Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 27

by Chen Ran

  It was a Armored Rhinoceros, a huge monster with a body that was not inferior to Tank car in any way. The rhinoceros continuously breathed out gray steam from its nostrils. The iron armor that enveloped its entire body was bared in an upside-down hook. Under the sunlight, it shone with a reddish glow.

  The huge beast rushed straight towards the Tank car. As it ran, it naturally formed ripples on the surface. Armored Rhinoceros's unique skill, War Stomp, formed a shockwave that smashed into the DK Regiment's motorcycle team, causing them to be unable to form a swarm of cars. In the end, the rhinoceros roared as it ran into the Tank car. Less than fifty meters away from Bain and Luo Hua City Mistress, the huge force of impact caused the Tank car to stand up straight, and flipped over the ground.

  The rhinoceros raised its sturdy front hooves and ruthlessly stepped on the floor of the Tank car. The first blow broke the two tracks of the Tank car; the second blow created a shallow pit in the ground; the third blow caused the base of the cannon to crack and deform …

  With one foot after another, Bain and Tungus opened their eyes wide as they watched the Armored Rhinoceros s forcefully stomp a carriage of artillery tank to pieces. When the bottom of the discus oozed blood, the rhinoceros stopped trampling on the tank. It turned around and charged towards the scattered carriages.

  A part rolled from the ground to Bain following her. After struggling for another two weeks, it finally laid down on the ground with a clanging sound. Bain regained his senses and looked at Tungus. The latter stood up proudly and shouted at the remaining soldiers on the defensive line, "Charge! Kill these bastards!"

  No one had expected that the end of the battle would result in a reversal. The appearance of the Armored Rhinoceros caused the DK Regiment who was in a good situation to flee. Bain and the other two seized the opportunity and gathered the remaining remnants of his troops to cover their retreat, and like a big net, they were able to catch all of the DK Regiment's remnants that had been washed away by the rhinoceros.

  When Dekas saw this scene through the binoculars, his face looked extremely ugly, as if he had swallowed a piece of sh * t. He yelled at the driver, "Get out of here!"

  The driver turned around in a flurry. Just as he was about to drive away, he heard a loud rumble in the air.

  A alloy heavy sword that reflected the light of the heavens turned and swept across, heavily smashing into the car's hood and engine, and finally inserting itself straight into the ground. The frightening impact caused the entire SUV's rear wheels to leave the ground and float forward. When the vehicle and the ground formed a 45-degree character, it fell heavily.

  Dekas and the driver immediately fell out of the car. Just as they landed on the ground, they saw a flash of fire inside the car, followed by a loud explosion. The flames from the explosion were ignited by the gasoline and formed a huge fireball. The fireball soared up a hundred meters into the sky before spreading out layer by layer to form a few hundred meters fire cloud.

  Amidst the fiery clouds, hot metal parts were constantly being smashed down. They landed on the ground, or on either side of a snowdrift. Black smoke rose in the air, and the temperature of the area where the explosion took place rose rapidly. Even the snow nearby started to show signs of melting.

  Dekas held his head and stood up with much difficulty. He was someone who was proficient in the Meta-Su Domain. When he was forced out of the off-road car, he had skillfully laid down the dual attribute wind and fire force field for himself. Although he was extremely close to the explosion later on, the impact of the explosion had only diminished the position of YuanSu who was outside of his body. Other than slightly injuring him from the shock, Dekas's injuries were not serious at all.

  However, his driver was not so lucky. The driver who was lying prone near Dekas already had blood flowing out of his mouth and nose, but he died because his internal organs were shattered by the shock wave from the explosion.

  Dekas, who had crawled up, looked around, and did not make him wait for long. A figure slowly approached from the direction of where the heavy sword had come from. It was a tall woman wearing a well-cut black military uniform. The two armors had gold tassels embedded within them, the tassels dancing in the wind like golden flames, piercing Dekas's eyes.

  This was a woman with an Oriental face, coupled with her voluptuous figure. Although the timing and location were not right, Dekas still had the urge to crush her beneath his body. However, when the lady reached the charred remains of the car, and used her toes to pick up the undamaged alloy heavy sword, the fire burning in Dekas's lower abdomen suddenly disappeared without a trace.

  "You … "Who are you?" Dekas pointed at the woman and asked, while the other hand that was placed behind him was preparing a fire type energy attack.

  The heavy sword was easily swung over the woman's shoulder. The woman said coldly: "Who I am is not important, the important thing is that you are blocking our path forward."

  Hearing these words, Dekas almost vomited blood. He finally knew the reason for the woman's attack, but he didn't know it was because he was in her way. This was such a rude reason, but in these turbulent times, justice was always on the side of the strong. History is written by the strong, and the weak have no right to object.

  And within her words, there was another word that attracted Dekas's attention. She said "we," not "I." In this way, Dekas could confirm that she was not alone.

  Nothing was worse than this. Dekas could tell that this woman was a close combat expert from her opponent's calm and collected aura. Yet that alloy heavy sword that was almost as tall as her own could easily shatter his not yet solid YuanSu's position. If another one of these people were to appear, Dekas would basically not have any chance to escape.

  His eyes rolled around, trying to think of a way to escape. Suddenly, a lazy voice came from behind him.

  "Don't waste time talking to him, the captain said to not leave a single one alive, Su!"

  Narrowing his eyes slightly, Dekas carefully turned his body in half and saw a man wearing the same military uniform looking at him while grinning. The man held a Tang Dao in his hand, and a string of blood dripped down from the blade. Suddenly, Dekas realized that it was too quiet. He had left behind a seven-man team as a precaution, and with the huge explosion, none of them had appeared.

  Where did they go?

  Looking at the blade in the man's hand, Dekas seemed to know the answer.

  His pupils suddenly dilated and his heart jumped as he channeled a surge of energy into his hands. With his left hand using the wind blade and right using the flame ball, Dekas attacked the two unknown people at the same time!

  In the wilderness one kilometer away from Angry Reef City, Reo was moving quickly. He no longer cared about hiding his movements. Instead, he sprinted through the snow, using the danger to expose his body in exchange for mobility of up to 150 kilometers per hour per hour!

  Reo slid close to the ground. He was very fast, but he was not moving in a straight line. Reo had already displayed the skills that a gatekeeper would use. With this speed and method of movement, there wasn't a single person who could keep up with him in Reo's memories.

  But the situation was different now. Reo could feel a hint of coldness in the back of his head, the sign of someone being targeted with their will. If it wasn't for a Sniper Specialist like Reo, it would be extremely difficult for ordinary powers to detect it. Reo who was running, revealed a bitter smile, Sniper Specialist was actually the target of a sniper attack, it sounded like he was laughing to death.

  When Reo was less than 700 meters away from the Angry Reef City's defense, he was shot at.

  Reo had initially hidden it well, but he had purposely fired from his spear at a thousand meters. Not only did he test Tungus's reaction speed, he also tried to use it to confuse his opponent. After finishing that shot, Reo began to move, all the way until he had advanced another 300 metres. He hid under a snowdrift, his sniper rifle carefully poking out of the snowdrift. The
barrel of his gun did not exceed the range of the snowdrift, which was to prevent the barrel from reflecting the light of the sky and attracting the attention of the target.

  Just as everything was ready, a dot of cold aura appeared at the back of Reo's head.

  Reo immediately did not dare to make a move. That bit of killing intent was accurate and steady. It lasted for a few seconds, but it still did not move. Reo was sure that it had maintained the same position, and not even a 1 mm error had appeared. Suddenly, he knew that he had run into an expert, and a terrifying one at that.

  The first thing this Sniper Specialist decided to do was to preserve his life.

  As a Sniper Specialist, Reo naturally understood why the other party had not made a move even though he had accurately grasped his position. The reason was very simple, it was because Reo was currently under the pile of snow. Other than hiding Reo's body, the thick pile of snow would also form a certain resistance against the sniper rifle. This bit of resistance may not amount to much to ordinary people, but Reo was confident that he could get out of the opponent's firing range before they hit him, and was waiting for them to attack first.

  However, the other side did not seem to have any plans to attack. Ten seconds passed. A minute had passed. The chill was still there. The other party simply did not make a move. It seemed like they were competing with patience.

  The other party could wait, but Reo couldn't. His whole body was now exposed in the radiation snow, and one minute was the limit of what he could hide. The longer the snow dragged on, the more radiation would invade his body.

  Just as Xue Ao was risking his life to kill or kill Bain as the last straw for his own death, the iciness behind his head suddenly disappeared as if it had appeared out of nowhere. Reo was overjoyed in his heart, but he did not dare to explosively leave the pile of snow just like that. The snowdrift would form a resistance to the sniper rifle, and it would also slow his escape by half a minute. The slight obstruction was enough to send a bullet through his head.

  So Reo carefully withdrew himself from the snow heap, and when he breathed in the cold air of the wilderness again, he was glad that his opponent seemed to have left. Looking at the battlefield, an unknown Armored Rhinoceros appeared out of nowhere, causing the DK Regiment's victory and defeat. Reo was not willing to lose his life because of that little bit of money, furthermore, he was the only one who was powerless to turn the situation around.

  Therefore, Reo immediately turned around and left, but after moving five hundred meters, that bit of coldness quietly appeared again. In that instant, Reo understood that that terrifying opponent did not plan to let him leave just like that!

  Chapter 274 - Returning to the Wilderness (III)

  Reo ran into an abandoned town in a panic. This was about the distance from Angry Reef City. In a small town 5 km away. The town was dilapidated and had been abandoned for many days. Without any purification measures, it was very difficult for ordinary people to live in such an environment. Even if they were refugees who had nowhere to live, they would only treat this place as a temporary transfer station. After resting for a while and preparing the materials to continue forward, they would leave.

  Even if the town is a hotel, you don't have to pay for it.

  A dried up grass ball rolled on the ground due to the wind, brushing past Reo's feet. Reo looked behind him. There was not a single person in the wilderness outside the town, but the killing intent behind Reo's head did not dissipate for even a moment.

  Fuck, it was two thousand meters! Reo said in his heart. His limit of vision was about a thousand meters, and he could reach fifteen hundred meters through the aid of equipment. But until now, Reo had yet to find the pursuer. In other words, this person must be even further away. And at least two thousand meters away from the enemy, Reo would be unable to sense their auras.

  He ran into the town to avoid the horrible tracker and to use the town buildings to create a natural barrier that would shorten the tracker's vision. If his opponent appeared within a range of one thousand five hundred meters, then Reo could kill him.

  However, Reo could not understand, in that vast and flat wilderness, the other party would definitely have many opportunities to kill him.

  Carrying this doubt, Reo crashed into a house that was almost half-collapsed. He came out from the window at the back, passed another alley, and finally entered a shop through a window that was half open. Reo shrunk his body into the corner and took out a mirror from his pocket and placed it on the cashier. The mirror was facing the world outside the shop, and if anyone approached, Reo could see everything clearly in the mirror.

  Just as Sniper Specialist hid his body, a lonely figure appeared at the entrance of the town. The red light of the sky fell on a handsome face, cold as marble. The shattered black hair fluttered in the wind, but the flying strands of hair were unable to obstruct the sharp light that shot out from the pair of eyes for a moment. This was a traveler with two bizarre eyes. His left eye was the black eyeball that Asians usually used, but his right eye was as golden as fire.

  A traveler with one black and one golden eye, wearing a tight tight-fitting tactical suit. He carried a sniper rifle on his back and a silver coloured portable apparatus. A strange cannon was fixed to the bottom of the portable apparatus with a piece of equipment. The silver cannon had a streamlined body design, and there was a lightning-like energy circuit that covered the cannon's body. It was very special.

  The corner of Zero's mouth curled up into a smile as he looked at the quiet town. He took out a pair of Browning's pistol s from the sheaths on both sides of his thighs. The previous pair had been damaged at the Cossack Military Base.

  With these two pistols in hand, Zero walked into the town.

  After obtaining a holiday, on the second day, Ling Yun left Asgard with Su, Feng and Ma Pei. However, when they arrived near the Angry Reef City, they found traces of movement of the DK Regiment. From the direction and disposition of the carriages, it was obvious that this group of suspicious soldiers was not going to be beneficial to the Angry Reef City, so they intervened in this battle.

  With Su and Feng in charge of dealing with the man who was obviously the leader, Ma Pei had shattered his battle sequence. As for Zero himself, he was aiming for the same type of sniper as the cowboy.

  To be honest, the cowboy did a pretty good job of it. His first shot in the direction of the Angry Reef City was extremely brilliant. In that spear, he had accurately calculated the trajectory, predicted the target's movements, and almost succeeded due to Su. The only omission was that the cowboy did not know that one of the two leaders of the Angry Reef City was an expert of the perceptual domain, causing this shot that should have hit the target to fail.

  Afterwards, he was targeted by Zero, and then let go of him on purpose. The cowboy left his hiding place, but when he realized that the situation was not good for him, he turned around and ran away cleanly without a shred of hesitation. He was slightly surprised by the situation, but he quickly caught up.

  As Reo expected, Zero had been hanging him two thousand meters away from him. There were no obstacles in the wilderness, and with the free range of Zero's right eye, it was easy to follow the cowboy without being seen. Returning to the wilderness was akin to returning to one's own home ground. He was born in the wilderness, and was different from Valkyrie and the others who grew up in a city that was no different from heaven. He lived in the wilderness for a short two years, but an unerasable imprint laid within his soul and blood.

  In the eyes of outsiders, the wilderness was cruel and bloody. However, in the eyes of zero, the wilderness was not purely heartless. It was just that people could not find a way to coexist with it.

  In the distance between Angry Reef City and the abandoned town, Zero had never thought about making a move. If the Type 1 sniper rifle in his hand was not that of the Asgard, but the original Colt, Zero would not have allowed the cowboy to run so far. Although he wanted to stay alive, he could at
least shoot one of his legs to stop this clever fellow. But the zero Colt had already been destroyed by Gounabel, so this kind of normal sniper rifle was only about a thousand meters away from him.

  So Zero followed him all the way, using his will to force the cowboy into the town. To be sure, the appearance of the building made it impossible for him to hang the cowboy from a distance. But at the same time, the complexity of the environment greatly increased the chances that Zero would leave the other party behind.

  Everything had its pros and cons, depending on how you used it. With this in mind, he strolled through the main street of the town.

  The reason he wanted to keep this cowboy was because he already knew that the other party was cooperating with Armed mob, who was attacking the Angry Reef City. This way, in times of life and death, it was impossible for the cowboy to sacrifice himself for the mob Group. As for zero, he would be able to learn a few things from a cowboy. For example, how a group of mob in the wilderness could possess such powerful weapons.

  Zero did not believe that a newborn mob group had enough money to buy these things. Even the most rampant wolf thief from back then couldn't do it to such a degree. When he saw the mob Group that was fully armed, Zero felt uneasy. This was also the reason why he chased the Cowboy. He wanted to know the source of his uneasiness from the cowboy.

  The town had not been visited by anyone for a long time, and the streets were covered with thick layers of radiation snow. The clear footprints marked the path the cowboy had taken. Following the trail, Zero passed through a house. From afar, he saw the trail eventually point towards the abandoned store on the other side.

  The pupil of the right eye dilated, and the image of the shop zoomed in on the zero eye. Zero could clearly see that there was a mirror on the counter behind the shop window. The mirror was very clean, as clean as if it had just been taken out by someone.

  Laughing a little, he walked gently around to the other side.


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