Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 10

by Chen Ran

  When the line stopped, the invisible pressure suddenly vanished like broken glass.

  Antony's gaze landed on the messy dining hall. The metal cabinets blocking the entrance looked like temporary fortifications, and the countless of bullets on the ground directly showed that an intense battle had occurred here. Judging from the lines of long and thin cracks, it should have been a masterpiece by the Fusarium, it was just that there were many slashes on the outside of the store, and it would require at least hundreds of Fusarium to attack together to achieve such an effect.

  The outside of the restaurant was filled with corpses, most of them were Fusarium s and corpses, but there were a few living corpse s among them. This made Antony suspicious. It was already weird that a living corpse of the second floor would appear in three-tier base. What was even weirder, was that they seemed to have clashed with the Fusarium s, and Antony did not believe that the living corpse was smart enough to create a defensive wall for him.

  From the looks of it, it seemed like someone was commanding them. However, Team Zero's corpses did not exist in the dining hall, causing Antony to be slightly disappointed.

  He gestured, and the procession moved on.

  "Weird, at this time, there shouldn't be so many active Fusarium, not to mention there's even an elite monster like the Green Whirlwind inside." Along the way, Luca reminded Antony.

  A moment later, Antony's voice sounded in the communication channel, "It's alright, Zero and the others seem to have attracted a large number of bugs for us. Look, sometimes it's not a good thing to walk fast. "

  His tone was light, but Luca could tell that Antony was not happy about it, it was because there were no one else in the dining hall. Since there were no corpses, it meant that Zero was not dead yet. In other words, their team was still behind them.

  After leaving Rest area, they passed through a long and quiet corridor and entered the biological breeding area. However, this place had already been occupied by the Fusarium and became their lair. Sticky entomophile s fell to the ground, as countless wormbags appeared in front of the group along with the ones on the left and right. This place was filled with the smell of blood, the unique smell left behind by the scythe larvae in the air after they broke out of their shells.

  Everyone in vanguard team had a solemn look on their face. After all, looking at the number of insect shells, there were at least thousands of larvae that had already been born. From the looks of it, the entomophile that came out from the Broken Worm Sack was still in a liquid state. This batch of bugs had just been born. The newborn larvae are starving and want to gnaw at anything they see alive. Just thinking of thousands of larvae rushing up and gnawing a living creature to death was enough to make even the bravest among them to feel numb.

  Olam was one of them, the man who looked like an iron tower only felt a wave of discomfort in his stomach, and actually felt like retching. Fortunately, he immediately controlled his Adam's apple and forcefully swallowed the thing that was gushing out of his stomach. Although it was disgusting, it was still better than being laughed at.

  As they walked on these disgusting entomophile s, even the usually calm Antony's breathing became a little hurried. In this kind of dangerous environment, Antony kept his scanning of the area activated. The range of the regional scan was a circle with a diameter of around 500 meters, with Antony as the center. Within the scope of the ability, all objects that were in Antony's consciousness would appear as a three-dimensional model. If there was a sneak attack, then Antony would turn the target from a sneak attack to a sneak attack.

  However, regional scanning is not without its drawbacks; on the contrary, its drawbacks are obvious. Although in the range of ability, it was a three-dimensional scan using spiritual force, the height of the scan was limited. Even when Antony used all his strength, it was still not more than 10 metres. This was not a problem in many cases. The problem was that the height of the base was not just ten meters. Therefore, when a drop of viscous liquid landed on the shoulder of the sniper Betsy, the Nocturnal tactical suit, who could defend against most of the physical attacks, was turned into a faint white scar by this unremarkable drop of liquid.

  Betsy suddenly felt a scorching sensation on his shoulder. He looked at his shoulder and only saw a wisp of green smoke rising into the air. He was shocked, and immediately used his hand to pat his shoulder, just at this time, more liquid fell from the sky and dripped onto Betsy's hand.

  The liquid was undoubtedly extremely corrosive, as after a few drops, the resinous material of the tactical suit melted immediately, and when the skin under the tactical suit touched the liquid, it looked like its skin had been burned by the high temperature flame, immediately rupturing and becoming red.

  Betsy's shout caught everyone's attention. Antony, who was walking in front of the group, turned around and coincidentally saw more liquid continuously dripping from the darkness at a high place, causing his entire person to continuously release green smoke from the melted tactical suit material.

  Antony's face changed, and suddenly shouted in the communication channel: "Up there! Hurry and attack the ceiling, it's the young of Fusarium! "

  When the voice fell, Olam, who was beside Betsy, lifted his Heavy machine gun with one hand and roared angrily as he pulled the trigger. In the next moment, the Heavy machine gun roared and opened fire, spitting out a flame more than one meter long. Bullets rained down from the sky like a storm. Under the illumination of the flames, the base's ceiling was actually filled with the young of Fusarium. They occupied every corner of the ceiling densely, to the point that with just a casual sweep of Olam's gun, he had ripped a dozen of larvae into pieces.

  The larva exploded and died, shards of its body constantly falling from the ceiling. At the same time, countless other larvae fell from the sky. They screamed and let go of the legs that clung to the ceiling. Suddenly, a rain of bugs began to fall over the area that was used for biological cultivation!

  With a precise shot, Betsy blasted a larva along with its head and body. However, with the limitations of the sniper rifle and the fact that Betsy did not have the ability of the multiple shooting, even though he had killed a larva, more than ten of them landed on his body. Betsy crazily used his sniper rifle to shoot at these worms. Amongst them, he smashed two larvae 'heads with his spear, but many of the bugs ripped off Betsy's flesh with their claws and fangs.

  In the end, Betsy who had lost control of himself could only shoot wildly. After three consecutive shots, he fell to the ground without a sound. Through the bug's opening, half of his head could be seen to have been eaten empty, while the other larvae were trying their best to tear open his stomach, attacking the fresh flesh and intestines in his abdomen.

  "F * ck!" Olam roared in rage, the heavy machine gun swept its gaze over Betsy's body, and instantly turned his corpse, along with the dozen or so larvae that were lying on the ground and nibbling at them, into a sieve.

  and Gale, on the other hand, used their single-handed swords and hammers to protect Antony's sides, killing the bugs that were constantly coming towards them. As for Antony, he was not idle either. First, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them, there were silver flames shooting out of the depths of his pupils.

  In an instant, a formless wave of spiritual force swept out in a fan shape. Within 200 meters of the spiritual wave, the heads of the hundreds of larvae instantly turned into mush. They were still charging forward, but when they got close to the group, they all jumped down. From two hundred meters to five hundred meters, the worm that was attacked by the psychic power suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

  After releasing his most powerful mental attack, Antony, who had overused his ability, immediately spat out two streams of blood mist from his nostrils. However, he could not care so much. He shouted into the communication channel, "Run!"

  They could not care about Betsy's corpse, and with Antony's spirit energy, they opened up a path to survival, and the vanguard team ran o
ut from the depths of the nurturing grounds. On the way, they passed a pile of strange corpses. They were seven butchers, these giant living corpse s were almost dismembered, but their huge weapons were all stained with insect blood. As for the corpses, there were also hundreds of adult scythe bugs who died with them!

  Seeing these butchers, the doubt in Antony's heart grew.

  In the wilderness, where Valkyrie was fighting the two Parkland's killer s in the snow. Streams of black electric currents were moving upstream and in the process of splitting and swimming, the fission activities of the Dark Elemental Su in this region gradually stopped.

  A pair of pitch black pupils with red concentric circles were watching the changes in the earth's energy. The pupil had a owner's short hair that was covered in mud. The blond hair that had once symbolized nobility was now dull and dull. Soren who had already turned into a disorderly person was lying on the snowy ground, completely disregarding the intense radiation from the snowfield and tightly wrapping around him.

  With the invisible connection he had with Zero, Soren was able to bypass Julian Mountains. However, he was forced to stop when he was quite close to zero.

  If Soren was still alive, he would know that it was caused by an explosion caused by the fission of a certain elemental energy system. But even though he was dead and did not know whether it was due to the power released by the spontaneous combustion of YuanSu, he instinctively knew that whether it was humans or other creatures, it was undoubtedly a form of danger to him.

  Soren was hesitating, the commands and instincts in his consciousness were fighting fiercely. In the end, the order overcame instinct. Just as Soren was about to venture through the snow field, the ground suddenly shook slightly.

  Just at this moment, a figure gradually appeared in the snowstorm in the distance. Someone was running in that direction, and every time this person landed, the ground would actually shake. After sensing the incomparably great power within the trembling, Soren's instincts instantly gained the upper hand. He ground his teeth, let out an unwilling growl, then turned around and left, disappearing into the endless snowstorm.

  Chapter 251 - Monster Rampage (I)

  Callio's foot landed in the snowfield. The snowfield was immediately stirred up by the circular shockwave and burst into snow powder, which was swept up into the air by the current of the snowstorm. Callio looked around, the energy in this area was extremely chaotic, it was a phenomenon that happened after he used YuanSu's [Spontaneous Combustion]. From the looks of the energy that had been released by the spontaneous combustion of the Yuan Su, the power of the fellow who self-detonated should be around the sixth or seventh stage.

  As long as it was not a cultivator at the eighth step or above, Callio believed that as long as Valkyrie was not at the center of the explosion, his life should not be in danger. But on this piece of land covered in new snow, Callio could not see Valkyrie's existence. He had no choice but to roar.

  The roars made by someone using the power of level eight were like a sonic boom. Everywhere Callio's sonic wave passed, snow would be blown up continuously, and the sound was like a clap of thunder. It was believed that as long as one was not deaf, they would be able to hear Callio's voice.

  After roaring for more than ten times, a handful of war lance appeared from the snow ground and shot towards Callio like lightning.

  Although the spear was sharp, it did not have any additional strength or superpower, and it looked more like someone had threw the war lance to Chief Instructor. Callio's old face revealed a smile. He opened his big, callused hands and grabbed the war lance in his hands. The iciness of the spear made Callio shudder, and then, he saw that not far away, a snowdrift had risen up from the ground and was scattered all over the place. Following that, Valkyrie stood up from the scattered snow piles. Her purple hair immediately fluttered in the wind, like a ball of ignited purple flame.

  Valkyrie's body and face were covered with a bit of black ash, making her look a little miserable. But the divine light in her eyes was still the same, thus Callio knew that she had only suffered some light injuries, probably caused by the shockwave from the explosion. Of course, for those below the eighth step, even if they were hit by the blowing wind, they would still be seriously injured. After all, the price of self-ignition of YuanSu was at one's life. As long as Element Domain Capable above the fifth step used it, they would be able to achieve the power of a nuclear explosion.

  Callio walked towards Valkyrie and laughed: "As expected of the daughter of that old thing, the explosion of an Essence Su Master at the seventh stage did not take your life."

  Valkyrie did not find it funny at all. At that time, she had been captured by Dom, and it could be said that she was at the center of the explosion. If she hadn't torn off Dom's arm in time and rushed to the edge of the explosion, she wouldn't have fainted from the shock. If she was directly in the center of the explosion, even though Valkyrie was protected by the battle qi, she would at least be heavily injured if she didn't die.

  Once a high-level esper was severely injured, it meant that they would be unable to recover from their injuries, and their power would regress as well. If that happened, it would be even worse than death for an expert who had always been high and mighty.

  Valkyrie quickly checked her own injuries. Aside from the thirty percent that she had used to counteract the impact of the explosion, there were only a few blood vessels in her body that had bruises from the shockwaves. This was only a light wound, under Valkyrie's control, the cells in her blood immediately became extremely active. They quickly cleaned up the dead cells and blood clots. Finally, Valkyrie opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood on the ground. However, her internal injuries had already healed.

  This was the biggest difference between a capable person and an ordinary person. For a high-level esper, their control over themselves had already reached the cell level. If they were to continue evolving, it was not impossible for them to control their molecular structure or even their nano-level depth!

  Seeing that Valkyrie was fine, Callio stopped smiling and asked: "What happened?"

  "One rank 6 and two rank 7 killers." Valkyrie's eyes flashed with a cold light: "Their target is zero!"

  Callio was stunned, "Zero? Which organization are they from? "

  "Not yet." Valkyrie shook her head.

  "Wait, you said it's three people?"

  "Yeah, but a rat got away."

  "No, that's not what I meant." Callio said in a deep voice, "Yesterday, I received an order from the headquarters that three middle-ranked experts would participate in this assessment, in order to test the abilities of the new recruits. But up until now, the so called examiner had yet to discover it. "And such a coincidence, you also encountered three middle-ranked espers …"

  Valkyrie's pupils slightly narrowed, and said coldly: "What you mean is, someone in the headquarters opened the back door, and allowed these three rats to come in?"

  "If the so-called examiner doesn't appear by the end of the exam, I can't deny that thought." Callio nodded.

  Valkyrie groaned, "There aren't many people who can issue orders through the command system at the headquarters. When I return, I will definitely investigate this matter. But now, I have more important things to do. "

  "You want to enter the base?" Callio's eyes became a slit: "Although you aren't heavily injured, the energy right now is insufficient for you to activate your battle qi domain. Entering the base right now is not safe."

  Valkyrie reached out to take her Eternal Spear, and said indifferently: "I have no choice, zero is of incomparable importance to the entire human society. If circumstances require me to make a sacrifice, I will not frown. "

  Callio puffed out two puffs of white smoke from his nostrils, and said with a grin: "You are This King's precious daughter, he won't let you sacrifice yourself. I'll go with you and take a look at the grades of those kids. "

  Valkyrie's eyes immediately lit up. Although the Chief
Instructor was not one of the members of the Twelve Sovereigns' Halls, none of them had underestimated this Hammer of Destruction recruit instructors. Callio was the only person in Hall of Heroic Spirits who was at the eighth step able to defeat majority of powerhouses at the ninth step. In the war with the Dark Council back then, the title of Steel Tiger on Callio's side made those who had the ability of the Dark Council feel fear.

  With him going along, Valkyrie's odds of success originally were only fifty percent, but now it was raised to seventy percent. Even if the two of them were to face the powerful will from the deepest part of the base, even if they were not a match for it, it was still enough for them to retreat with zero damage!

  Without saying a word, Valkyrie's feet lightly touched the snow ground and her entire person slipped past a distance of ten or so meters as though she was skating. After that, she slid a bit more. Callio was not as elegant and graceful as she was when she was moving. He continued to use that barbaric method to plow a gully in the snow.

  At the entrance to the underground fourth floor's entrance, an alloy fire door was tightly locked, sealing the communication between the two layer base. Looking at the door that was not moving at all, he turned to look at Eva.

  Eva spread out her hands and said: "Don't look at me like that. When I left, I did indeed casually bring it with me.

  Zero shook his head and looked at the lock on the fire door. Just as he was about to break the door lock to open the door, Eva removed the heavy sword and the black dragon. With each grasp, the black dragon's two sides immediately spewed out a thousand degrees of heat. Eva sprinted forward and chopped down fiercely with his heavy sword.

  The black dragon's flame was extremely sharp. It cut through the alloy door without any obstruction, and hacked it into two halves. Eva raised her leg and kicked again, with power that was around the fifth step exploding out like a mountain flood. She immediately kicked open the two doors and rolled all the way down the stairs in a loud voice.


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