I was a Bet

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I was a Bet Page 13

by Mansi Negi

  The fact that he would joke about something so sick was beyond me. He had no idea however, that I knew about he and Tyler's abusive past and I couldn't let him know that I did.

  "Where the party at?!" Lorna's annoying voice rang through the house as she pushed through the door, heading straight for Jonas.

  "A week with no parents... Just imagine what we could get ourselves into." She crooned at Jonas as she threw her arms around his neck and hugged his body against hers, not even caring that he did not return the sentiment.2

  "I'll be upstairs." I said in annoyance. I stormed into my room, followed by Tyler. "hey, I'm so embarrassed that you saw that." I said, turning toward him but not looking him in the eye.

  "Do you like it when he touches you like that?" His question caught me off guard.

  "what do you mean Tyler?" I raised a brow and finally let my eyes meet his.

  "I mean when he's rough with you like that? Do you like it? Is that what you like Lyla?" I shifted on my feet uncomfortably.2

  "I don't know Tyler, I haven't really done enough with enough people to know what I like, but why are you asking me that? It's really not something I want to talk about." I swallowed back a nervous feeling at his onslaught of bizarre questions.

  "I'm sorry... I just"

  "You were just going, weren't you Tyler?" Jonas' voice interrupted from behind him and Tyler swung around and hastily made his way out of my room and back to his. "what was that about?" Jonas asked, stalking toward me.

  "I don't know, he asked me if I liked it rough, I have no idea, although, I could ask you the same." I put my hands on my hips and furrowed my brow.

  "He asked you what?" Jonas narrowed his brows, stepping closer. "I won't tell you again to stay away from him. You will not talk to him anymore Delilah...Promise me." He looked at me with warning in his eyes.1

  "Yes, I'll stop talking to him when you stop talking to Lorna." I said, rolling my eyes at him.2

  "Aww, Lyla... I love making you jealous. You're the one who wants to keep this hush hush though, aren't you?" He purred, closing the gap between us and brushing his hands over my sides. "besides, who will I run to the next time you decide you don't want me anymore Princess?" He joked, rubbing his nose against mine.

  "Fuck you Jonas." I said, pushing against his chest.

  "Yes, fuck me Princess." He whispered, pulling me down on the bed so I laid on top of him.

  "Did you get rid of Lorna?" I asked as he brought his lips to my neck.

  "No, I invited her to stay and watch... yes Lyla she's gone. Can we please do this?" He groaned, pulling my lips to his.



  I pulled away from Jonas. His hips still frantically thrusting against me to make the friction that was driving us both wild.

  "What now?" Jonas groaned, raking his hand through his hair.

  "Can I just, can I actually just go to the restroom and freshen up a bit...? I just want this to be perfect, and well..." I bit my lip, and he smiled at me, resting his head back on his hands.

  "Five minutes, you're on the clock." He laughed glancing at his wrist like he had a watch on. "Chop chop, I haven't got all day." He looked at me and then down to his erection playfully.

  Once inside the bathroom, I grabbed my tooth brush and quickly brushed my teeth. Then pulled off my skirt and turtleneck.

  My black lace underwear was cute, but not with my white cotton bra... I quickly grabbed a black tank top from my dirty laundry and removed my bra, replacing it with the tank top. It wasn't great, but it would have to do.

  If he wasn't so gorgeous, maybe I wouldn't be so self conscious. I sat down to pee really quickly and realized that karma was a stone cold bitch. I'd gotten my period.7


  I fumbled through my vanity grabbing a tampon and threw on a pair of shorts. Jonas was going to be so pissed. I finally emerged from the bathroom with a groan.

  "What? Why do you look like that? Why are you making that sound?" Jonas who was now naked in my bed sprung forward, eyes wide.

  "I don't want to say." I groaned in embarrassment and covered my face with my hands.

  "No, no, no, no... is it your monthly?" He cocked his head to the side and I nodded.

  "No... and I suppose that bothers you?" He asked, biting his lip at me, and I watched his last bit of hope whither and die as he took in the look on my face. "God hates me." He said, laying back and bringing a pillow over his head.1

  "I'm sorry." I sat down beside him and cradled my red face in my hands.

  "You know this happened because you lied to your mum about it the other night, right?" He mused, pulling my hands away.

  "Yes, her and Chad. I'm the worst!" I exclaimed, flopping back on his unclad torso and throwing my hands above my head in exasperation and like clockwork I felt the first uncomfortable cramp radiate through my lower abdomen and back.

  "I need pain killers." I stood and walked to my doorway. "I really am sorry Jonas... I'll take care of you if you want, just let me take something and give me a few minutes.”

  "It's fine." He let out a huff, and drug his clothes back on, following me down the stairs. "Go sit." He motioned to the couch.

  "Put on a movie, a comedy or action, please nothing romantic. I'll take care of you Princess." I made my way to the living room and sat sideways on the couch, bringing my knees up a little and rubbing my hand over my aching stomach.

  Jonas re-emerged with water and some Tylenol.

  "Here you go baby." He placed the pills in my hand and I downed them, chugging half the glass of water afterward.

  He lifted my head and sat on the couch beneath, letting me use his lap as a pillow. "You comfortable?" He asked, brushing his fingers through my hair.

  "Yes, thank you." I smiled up at him.

  "Anything for you, Princess." He said sarcastically, we both laughed, knowing he wasn't that sweet.

  He brought his hand down to my stomach and began to rub slow circles. It felt good, but it felt even better when he slipped it under my shirt and the warmth of his hand radiated through my skin.

  He applied a little pressure and lowered his circles to just below my underwear line and I felt a tingle shoot through my spine. I was pretty sure his movement wasn't meant to turn me on, but everything Jonas did felt incredibly sensual, and it just affected me in such a way.

  I looked up at him to see him staring back at me.

  "Does that feel good?" He asked, sounding more seductive than I'm sure he intended. I nodded my head and closed my eyes, only to be met with his lips on mine.

  "I had so many plans for you Delilah." He whispered on to my lips, sounding tortured.

  "We can still do things, just not..." I trailed off, he knew what I was talking about.

  "Oh! I plan on taking full of advantage of that mouth when you're feeling better love." He brushed a thumb over my lips and kissed me one more time before the movie started and he lifted his head to watch, continuing the rhythmic circles on my lower belly.

  Only Jonas could turn something as utterly unattractive as a monthly cycle into something so full of sexual anticipation.

  I felt much better midway through the movie, and completely fine after it was over.

  Jonas had fallen asleep, so I climbed off of the couch careful not to wake him and made my way to the kitchen.

  I grabbed some chicken broth and chicken breasts from the fridge and began to boil the breasts for chicken noodles.

  I cut and chopped vegetables, and cooked until the house smelled fragrant with cooked garlic and onions. Eventually, Tyler peeked his head into the kitchen.

  "What are you making?" He smiled sniffing the air and waltzing in looking into the pan.

  "Chicken noodle soup, you hungry?" I handed him an empty bowl. "It should be ready." I smiled at how excited he looked.

  Tyler spooned a bowl full and stood at the island blowing on his spoon and ploughing big bite into his mouth.

  "Mmm, Lyla, this is great!" He watched me fill a b
owl and sit at the other side of the island.

  "Tell me about your real mom Tyler." I said casually, hoping to pry a little deeper into the boy’s past, without being too intrusive.

  "She was sick... I don't remember a lot about her honestly." He shrugged.

  "She didn't spend a lot of time with us. She never cooked for us I don't think...not like this." He winked and shoveled another bite into his mouth.

  "England wasn't like here. We never had a house there. Jonas and I shared a mattress on the floor most places we lived. She was a drug addict, and we were a nuisance to her, until she got sick." He finished the rest of his soup and stood to put his empty bowl in the sink, turning and leaning back against the counter to face me afterward.1

  "So, did you take care of her then? When she got sick?" I asked.

  "Yes." He laughed. "If you can call it that." He scoffed, stepping toward me and leaning forward against the side of the island.

  "What are you two chatting about?" Jonas interrupted our conversation, irritated, leaning against the doorway and yawning.

  "She was asking about our dear old mother." Tyler smiled up at him in amusement.

  "Delilah..." Jonas ran a hand through his hair, walking across the kitchen and wrapping his arms around me from behind my stool. "Why do you insist on defying me?" He whispered quietly to me.

  "Do you want some soup?" I changed the subject, finishing my bowl and moving my stool back to stand.

  Jonas pushed me back down. He grabbed my bowl and walked to the pot filling it and taking a seat beside me.

  "Tyler." He called to him as he was leaving the kitchen. I looked between the two, thinking Jonas would, no doubt, scold him for talking to me.

  "What are you doing tomorrow night?" He asked, surprising me.

  "Why?" Tyler turned and raised a brow at his brother.

  "Want to earn one hundred dollars?" Jonas asked, slurping the soup down afterward.

  "Depends on what you have in mind." He quirked his head a little to the side.

  "I need you to take Lorna to the dance as me." He said, like it was no big deal. Tyler rolled his eyes and rubbed his chin as he thought about it.3

  "Make it five hundred and we have a deal." He said seriously, stepping closer.

  "Three hundred and I guarantee she'll suck your dick." Jonas said back.

  "Jonas!" I slapped his shoulder.

  "Ouch!" He rubbed his shoulder, and smirked at me. "I'm sorry, but it's true, Lyla..." He made a pouty face at me and I rolled my eyes and looked back at Tyler.

  "Fuck." Tyler rubbed a hand through his hair. "Fine, but I want the extra two hundred if not." His eyes met mine for a second then quickly turned away.1

  "Deal!" Jonas finished his soup and jumped up to shake Tyler on it, before dumping his bowl off into the sink. Tyler left and I sat there blown away by the transaction that had just taken place in front of me.

  "Why don't you just tell her you can't go?" I asked, rolling my eyes at Jonas, who narrowed his eyes in return at me.

  "I'm making good on my side of the deal Princess, but you... you just can't stay away from my brother, can you?" He stepped toward me.

  "Do you want him?" He asked and I laughed, before realizing he still looked at me seriously.

  "You're serious? No, no of course not." I said grabbing his hand.

  "Then why Delilah, can't you please just listen to me on this?" He lifted my hand to his lips planting a kiss on my palm and bringing it to his heart.

  "Why? Why don't you want me to talk to him Jonas? He lives here." I asked, and threw in the last little reminder. What he was requesting was easier said than done when we shared a house, and I needed some answers.

  "Listen... Tyler... he's just... he's not who you think he is Delilah." He said, pulling me by my hand up and against him and dancing me through the kitchen toward the door.

  "Please baby, I'm just trying to protect you." He said quietly at my temple as he continued to sway with me to no music.11

  "Protect me?" I laughed. "This whole time I thought you were worried about him. I mean he seems really sensitive, so I just assumed..."

  "Sensitive?" He raised a brow and stopped us to look down at me. "You really do not know Tyler at all." He laughed. "Sensitive and gay..." He laughed even harder, I assumed, at all of my wrong assumptions.


  "Does Tyler have any dress clothes to wear to the dance?" I asked, pulling Jonas from his fit of laughter.

  "I doubt it." He said blowing out a huff.

  "It's a formal dance... he'll need a suit." I raised my eyebrows.

  "Fuck, getting rid of Lorna is going to cost me more than what she's worth." He said pulling at his roots.

  "You could always just tell her you're not interested." I rolled my eyes at him, this was ridiculous.

  "Trust me after a night out with Tyler, she won't want me anymore." He smiled smugly.

  I shook my head, not understanding why he thought Tyler was so bad. "Plus, Lorna deserves a date night with Tyler... I honestly can't stand her. How have you been friends with her for so long?"

  A feeling of embarrassment overcame me, mostly embarrassment that she had been my best friend forever and she had always been exactly the same. She really was intolerable.

  I blushed, honestly not even knowing, myself, why I was friends with her. He brushed his hand down my face and walked out the door. "Get dressed, let’s go shopping." He smiled over his shoulder.

  "Do I have to go?" I laughed back making my way to the stairs and glancing back over my shoulder at Jonas who stared back intently as I started making my way up them.

  I was just joking. Any excuse to spend time with Jonas was a good excuse.

  I grabbed a plaid scarf to cover my neck, although the marks were barely recognizable anymore. It looked nice with the black three quarter length sweater that I'd paired with denim three quarter length jeans.

  It was a bit warm out for the outfit, but thanks to Jonas dressing for winter in the late spring heat of south Florida had been my norm all week.

  We pulled into the mall parking lot and I spotted Chad's car across the lot. Jonas didn't notice thank god, I didn't need any Jonas and Chad drama tonight.

  He continued to drive through the lot while I silently sent out a prayer for him to pull into any other row with an available spot in the back.

  I cursed quietly when we drove down the same isle where Chad's car was parked.

  I looked out the window and saw Chad and a girl inside the car. Both were leaned toward the console, kissing.

  Oh my god! He had given me such a hard time and here he was locking lips with someone less than a week later.

  I was kind of relieved to see it though. Chad deserved to move on, he deserved better than me. He was a good person. He didn't deserve what I had done to him.

  Jonas pulled into a spot five cars down and I glanced through the windows of the vehicles beside me, one more time, to make sure we weren't visible to the pair.

  It didn't look like they'd seen us, and from this distance it wasn't likely that we would be spotted. Whew.

  As I opened my door to climb down from Jonas' truck, curiosity got the best of me and I found myself looking one last time through the lot at my ex, lip locked with...

  Lorna?! Holy shit! Lorna leaned away from the kiss and looked toward the front windshield of Chad's car.

  Oh my god! As if I didn't have reason enough to hate her already, my ex boyfriend and my foster brother, what was she playing at?6

  I had to wonder about her calling Chad to tell him my foster brothers had been hitting on me.

  Did she have other motives for calling him? Had this been going on for longer than I thought? It didn't matter, not now, but it definitely drove the wedge that I needed to finally make up my mind on Lorna.

  I was done. It was time to officially cut all ties with her for good.1

  Jonas rounded the car and casually threw an arm around my shoulder, guiding me to the front of the buildi
ng. I don't know how he did it, but he was just so perfect—cool and sexy, even just walking with him with his arm around my shoulder had me blushing.

  I hated how other women noticed him. The sales associate at the front checkout stared as we walked passed, her mouth agape. I cast her a dirty look right away, and Jonas noticed.

  "Aww, Princess, always so jealous... you have nothing to worry about you know." He smirked at me, leaning to my ear he continued.

  "You have my undivided attention." He whispered, pulling me a little closer, and meeting my eyes as I looked up at him blushing further.

  We found our way to the formal wear section of the store and Jonas ripped the first few things off of the rack. "This will do." He said, making a straight shot for the register.

  "Jonas, you have to try it on!" I laughed, slowing, I dragged him back toward the dressing room with me.

  "Who tries shit on Lyla, honestly?" He whined, as I pulled him into a fitting room and shut the door.

  "Oh, you're staying in here?" His lips pulled up at the corners and he stepped closer to me.

  "I am." I blushed again, God, the way my body reacted to him should have been illegal.

  "Now take your clothes off." I said, starting to unbutton his dress shirt before I even realized what I was doing. Jonas stared down at me, as my fingers worked their way down the front of his torso, unloosing button after button, until his muscular chest and stomach were visible.

  I stared back at him, never breaking eye contact, I didn't know where the sudden bout of bravery came from, but I went with it.

  I rubbed my hands up his stomach and over his chest, to where the shirt was still held on at his arms and pulled it open and over his shoulders, casting it to the floor. His eyes darkened, and his head cocked to the side as his tongue ran across his lips wetting them in anticipation.

  Feeling a sudden surge of want, I leaned into him, coming on to my tiptoes to bring our lips together.

  He stepped back and grabbed my hands, his eyes nearly black with blown pupils. He stared at me breathless, holding on to my hands and I desperately wanted to know why he had stopped me.


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