, lift, light, link, lionize, locate, loosen, love, lube, machinate, lubricate

  machine, maintain, make, manicure, manufacture, manumit, map, marry, marshal, mass, match, mature, mechanize, mediate, medicate, meet, meld, mellow, memorialize, mend, merge, mingle, mitigate, mix, moderate, modernize, modify, modulate, moisturize, mold, mollify, mongrelize, moralize, motorize, multiply

  narrow, neaten, negotiate, network, normalize, notarize, nourish, number, numerate, nurse, nurture, nuzzle

  obey, oblige, officiate, offset, open, optimize, orchestrate, ordain, order, organize, orient, orientate, ornament, outlast, overcommit, overestimate, overvalue, owe

  pace, palliate, pardon, parent, partner, paste, patch, patent, pave, perfect, permit, personalize, pile, pin, pity, place, plaster, pledge, plot, popularize, pork, praise, predict, prepare, preserve, prime, primp, prioritize, prize, process, produce, program, proliferate, promise, prop, prophesy, protect, prove, purify


  rally, rank, ransom, rarefy, rate, ratify, rationalize, reactivate, ready, realign, reanimate, rear, reassemble, reassure, reboot, rebuild, reconcile, reconstruct, recreate, rectify, recycle, redeem, referee, refine, reform, refresh, refurbish, regard, regenerate, regiment, regulate, rehabilitate, reinforce, reintegrate, reinvigorate, rejigger, rejoin, rejuvenate, rekindle, relax, relieve, remedy, remodel, renegotiate, renew, reorient, repair, rephrase, replace, repurpose, reshape, resolve, respect, restore, restructure, resurrect, resuscitate, retool, retrain, reunite, reveal, revere, reverence, revise, revitalize, revive, revolutionize, richen, rig, ritualize, rivet, romanticize, rouse, roust, rubber-stamp

  safeguard, salute, salve, sanctify, sanction, sanitize, sauté, schedule, school, screw, script, seal, season, second, sentinel, serve, service, set, settle, shepherd, shield, shoulder, simplify, sleek, slick, sober, soften, solder, solidify, soothe, sophisticate, sort, sound, spackle, span, spare, spawn, specify, spice, splice, sponsor, spruce, square, squire, stabilize, stable, stage-manage, stand, standardize, steady, steel, steep, stereotype, sterilize, stick, stipulate, stir, stitch, stomach, straddle, straighten, strap, strategize, streamline, strengthen, stud, subdue, substantiate, suckle, suffer, suit, supersize, support, surface, surrender, survive, sustain, suture, swear, sweeten, synchronize, synthesize

  tailor, tame, teach, tether, thank, thaw, tidy, tie, time, titivate, toast, tolerate, tone, toughen, trade, traffic, train, transfigure, transform, translate, transmute, transplant, treasure, treat, triangulate, triple, troubleshoot, trust, tune, tutor, tweak

  umpire, unbuckle, unchain, uncomplicate, uncrumple, uncuff, underpin, unfetter, unfold, uniform, unify, unite, unleash, unlock, unmask, unscramble, unseal, unshackle, unskew, untangle, unveil, update, upgrade, uphold, uplift, usher

  vaccinate, validate, valuate, value, varnish, venerate, verify, vindicate, vitalize, vow

  wake, wangle, warrant, wash, weaponize, weather, weave, wed, welcome, weld, wire, withstand, worship

  yield, yoke


  Split (/)

  “Split” verbs divide objects in the environment outside the subject, separating items into detached fragments or abusing, rejecting, and dissolving anything whole. Because they tear a totality into shreds and threads, they tend to include behaviors that appear confusing, hostile, painful, alienating, dominant, and destructive.

  “Split” verbs isolate or damage people, things, communities, and concepts, e.g., corrupt, demolish, insult, lacerate. These are verbs of separation and disturbance, often seen as aggression because of the potential for retaliation or ill will in a winners/losers dynamic. Vibe-wise, these verbs reflect the disruptive antagonism of Eris, goddess of strife, and the combative force that drives all competitors.

  Along the POV character’s external axis, “split” verbs harm, destroy, segregate, distort, and confuse. In these instances, the characters opt to inflict harm and show selfishness.

  -abandon, abase, abash, abdicate, abjure, abolish, -abort, abrade, abridge, abrogate, abuse, addle, admonish, adulterate, afflict, affright, affront, aggravate, aggrieve, agonize, alienate, amputate, anger, anguish, annihilate, annoy, annul, antagonize, appall, asphyxiate, assassinate, assault, atomize, attack, attaint, attenuate, avenge, axe

  badmouth, baffle, bankrupt, bar, barbarize, barricade, bash, bastardize, batter, battle, bedevil, befoul, befuddle, beggar, behead, belittle, bemuse, bend, berate, besmear, besmirch, bestialize, betray, bewilder, bisect, bite, blackball, blacken, blackguard, blackjack, blacklist, blackmail, blame, -blank, blanket, blast, bleep, blemish, blight, blind, block, blockade, blot, blunt, blur, boggle, boobytrap, bore, botch, breach, break, browbeat, bruise, brutalize, buffalo, buffer, bully, bungle, burke, burn, burst, bury, bushwhack, bust, butcher

  cache, cage, camouflage, -cancel, canker, capsize, carve, castigate, castrate, cauterize, cede, censor, censure, chafe, chagrin, chain, chasten, chastise, cheapen, chew, chide, chip, chisel, choke, chop, chunk, circumcise, circumscribe, -circumvent, claw, cleave, cloak, clog, cloister, close, cloud, clutter, coarsen, coffer, combat, comminute, compartmentalize, compress, compromise, conceal, concern, conclude, condemn, confine, confound, confuse, consternate, constipate, contaminate, contemn, contort, contradict, contrast, convict, corrode, corrupt, counteract, cow, crack, cramp, crash, crate, craze, crease, cripple, criticize, critique, crucify, crumble, crumple, crush, cuff, curse, curtail, cut

  damage, damn, dampen, darken, dash, daze, deactivate, deaden, debase, debate, debauch, debilitate, decapitate, decimate, -decline, deconstruct, decrease, decry, deduct, deep-six, deface, defame, defeat, defile, deflate, deflect, deflower, deform, defy, degrade, dehumanize, delegitimize, delete, delude, demarcate, demean, demolish, demonize, demoralize, demote, denigrate, denounce, -deny, depersonalize, deport, depose, deprave, depredate, depress, derail, deride, desecrate, -desert, -despise, destabilize, destroy, detach, deteriorate, dethrone, detonate, devalue, devastate, diffuse, digest, dilute, diminish, dirty, disable, disabuse, disadvantage, disaffect, disappoint, disapprove, disarticulate, disassemble, disband, disbelieve, disclaim, discombobulate, discomfit, discomfort, discompose, disconcert, disconnect, -discount, discourage, discredit, -disdain, disembowel, disenfranchise, disfavor, disfigure, disgrace, disgust, dishearten, dishevel, dishonor, disillusion, disintegrate, disjoint, dismantle, dismay, dismember, disobey, disorient, -disown, disparage, dispel, disperse, dispirit, displease, disprove, dispute, disqualify, -disregard, disrupt, diss, dissatisfy, dissect, dissipate, dissolve, dissuade, distinguish, distort, distress, distrust, disunite, -ditch, divert, divide, divorce, diz
zy, -dodge, doom, double-cross, doubt, downgrade, downplay, downsize, dread, dull, dumbfound, dump

  eclipse, efface, eighty-six, eliminate, emasculate, embalm, embarrass, empty, encase, encode, encrypt, end, endanger, enervate, enfeeble, enrage, ensconce, enslave, entomb, eradicate, erase, erode, -eschew, estrange, eviscerate, excise, -exclude, excoriate, excruciate, execrate, exempt, exorcise, expunge, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate

  falsify, fatigue, fault, faze, fell, fence, fetter, fight, finish, fissure, flay, flub, flummox, flunk, fluster, -forbid, forget, -forsake, fossilize, foul, fracture, fragment, frame, frazzle, frighten, fulminate, fumble, fumigate

  gag, gainsay, garble, gash, gnaw, gore, gouge, grieve, grind, guillotine, gut

  hack, half-ass, halve, handcuff, handicap, harangue, harass, harden, harm, harry, hassle, heckle, hector, henpeck, hew, hide, hobble, hollow, horrify, humble, humiliate, hurt, hush

  -ignore, immobilize, immolate, impair, imperil, impoverish, imprison, impugn, inactivate, incapacitate, incarcerate, incinerate, incommode, incriminate, indenture, indict, infect, inflict, infuriate, injure, insult, inter, interrupt, intimidate, invalidate, irk, irritate, isolate

  jade, jail, jangle, jeopardize, jilt, jinx, joint, jumble, junk

  keelhaul, -kibosh, kill, kneecap

  lacerate, lambaste, lame, lampoon, lash, leash, leave, lessen, level, libel, limit, liquefy, liquidate, litigate, lobotomize, lock, lop, lose, lynch

  maim, malign, maltreat, manacle, mangle, mar, marginalize, mark, maroon, mash, mask, massacre, maul, melt, menace, mince, miscalculate, misconstrue, misdiagnose, mishandle, mishear, misinform, misinterpret, misjudge, mislabel, mismanage, mistake, mistreat, misuse, mock, monkey-wrench, mortgage, mortify, mothball, muddle, muddy, muffle, mummify, murder, mutate, mute, mutilate, muzzle, mystify


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