Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 29

by Chen Ran

  Zero smiled and said, "It's passable."

  "He might even be a big shot already." Masters joked on the side as he poured himself another mouthful of wine. Ron had only drunk one cup of the wine that the company had sent over. Now, the beer in the cup was brewed at the Aberdeen Tavern, no matter whether it was the taste or taste, it couldn't be compared with the wine, but Masters liked this kind of bad wine more.

  After drinking two cups in a row, he looked at Zero with his red eyes and said, "I say, big shot." How can you be free to come to a place like our village and take a spin? "

  Victor also looked at Zero. Zero was already different from before. Although they had only been separated for three months, it felt like a long time. Zero's aura was much more stable and reserved than before, and there was a faint awe-inspiring aura between his brows. This was the manifestation of his ability to advance once again.

  And the three companions that Su Yun had brought were also powerful, against Ma Pei, who had single-handedly crushed the entire DK Regiment fleet, as well as Feng and Su who had killed Dekas, after which Tungus made an evaluation, and concluded that these people's abilities were at least at the fifth step and were capable of advancing their jobs. Job advancement was not an easy task for those who were capable in the wilderness. The normal levelling up medicines sold by the Dark Council were also expensive things, not to mention these things were just like the natural ingredients. They were valuable items that even if one was rich, they might not be able to obtain.

  It was clear that the four of them were people who could advance, to the people in the wilderness, they were people who were important to them. The world they saw was wider than ordinary people, and the world they lived in was not one that ordinary people could imagine. At least for a small place like Angry Reef City, they would rarely send anyone with the ability to advance, not to mention the four of them!

  Even the stupidest person would know that the arrival of the four people who had advanced would definitely not be a coincidence, let alone Doctor Victor and Masters who had a certain friendship with Zero.

  Su Yun answered honestly, "I want to bring Doctor Victor to a place …"

  With that, he turned to Masters and said: "At the same time, there are some tasks that I would like to trouble you with."

  "It looks like an interesting thing. Tell me, what is it?" Masters asked bartender for another glass of beer and paid for it, meaning that this was his last glass of beer tonight.

  He looked at Victor and said in a heavy voice, "I have already raised the initial funding required for the rebirth plan, as well as the arena and equipment required for the plan. I think that place is safer and more equipped than the wilderness. "So, if the doctor agrees, I'll have someone come over and take you. Tomorrow."

  "That sounds like a good place." After Victor finished all the wine in the cup, he burped and said: "Although I like Angry Reef City more, but I won't go back on my word about what I promised you. Let alone tomorrow, we can also leave now, since I don't have much things I need to pack up."

  Zero nodded and said sincerely, "Thank you, Doctor."

  "You're being too polite." Masters laughed loudly: "You have helped Angry Reef City out a great deal today, even if this Victor brat doesn't agree, I will still help you stuff him into your car. "Then, let's talk about what happened between us."

  After drinking all the remaining wine in his cup, he said lightly, "I want to collect some interest with the Parkland. What they owe me right now is not just a little. That's supposed to be a big number, but you know, we don't have anyone good at money management. So I thought maybe you could manage the money on our behalf and make it more. "

  Masters quietened down, and after a while, he actually climbed onto the counter and started shouting at the top of his lungs: "Guys, eat and drink to your heart's content, tonight's accounts are all mine!"

  After he finished, the entire tavern burst into cheers. Masters was far from being magnanimous, there were not many opportunities for him to treat them. Immediately, more beer and other food and drink were ordered. This caused the owner of the tavern to be distressed. He didn't know if the amount of food in the cellar was enough for so many people to eat.

  On the stage, Masters signalled to Zero with his eyes. Although he did not say anything, he used another method to agree to Zero's request. Masters jumped down and went around the crowd, and went into the kitchen. There was a small reception room at the back, where they could talk in detail. Zero followed him. Soon, he disappeared from the tavern.

  But the tavern was far too lively, even Feng and the rest did not know when Zero left.

  The night was cold and still.

  The blizzard was not only raging in the south, but it had left a deep mark in the north.

  It was night. The Blue Ridge Mountains were shrouded in darkness. However, the city that the Parkland's valve s belonged to did not sleep at all. The light pillars that would occasionally flash past the city indicated that the city was still working.

  In the middle of the city, in a tulip square, was the top of a 16-story building. In old Brent's bedroom, the fireplace was burning brightly, and the heating system in the room was constantly heating up enough moisture. But even so, the old man in the thick woolen coat still felt an indescribable cold.

  Old Brent was sixty-one, and in these turbulent times he was as old as he could be. Given the average age of 40 in the wilderness, the incompetent Brent should have died a long time ago. However, although he did not have the ability, he had the money. All these years, Old Brent had relied on the gene drug s provided by the Dark Council to extend his lifespan.

  He sat in the rocking chair and remembered. When he was in Cataclysm Day, he was only a child of ten years old. The calamity that fell from the sky caused Brent, who originally had a happy family, to lose everything. He was one of the survivors from the Cataclysm Day. Only about a thousand people in the city where Brent was located survived, having been completely flattened by the meteor shower.

  But Brent had never considered him lucky, because if he had died in that disaster, he would not have had to go through the next ten years of darkness.

  That dark passage of history was enough to make even a powerhouse to shudder at the thought of it, not to mention the powerless old Brent.

  Almost 90% of life on Earth was wiped away by the falling meteor snow. Countless cities were reduced to ruins, and the ozone layer protecting Earth was used up. The entire planet seemed to be exposed to the strong radiation from outer space without any defense.

  Even the lucky ones in the Cataclysm Day were constantly dying within the following months or even shorter periods of time. After that, it was as if the Death God had forever remained in this world. Every day, a large number of people would die from the radiation. In just a short decade, the number of humans dropped from 500 million to tens of millions of people. This was a terrifying loss of manpower.

  During these ten years, the radiation that filled the earth gradually formed in the sky along with the rise of air and dust, and eventually enveloped the entire sky until it was like a thick cloud of radiation. Only then did the rate of human death slow down, and at the same time, the mutations of humans and other living beings had quietly begun to take effect over the past ten years.

  If the survivors of the Cataclysm were lucky, then those who survived the darkest decade after would be the favorite of the world. The old Brent also luckily survived. Through hard work, he started from a small scale food processing plant, and after 40 years, he pieced together the map of the business kingdom of the Parkland.

  However, now, the kingdom that old Brent had worked so hard for was facing a difficult situation where there was no one to succeed it.

  With trembling hands, he pulled out an old photograph from his breast pocket. It was a picture of the Blunt family from ten years ago. In the photo, to the right of old Brent, stood a stubborn boy. The boy had delicate features and a head of golden hair.

  That wa
s Soren, the grandson the elderly man liked the most. And in the following ten years, the talent that Soren displayed in the Meta-Su Region brought hope to this family clan, where there was no one with even half a ounce of power in their bloodline.

  When Soren joined the Dark Council, Old Bran had already secretly drawn up a will. It was clearly stated in the will that Soren would be his successor. However, just when Soren should have been in his prime, this outstanding youth had actually died in the hands of a mercenary in the wilderness.

  Thinking of this, old Brent couldn't help but cover his fur coat tighter. However, this was not enough to lessen the cold that was rising in his heart, so Old Bran started to chant the name of another person, the man who was about to cause Parkland's valve to fall into winter.


  (Kids have a long tooth fever recently and are in a bad mood, so please forgive the slow update.) Also, tomorrow will be the 21st. Let's wait for the 22nd sun together!)

  Chapter 276 - The Night Before (II)

  Old Brent had thought that a hundred years later, the foundation of the Parkland's valve would either be defeated by a descendant who was going to squander too much, or he would be annexed by the Dark Council, or he would naturally disappear from the stage of history. However, he had never thought that a mercenary in the wilderness would shake the foundations of his family.

  During the entire process, the Parkland's valve actually had many opportunities to completely eliminate this mercenary. Old Brent's analysis of the whole matter showed that the reason the Parkland failed was because he underestimated the man from the wilderness, Zero.

  "Pride is indeed the biggest original sin." Old Brent had sighed so once, but nothing had happened.

  If it were not for the fact that he was concerned about the reputation of the Parkland's valve, at the beginning of the journey north of zero, Old Brent would have been able to use his overwhelming strength to kill the danger in the bud. It was because of this concern that old Brent lost his favorite grandson. After Soren's death, the Dark Council had sent out someone with a high rank power to kill him, in order to restore the dignity that the council had lost.

  Hearing this news, old Brent did not doubt that Zero was dead. But even if the Ninth Knight came out, it was still a failure in the end. No one would have thought that Hall of Heroic Spirits, who had always been enemies with the Dark Council, would actually save him at this time and place. After that, old Broad thought that he wouldn't have the chance to take revenge for Soren. However, at this time, a precious message came from the Dark Merchant.

  In order to complete Asgard's graduation exam, Su Yun needed to appear somewhere outside of the wilderness. For old Brent, this was her biggest and last chance. Thus, he unhesitatingly sent out the three most powerful people in the Parkland's valve. No matter from which point of view, when facing someone with an average strength at the seventh step, zero had no chance of surviving.

  However, the opposite was the case. Up until now, old Brent had not received any news from those three. It seemed like the odds were against them.

  Brent sighed softly in his bedroom. The old man's cloudy eyes stared at the fire in the fireplace. The fire had already dimmed down, just like the situation his family was in right now. Soren's death, after repeated failures in his actions, the Parkland's valve's reputation in the wilderness had already plummeted. Until today, in the subsidiary companies controlled by the Parkland's valve, there were already five companies that had withdrawn from Parkland's jurisdiction. Regarding this, the Parkland's valve did not give any response.

  If it was in the past, old Brent would naturally mobilize his family's army to teach these conceited fellows a lesson. However, the Parkland's valve was not as strong as before. Soren's death, as well as his loss of combat power, had caused him to be like a fatty who did not have the power to do all these unnecessary things. For this reason, old Brent had no choice but to narrow down the clan's business and recruit a dozen low-level talents as a show.

  Under this kind of policy, the old Brent family might be able to hold on for another ten to twenty years after his death, but they would eventually disappear. This was an unavoidable problem.

  Late at night, old Brent left the rocking chair and went to his bed. The once luxurious bed, now old Brent could only feel an infinite emptiness. He stripped off the furs and lay down on the bed, but it felt like he was lying in a coffin. With his eyes closed, tomorrow would never come.

  Tomorrow, of course.

  When old Brent fell asleep, the clock on the wall pointed to four o'clock. It was the darkest time of the day.

  Morpheus yawned and leant against the cold wall, drowsy. He was the lowest level soldier in the Parkland's valve, and his daily duties were to stand guard and patrol. It could be said that this job was extremely boring, but the pay was enough for the Memphis family to live a comfortable life. During the turbulent times, this little bit of reward was enough for an ordinary person to work hard for. Moreover, although Morpheus' job was hard and boring, there were very few dangerous situations that occurred.

  After all, this was where the Parkland's valve's base of operations was located. If there were no accidents, then there was nothing wrong with what Morpheus had imagined. The problem is that there was never a shortage of accidents in turbulent times.

  The Parkland's valve's territory was surrounded by a thick metal wall. Other than an entrance facing the road, the rest of the walls were twenty metres tall. This height provided sufficient vision for the soldiers inside the post tower. The Gathering Light lamp post that worked at night illuminated the environment within the first five hundred meters of each post tower as if it was day, allowing the soldiers on duty like Memphis to see everything clearly.

  Although there were very few blind spots, there were still blind spots in the beam of light. In addition, the period of time when one was near daylight was when one was the most exhausted. Soldiers like Morpheus were no exception, and as he yawned, a lithe figure moved swiftly in the blind spot of the beam of light. As Morpheus rubbed his bloodshot eyes, the figure was already leaning against the wall, hiding in a corner where the beam of light could not reach.

  After Nightwalker installed a round metal device on his hands and knees, he moved like a gecko from a vertical wall to the top of the post tower. When he arrived at the edge of the post tower, he knocked on the wall and released a light sound.

  Morpheus was alarmed by the noise, and he hurried forward to examine it. The instant he stuck his head out from the post tower's border, Morpheus saw this Night Walker. Before he could warn her, she had already covered his mouth with her hand. Suddenly, a cold feeling came from his throat.

  As Memphis's consciousness sank into infinite darkness, he saw a long blade. It pierced his own throat. He felt his body suddenly become very light, and then he felt nothing.

  Nightwalker retracted his long blade and quickly climbed into the post tower. Carefully, he pulled Morpheus's body into a corner, then punched a series of commands into the control panel of the spotlight, causing it to continue scanning, ignoring a particular direction.

  A moment later, another three figures crawled in from the post tower. In the afterglow of the light, the faces of those few people could clearly be seen. With a gesture from Zero, the few of them quickly left the post tower and followed the stairs to enter the territory of Parkland.

  At this moment, the darkness before dawn was quiet. No one knew that a life had already been thrown into the embrace of death. By the time the other soldiers found Morpheus' body, it was already ten minutes later. Thus, at 4: 35 PM, an ear-piercing alarm sounded from the sky above Parkland, shattering the beautiful dreams of countless people!

  On the bed, Salton suddenly opened his eyes and bounced up. His body that was full of explosive power like a cheetah lightly landed on the ground without making a sound. Although he was a low-ranked Ranker, Salton had also strengthened his strength at the fifth stage, his fourth stage defense and agility. Amongs
t all the people old Brent had recruited, he was the strongest.

  It was true that with his abilities of two steps four and five, in the eyes of ordinary people, he was already a nightmare. Salton had no doubt about it either. After being appointed as the leader of all the capable people by Old Brent, he had proven that he was a nightmare for those who dared to criticize his abilities. But Salton did not know, that tonight would be his nightmare!

  "Get up, get ready to fight!" He rushed out of his bedroom and roared in the long corridor. Salton had already donned his tactical suit, at the same time, his aide-de-camp ran over with a piece of tactical plate.

  The tactical plate showed a map of the whole of Parkland's territory. There were three red dots of light that penetrated through it from three different directions. Wherever the light spots passed, the functional buildings behind them were immediately marked with damaged skeletons.

  The adjutant said hastily, "Sir, we have found an intruder. They had invaded from post tower number four, heading towards the food processing zone, the weapons factory and the power station. Right now, our people have already been cut off in batches, but these three are all capable people, I am afraid that the Ordinary Soldier will not be of any use to them. "

  As the aide-de-de-camp spoke, dozens of capable people had already come out of their dormitories and surrounded Salton in the middle, waiting for him to give out his order.

  Salton quickly divided the people who had the ability into three groups and requested them to eliminate the intruders as fast as possible. Originally, he wanted to choose an intruder to attack from, but Salton thought for a while and got his aide-de-camp to transfer an elite team to guard the front of the tulip building with him. That was the core of the Parkland's territory, the rest of the territory could be destroyed, but not there!

  The sounds of gunshots rang out in every corner of Parkland's territory, and practically every minute and second, one could see the fire jump, and explode again and again. In all the years they had been built in the Parkland territory, they had never suffered such a blatant attack and destruction. In the whole territory, the most obvious light source was none other than the food processing area to the southwest.


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