I was a Bet

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I was a Bet Page 2

by Mansi Negi

  My hands shot up between us, pushing him away from me.

  "What is wrong with you two?" I said in disgust. "Stay away from me!" I ran into my bedroom and locked the door.

  Day one of having siblings was a total disaster. I hated two of the five, and I'd have to have them at my school next week.

  I peeled off my school uniform and changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

  I didn't hear any noise coming from the hall. I opened my door to peep out and saw that Tyler had his door wide open and he was doing sit ups on his floor with his feet propped up on the bed.

  "Hey Lyla." He smiled up at me propping his head on his elbow toward me. "Sorry, about that, I was just joking." He


  "Oh... it's fine." I said back, faking stupid.

  "Thanks for dinner. I don't know why I didn't come down, it's always really awkward being in a new place."

  His face reddened a little again and I felt bad for him.

  "I understand, I mean, I don't know how you feel, but I'm really happy to have you all here, well, except for Jonas."

  I said, which was kind of a lie, I really secretly hoped I'd wake up and they'd all be gone in the morning. I opened my door all the way and sat on the end of my bed.

  "So, do you do any sports?" I asked.

  "No, Jonas plays football, but I'm just not really the jock type. Do you?" He asked pulling himself to a sitting position and resting his head on his knees.1

  "Yes, I'm a cheerleader." I smiled back at him.

  "You look like you play sports." I said, admiring his six pack. He looked down at himself and I immediately realized he was examining what I was looking at.

  "I'm sorry, you're just ripped I mean, you must work out a lot." Geez creep! I internally scolded myself.3

  "I didn't mean what I said earlier." He repeated.

  "I know, you already said you were joking." I laughed.

  "No, I mean that you weren't my type." He said, letting his eyes run down my legs and suddenly I felt uncomfortable.13

  "Well, I better get some sleep Tyler." I said, lifting my foot and pushing my bedroom door shut with it.2

  The Sexy Bod

  Morning came early.

  My six o'clock wake-up call was screaming kids from the kitchen downstairs. I'm pretty sure the little twins never stopped screaming...like ever.

  I plastered a pillow over my head and still couldn't drown them out. I had cheer practice at nine so I finally just rolled out of bed and headed to the shower.

  In the bathroom the steady cascade of water drowned out the noise from downstairs.

  I took extra-long today, soaking in the silence, not knowing if quiet were ever going to be something I would experience again as long as I lived here.

  I finished putting on my uniform and straightened my hair. Lorna would be here to pick me up at 8:45. I glanced at the clock I had a whole hour and a half to kill.

  I'd never looked forward to cheer practice so much, but my own home felt foreign to me now. Like it had been invaded.

  A light knock on the door pulled me back to reality.

  "Hey it's Tyler, I just wondered if I could use your bathroom?" He asked, sounding like he'd just woke up.

  "Sure Tyler, it's unlocked, come in." I dragged my hands over my outfit smoothing it into place, I wanted to look presentable to him for some odd reason.

  Tyler coming into my personal space made me nervous.3

  The door opened and he walked in wearing only a towel that hung low on his hips.

  I felt my eyes attach to the deep V under his abs as he sauntered across the room toward the bathroom.4

  "Lyla." He snapped his fingers, breaking my trance and I met his eyes, my face instantly reddening at the fact that he had to snap to pull my attention away from gawking at his unclad torso.

  "Can you show me how to turn the water on in your shower?" He was staring at me too. I guess my uniform was much shorter than the skirt I'd had on yesterday and the cropped vest, exposed about two inches of my midriff at belly button height.1

  "Sure, of course." I said flustered. Walking by him, I could feel his eyes following my movements and it only deepened the crimson on my skin.

  Living with teenage boys was going to be a constant awkward situation.2

  I leaned over the tub and pulled the knob out, releasing water from the shower head. "Left hot, right cold." I chimed, turning the knob to a comfortable temperature.

  I glanced over my shoulder to Tyler and found him staring at my backside. Instantly I whirled around and his eyes went a little wide.3

  "Thanks." He started to blush a little at being caught. I didn't say anything, I didn't want to embarrass him further, and I couldn't help my eyes from wandering over his body either. Why god, why did my foster brothers have to look like Greek Gods? I let my eyes take him in one last time, and felt them nearly jump out of my head when they met with the bulge that was noticeably tenting the towel away from Tyler's body just under his gorgeous V shaped muscles.

  Oh my god. Fixing my eyes to the floor, I made my way passed Tyler and out, closing the bathroom door behind me.5

  I ran out into the hall and closed my bedroom door behind me. Leaning against it, I closed my eyes and let my head fall back. My face felt incredibly warm so I fanned my skin and tried to recompose myself.

  "What's got you all hot and bothered this morning Princess?" Jonas' raspy sleep filled voice called from down the hall. I quickly turned my head toward him hoping he hadn't been there long enough to see me fanning myself.

  "Good morning Jonas, always a pleasure." I replied in my most unamused voice while rolling my eyes at him.

  God, he was such a jerk, but he was even more gorgeous than Tyler. His grey sweat pants hugged his hips and his tight black t-shirt allowed his muscles underneath to show through. I noticed a tattoo sticking out of the bottom of his sleeve and was instantly intrigued.4

  "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said as he walked up to me, trying to fight the crooked smile that was beginning to show on his face.1

  "You wish." I pushed off the door and brought my hands to my hips in annoyance. He arched a brow at me and sauntered over. His thumbs tucked into the top of his waste band on either side. His head tilted slightly at me amused.

  "I see..." he said, as if his question had been answered. He stood in front of me at my door listening to the shower running in my bedroom.

  "I tried to warn you about Tyler Princess, but I guess you're just going to have to learn the hard way huh?

  "He lowered his eyes at me, "It's kind of gross don't you think, I mean he is practically your brother, you probably shouldn't be having such kind of thoughts about him, should you?"

  He mused, before walking passed me and down the second flight of stairs.2

  I stood in the hallway dumbfounded for a few moments before heading downstairs myself, I planned on telling him off but he wasn't in the living room.

  I went to the kitchen, and all was quiet. I looked out the sliding glass door in the back and saw my parents outside with the kids playing on the swing-set that they had bought last week.

  Our neighbours were over and they were casually talking while their children played with my foster siblings. It was nice to see my mom and dad have a few moments of peace.

  I don't think either one knew what they were diving into when they started this.

  I grabbed some milk and a box of Captain Crunch and got busy making some breakfast. I hadn't noticed Jonas behind me until I turned to put the milk away and he was right there, mere inches from me.

  "What the...? Jonas! What are you doing?" I screamed, and dropped the milk. It poured from the carton to the floor. With a huff I leaned down and grabbed the empty milk carton from the soaked tile floor.

  "I did want some cereal, but looks like the milks gone." He laughed, stepping closer and grabbing hold of the carton.

  His fingers covered mine and I tried to pull my hand back, but he held it there, under h
is, using the carton and my hand to hold me in place as he set his other hand on the counter behind me.

  He brought his face right next to mine. His hot breath fanned against my lips.

  My body reacted instantly, butterflies ran through my belly and a strange sensation had me crossing my legs as my breath became quicker.

  He brought his mouth around to my ear.

  "Can I have some cereal Princess?" He whispered against my skin, dragging his lips against my ear as he did it, sending a new wave of butterflies to wreck my stomach.1

  "I-I mean yes, Jonas you can, but the milk..." I sounded like a freaking idiot and the words sounded so not like me. Who was this raging hormonal teenager and why did this guy have such an effect on her?

  He was nothing but trouble, I knew that, and yet every time he came in close proximity of me, he had me eating out of his hand, practically begging to eat out of his hand even.

  "Good thanks." He laughed, releasing the milk carton and grabbing my bowl with the hand he had casually placed behind me.

  He used my spoon and dove in, ploughing a huge bite into his mouth.1

  "Jonas!" I squealed, reaching for the bowl.

  "Hey now, you said I could have it." He laughed at me, turning away from my grasp.

  "I hate you. I have to leave in like five minutes, please let me have my cereal back." I begged, crossing my arms over my chest annoyed at how funny he thought this was.

  Surprising him and myself, I jumped on his back grabbing his hand that held a spoonful of cereal and guided it to my mouth over his shoulder.

  "Ha! I got some!" I laughed at him. He pushed the spoon back in the bowl filling it with cereal and offered me another bite.

  I leaned around his shoulder to take it, still hanging on his back like he was giving me a piggy back ride, and he pulled it away shoving it into his own mouth.

  "Not fair Jonas! You're seriously eating it all!" I groaned and he offered me another bite, letting me take it this time.

  He backed up to the counter, leaning back against it and I sat on it keeping my legs wrapped tight around him so he couldn't get away with my cereal.

  He ploughed another bite into his mouth before holding the spoon over his shoulder for me. I took the bite but he pulled it away quickly and milk ran down my lips.

  Before I knew what was happening, he had his thumb rubbing up my chin and over my lips to wipe it away. He brought his thumb to his mouth and licked the milk off as if it were completely normal.2

  I just stared at him, I hadn't even noticed my lips had parted and my eyes had drifted to his mouth until he moved his face closer to me and I felt his lips brush against mine.

  My eyes closed and my body pressed against him. Oh my god, stop Lyla! Who are you right now?4

  I pulled away my breath coming out uneven and immediately brought my hand to where our lips had just grazed.

  "This is wrong Jonas. We can't do this. I have a boyfriend." I said in a small voice that couldn't hide how deeply he was affecting me.2

  He frowned at me. "This is nothing Delilah... I don't know what you think this is... but you and me... this is nothing..." he trailed off, his eyes staring at my mouth again, and I felt myself leaning toward him again, against my better judgement.

  "Ahem." Tyler cleared his throat from the kitchen entry way and walked in, a knowing grin painted on his face as he glanced back and forth between Jonas and I.

  Some emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint showed in his eyes as he looked toward me.

  I unwrapped my legs from Jonas and squirmed to get out from behind him, but he brought his hand back, holding my leg in place and narrowed his eyes at his brother.

  What was with these two? They were always so strange together. Like they had telepathy or some weird twin radar system.2

  A loud ding dong!

  Sounded through the house and Jonas finally moved to the side to let me hop down. It had to be Lorna.

  I walked to the door and opened it. Sure, enough there she was.

  Her short black hair pulled back into a pony tail. She wore the same uniform as me and stood just an inch shorter. She was no shy girl and she erupted through the door like a cannonball when her blue eyes fixed on something behind me in the kitchen.

  "Hey girl, I'm a little early, I wanted to see how your mom is with everything." She practically yelled, not even bothering to look in my direction. I turned around and saw her staring at Tyler shamelessly.

  He had just sat down at the kitchen table with a granola bar that he was chewing as he watched Lorna in what appeared to be amusement.

  "Tyler, this is Lorna, Lorna...meet Tyler, my... foster brother."

  Jonas leaned against the back counter, smirking.

  "That's Jonas." I motioned toward him.

  "There's two?!" Lorna's smile grew wider.

  "Why don't you introduce me as your brother Delilah?" Jonas gave me a menacing look, amused at his own words.7

  God what was I thinking?

  Swim Time

  "Hello Lorna..." Jonas rolled her name off of his tongue, letting his British accent thicken and flashing her a smirk that had her blushing from head to toe.

  Tyler looked at me and we both wore the same amused look. Poor Lorna, Jonas in action was undeniably the best show in town.

  Jonas walked over to Lorna and grabbed her hand planting an over the top kiss on the back of it and lowering his eye brows, causing the poor girl to blush even further.

  His eyes momentarily drifted to me but he turned them away quickly when he saw me looking.2

  "Hey Lorna" my mom interrupted, sliding open the glass door.

  "Hey Mrs. Moore, my mom wanted to know if you needed anything? She thinks you're a saint for doing this.

  She said she could never handle... the issues... and to tell you that you're a better person than her."

  I elbowed her in the arm right away. Jonas' eyes shot to me in a 'told you so' kind of way, and Tyler hopped up from the table and made his way upstairs.

  "Ouch" Lorna rubbed her arm and shot me a scowl. She hadn't even realized that what she'd said was incredibly offensive.1

  I mouthed an "I'm sorry" toward Jonas, and he casually headed toward the stairs, waiting for everyone to turn away before extending his middle finger toward me like I was the one who had said it.

  I shook my head and grabbed Lorna's hand.

  "We better go or we'll be late." I said, annoyed that she had driven the wedge even further between my foster siblings and my family.

  "Why don't you stay for supper tonight Lorna, Lyla could probably use the girl company, and I've been so busy this weekend."

  She said as my dad opened the door and screaming children entered through the back door.

  "I think Tom's going to grill out and we can all swim." She motioned toward the pool in the backyard and I could have just kicked her. I loved

  Lorna, but she lacked any type of boundaries.

  She'd do nothing but flirt with the boys if she spent time here, which shouldn't bother me, but for some reason the thought of her invading their privacy made me irritated.

  "That sounds great Mrs. Moore, if you don't mind, I'll just stay the night. My parents are going to the Casino tonight for their anniversary, so I won't have their car to get home.

  "Her eyes shined bright with excitement, no doubt, at the fact that she would be spending the night under the same roof as Jonas and Tyler.2

  "Great, we'd love to have you." My mom smiled warmly at Lorna.

  I grabbed her arm and walked her toward the door, shooting my mom an eye roll, to which she shrugged and went to the fridge to grab snacks for the little ones.

  "You lucky bitch!" Lorna squealed in the car.

  "I should tell my mom to do foster care. My luck I'd end up with a cross eyed loser for a brother though." She remarked.

  I couldn't help the disgusted look on my face as I shook my head at her.

  "What is wrong with you Lorna? They've had a really rough life, and you have
serious issues." I rolled my eyes, trying not to completely scold her for her word vomit that she seemed to always be spewing without thinking first.

  Sometimes I wondered if we were just friends because I was too afraid of getting on her bad side.3

  "That just means they'll be desperate for a normal girl." She said smugly.2

  "They are normal people Lorna, what the hell?" I was fighting to keep my hand from knocking her upside the head.1

  Cheer had completely taken it out of me after my early morning, and Lorna shuffling through my drawers looking for the perfect bikini to show off her busty chest and thick thighs for the boys, who I suspected, hated her more than they hated me, was the last thing I wanted to be doing right now.1

  Every swimsuit I owned would show off her body, she was two sizes bigger than me everywhere, including her chest. I grabbed a red one piece that I'd had from a lifeguarding job I'd worked the previous summer, and she decided on a lacy white bikini that my cousin had left at my house when we were only 14.

  It looked more like a bra and panty set on her. The top was way too small and her chest poured out from every side, not to mention the fact that it pushed her breasts nearly into her neck.

  "This makes me look like a fucking Goddess, don't you agree? I mean seriously, I'd want to fuck me, wouldn't you?" She asked, making me want to reach out and slap her.2

  "Yes, you look great." I said, not even bothering to add any emotion to the words as they left my mouth.

  "You should try a two piece instead." She replied, raking her eyes up and down my body in the one piece.

  "Nope Lorna, because unlike you, I have some class." I winked back at her, and she laughed, mistaking my words for a joke.1

  "I call the chatty one." Lorna waggled her brows at me, talking about Jonas. I felt my teeth push together as my jaw clenched a little. I didn't want her anywhere near Jonas again.

  "The other one is yummy too, but I bet Sir. Flirts-a-Lot knows exactly what he's doing with a woman. Don't look so upset Lyla, if you want that one, I can take the other." She held her hands up defensively.


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