Ryker: Dead Souls MC: Prospects #4

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Ryker: Dead Souls MC: Prospects #4 Page 12

by Rylan, Savannah

  “I know it’s not much, but—”

  “It’s fine. Thank you,” Kaylynn said.

  She turned around in the doorway, her eyes whipping up to mine.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For bringing me with you. For not leaving me behind.”

  I shrugged. “Where the hell else were you going to go?”

  “I don’t know. But it wasn’t yours to worry about.”

  “I wasn’t worried about it.”

  “Then, why did you bring me along?”

  She stood close to me. So close, I smelled her deodorant. The floral notes wafted up my nose, and I took stock of her eyes. Those striking green eyes with flakes of golden honey in them. Peppered throughout, like the rising of the sun through a forest of treetops. I wanted to take her cheek within the palm of my hand. I wanted to know what her bubblegum lips tasted like. The darkness from the bedroom clawed its way over her, threatening to swallow her whole.

  And without thinking, I stepped closer. Drawn by her magnetism.

  “I don’t know why I brought you along,” I murmured.

  Kaylynn nodded. “Well, thank you for the honesty.”

  “You’re beautiful.”


  “If honesty is what you want, then you’re beautiful.”


  My hands ached to touch her. “Just the truth.”

  She paused. “Thanks.”

  “Not the kind of truth you like?”

  “Not used to the truth, in general.”

  I grinned. “So, you know you’re beautiful.”

  She blushed. “I didn’t say that.”

  “You implied it.”

  She swatted my chest playfully. “You’re frustrating, you know that?”

  I caught her wrist before it fell back to her side. “Very frustrating, yes.”

  I brought her knuckles to my lips, kissing each and every one of them. As I stared into those forest eyes of hers, I watched her freckles come alive. I watched her skin tint with a crimson flush I wanted to see permeate her skin. I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I needed to feel her skin against my lips. My gut lurched as I kissed her knuckles and my heart fluttered as she gasped at the touch.

  The electric touch that sent her skin puckering up her arm.

  “Well, goodnight,” Kaylynn said breathlessly.

  She pulled her hand away from mine, leaving me wanton for more of her.

  “Sleep well,” I said.

  Then, she slipped into the darkness and closed the door in my face.

  Leaving me with a promise to fulfill, and a need to cast aside.



  I stared at the darkened ceiling, unable to sleep. Between the sounds of hushed whispers coming from all angles of the clubhouse and my mind swirling with the phantom heat of Ryker’s lips against my hand, I didn’t stand a chance. Every time I looked at the digital clock on the bedside table, time seemed to creep by slower. The slow ticking up toward eleven o’clock almost killed me. I got up and paced the room, hoping to wear myself out by midnight. But as twelve-thirty came around, the only thing that walking made me was thirsty.

  So, I crept out of the room and headed for the kitchen.

  I had nothing with me, not even a change of clothes. Just my car, my keys, and the clothes on my back. Oh, and my phone in my back pocket, which I still debated on whether or not to get rid of. I didn’t have my laptop, even though that wouldn’t have been smart. I didn’t have my bank cards, so I didn’t have money. I didn’t have a safe means of transportation since my brother knew what kind of car I drove and what the license plate was. All of which meant I didn’t have the ability to go out and purchase myself any other clothes or pajamas.

  Or a charger for my phone.

  Fuck, I really needed to get rid of this before my brother tried tracking it.

  I was fortunate that Piper lent me a large shirt of hers. Because it covered me just enough to warrant leaving the bedroom without pants on.

  The fabric brushed against the backs of my thighs as I padded out to the kitchen. With socks on my feet that weren’t mine and a shirt that draped over my frame, I wasn’t too sure Piper hadn’t given me one of Rock’s t-shirts. I tried not to think about it. Mostly because that felt weird. Wearing someone’s husband’s clothes.

  “Yikes,” I murmured.

  I reached for the fridge and opened it, sighing as the cool air hit me. The rooms were stuffy. Especially since they didn’t have windows. The fan only blew the stuffy air around. It didn’t do anything to alleviate how hot it had gotten in there. And as I drew in a deep breath, I reached for one of the water bottles in the back. The ones that were slightly frosted over.

  “Come to mama,” I whispered.


  I jumped at the sound of his voice. The fridge door slammed closed as the water bottle tumbled from my hand. I whipped around, staring wide-eyed at Ryker as he grinned at me. With his arms crossed over his chest, his pajama pants hanging low on his hips, and his torso completely exposed.

  I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering.

  “Can’t sleep?” he asked.

  I cleared my throat. “Uh, just thirsty.”

  “That didn’t answer my question.”

  “I can’t sleep because I’m thirsty. Once I rectify that, I’ll be fine.”

  “Uh huh.”

  I paused. “What was that for?”

  “What was what for?”

  “That ‘uh huh.’”

  He shrugged. “Just an ‘uh huh.’”

  “That wasn’t any ‘uh huh.’ That was the ‘uh huh’ of a man that doesn’t believe me.”

  “Because I don’t believe you.”

  “And why’s that?”

  He smiled cheekily. “Because you aren’t as opaque as you think you are.”

  “Big words for a man who rides a bike for a living.”

  “Just because I ride a bike for a living doesn’t mean I’m an idiot.”

  He walked toward me, his eyes never leaving mine. That stoic stare backed me up, until my body pressed itself against the kitchen counter. He came up to me, mere inches away from my form. And as the smell of his freshly-washed body wafted up my nose, he bent down. His nose traced an invisible line between our bodies. Until his gaze stopped at my nethers.

  I drew in a shuddered breath as he reached for the water bottle I dropped. And after pausing for a second, he slowly journeyed back up.

  “You dropped this,” he said.

  He placed it on the kitchen counter beside me, but his hand didn’t move. My eyes slowly traveled up his arm, taking in the rippling muscles. The way they flexed with need. The way his skin twitched as his muscles clenched. I swallowed hard as my eyes found his again. And though I expected him to, he didn’t back up.

  “Ryker?” I asked softly.

  “Hello, Kaylynn.”

  In a flash, his hands were on me. His massive palms gripped my hips, hoisting me off the ground. I gasped as I clung to him. I curled my fingertips into the taut skin of his back. He placed me on the edge of the counter, his hands running up my legs.

  “Ryker,” I whispered.

  “Oh, hello beautiful,” he groaned.

  His lips fell to my neck and my head tilted back. I moaned as he kissed me. Raking his teeth down my pulse point and sucking at my vulnerable skin. Something slid across the tiles of the kitchen floor. His hands slid up and down my thighs, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I gasped as he kissed me. I moaned whenever his teeth hit my skin.

  And when his hands pressed my knees open, I felt him move.

  “Ryker,” I whimpered.

  “Oh, fuck Kaylynn,” he whispered.

  He tossed my legs over his shoulders and my eyes found him between my legs. I braced my hands behind me, leaning back as he pushed the shirt up over my stomach. He sat on a chair between my legs. My pussy, at the ready as he pulled my pa
nties to the side. His eyes sparkled with delight. As if I’d given him his favorite Christmas present.

  And as his eyes looked up at me, his tongue lapped up my slit.

  “Shit,” I hissed.

  “Better keep it down, just in case someone wakes up.”

  “Oh, Ryker,” I moaned.

  “That’s not keeping it down, beautiful.”

  He spanked the side of my thigh softly, the crack filling the space between us. My head fell back, and a hiss escaped my lips as his tongue pierced my folds. I rocked against him. I panted for air as his tongue flattened against my clit. He licked it softly. Tenderly. Very much unlike the way his hands gripped my hips.

  “Shit. Yes. Like that. Just like that.”

  He growled into my pussy lips and I shivered at the ready. My juices dripped down my ass crack, relishing the quick moments we shared together. Years. It’d been years since I had experienced something like this. The intense pleasure of sharing my body with someone. The yearning I had for someone to feast upon me in whatever ways they wished. My toes curled into his back as I sank further to the kitchen counter. His tongue dug deeper, parting my pussy folds as my arousal coated his cheeks. His stubble tickled my lower lips. His hands massaged my hips. I rocked against him, moving and swiveling my hips as fire took hold of my body.

  I quaked for him with every stroke. I gasped his name with every press. The faster he moved, the more I shook. Until my toes curled deeply and my legs locked out.

  “That’s it. That’s it. Ryker. Ryker. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Please, I need—I need—”

  “Tell me what you need,” he murmured.

  He wrapped his arms around my legs, pulling me toward him. Feasting upon me as my broken breaths tried to piece together the answer he wanted.

  “Don’t leave me hanging. Turnabout is fair play,” he growled.

  “I need to come. I need to come. I need you to let me come,” I said quickly.

  “Good girl.”

  With those two words, he slid his fingers inside me. Two of them, filling me up as my body careened over the edge. He pumped them. He spread me. His tongue traced my clit as my walls quaked around his intrusion. My jaw unhinged in silent pleasure as my back fell against the counter. My neck, crooked at an odd angle, sat lopsided against the backsplash. And yet, I didn’t care. All my body knew was rocking against him as he filled me, licked me, and sucked my clit between his lips.

  Soaring me to heights I couldn't even bring myself to experience.


  The choked words fell from my lips before my body collapsed. My legs fell weak against his strong shoulders. My juices stopped pouring for him as his tongue fell away. He kissed my lower lips. Nibbled on the excess of my inner thighs. I whimpered softly, unable to swallow as my moans turned to coughs. His tongue cleaned me up. He swallowed every drop of me down as I laid there, unable to move. Coughing. Sputtering. Trying to catch my breath.

  Then, he took my hands within his and slowly lifted me up.

  Before cracking that damn water bottle open.

  “Maybe now you finally have some time for this, you dirty girl.”

  “I’d swat you right now if I weren’t so tired,” I said.

  He grinned. “Seriously. Drink.”

  I took the bottle from him before he stood, and my head fell against his chest. I heard him literally suck my taste from his fingertips before he started running his hand through my hair. I groaned at the sound. The only thing I hated was that I missed it. I missed watching him enjoy the last taste of me. I brought the bottle to my lips, squeezing the plastic so I wouldn't have to move. His rhythmic motions relaxed my body, causing me to lean heavily into him.

  “Had enough?” Ryker asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah. Thanks.”

  “Good. Because I’m not done with you yet.”



  “Wait, what?”

  Her shocked question sounded so cute in that gravelly voice of hers. I plucked the water bottle from her still-trembling hand and tossed it back, chugging the rest of the water. I fisted her hair in my hand and drew her head back. She looked up at me with hazy, sex-crazed eyes. I chuckled as my lips dropped, claiming hers in our first-ever kiss.

  And the way it seized my heart gave me pause.

  I’d never reacted this way to a woman before. I hadn’t been with many since my daughter literally got dropped off on my doorstep, but I’d been with a few. To relieve stress. To lessen the loneliness. And during my boy-whoring days back during my teenage years, I’d experienced my fair share of kinks. Wants. Desires. Shit no sixteen-year-old should’ve indulged in.

  None of those girls—or those women—made me feel the way Kaylynn did.

  They didn’t make my heart race the way Kaylynn did. They didn’t make me second-guess myself the way Kaylynn did. They didn’t pucker my skin the way she did or make my cock ache the way she did. My gut tightened whenever I looked into the forest of her soul. My heart stopped every time her sultry voice hit my ears.

  And I didn’t want it to stop.

  Her hand slid into my hair, pulling me closer as our kiss deepened. I wrapped my arms around her, gripping every part of her excess I could. Just to feel her warmth. Just to feel her softness. Just to feel closer to something more beautiful than the life I’d lived. My head fell off to the side. My tongue slid over the roof of her mouth. She moaned down my throat, pressing her tits against me as my hands moved down her thighs. Down the soft skin of her legs that made my cock weep with want to be within her.

  Then, her hands traveled down my back.

  The second her fingertips touched the tops of my scars, I pulled away. I gripped her arms and went to move them, but she bucked against me. I stopped, holding my breath as her eyes found mine. She challenged me. Dared me to move her.

  So, I did.

  Well, I tried, at least. But the more I tried pushing her away, the harder she fought to stay near me. To stay close to me. I swallowed my growl, feeling it bubble up and find its death behind my teeth. And when she pulled away from my grasp, I figured I’d ruined it. The moment. The passion. The desire we both wanted to fulfill with one another.

  Until she slipped her shirt over her head.

  “You aren’t the only one with scars,” Kaylynn murmured.

  Then, she wrapped her hands around my wrists.

  She forced my arms around her back, and the second my palms touched down against them, my eyes widened. I couldn't even hide it, the shock rushing through my system. I stepped between her legs. I felt the warmth of her clothed pussy as her bare tits pressed against my chest. Her nipples, sliding against my skin. Her breasts, molding to my divots as I sank further against her. My fingertips explored the scars. Raised. Rough. Ragged. Spanning small strokes down her back and along her sides.

  Like someone had whipped her with something.

  “Who the fuck did this to you?” I asked.

  “If I answer, you answer,” she said softly.

  Her eyes danced between mine as I nodded.

  “My father was very persuasive with a belt at times,” she whispered.

  My heart broke for her. “Got the one on my face from a crowbar. C-minuses weren’t enough for my father in school.”

  “And the ones I just felt?”

  I blinked. “Self-inflicted.”

  There it was. My deepest, darkest secret. The biggest weakness I possessed as a person. As a man. As a human. Sometimes, the pain became too great. Got to where I couldn't breathe. So, I turned to many different things before I found the guys. Before I found other outlets for my pain. For my anger. For my memories.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Me, too.”

  Her hands cupped my cheeks and she brought me back in for a kiss. But it wasn’t any kiss. It wasn’t the kiss of a horny woman or a desperate, lonely girl. It was a soft kiss. Romantic. The kind of kiss I’d seen in movies while mindlessly flipping through a televisio
n. It was a kiss that stopped my heart. That prickled the hairs along the nape of my neck. Our tongues danced a familiar waltz, around and around as her arms locked around my neck.

  And before I knew it, I had her in my arms.

  I carried her out of the kitchen, making my way down the hallway. I came to my open bedroom door and walked in, kicking the door closed behind me. I pinned her against it. Her wrists above her head as my body pinned her there. With one hand, I held her open to me. And with the other, I locked my bedroom door.

  Because I wanted total privacy with her.

  I crashed our lips back together and she sighed against my lips. I whipped her around, tossing her to the bed before I shed the rest of my clothes. They came off in a flurry as she worked her curves out of the last of her own layers. Then, I threw myself against her. I fell against her as our bodies bounced, with the mattress cradling my fall.

  “Mine,” I growled.

  I spread her legs and eased my cock into her tight hole. Dripping with want, and lined with a white, glistening arousal that made my toes curl. Her back arched. Her tits jumped. I licked my lips as I watched my rippled cock sink into her. Oh, how warm she felt. How the excess of her body cradled me as I held myself just above her body. I lost myself in her. In the thrusting and the rolling and the swiveling. In the rapture of her moans and the way her eyes rolled back.

  “Fucking hell, Ryker. Don't stop.”

  I picked up the pace, pounding into her as my cock stroked her walls. Her juices dripped down my balls. Coating me. Marking me. Claiming its territory. My face fell to her neck. I sucked at patches of skin as her pulse beat against my nose. She raked her hands through my hair as her pussy pulsed around me. Her body, quivering against me as her orgasm rocked her.

  Then, I quickly pulled up and turned her over.

  “Oh, shit,” she moaned.


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