Four Steps

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Four Steps Page 18

by Wendy Hudson

  “You look worried.”

  Lori turned away from the window and smiled. “I’m fine, sweetheart. I’m just being nosey. What do you say we call it a night? I think I’m still at the point where a hangover shouldn’t get in the way of me showing you some sights tomorrow.”

  Alex liked how “sweetheart” sounded coming from Lori’s lips. “I thought you’d never ask.” She held out her hand. “Take me home.”

  Chapter 33

  They pulled up in the taxi and Lori saw the familiar outline of someone she knew sitting on her front steps. Andrew.

  Lori sighed and Alex, following her gaze as she paid the driver, made a calculated guess as to who it was waiting for them and asked, “Is that Andrew?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. Don’t worry though. I’ll get rid of him.”

  He straightened up when he saw Lori get out of the taxi, and she saw his eyes narrow as Alex got out after her. She watched him square his shoulders and guessed it wasn’t going to be that easy to send him on his way.

  “What are you doing here, Andrew?” Lori fumbled for her keys, wanting to get inside and away from him as quickly as possible. She’d had a great night and was determined not to make a scene and spoil it.

  “Seven years together and I don’t even get a ‘Hello’?”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Hello, Andrew. Now, what are you doing here?”

  He glanced Alex’s way, clearly unhappy at being treated like this in front of a stranger. “Who’s your friend?”

  Lori blew out a breath, exasperated at being ambushed like this. “Alex, this is Andrew. My ex.” She noted his grimace at her emphasis on the word ex but realised she should give him no illusions he was anything else. “Alex is a friend of mine visiting from Scotland.”

  Alex reached up to shake his proffered hand with a small nod, before taking Lori’s keys from her with a reassuring smile and climbing past Andrew up the steps to the front door. Lori watched her open it and was relieved when she stood back politely in the threshold to wait, but didn’t leave her alone.

  “So, I’m already being referred to as the ‘ex’ then?” He spat the word ex, moving down a step closer to Lori where he still towered over her.

  She’d never before felt threatened by Andrew, but looking up at him now, jaw muscles twitching as he strained to keep his obvious anger in check, eyes dark and shining from the alcohol he’d clearly consumed, she realised she didn’t know how to deal with this side of him.

  Lori moved up to the same step as him, trepidation and the smell of whisky made her keep her space. She softened her tone in a bid to keep things calm, giving him a small smile. “Andrew, it’s late and we’ve both been drinking. I know you want to talk but would you agree this probably isn’t the best time?”

  He visibly deflated. She could tell he was spoiling for a fight, but she was resolute he wasn’t going to get one. “Well, when would you say is the best time? I’ve been calling you for weeks. I’ve stopped by your office, but that bitch Jane wouldn’t let me speak to you. You’re never at home or at least you don’t answer my calls. I called your brother—”

  “Wait.” Lori held up her hand, her resolve to be nice rapidly disappearing. “You called my brother? It was bad enough that you went to my office and you called my dad. Just who the hell do you think you are, Andrew?” She closed the gap between them, her voice rising in frustration. “Actually, let me answer that for you. I know who you are. You are my ex-boyfriend. Ex, as in past tense, as in no longer, as in not anymore. Do you understand? If this is your way of winning me back, I can tell you, you’ve got it wrong.”

  He glared down at her, his chest heaving with anger but seemingly unsure what to say.

  She took his silence as understanding, and with nothing more to say, she brushed past him and started up the steps to the door that Alex held open. There was no warning as she was suddenly spun back around, pain shooting through her wrist as he gripped it and yanked her back down the steps to him.

  Alex was down the steps and between them in a flash. With one arm protectively across Lori, she shoved Andrew hard in the chest with the other, causing him to release his grip on Lori’s wrist before stumbling backward down the last two steps.

  Lori’s heart had quickened at the unexpected confrontation, and she stood breathless behind Alex, who’d reached back to hold her hand. She could only glare down at Andrew, at a loss for words. Tears sprung in her eyes at the sorry sight of him swaying in the street, swiping pavement dust off his trousers before looking up and glaring right back at her.

  “This is how you treat me? After all the time we spent together, I don’t even get an explanation.”

  Alex spoke up for her. “I think it’s time you left.”

  He turned his glare on Alex then, pointing a finger, he hissed through gritted teeth, “Who the hell are you to tell me to leave? This has nothing to do with you.”

  They watched as he steadied himself against a car parked at the curb, the fall had clearly rattled his alcohol-addled brain, and Lori could tell he had to concentrate hard on focusing. She felt sorry for him. He was clearly hurting, and this was completely out of character. But she wasn’t taking any chances and just wanted to be inside and safe with Alex.

  Alex took a slow step down toward him.

  Lori tugged at her hand, worried at what she was doing and how Andrew might react.

  Alex squeezed it and kept hold but didn’t look back. “You’re right, Andrew.” She held up her other hand in acquiescence. “This doesn’t have anything to do with me, apart from the fact that I care about Lori and hate to see her upset. I’m sure you don’t like her being upset either.” She was appealing to the side of him that clearly still loved Lori.

  He leaned back against the car, nodding more to himself than her. Lori could see the glisten of tears in his eyes before he scrubbed at his face with his hands and took a few breaths.

  “Can you call me a taxi?” He didn’t look at them, but Lori could see the shame on his face. A face she knew so well and didn’t want to hate. This wasn’t him and he’d realise what a mistake this was in the morning.

  “Aye, of course, but you’ll need to wait out here for it.”

  He simply nodded before moving to sit on the bottom step with his back to them.

  Alex turned back to her and smiled as Lori mouthed a silent thank you. Never letting go of her hand, she fished her phone out and handed it to Lori to make the call. She then led her up the steps into the safety of the building.

  * * *

  It wasn’t until they were inside the apartment with her back to the locked door that Alex closed her eyes in relief and blew out the breath she’d been holding. She had always avoided confrontation but seeing Andrew put his hands on Lori had sobered her instantly and flipped a switch. She was between them before her brain had a chance to engage. The urge to protect Lori overrode any fear of putting herself in the firing line.

  She didn’t think Andrew would have gone any further, it was a moment of frustration at the situation, not helped by the alcohol. He seemed genuinely sorry, and she felt sorry for him. He had lost Lori and, the more she got to know her, she realised what a hard knock that would be to take.

  Alex took another deep breath, and the syrupy, sweet scent she had come to associate with Lori washed over her. She opened her eyes, jumping at Lori’s proximity.

  “Hey. Are you okay?” She took Lori’s hand and rubbed it reassuringly.

  Lori nodded, but the bottom lip caught between her teeth told Alex she was struggling.

  “Listen, he’s drunk and didn’t know what he was doing. In the morning, he’s going to wake up with the mother of all hangovers and a bag full of remorse. I guarantee it.”

  “It’s not that… I…” She stepped in closer, holding Alex’s gaze.

  Alex searched her eyes. “Lori, what is it? You look scared. Honestly, I don’t think you have to worry about Andrew again. If he does come back, well, you’ve got me here to protect you
.” She puffed up her chest and gave her a smile.

  A small laugh escaped Lori. “You truly were very brave. My very own honest to goodness heroine.” She leant in a planted a peck on Alex’s cheek. “In fact, I’m not sure anyone has ever stepped in like that for me before. He could have hurt you.” Her expression grew serious again.

  “Hey, don’t talk like that. He wouldn’t have. You said underneath he’s a good bloke and I believe that. He’s just upset and doesn’t know how to deal with it. Anyway, it’s over. He didn’t hurt me, and we’re fine.”

  “I know. It’s just… I guess it scared me, that’s all.”

  “I take it he’s never been like that before?”

  “No, I don’t mean Andrew scared me. Well, yeah okay, he did scare me a little. I thought I knew him and then, when you stepped in and I thought he was going to hurt you, that scared me more.”

  “Of course it did, sweetheart. Anyone in that situation would feel the same if one of their friends—” Alex stopped at the word friends thinking of their earlier conversation. This was Lori’s opportunity to take it back.

  “No, Alex, let me finish. It was more than that. You’re more than that…”

  Alex shut up and held her breath, letting Lori continue.

  “I meant what I said earlier. It’s just, well, this is all so new to me and so soon after Andrew. I’m not sure…” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  Lori looked down at her hand in Alex’s, and Alex did the same. She picked a freckle to stroke reassuringly, giving Lori time to find her words.

  Either time had stopped or Lori had lost the ability to speak. She remained silent, her head still bent, and Alex couldn’t wait any longer. She hooked a finger under Lori’s chin, raising her eyes back up to meet her own. Brushing the hair back off her face, she whispered back, “I’m sure.”

  * * *

  Those two small words were all the reassurance Lori needed. She wasn’t thinking any more. The rush that came with the realisation of what those words meant, melted her doubts in a second. Her body took over for her until she was closing the gap between their lips, finally covering Alex’s with her own.

  She sank into it, into Alex. A small groan escaping as the kiss deepened, and Alex’s tongue made the faintest of contact with hers. It was all she needed, her body reacted hungrily, and she wanted more. Her own tongue explored and found its target, eliciting a moan from Alex that shot straight to her core, pulling her in tighter.

  Alex pulled away suddenly. “Honey lip balm. That’s what’s been driving me crazy all these weeks.” She was breathless and smiled. “You taste like honey.”

  “Taste it again.” Lori never wanted Alex to stop kissing her.

  A hot tingle followed Alex’s fingertips as they traced a line up Lori’s spine and threaded through her hair. Urgent lips traced her jaw line, nipping their way down her neck, along her collarbone, to her earlobe.

  One word whispered in Lori’s ear, and she was close to being lost.


  It wasn’t a question.

  She held on tight, unwilling to allow their bodies to part, as she backed them through the hallway into the bedroom.

  Then it was Lori’s turn to pull away as they reached the bed and her brain began intruding, the fear kicking in. She’d been with one person in her entire life, a man. Now here she was, in her bedroom, with a woman. She felt anxious, almost giddy at what would come next. Was this really about to happen? “Wait, wait.” Her body cried out as she pulled away, but her mind needed the reassurance. “Alex, I’m sorry, I…” She burst out laughing then, and Alex looked perplexed. “I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.”

  Alex pulled her back in, wrapping arms around her waist and planting a light kiss on her lips before murmuring against them. “Well, you know, I like to think I do, so maybe we can start there and see what happens.”

  Lori returned the kiss, couldn’t help herself as it deepened. She was kissing Alex, and it felt as if it was the only place in the world she was meant to be at that moment. She wanted her. She trusted her.

  “But this doesn’t have to happen tonight.” Alex pressed her forehead to Lori’s, staring intently into her eyes. “I understand what a big deal this is.”

  Lori ran her fingers through the long hair, stroking her fingertips across her cheek, outlining her beautiful lips. “I want this.” She whispered it, but meant it no less than if she’d shouted.

  “Are you sure?” Alex murmured.

  Lori responded with a kiss that she hoped left no doubt she was sure. Her head was lost and all she felt was every touch Alex lay upon her. They took it slow and the anticipation as each layer of clothing was peeled away only heightened her need to have Alex be a part of her.

  Her goose bumps rapidly disappeared as she lay down and Alex slid between her legs. Their bodies melded together with heat, overwhelming every one of Lori’s senses as each caress left her wanting more.

  Alex pulled her into a sitting position and then sat in her lap, wrapping arms around her neck and silky legs around her waist. Lori broke away from her lips and leaned back, taking Alex in. Her expression in the glow of the streetlights was open and trusting. This woman, this night, was going to change her life. Of that, she was sure.

  She ran a hand through Alex’s hair, following it down her back, tracing fingertips up her side, taking her own time to explore the gorgeous female body before her. Alex’s breath caught more than once as she discovered sensitive spots and committed them to memory, wanting to follow her fingers to them with her lips later.

  Lori cupped Alex’s face in both hands as they sank into a slow, languid kiss, before Alex took over, lowering her back onto the bed, exploring and finding places with her lips that left Lori desperate for more.

  She clawed at Alex’s back, pulling her back up for a kiss. “How are you doing this to me?” She was breathless now as Alex’s weight pressed into all the right places, making her gasp, craving everything Alex had to offer. She needed it now and told her so. “Please, don’t make me wait any longer.”

  Alex took her hand somewhere it had never been before. “This is what you’re doing to me,” she whispered in Lori’s ear as Lori felt the truth of the words.

  The blood rushed from Lori’s head at the realisation, overwhelming her. She groaned against Alex’s lips and felt Alex respond to her touch before moving away, continuing to explore every inch of Lori’s body, frustrating and exciting her all at the same time.

  Everything was new to her. Every caress, kiss, and stroke ignited her body more as it responded with relish, squirming with urgency and anticipation. Then Alex was part of her, and Lori lost any control she had left. She gave it over to Alex. This was intimacy, this was what she’d been missing all these years. Alex was showing her the way.

  She opened her eyes but saw only stars punctuating the darkness. As her mind cleared of everything, the rush coursed through her without warning and it kept going as Alex took everything she had to give.

  Breathless, she closed her eyes, covering them with an arm and shaking her head in disbelief that how she now felt was possible. Her body felt limp but deliciously satiated, and she reached her other hand out to pull Alex up, until she was laid the length of her, head on her beating chest.

  “I changed my mind.” Alex’s head shot up at her words, and Lori laughed.

  “Why are you laughing?” Her eyebrows were knitted in confusion.

  “Don’t look so worried. I’m just not sure I was ready for that after all.”

  Alex smiled then, clearly pleased with herself. “You’re a rotten tease.” She shimmied up and planted a kiss on Lori’s lips. “But you’re beautiful.”

  Chapter 34

  Stella awoke disorientated. It took a few moments for the alcohol-induced fog in her brain to clear enough for her to, firstly, be sure she was in her own bed, and, secondly, recognise Scott’s raised voice in the next room.

  She winced with pain as she tried to lift h
er head. She rolled over and groaned into the pillow, willing Scott to be quiet.

  Reaching for the bottle of water she hoped was on her bedside table, she tried sitting up again. She brushed curls from her eyes, then closed them again, taking a deep breath before pulling herself fully upright. She gulped at the water and gradually managed to fully open her eyes.

  Scott still ranted on the phone in the next room. If her head would have allowed it, she’d have shouted to find out what was up. Right now, however, she only cared about making it to the bathroom for a shower and an overdue date with her toothbrush.

  Thirty minutes later, she sauntered into the kitchen, hair still damp and in her comfiest jogging bottoms and vest.

  Scott huffed at the table. “Took you long enough.”

  She stopped mid-way toward giving him a kiss. “And a good morning to you too, Sunshine. What was with all the yelling and the grump?”

  “Don’t pretend as if you don’t know.”

  She sized him up for a moment, this was not a mood she had ever seen on him and it didn’t suit his usually handsome, smiling face. “Okay, what did I say to upset you in my drunken state last night?”

  “That’s just the point, Stella. You didn’t say anything. All I got was some drunken babbling about espresso martinis being the devil’s juice. Oh, and let me see, how wonderful Alex was.”

  As she stood surveying the contents of the fridge, she paused, wracking her brain for memories of when she got home. Crap. Had she let something slip about Lori and Alex?

  “Oh, don’t panic,” he said, as if reading her mind. “You didn’t give away the fact that Alex is a bloody woman. It seems Andrew had the pleasure of meeting her last night too. He filled me in.”

  She slammed the fridge door shut and spun around. “Why do I not like the tone of your voice? Yes, Alex is a woman. So what? I didn’t tell you because Lori wanted to speak to you herself. If you ever bothered to call her, that is.”


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