Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 51

by Chen Ran

  In a short moment, it was close to zero. Seeing that the meat mountain was right in front of his eyes, two black figures suddenly stabbed into the space between him and the corpulent cadaver. The two guards screamed as they pounced towards Zero Soaring Sky. Their hands and feet struck together like two humanoid spiders, sealing off Zero's space to advance.

  With a groan, the silver lines at the edge of his right pupil converged to form a vertical pupil.

  In the guard's perception, the life energy of zero suddenly rose. Their bodies were covered in scales and their ability to judge danger was increased to the highest level.

  Under the [Rampage] state, the pores all over his body emitted an astonishing amount of heat, like a machine operating at a high speed. The energy in his body was being frantically transferred to different parts of his body along with his blood. With the increase in his speed, he created an illusory shadow as he charged towards the guard. The two guards rotated at the same time, using their best attacks to face the great enemy, Zero.

  Both sides had no way of backing down. Victory and defeat would be decided in an instant!

  Time suddenly slowed to a crawl. After starting up the 'bullet time', the speed at which his brain processed the data within a limited amount of time had increased by nearly an entire level. In his eyes, the Sharp Bladed Corpse was not as simple as simply spinning its body. The rotating blade was surrounded by energy waves. They slowly spread out to a range of about three meters from the tip of the blade.

  In other words, when Zero entered their attack range, even if the sharp edge corpse's real blade could not touch him, the dark space's slicing wave would cut Zero into pieces.

  However, there were gaps between the slicing waves. There was an attack gap between each slicing wave. It was hard to detect, but it did exist.

  A sharp whistle rang out, and the speed of zero increased. In the blink of an eye, his figure flashed, and he had already passed by the two guards.

  Zero's body paused in midair for a second and then spurted out a faint mist of blood. He did not stop there. After landing, he rolled on the ground and accelerated towards the mountain of flesh. On Su Yun's body, hundreds of thin and fine cuts appeared on the tactical suit. The skin under the tactical suit split and turned, revealing the pink muscle tissue and even the bones in his body.

  As for the two guards, they simply hovered in midair. Just as they were about to roll down, the heads of the two living corpse s exploded, and their brains appeared along with the sound of gunfire.

  At some point in time, a Golden War Eagle had appeared in Zero's left hand, and this automatic pistol had reaped the lives of two guards. This was not something that anyone could do. The guard's head was also wrapped in scales, so even if he held the golden seat close to his head and fired, he still might not be able to pierce through. But now, their heads had exploded into a pile of mincemeat.

  No one knew how Zero was done!


  The first step was corpulent cadaver.

  With the second step, he had already arrived at the side of corpulent cadaver's waist.

  With the third step, he had already arrived on the corpulent cadaver's shoulder!

  Zero shot up and rolled in the air.

  corpulent cadaver finally reacted at this time and raised his fat head towards the sky. He just so happened to see Zero flipping over in midair, head and feet forming a straight line with him.

  His instinct made corpulent cadaver want to pull away from him, but the moment his arms and six legs that were fixed on the ground were propped up, corpulent cadaver felt a dazzling light above his head.

  The assailant quietly aimed at the head of the corpulent cadaver, the muzzle of the cannon quietly releasing a dazzling light.

  corpulent cadaver only had enough time to roll his head to the side before he released a green stream from his cannon.

  On the dark track and field, a dark green light shot down vertically from the sky. The current of energy cut open the corpulent cadaver's body that was not strong at all, reaching straight to the ground.

  In the next moment, a huge ball of light with a diameter of ten meters appeared on the ground. The ball of light slowly rose and then suddenly exploded, releasing a blazing white flame that engulfed a thousand meters!

  A close combat cannon, comparable to a direct attack from a ship's cannon, was extremely powerful. The corpulent cadaver did not possess any methods of fighting, and her body was no different from an ordinary living corpse. Even a sharp knife corpse could not withstand the attack of an invader, much less this fat mountain of flesh. First, corpulent cadaver's body was sliced into two by the current of energy, and then, the resulting energy explosion directly annihilated it, causing its entire body to shatter into pieces.

  The force of the attacker's recoil sent another mist of blood flying into the air, while simultaneously lifting his body into the air. He landed on the ground as the light from the explosion receded. However, his feet were unsteady, and he finally managed to steady himself after a slight stagger.

  Zero stood up and the flames from the explosion rose high into the sky, forming a fiery cloud. Beneath the fiery clouds, sparks of fire were flying about. However, the pieces of the corpulent cadaver were still burning. It was not only this arsenal that was destroyed by the Zero, but the flames released by the energy bullets also followed the connections between the corpulent cadaver and the neural network and ignited the carbuncle that covered the various buildings in the University City one by one.

  For a moment, the University City was on fire. Not long after, there were scattered more explosions, which were the result of the biological gun being ignited by the flames.

  The battle on the track and field was still ongoing, the remaining sharp blade corpses continued to decrease in strength rapidly as Su and the rest attacked them from the front and back. Furthermore, without the support of the corpulent cadaver, the number of Sharp Bladed Corpses had not increased. The scale of victory was now leaning towards the human side. But the bigger victories are the destruction of arsenal and information networks. Without these two things, it would only be a matter of time before the Remot repels the living corpse army.

  Zero was a little weak. When he crossed over the corpse's seal, his injuries were not as simple as they appeared on the surface. The energy waves had not only injured his body, but they had also continued to damage his bones and organs after entering his body. If he wasn't in berserk mode, Zero would rely on his strength up to the Fourth Order to ruthlessly destroy the raging energy in his body. However, in that instant, all the blood vessels in his body almost ruptured.

  Now, other than the wounds on his body, the bones of his entire body were covered in dark markings, and some of his important organs were damaged. The most serious injuries were from the lungs, and almost half of the lungs were missing from the explosion. Right now, even a single breath of air felt like thousands of knives were scraping against him with all their might. His face was pale, but the corners of his mouth slowly curved into a smile.

  No matter how bad the injury was, as long as he was alive, everything would be fine. For people with the ability of zero, as long as their main organs were not destroyed, the energy in their body would stimulate tissue regeneration. Moreover, Zero had absorbed a part of Hans's ability that day, so he could recover a skill that was far stronger than others of the same level.

  As long as one didn't die, victory would always be on the side of zero.

  At this moment, something round was blown to Zero's feet. This was the head of the corpulent cadaver. Although it tried its best to turn its head, a small portion of it was struck by the cannons of the invader and silently melted into the air.

  The corpulent cadaver with only one head left naturally couldn't do anything else, but Su Yu was afraid that they had the ability to regenerate, so she raised her leg, wanting to stomp on that head. Suddenly, the two eyes on corpulent cadaver's head turned to zero, and then she let out a
short burst of laughter.

  "... Humans, this … "It's just the prelude …" corpulent cadaver actually spoke in the language of the continent, "I, Gu La, am only one of the four creator s … And even if … "You have killed us all, as long as the great Queen …"

  Saying that, corpulent cadaver suddenly revealed a look of shock.

  Following that, a huge ice-cold willpower suddenly appeared in the sky, descending from the sky.

  In Zero's mind, the cold voice of a woman suddenly rang out. "You talk too much, Gurad …"

  In the next moment, a crack appeared on corpulent cadaver's head with a "Pa La" sound and the crack continued to spread. Gollard was like a walnut that had been smashed open with a hammer, suddenly exploding into pieces on the floor without further ado.

  With the death of corpulent cadaver, the willpower immediately disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

  Zero's face turned even paler, regardless of who the owner of the will was. To arrive from such a distance, one must at least have a far higher ability than Agatha.

  Looking at the surroundings, everyone was happily fighting, no one seemed to have noticed the small episode on the battlefield.

  The battle ended two hours later.

  All of the Sharp Bladed Corpse Demons were killed, and all of the biological gun were ignited by the flames. The neural network that was filled with buildings in University City seemed to contain a large amount of grease, and even after burning it for two hours, it still did not extinguish. This fire that had burned for two hours did not let the corpulent cadaver's neural network burn continuously, instead, the fire spread outwards, dragging more places into the sea of fire.

  When Zero and the rest left the University City, the old interstate university had already turned into a huge ball of fire. The firelight could be seen even from a hundred kilometers away, especially since it was night. It was just that this time, the living corpse had launched an attack on the Remot, causing a large number of dead people to gather along with the terrifying aura of the new living corpse, allowing the nearby mutated organism s to escape. Otherwise, they might have been attracted by the fire by now.

  Zero was sitting on the ground with his back against a wall, but he didn't care. Feng walked over and gave him two tubes of nourishing Su and a water coagulant.

  "Thank you."

  He opened one of the bottles, that was used for nourishing Su, and stuffed the contents of the bottle into his own mouth. After Nutrient Su went from the esophagus to the stomach of zero, it started to burn fiercely like coal that had been poured into a boiler. Nutrient Su quickly decomposed and returned to being a rich substance that was absorbed by her body.

  One by one, his injuries were being healed.

  Feng also sat down beside Su Ling. He crossed his legs and looked elsewhere, "That guy with eyes so high up in the sky actually didn't die. He was too lucky."

  With a slight smile, Feng naturally meant Berrien. After the sudden ambush, Berrien was under much less pressure. But even so, after the battle ended, he lost another two Thunderbolt Guard s. Berrien himself was also injured, the tactical suit was covered in blood, it looked like Berrien was also injured.

  "If I were you, captain, I would shoot a shot at that fatty, a bit off, and that fellow would also be on the way …" Feng made a throat erasing gesture.

  An ice-cold Qi immediately enveloped the two of them and they looked to their left. Berrien was sitting on a broken piece of rock and used a white handkerchief to wipe the blood off his body. This proud man was currently staring at Feng with narrowed eyes. Clearly, he had heard Feng's words and was releasing his ice-cold killing intent.

  "Damn, this ear is sharper than a dog's." Feng whispered.

  With that, Berrien suddenly stood up. His hands hung down, but there were electric snakes jumping between them.

  Feng, on the other hand, had a face of indifference, as if he couldn't bear to see Berrien's attitude, and had intentionally provoked him.

  In fact, his hands were already lightly resting on the two guns on the outside of his thighs. As far as Zero was concerned, as long as his hand touched the gun, he would be able to shoot at any time. During these few months in the Asgard, although some changes have occurred to Zero, the core matter has not changed. That was a sense of recognition. Those who were acknowledged by nothing were considered brothers by him. As for those who did not agree with him, those people were no different from a living corpse.

  Coincidentally, Berrien was not on the list that was given zero recognition, so this conceited man had already destroyed the entire mission twice in a row. Especially the battle of the track and field, Berrien's sudden appearance made the corpulent cadaver do something that he could not predict. If he was not killed in the end, it was still unknown whether he could complete this mission. Therefore, for Berrien, the amount of patience he had was limited.

  If Berrien were to pick a starting point, he wouldn't mind sending the bullet into a certain part of his body. Zero would not kill him, but he wanted to give him an unforgettable lesson.

  Thus, he sat there as he tidied up his wounds. This way, Berrien would not be able to step down from the stage.

  With his arrogance, he had never been played this way before. Unexpectedly, Agatha cut in and lightly said: "Captain Berrien, this is a battlefield, not your family's backyard. Now, I have to report the latest situation to Officer Avenot. If you want your superior to see you fight, then do it! "

  Agatha's words were not only to warn Berrien, but also to Zero. Although she had a favorable impression of Zero, she was also against him using this method to directly provoke the war between the two sides.

  Zero naturally understood. He didn't say anything and only smiled.

  Feng whispered: "Alright, I won't be able to fight."

  The electric snake in Berrien's hand suddenly jumped, and then quickly disappeared. He sat back onto the broken stone and only looked at Feng and Zero with eyes filled with venom.

  That kind of gaze made Su Yun feel very uncomfortable, and she was even considering whether she should find a chance to make Berrien disappear. That's right, Berrien's attack power was enormous, but in the eyes of warriors like Su Yun and Feng, his flaws and power were equally huge. If it was a one on one fight, Zero was confident that she could win for Berrien's life with her injuries, if necessary.

  The accompanying intelligence brain quickly contacted Avenot under Agatha's control. Inside the window, Avenot was in high spirits and excited. The destruction of the corpulent cadaver and the information terminal had allowed the Remot to obtain a decisive victory. After losing the University City's message and turning the battle around, the command system of the living corpse had evidently suffered an irreparable failure, causing the living corpse, who was constantly adjusting his tactics, to begin to act instinctively.

  Zero knew that there were four more commanders in the sea of corpses. But those things didn't seem to have the intelligence to command a battle, but to act as a receiving node for a command, so they weren't of much help to the battle as a whole.

  Avenot told everyone that living corpse had basically been forced to retreat. Tomorrow, they would launch a counterattack. They wanted to clear out all the living corpse in the wilderness and complete their mission.

  Although he didn't want to splash cold water on Avenot, Zero still had the duty to tell this commander that their battle wasn't over. On the contrary, it had only just begun!

  He gestured to Agatha before sitting in front of the intelligence brain. He told Avenot everything that Gu La had said in a low voice, including the sudden arrival of the unknown will.

  After Avenot finished listening, the excitement on his face gradually disappeared and was replaced with an incomparable seriousness.

  And ten minutes later, Callio, who was far away in the Asgard, directly appeared in the intelligence brain's window.

  "Looks like you can't rest, gentlemen." On the screen, it was a rare occasion for Callio to take a
way the cigar in his mouth, and say with an extremely clear voice.

  Chapter 301 - The Dead Land (I)

  "Avenot has already told me all the information you have received. From now on, I declare that the Remot's battle no longer has anything to do with you. Your three teams are temporarily under my command. Apart from me, you don't need to listen to anyone else's orders, understand? " In the intelligence brain screen, Callio said solemnly.

  The intelligence brain was already placed on top of a window at the outer wall of a factory. It was facing towards all the members of the Doomsday Hammer, including Zero, so that everyone could hear Callio's orders.

  Callio took out a cigar from somewhere, lit it, and fiercely smoked a mouthful of smoke. He frowned his thick eyebrows and said: "Alright, I admit that this matter has already far exceeded our strategic estimates. I thought it was just an ordinary corpse tide, I never thought it would involve so many other matters. "

  When they were reporting to Avenot, other people also knew that there was an even higher will behind these living corpse. This will was on the stage of absolute control, and from the current information, it also possessed the ability of perceptual domain. In actuality, everyone would rather rely on the perceptual domain's power to descend from the skies, otherwise if he could do it with just his own pure strength, then this existence would already have the strength equivalent to a person of the twelfth step at his peak, or would directly be a powerful being from the Thirteenth step.

  Furthermore, if it was the ability of the perceptual domain, then from what Agatha knew, if one strengthened the ability of telepathy to the eighth stage, it would be able to achieve the kind of effect that was detected by zero.

  His willpower arrived through the air and began to suppress the target, causing the target's spirit flesh to collapse. This was a high level manifestation of telekinesis. No matter what kind of Basic Competencies it was, when it was strengthened to a high level, it would usually evolve into a terrifying power. However, there weren't many capable people that were willing to do so. Firstly, reaching the Advanced Level required a lot of points of evolution, and secondly, it was the abilities of those who had advanced to the Advanced Level 8 or later. Even the lower levels of ability were far more powerful than Basic Competencies s of the same level.


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