Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 23

by Chen Ran

  "Look here, old friend."

  Professor Rafiel's voice interrupted Ben's train of thought, and when he regained his senses, he smiled at Rafiel. The fat old man put on the sensor helmet and repeated the instructions in her mind. The screen in front of them seemed to have been pushed aside by an invisible hand, revealing a ten-meter-wide screen in the middle.

  The screen went black at first, and then countless numbers rose from the bottom, so fast that even Ben found it difficult to capture them. And below these streams of data, there was a golden progress bar. At this moment, the rapidly moving data on the screen would suddenly freeze, and then a certain data would be extracted, floating into the progress bar below.

  With every entry, the progress bar struggled forward just a little bit. However, information was constantly extracted from the data stream. Therefore, although it was slow, the progress bar was moving forward at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. This movement lasted for about ten minutes. No information appeared in the data stream, and the progress bar also stopped.

  The progress bar was divided into seven levels, representing 107 levels of gene locks. At present, the progress bar stops at a relatively close distance from the secondary gene lock. It was so close that it seemed like it would leap over it at any moment, but in reality, it had stopped. He let the image on the light screen skip a little due to the electronic image, giving off the impression that the progress bar was still moving. But he couldn't fool Ben. He stared at it for a full minute, comparing the images at a rate of one frame per second. The progress bar was not more than a millimeter apart.

  "What's going on?" Ben asked.

  "Ever since he had arrived at Asgard, his gene lock progress bar had never moved forward. Only yesterday, after completing a project's research, did I come back to find that his progress bar had begun to move forward. " Rafiel said excitedly: "You know that, although I can fill in some data to let the progress bar go forward, and predict the progress of the genes coming from the gods, the direction of ability development, and so on. But the process was lengthy, cumbersome, and easy to encoder. Even with the central brain's assistance, in this two months time, the progress bar did not even reach 1%. But tomorrow, I found out that it's increased by 10%! A full ten percent! Old friend, this also makes the distance between Zero's current progress and the level 2 genetic lock at only 4%. "

  Ben smiled but did not speak. He understood Rafiel. The progress bar was indeed exciting, but Rafiel was more excited about things than just that.

  Sure enough, Rafiel used her sensor helmet to continue giving orders to the intelligence brain. As a result, the light screen in the middle shrunk and several more ordinary light screens moved towards them. Some of these light screens contained numerical formulas that she couldn't understand, some were complex, some were different from human gene sequences, and some were three-dimensional models of biological weapon s that she had never seen before.

  "These are?"

  "Revelation!" Rafiel took off the sensor helmet, and said excitedly: "I have obtained countless pieces of information from the analysis of the progress bar. It's hard to imagine, old friend, that the ten-percent time bar contains almost all the genes, all the life, all the knowledge I don't understand. It is not an exaggeration to say that it represents another world! "

  "Zero's progress bar is the key to opening a new world!" Rafiel pointed to the mini progress barrier and said: "From the analysis of the data, there are a few that can be immediately applied to our current research project. For example, the gene complement of biological weapon s, as well as the gene combinations that we had never thought of before. "There are more that need to be studied before a conclusion can be drawn."

  "That's enough." Ben patted Rafiel's shoulders hard and said, "You're right, old friend. Zero is a new creation, a successful union between man and God. I can almost foresee that the end point of his evolution would be the new humans in our theories, or perhaps the ultimate life form that was conceived by the Atlantis's civilization but not realized. Whether we can reach that step will depend on you, you have the strength that isn't inferior to Professor Halson! "

  Hearing the name Halson, the old man's excited expression gradually calmed down. He thought for a moment, then bitterly smiled and shook his head, "If it's theoretical knowledge, I don't think I would lose to my teacher, and even surpass him. But the teacher once said, we do the most scientific and rigorous work, but also need the imagination of a child. I know I won't lose to my teacher, but I don't have the imagination, old friend. "This damned world has squeezed out all of my fantasies about it. I can only look at the present and not the future!"

  The heaviness in Professor Rafiel's tone also caused Ben's smile to freeze. But moments later, his smile widened as he shouted, "If this road is filled with thorns, I'm willing to go with you!"

  These were the words that used to encourage each other among their friends. Now that Ben had said it out loud, it was especially touching. Rafiel forced out a laugh: "You still remember, think about it now. The days were hard, but we lived well. At least you don't have to worry about starving to death right now, but you and Ogrellok already have a falling out. Really, I can't tell now which life I like better, between the past and the present. "

  "Nonsense thinking will only distract us, old friend." Ben sighed: "The current Ogrellok is no longer the Ogrellok of back then. The Ogrellok who advocated democratic freedom is already dead. As you know, Orog did not want a free country, but a feudal dynasty that respected him. If he was allowed to do so, there would be no democracy on the continent for a long time. Look at the people outside, old friend. Even though it wasn't easy for them to live in Asgard, they at least had dignity. If it is ruled by Ogrellok, then what is the difference between them and cattle? "

  "I understand." Rafiel laughed bitterly, "If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have broken all ties with him with you all those years ago. And in order to avoid the same situation as thirty years ago, when countless lives withered and fell, I will spend these thirty years desperately studying the knowledge of biological weapon, hoping to use them in place of living warriors. You know, my major is not in biochemistry. "

  Pausing for a moment, Rafiel sighed: "Right now, I am actually quite impressed with Professor Willow, who was as famous as teacher back then. I relied on teacher's notes to be able to make some achievements in the area of biological weapon. However, at that time, he had thought of the fearsome biological weapon like the pioneers out of thin air. If not for the arrival of the Cataclysm Day, Professor Willow might have already been born. "

  "That's right, if we can find the experimental data of the pioneer, then our research on the biological weapon will be much less complicated." However, he did not know that because of the lack of information, the information between Asgard and the pioneer was lost.

  Chapter 269 - Rebirth Plan (III)

  When Ben left the underground laboratory, it was already the morning of the second day. It was said to be morning, but in the belly of the mountain it was impossible to tell. However, when an ordinary old car drove out from the garage next to a house in the outskirts of the city, there was a faint golden sunlight that shone onto the car, causing it to leave a long shadow on the ground.

  There was no sun in the middle of the mountain. Even in the wilderness, the sky that was shrouded in radiation clouds all year round would not be able to see even the slightest bit of sunlight. Now, the sky and sun above the Asgard originated from the holographic projection board that covered the entire mountain. They were pieced together without any gaps and were controlled by central brain. It was a simulation of the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn, winter, and night.

  Undoubtedly, in the new era of the world, this is a very wasteful facility. Thousands of holographic plates and the energy consumed by the Marquis of All Sky's work was a waste of resources. If one were to see this scene in the Yongye City that was ruled by the Dark Council, it was impossible to imagine. The
Yongye City had seven nuclear power stations, which also worked all day long. However, the electricity they produced was used to supply the military development and biochemistry research needs of the Yongye City.

  However, as he watched the sun rise above the horizon, he thought to himself, What I did was right!

  Using a large amount of energy and resources, the Asgard created a magnificent dream for the people who lived within. It was originally unable to reconstruct an old era, but was able to let a portion of people live in beautiful dreams, making them temporarily forget the cruelty of the wilderness. Although he could imagine that his old friend Ogrellok would definitely look down upon him for doing this. As for Yours Truly, he was well aware that in this era, such an action was an extremely wasteful one.

  However, the whole of life is not just for survival. Sometimes, people also need to have dreams. In order to protect this city in the new era, which was no different from heaven, they had to exert a cohesive force that surpassed the imagination of the Dark Council.

  So all along, Ben had never felt like he had done anything wrong!

  The car pulled out of the camouflaged exit from the underground base. There were at least a thousand such exits at the edge of the city. Through the control of the central brain, the exit could be moved within a certain distance by the movement of the hydraulic machine to achieve the purpose of concealment. This time it could be a garage, and the next exit might be in the factory dormitory. There were over ten thousand combinations, and they were all different every day. It was not an easy thing to see through this layer of concealment.

  Along the outskirts of the city, cars were speeding at forty kilometers an hour. It was not fast enough for Ben to leisurely gaze at the scenery outside the car. The driver, who had followed Ben for many years, naturally knew his habits.

  Through the window, Ben could see slaves and workers working. Their job in the Asgard was not as easy as that of other cities in the wilderness, but here, even the lowest level of slaves had the ability to advance. As long as he worked hard, he would reap the rewards. This was the starting point of his plan to establish the Asgard System. Asgard was not just a dreamlike city, it was also a city where people could see the hope.

  After passing through most of the suburbs, they drove along the main road towards the center of the city. At seven in the morning, pedestrians began to appear on the streets. As more and more people rushed out onto the streets, the entire city seemed to wake up from its slumber and became more and more lively.

  When Ben returned to his office at the highest level in the Twelve Sovereigns' Halls, it was already 7: 30. This was the time when Ben started his office, as he did every day, and the time he got to the office was no more than five seconds. Over the years, this precise habit had become a terrible thing.

  At 8: 03, Ben received a message. It was a message from the Ministry of Finance that it had paid four million dollars, and when Ben saw it, he gave a knowing smile.

  The loan of four million was originally intended to be given to zero, but the money was allocated by Ben from his own private funds and not from the Asgard's budget. For this purpose, zero barely had to pay any extra interest, which was a little bit of Ben's favor.

  At this moment, the phone beside the table rang. After Ben connected, the secretary, Zhu Li's magnetic voice sounded out: "Sir, your son, Mr. Tyre, requests to meet with you."

  "Let him in." Ben said without thinking.

  War God Tyre, along with Valkyrie and the other brothers were all orphans that had great potential that they had found in the wilderness. They were not related by blood, but the hard times had bound them together. Ben didn't know what their original names had been. They didn't even have names. But it didn't matter. After arriving at the Asgard, he had used the gods' names to name them, and had hoped that they would be able to raise the skies of the Asgard like the gods in the legends.

  Needless to say, these five children hadn't disappointed him. Amongst them, Tyre and Loki were the two that Ben liked the most.

  Tyre had a calm and brave personality; he was a natural born general, and regardless of whether it was in terms of ability or strategy, he was the leader of the five siblings. But from his point of view, regardless of what angle it was, Tyre was more qualified to be the successor.

  Moments later, the elevator to Ben's office opened and a tall man strode out.

  War God Tyre was nearly two meters tall, and even half a head taller than Badr. His entire being was like cast iron. The deep contours of his face were as if it had been carved out of hard iron with a sharp knife. It was completely composed of hard lines. Tyre's shoulders were a bit wider than an ordinary person's. His pectoral muscles bulged, and at his waist, he narrowed his body slightly, followed by his slender and powerful legs.

  This was a male body with a golden ratio. No matter how one looked at it, it could be said to be perfect.

  Tyre had silver short hair and wore a tight, dark blue tactical suit s. On his shoulders, chest, waist and knees, he was covered with a golden armoured template. On the right side of the chest, there was a pattern of two axes crossing paths. This was the symbol of the Golden Axe of the legion led by Tyre!

  "Tyre, my child, why have you returned?" Ben stood up, walked over with a smile, and hugged Tyre tightly.

  The five great legions of the Asgard were stationed in the city during the year. Among them, the Golden Axe, led by Tyre, was set off to the west side of the Frozen Plains Plateau, in charge of laying the groundwork for the establishment of the second country of the God Realm in the future of the Hall of Heroic Spirits. These include the exploration of the geographical environment, the removal of hostile alien races, the establishment of effective supply lines and so on.

  This job was not easy, the Frozen Plateau that had been developing westwards from the Julian Mountains had a harsh environment and a harsh climate. However, these were not the main difficulties. What really gave people a headache was those foreign intelligent life s that had completed the first generation of fundamental evolution. The so-called fundamental evolution referred to the emergence of wisdom. Perhaps most of the beasts in the wilderness possessed a certain level of intelligence, but intelligence was not the same as intelligence. The reason why humans are the longest of all living things is because this living race possesses the wisdom to change the world.

  But now, humans were no longer the only ones who possessed wisdom. When the first intelligent alien life appeared, the uncrowned King of Humans had already quietly left the stage of history. Of course, ordinary people didn't know that the world had quietly changed. Only the Hall of Heroic Spirits or the Dark Council would know about this and begin preparing how to co-exist with these foreign creatures, or how to destroy them!

  When it came to treating foreign intelligent life s, they were a bit more brutal. They went deep into the Southwest Land's army, and if they met with any weak non-humans, they would definitely use force to kill them. On the other hand, the Hall of Heroic Spirits was more gentle. They would provide limited help to those foreign races who were willing to accept their kind intentions, such as living supplies and medical support. In exchange for some feedback from the friendly non-humans, one of them was willing to serve as a tour guide for the Asgard's expedition.

  Some of the non-humans would even join this expedition team as support for the Golden Axe. To that end, Tyre had even specially set up a special team in the army. This team was made up of all the life of other races, and was taught by the human commanders to have some common sense in battles.

  However, there were not many foreign races that were willing to be neighbours with humans on the tundra. Most of the races viewed humans as their mortal enemies, and when they became enemies, they became terrifying existences. They were persistent, smart and unscrupulous. Even for a great military expert like Tyre, facing these foreign enemies was a headache.

  Therefore, Ben was slightly surprised when he saw Tyre appearing in the Asgard. Originally, it was i
mpossible for Tyre to return at this time.

  Letting go of Ben, Tyre revealed a snow-white teeth as he smiled and said, "It's currently very difficult to carry on with the temporary phase of the war for a short period of time. Furthermore, I rushed back early when I heard about Valkyrie and Teacher Callio's injuries. Father, you won't blame me, right? "

  Ben laughed and said, "Why would I blame you for caring about your family and teachers?"

  "Right, how is the situation at the front line?" Ben asked after a pause.

  Tyre's expression became solemn, and he said seriously: "We are not optimistic, we have already advanced 3000 kilometers westward. The alien races that we have encountered are becoming more and more stubborn. They simply refuse to accept our good intentions and have no chance of living together. "These non-humankind beings are getting bigger and bigger, and I even suspect that a kingdom with many races living in the depths of the west has been formed!"

  "An alien kingdom?" He clearly understood Tyre's character. Unlike the Loki who exaggerated everything a little, Tyre was not only pragmatic, he was also able to solve his own problems without troubling anyone else.

  Now that he said it this way, this foreign kingdom had a very high probability of existence. Furthermore, Tyre was not simply looking out for his siblings and his teachers this time. The bigger reason was probably to come back and seek support.

  Chapter 270 - Rebirth Plan (IV)

  At nine o'clock, Tyre said his goodbyes and left. In just a few minutes of conversation, the man who had the title of War God had talked about the difficulties of the western front. But Ben could still hear that the advance of the Golden Axe had been halted, and that the battle on the west was now in a deadlock.


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