Amazing Grace

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Amazing Grace Page 5

by Crystal Humphrey

  "Don't call me that. You have no right."

  "I have every right." He yelled back at her. Ruth took a deep breath.

  "Look, baby. I just need a little money. Then I'll go away again just like you want. I won't bug you no more."

  "That's what you said last time, and the time before that, Darren. I don't believe you. Besides, you're drunk. I am no longer contributing to you trying to drink yourself to death. Don't come here no more looking for a handout because this well is dry."

  "You owe me."

  "I don't owe you anything, Darren. No get off my property before I call the police."

  "You mean your boyfriend?" Darren sneered at her.

  "That's not how it is and you know it. I made a vow, and I intend to keep it until one of us passes, but that don't mean I have to live with you or support your filthy addiction. Now leave."

  "I'm not going anywhere, Ruth. Not this time. You can't make me."

  Ruth had seen the police car go by, stop, then back up and pull into the parking lot of her shop.

  "Everything alright here, Ruth?"

  "Everything's just fine, officer. You can leave now," Darren answered before Ruth could say anything.

  "Darren, you sound a little off this morning. Do I need to give you place to dry out?"

  Ruth watched as the two men sized each other up. "I was just leaving," Darren growled. "This ain't over Ruth. Not by a long shot."

  "I'm afraid it is, Darren. If I catch you in this town again without Ruth's permission, I'm gonna lock you up. You know she has a restraining order."

  "I'm going." Ruth breathed a sigh as Darren walked away and got in a beat up vehicle.

  "Thanks, Bobby."

  "No problem, Ruth. You okay?" Ruth shook her head slightly as the tears started to stream down her face. Bobby gathered her into his arms and held her as she sobbed. It wasn't the first time, he had done this, but Ruth hoped it would be the last. She hated that she broke down this way every time Darren showed up.

  •Chapter 15•

  Ruth didn't say anything, and Abby Grace didn't pry. Instead, she handed both Ruth and Bobby, the police chief, a cup of coffee. She went on about her work as if nothing happened as Ruth and Bobby spoke quietly. Before long, Bobby left and Ruth finished loading the van. Abby Grace assured Ruth she could handle the shop while she was gone. Ruth's Saturday help had not yet shown up.

  Ruth left to deliver the rest of the wedding bouquets and Abby Grace busied herself with cleaning up around the counter, and inside the displays so that customers would see fresh, pretty arrangements and not dead leaves or flower petals.

  When she heard the bell signaling someone had come into the shop, Abby Grace walked to the counter to greet her first customer of the morning.

  "Good morning. Welcome to Love's Florist. Can I help you find something?"

  "Actually, I was looking for you. Abby Grace, right?"

  "Yes, that's me." Abby Grace answered. A young girl, maybe close to her age, had entered the shop. She was a pretty girl, with long, chestnut brown hair. Abby Grace wondered how she knew her name.

  "I saw you at church on Sunday. I hope you don't mind, but I asked around to find out more about you. I heard you were staying in Ruth's apartment."

  Abby Grace nodded.

  "I came by because there is this thing tonight at the church for young adults. We're going to get together and watch a movie. I just wanted to see if you would like to go. I could pick you up."

  Abby Grace's face lit up. "Sure. I would like that. What sort of movie?"

  "It's called Fireproof. It's about a firefighter whose marriage is about to end. I hear it's really good. I'm looking forward to it. I'm Rebecca Joy, by the way. Isn't it funny how we both have two names? Maybe we were destined to be friends."

  "Are you sure you don't mind picking me up?"

  "Not at all. It starts at six, so I'll be here about five thirty."

  "Okay. Thanks, Rebecca Joy. See you tonight."

  Abby Grace watched with a smile on her face as the young girl left the shop. "Thank you Father for bringing me here to this small community where I can make friends like Ruth and Rebecca Joy."


  •Abundant Faith•

  Kristin Faith Faulk stood inside a tiny dressing room in a new shop that had just opened up in her small town. She was in the process of trying on a summer dress she had admired in the window when she heard a tiny bell signaling another customer had come into the shop. And judging by how many times it rang, more than one someone had come in.

  "This place is amazing, Mrs. Ward. I love the fashions. It's nice to finally have a place to shop here instead of having to drive to a bigger city." Kristin recognized the voice of Jennifer Benson.

  "Thanks, girls. How are ya'll today?"

  "We’re doing well. Oh, this dress it too cute. I need to try it on."

  "Sure, the dressing rooms are just right over there."

  Kristin heard Jennifer slide into the dressing room next to her's. A minute later, the girl popped out and everyone exclaimed over how well the dress looked on her. Jennifer decided to buy it along with a pair of shoes and a necklace she said would go perfect with what she was purchasing.

  Mrs. Ward began ringing up the sale when another girl said, "Just don't let Kristin Faulk come in here. She will rob you blind." Kristin recognized this voice too as one of Jennifer's best friends, Jessica Thornton.

  "It won't matter though. Her daddy or granddaddy will just pay her way out of it like they always do," Jennifer said.

  "Yeah, and it ain't right. That girl thinks she can do whatever she wants to whoever she wants just because she's a Faulk. Someone needs to teach her a lesson," Jessica exclaimed.

  "Don't worry. She'll get hers someday. If she ever takes her shoplifting skills outside of this area, her family name won't be able to save her. She is nothing more than a common thief." This last statement was made by another girl in Jennifer's group, Bethany High. Those three girls hung out together and were rarely seen apart.

  "Now girls, remember what was taught in Sunday school last week," Mrs. Ward reprimanded slightly.

  "Yes, Ma'am," the girls said in unison.

  But Kristin had heard every word. She was angry that someone would talk about her like that. How dare they? Her family owned this town. She would show them.

  Kristin left the shop as quietly as she had come into it. None of the girls nor Mrs. Ward had even known she was there. Kristin was seething. She was not a thief, she was privileged. There was a difference. She could take what she wanted because her family was basically royalty in this small hick community.

  Kristin was so angry she wasn’t really paying attention to where she was going. She turned onto the interstate, putting her small hometown behind her as fast as she could. Before long, she was veering off of interstate sixty-five and onto interstate five sixty-five heading into Huntsville. Her rage had not dissipated in the slightest when she pulled off the interstate and into the parking lot of Bridge Street Town Centre which was a huge outdoor shopping mall in the Huntsville area. There were several shops, eateries, and jewelry stores.

  Kristin found a parking place and began walking down the streets of the facility. She first stopped in to eat at a pizzeria. Hoping it would calm the whirlwind of emotions flowing through her, Kristin, sat and listened to the music playing as she ate. Some good heavy metal was what she needed right now but she would have to settle for the rock that was jamming through the speakers instead.

  After finishing her pizza, Kristin walked around some more. She saw the Belk's and decided to do some shopping. Kristin’s favorite thing in the world was to shop. Trying on all the latest styles was just what she needed right now to calm her mood.

  Kristin hopped over to the giant store and headed inside. It didn’t take long before she was in the dressing room trying on several clothing items. This dress is way cuter tha
n the one at that stupid shop, she thought as she admired herself in the full length mirror. Brilliant blue eyes stared back at her. Her long black hair tumbled down her back and almost to the top of her waist. The dress, a swirl of spring colors, stopped just short of her knees.

  Kristin decided she had to have it. She cut the tag off of the dress, and put it into her purse along with a few other items. Then she decided to go to the shoe store she had seen on her way in. Kristin was heading out the door when she was stopped by a security officer.

  “Let me see your bag, Miss.”

  “No, I don’t think so,” Kristin replied.

  “I’m not asking, lady. Let me see your bag.”

  “And I said no. Do you know who I am? You have no right to talk to me that way.”

  “I don’t care if you’re the president’s daughter you are not leaving this store with the merchandise in that bag.”

  By now, a crowd of people were gathering around, and Kristin was beginning to get really angry. She would have never been treated this way at home. Especially not by a rent-a-cop.

  The security officer reached out to grab her purse, but Kristin pulled her fist back and cold cocked him. Then she took off running out of the building and across the parking lot. She was so busy looking behind her to see if the security officer was following, she did not see the police cruiser that had shown up to the scene. She did, however, feel the hard chest of the police officer she ran into. She had no time to process that information though as he put her in handcuffs, read her her rights, and placed her gently into the back seat of the police car.

  Please join me as we continue the journey of the people of this small community. Abby Grace's story continues with opening a small coffee shop. How does it go? Does she prosper and continue in her walk with Christ? What about Ruth and who is Darren? Does Kristin learn her lesson after being arrested for shoplifting? How will her story play out?

  •Author's Note•

  Thank you for taking time to read my book. I would appreciate some honest feedback. Please email me at [email protected] and share your thoughts and opinions about the book. I want to improve as a writer and it is my fervent wish to hear from my readers. I hope you enjoyed the book. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.

  Other Books by Crystal Humphrey

  Abundant Faith

  Eternal Hope (in progress)

  •About the Author•

  I'm a mother, wife, sister, daughter, much like many of you. I was raised in church, spent time close to my heavenly Father, and time apart trying to go my own way. I'm thankful He never gives up on His children. I spent the majority of my life believing I had no talent of my own, but my husband talked me into trying my hand at writing since I love to read so much. I really didn't believe I could do it, but after much prayer I decided to give it a try. With the encouragement of my husband, the support of my children, and the advice of my sister, I produced this short story and its successors. I hope you enjoy. Thank you.


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