Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 35

by Chen Ran

  At this moment, Feng and Su had already retreated a little to prevent Soren from attacking. Looking at Soren who had disappeared within the raging flames, Feng asked. "Is he playing with himself?"

  Naturally, no one could answer this question. The Element Domain Capable did indeed possess a dimensional explosion that allowed him to sacrifice himself in exchange for dragging his opponent into hell as well. This skill was known as Elemental Su's Self-Ignition. Soren had indeed ignited himself now, but the Fire Essence Su in the air did not undergo a crazy fusion of energy, so there was no way to talk about Elemental Su's explosion.

  But after turning himself into a large fireball, he unexpectedly heard Soren's low growl from within the flames. Following that, the flame suddenly shrunk and quickly took the shape of a person. It was Soren, but the clothes on his body, including his underwear and robe, had all been burnt to ashes by the high temperature flame. Currently, what appeared in the eyes of the three of them was a perfect man's body.

  Only, it was different from a normal body, as this body of Soren's was made up of flames that were stable at two thousand degrees celsius. Only after the temperature had reached such a high level, the flames were no longer in the form of puffing. Instead, they were as red as molten steel, flowing on the surface of Soren's body in fiery streams. Soren's body had become a type of crystal structure suitable for storing high-temperature energy. His muscles were originally made up of red magic crystals, but every crystal was filled with silk-like crystal patterns.

  Energy flowed through these crystal patterns, causing Soren to transform into a human-shaped nucleus. On Soren's back, elbows and chest, sharp thorns rose up. Spiral patterns appeared on the surface of the crystal spikes as specks of red light emerged out of thin air and gathered and disappeared into the crystal spikes.

  With every flash of red light, the color of Soren's body became darker. These crystal spikes, however, were able to absorb the energy of the Spatial Fire Essence Su. Moreover, the absorption rate was more than ten times faster than when he was in his human form.

  Regarding this form of Soren, Zero was not unfamiliar with it. When Hans, who was killed by him, completely turns into a disorderly person, he will appear in a form that represents the essence of power to the maximum. In other words, Soren who was in the form of a fusion of Fire Essence Su right now was the one who was truly out of order, his strongest fighting posture!

  The Fire Elemental Su in the air was practically boiling over, and under Soren's willpower, he showed a high degree of hostility towards the few of them. They were like people standing in a furnace. If they were wearing ordinary clothes and not the tactical suit s of Nocturnal, they would have already lit up.

  It was clear that Soren's hostility towards zero after his transformation had already been rooted in his life and existed in his will. Soren let out a hollow roar, and raised his palm towards the zero direction. He opened his palm wide and clenched it with force. Instantly, Zero's body was engulfed by the flames.

  In the state of Elemental Su's transformation, the flame shock that originally required two seconds to store energy had already reached the speed of instantaneous movement. Zero had no time to evade. Standing in the middle of the explosion, he felt himself being lifted up by someone and thrown onto the ground. However, such a powerful attack was accompanied by the effects of the high temperature burn. The flame shock at the center of the body, which had a temperature close to a thousand, made the zero temperature of the tactical suit to burn even hotter.

  The shockwave from the explosion sent Zero flying. In midair, another four to five fireballs landed on him. After being bombarded a few times, Zero was finally able to repeatedly fall to the ground. In the end, it almost fell beside a fulcrum at the entrance of the cave.

  Soren pointed his finger at the fireball and continuously shot out fireballs at the center of the fireball. The temperature had already reached around five hundred degrees, and the fireball's power had doubled. If not for the fact that Feng and Su blocked the attacks from the fireballs, Su Yun would have been blown back into fulcrum.

  Seeing that Feng and Su had either blocked or blown away the fireballs he had shot, Soren knew that this attack was meaningless and quickly adjusted his strategy. As a result, a ten-meter-wide wall of fire appeared out of thin air, smashing down towards the two of them. Facing this kind of attack that had no fixed landing point and practically no blind spot, Su and Feng used completely different tactics.

  Su took a deep breath, then let out a loud and determined roar. It was just that unlike normal roaring, Su's roaring voice actually carried layers of energy ripple. When the energy ripple smashed into the wall of fire, a crack immediately appeared in the wall of fire, allowing Su to safely pass through.

  War Roar, another skill used by Berserkers, has the effect of spreading attacks and vibrations. It was not an elegant move for a woman to shout and yell, so Su rarely used this skill.

  As for Feng, when Su was about to release the battle cry, he leaned forward, dragging out a series of afterimages as he bore into the wall of fire. At the same time Feng charged forward, a conical energy ripple appeared in front of him. In front of the cone shaped ripple, the air and all the other energy materials were separated by it, so Feng dragged his afterimages and directly passed through the fire wall.

  Phantom Charge was a skill used by swordsman to display the highest degree of mobility. It was only used when the uncontrollable speed of sound was slightly lower, but it had the ability to freely change directions and provide a certain degree of defense. In the midst of the mirage's sudden movement, Feng appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.

  The Tang Dao disappeared from Feng's hands, and when it reappeared, it outlined three blade beams that landed straight towards Soren.

  Soren seemed to be unable to keep up with his speed, and could only watch as Feng's "eagle claws" cut through his body. Feng and his blade crossed paths with each other, flying straight for a hundred meters before stopping. Looking at Soren, there were three rays of light that intertwined with each other on his body, and his body was also slashed apart by the ray of light. But after a while, the blade light gradually disappeared, but Soren's Fire Crystal's body that had been cut apart slowly healed up, causing Feng's heart to sink.

  The Soren Yuan Su could be seen as a mass of energy. Only when this ball of energy was completely used up, would Soren truly die. But it was very obvious that the energy attached to Feng's eagle claws was not enough to wear down Soren's energy.

  Soren slowly turned around and extended his hands out. Flames continued to spew out of his palms. However, the flames Soren released did not dissipate. Instead, it condensed in midair and gradually formed a crystal. These two fiery red crystals were in the shape of shuttles, they were crystal clear, but inside them, was a portion of Soren's Fire Yuan Su's energy.

  Seeing the two shuttle shaped crystals, Feng's face changed. That was the Elemental Su Floating Cannon. This prism shaped Elemental Su would tangle with its target and release different energy attacks from the tips of the two ends of the crystal. Although it was both a basic technique of the Meta-Su Domain, being at the fifth rank was still a nightmare in the hearts of many capable individuals.

  Right now, the Elementalist Floating Cannon that Soren had condensed, formed, and completed recharging had flown out of his hand and came at Feng from both sides. When they were within ten meters of Feng, they would shoot out a hot beam of red light from the crystal tip where they were facing Feng. The energy beam possessed the characteristics of Fire Elemental Su, such as high temperature, as well as explosion.

  Suddenly, an explosion accompanied by high temperature gales appeared beside Feng. Let alone attacking Soren, the current Feng could not even defend himself!

  Chapter 283 - Ripping (I)

  A ball of blazing energy was taking shape in both of Soren's hands. It looked like a ball of flowing red mercury, but the temperature at the center was already above 1800 degrees. When th
e ball of energy exploded, even the hill was razed to the ground. A stage six Blowout compressed a huge amount of energy in a special way. When it came into contact with a target, it would release a terrifying energy attack.

  When the Blowout ball of light in his hands started to emit a destructive aura, a sharp sound of something tearing through the air came from behind Soren. Soren quickly turned his body, only to see a bunch of alloy heavy sword slashing at him. Before the sword had arrived, the energy ripple on the sword blade had already slashed onto Soren's body. Even though his body had crystallized, it still easily split open and expanded under the energy waves from the violent slashes.

  It could be imagined that when the heavy sword truly fell onto Soren's body, Soren's body would also be cleaved into two. Even if the energy from this strike was not enough to wear out Su's Fire Yuan Su's power, even if Soren could still recover from this strike, he would still be severely injured!

  His instinct told Soren the result in that one thousandth of a second, and with a groan, he pushed the incomplete Blowout towards the heavy sword with both of his hands.

  Zero shook his head, just as he recovered from the impact of Soren's attack. He raised his head and saw a ball of blazing and enchanting light engulfing Su's figure.

  In the next moment, the entire cave shook, followed by a thunderous sound. At the same time, a large ball of fire first expanded before exploding. Then, flames surged like the sea as waves of fire swept through the entire catacombs!

  The flames spread, almost licking Zero's body. After they had expanded their domain to its limit, they abruptly shrunk back and then disappeared into thin air. But after this attack, at least half of the lake's water vaporized, causing the entire cave to be filled with steam. In the mist, a figure staggered back and fell to the ground. The water vapor gradually dispersed, allowing Ling Zero to clearly see that the figure was Su!

  Su's entire body was releasing streams of hot smoke, and her tactical suit s were almost instantly burnt to ashes. Right now, what enveloped Su were only fragmented thin pieces. Even the composite templates that were used to protect the important parts of her body had disappeared, revealing Su's snow-white skin. Looking at the heavy sword at the side, the front of the sword had already been melted into molten metal, leaving only the back half of the sword emitting a shocking red light.

  Fortunately, Soren was only using the semi-finished Blowout, and fortunately, Su was wearing the Asgard's best defensive skill, so at least half of the Blowout's power had been neutralized by her berserk attack. Otherwise, Su would not only would have fainted right now, but she would have been turned into ashes immediately!

  Just as Zero was about to rush up, he saw Soren appearing from the mist and stopped in his tracks.

  He pointed the sniper rifle forward, aimed, fired, and moved in one breath. The sniper rifle bullet had hit Soren but when it came into contact with his crystal body, it was instantly melted by the high temperature on his body. But no matter what the result was, after shooting out that shot, Zero immediately turned around and ran, diving into the complex fulcrum.

  Soren originally wanted to kill Su, but his sneak attack had successfully awakened the instinct of Andre. The order to kill zero was set to the highest level, overwhelming Soren's other thoughts. He let out a muffled roar, and the sound waves brought with it a wave of flames as they spread into the air. Following that, Soren started to run.

  The way he ran was extremely unique. On Soren's crystal body, there were minute cracks between the crystal body and the crystal body. Right now, large flames spouted out of these cracks, and Soren was immediately enveloped by the flames. As he ran, he dragged a bright beam of fire with him as he chased after Zero like a meteor. The layer of flames on Soren's body could defend against both a sudden attack and ignite the air in front of him, forming a path of fire that the naked eye could not see. This allowed his speed to reach its limit!

  Soren who was clearly not good at speed actually ran at the speed of a level 5. In the blink of an eye, he had already dove into the complex fulcrum like a zero. Suddenly, wherever Soren went, countless of glowing fungi were burnt.

  While Soren was dashing through the fulcrum, the flames inside the fulcrum kept flickering. When he had rushed two hundred meters into the fulcrum, he suddenly stopped. In Soren's eyes, it looked like a spiderweb of tunnels, and only God knew which fulcrum Zero would go to. But Soren had his own way. He took a deep breath, and then fiercely spread open his hands, letting out a thunderous roar.

  Suddenly, the flames on Soren's body flared up and a large swath of flames surged from his body towards the fulcrum s who were in all directions. Everywhere the flames passed, in Soren's mind, the map of the fulcrum would continuously float in the darkness and gradually become complete. The flames erupting from Soren's body spread for at least a thousand meters before gradually extinguishing!

  In a chrysalis shaped fulcrum five hundred meters away from Soren, Zero was hiding behind a bamboo shoot that was connected to the ground above his head. This stalagmite was wide enough to hide in. At this moment, the bamboo shoot on the other side of the zero wall was covered with sparks. That was the scene of the glowing fungi burning. Just a moment ago, Soren's outburst of flames engulfed the area, if they did not hide behind the stone bamboo shoot in time, they would have been burnt to ashes by now.

  And inside the flames, there was an intense aura of Soren. From this, he was able to deduce that Soren had used a method to survey the terrain. And from Zero's senses, Soren was already moving towards him. In Zero's mind, the complex tunnels in the crypt were plotted as a floor plan. And on the map, the dot of light representing Soren was moving.

  Other than attracting his attention, he also set up a mental symbol for Soren when he shot at him before he left. A mental sign needs to be touched in order to work, but it can usually be attached to the medium. It was the same logic as when Antony had used a sniper rifle to attack zero. Using a sniper rifle bomb as a medium, at the same time he made contact with Soren's body, he also placed a mental symbol on his body.

  Within a five hundred meter radius, all of Soren's movements were zero!

  Zero concealed his aura, he crouched down and retreated, hiding behind a bamboo shoot in the direction Soren was heading. Soren was no longer the same as before. Not only did his strength increase by an entire stage compared to before, after he displayed the true attitude of a disorderly person, he was now an existence at the sixth stage of YuanSu's transformation. And the sixth stage of the Meteor Realm, was usually even stronger than the Fighting Domain s of the same level.

  Although he had used his previous evolution point to raise his overall strength to the sixth stage, against a sixth stage Yuan Su, Zero still did not have absolute confidence in beating him. It was just that for Zero, the strength of the opponent didn't matter. He only cared about whether the opponent could be killed or not. As for now, there were already too many people who claimed that they couldn't be killed yet they died to Zero, so Zero firmly believed that there was no such thing as an immortal life.

  This confidence had been built up through countless battles and had become an unerasable will. Just like this, Zero did not even bother thinking about the difference in strength between him and Soren at all, and Zero only considered about the trajectory, distance and landing point, all because of Su. All of these things had only one purpose, and that was to kill Soren.

  When the light dot representing Soren entered the chrysalis shaped fulcrum, the distance between them shrank to 300 meters!

  He suddenly jumped out from behind the stalagmite. While he was rolling, his sniper rifle had already started firing at a predetermined location. After accurately reading Soren's information, all of the stats and information on Soren's height and body had long been deeply engraved in Su Yun's mind. From this, he was able to deduce the position of Soren when he entered the passage, and from there, grasp the location of the shot.

  When the flames in the fulcrum flared up, Soren fie
rcely swung his head to the back. The sniper bullet hit him in the forehead, causing him to fall backwards. But when his wide back was level with the ground, he saw that Soren's waist was facing forward and he had straightened up. Between his eyebrows, a sliver of molten iron dripped from his nose. It was the liquid after the sniper bullets were melted. Even though a bullet hole had appeared between Soren's brows, the crystals around the bullet hole continued to produce new crystal threads. The crystal wire quickly formed a crystal film on the surface of the bullet hole. Following the formation of the new crystal wire, they combined to form a new crystal.

  In a split-second, the wounds on his body disappeared.

  Zero jumped up from the ground, dropped the bucket and ran. Roughly a hundred meters away, he suddenly stopped and then fell to the ground. In the nick of time, a scorching current of energy flew over his head, and struck a rock bamboo shoot that was half protruding from the ground in front of him. It did not explode, but the moment it came into contact with the bright red light, it went limp. Under the hot light beam, the rock quickly turned into glass, causing Zero to frown.

  The crystal armour on both sides of Soren's chest had six crystal holes arranged in a circular pattern, and from these crystals, the ability "Scorching Flame Breath", that was a level six like the Blowout, continuously shot out. Although the temperature of this high-temperature beam was only half of the Blowout's, it was better to not use any energy in order to shoot continuously. Especially in a narrow environment, one could display a terrifying amount of power.

  Streaks of enchanting red light crisscrossed each other, weaving into a giant web of destruction. The impact of the Scorching Flame Breath had already surpassed the defensive limit of Nocturnal and the tactical suit. While escaping from these terrifying rays of light, Zero accidentally got hit by one or two of them. Nocturnal's tactical suit vaporized immediately, and there were even more soundless signs of carbonization on the surface of Zero's skin. As soon as he moved, his charred skin split open, revealing pink muscle tissue beneath.


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