Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 53

by Chen Ran

  "Ridiculous." Agatha bent his legs and buried her face between his legs, "People like us should not even dream about such things …"

  "I think those with dreams are far more respectable than those butchers who only know how to kill." Zero asked lightly, "What is Captain Agatha's dream?"

  Agatha looked at the endless night sky, and the look in her eyes became profound: "My dream is to one day marry myself, own a house, grow some flowers, and have one or two children … …"

  As she spoke, she began to laugh. "It must be very ordinary, a dream that doesn't have much ambition in it."

  "There are no ordinary or noble dreams." Zero shook his head.

  Agatha smiled and said: "Even though Captain Zero usually looks cold and indifferent, I can't tell that he's a very gentle person. Then Captain Zero, do you have a dream? "

  Zero also raised his head to look at the sky, but for some reason, his aura became colder and colder. In the end, there was even a hint of killing intent. The cold wind did not make Agatha feel cold, but she was shivering at this time because of that cold aura. At this moment, Zero's voice could be heard. His voice was like a whistling wind, carrying with it a strange whistling sound.

  "Yes, my dream is to destroy this world!"

  Agatha's breath suddenly stopped, because she could feel that Zero was not joking.

  "It's night, Captain Agatha should go and rest, we still need to hurry tomorrow." The ice-cold killing intent from Su Yun disappeared as if Agatha was hallucinating.

  Maybe because of his scattered killing intent, Agatha did not say anymore and nodded as he left. After Agatha left, he looked towards the sky and said slowly, "Only by completely destroying this shitty world can your dream be realized …"

  His voice slowly dispersed in the night wind, perhaps, no one would understand this dream of zero.

  As for zero, no one needed to understand it!

  The wilderness was very quiet. The noon of the day was the time when the radiation from the sun was the strongest. No humans or other living beings appeared at this time, and the heat rising from the earth distorted the landscape, making it seem so unreal.

  On the roads along the coastline, only the occasional hot wind blew past. Waves of heat were sent through the air. Even the mutated grass on both sides of the road, which had the most vitality, was now bent down, giving off an appearance of being unstinting. Although it was just spring, the temperature was as high as the middle of summer. In the real summer, the temperature during the day could reach up to 60 degrees!

  A male living corpse was wandering on the road. It wore a dirty suit, and a grey shirt was draped over its thin body. Its tie was loosely tied around its neck, as though it was maintaining the dignity it had before death.

  living corpse's face was missing a piece of flesh, revealing a ghastly white skull. Occasionally, a maggot would crawl out from the head, and the living corpse would then use his hands to grope and catch it before putting it into his mouth. Then, he would chew on it with his black and yellow sharp teeth, turning the worms into minced meat, and then swallow them. However, the living corpse's food was nothing more than that, there were no other foods to be found.

  living corpse walked along the road numbly. In the distance was an endless wilderness. A few tall but crooked electric towers were the only decorations. There might not be any humans, but there might be metamorph s living there. To the living corpse, metamorph could also be food if there were no humans.

  He walked to the other side of the road. When he reached the middle of the road, he heard a whistling sound.

  That was not a natural voice, it was what the living corpse was thinking, that was all. With its intelligence, it was unable to understand the special sound produced by the power units of the automobile engine when they were operating. But this did not stop the living corpse from turning around to observe. Just as its body was about to move, a gunshot rang out from the distance.

  living corpse's entire body shook and a line of blood appeared on his head. It fell heavily onto the ground, and a bullet hole appeared in its forehead. Then, his eyes, which were still wide open, reflected the floor of a car as it whizzed past. After driving past another car, a heavy tire pressed down onto its head, completely crushing living corpse's head into pieces.

  Behind the three SUVs were five light bikes, each carrying two Knights. A total of ten soldiers became bodyguards of the SUVs. However, none of the people in the jeeps needed any soldiers' protection. The black, close-fitting tactical suit showed that they were not only warriors, but also elite warriors.

  Zero sat on one of the A Land Cruiser s. Although the very intense sunlight would not cause any harm to those with the ability to do so, it would still affect the perception, or at least the perception, of the field of vision. As a result, no matter if it was Zero or anyone else, they all had Asgard s on them.

  In his hand, a intelligence brain was displaying a map. He swiped his finger across the screen and the map continuously changed. The goggles's lens reflected the map inside the intelligence brain. It could be seen that it was an environment close to the coastline, and there were a few bright red dots in it. Clearly, it was some sort of sign. These markings represented all the settlements and bases they had passed in the past three days, and the thirty or so bases were all empty.

  Yes, there was no death, no body, just no one.

  However, the people in these bases were also not simply moving elsewhere. This was because they had found traces of fighting in these bases, indicating that there had been violent clashes in the bases before. However, other than the bloodstains, the base that did not have a corpse left behind only oddities and questions for Zero and the others.

  The reason they found these bases was because Agatha had followed the energy traces left behind by the creator Gu La and searched for them. Agatha's ability was mainly in the area of detection, and her other ability, "Perception of Energy", was also an extremely amazing scouting method. In addition to being able to determine the nature of the energy and its strength, she was also able to track its traces. It was precisely because of this that the zeros were able to find bases like this one after another.

  There was no doubt that these bases had all been visited by the creator before. However, the location of the people in the base was a mystery that could not be solved.

  And Agatha's description of the energy left behind by the creator, made everyone feel heavy.

  "It was a kind of energy that was not undulating at all, but was so steady that it was almost terrifying. If you must describe it, then I would say it is a soulless energy. " Agatha described it as such.

  It had to be known that no living being's energy would be constant. Even living corpse, who only had his instincts, would have his energy fluctuate a little when eating and other than eating. Not to mention, after entering battle mode, due to the difference in battle condition, the energy undulations would also be more obvious.

  But as far as Agatha could recall, even after being killed by the One Lun cannon, the creator's energy was still the same, as precise as a machine. The biological weapon was often described as a machine by humans, but since it was adorned with the word "creature", it retained some of the instincts of a creature. For example, when he was afraid, he would retreat, when he was angry, his combat strength would increase slightly, and so on.

  On the other hand, the creator gave Agatha the feeling of a machine wearing a biological coat. It did not have a soul, nor an instinct, only a series of procedures that was loyal to the order.

  Then, where did creator Gollard and his three companions come from? They were called creator, and who created them? All the answers pointed to the "Queen" that Gurad had spoken before he died.

  The final problem left for the three of them was also their mission. That is, where is the Queen now?

  One could surmise that as long as they followed the energy traces left behind by the creator, they would eventually find the whereabouts of the Queen and the living
corpse Kingdom. But the problem was that the creator's energy trace was weakening.

  Energy could not remain permanently. It would gradually dissipate due to the influence of the external environment. In fact, to be able to make Agatha track it for three whole days, the's energy characteristics had already astonished the perceptual domain competent, Agatha. creator was a very special kind of biological weapon, it did not have any fighting capabilities, but it could produce different types of living corpse weapons. In addition, it had the ability to preserve energy for a long period of time, just like a biological energy storage battery.

  It was also because of this characteristic that Agatha was able to sense and trace the remnants of its energy in the wilderness, otherwise, it would have already dissipated in the air.

  But even so, the creator was getting rarer and rarer, but Ling Yun and the rest could not find the existence of the living corpse Kingdom. When the energy traces completely dissipated, their actions would become like looking for a needle in a haystack. They would place a large amount of trust in their luck.

  Su Yun continuously observed the paths of the creator s in the intelligence brain s, in order to find some patterns within them. Just then, the group got off the road, and under Agatha's command, they drove onto a road that was under the coastline, called fulcrum. What appeared in front of Zero was the terrain of the canyon that he was familiar with. After leaving the canyon, he found herself in a flat wilderness. At the end of the road was a mountain range, and Zero knew that there would be a base.

  Z7 base!

  It was a place where Zero had awakened from his slumber and had lived for two years. There are many memories of zero there. Many things are not pleasant, though, in those memories. But anyway, Z7 was the first home.

  Now, Zero was back. However, he did not feel like he was going home at all. Besides the change in his state of mind, there was another important reason. The Z7 base had been found by Agatha, in other words, the creator had already visited this place!

  The convoy stopped in front of the main gate of Z7, and Zero jumped out of the SUV. The military boot stepped on a few broken rocks, causing them to splash up and fall onto the ground, the resulting sound of their collisions. The sound wasn't loud, but it was very loud in front of the quiet base, making the dead silence even heavier.

  There was no need to enter the base. Zero was certain that no one was in the base anymore. After all, there were too many bases that had proven this point. As long as someone was visited by the creator, most of the people in the bases would have already become food for the creator. But no, not even a few bits of meat, let alone a corpse.

  The hydraulic steel doors of the Z7 base were still closed, but there was a gap in the middle of the gates that would allow the SUV to pass through. The edges of the cracks were smooth and did not look like they were caused by violence. Instead, they were caused by erosion and corrosion from substances similar to strong acids. It seemed like it was a special technique possessed by either the creator or the biological weapon under his command. This kind of technique was mostly not used in battles, but used to destroy the entrance to the base.

  Fortunately, creator was killed by Ling Yun and the others when he arrived. Otherwise, if it was allowed to produce living corpse with this special ability, then Remot would definitely not be able to hold out until the arrival of the Asgard's reinforcements.

  Johnny and Jonah walked in front, the six slave warriors fanned out and protected Agatha who was walking behind. And at the back, there were two teams, Zero and Berrien. The last four servants were there, one by one they entered the Z7 base, and soon reached the Operating area.

  Z7 base is a semi-industrial production base, its power source is the base deep two high-power power units. Now that the power unit had stopped moving, the base was completely dark. Besides being able to block the light, the goggles s of the zeros also had other small functions. Infrared vision was one of them, so darkness was not a difficult thing for them.

  The slight deviation from the memories from the Operating area came from the mines that were parked in Operating area. Zero remembered that only Old Jack used to own such a minecar, but now there are four more of them. Looks like the production tools at the base have been improved quite a bit. In addition, Zero also saw the five tactical platforms suspended above the entrance of the mining site.

  Other than having the effect of intimidating the workers, these things should also be used to defend against the mutated organism that lived underground. Overall, the Z7 base's production suite and weapons and equipment had both been upgraded. It seemed that the Parkland's valve had not given up on this remote base. But now, base Z7 was as quiet as a ghost.

  The sound of footsteps broke Zero's train of thought. It was actually a slave soldier returning to the living area. After listening to the servant's brief report, Agatha shook her head at Zero and the others: "Just like the previous bases, there are no corpses or traces of battles. Gentlemen, this is the last base of operations on the coastline. It can be said that from the Remot to here, no one lives! "

  Z7 was the last base south of the coastline, and then the mainland would turn west into the mountains. The Twin Towers, nearly ten thousand kilometers in length, lie in the middle of the western land and coastline. To the north and south of the mountain range, there were two peaks that cut through the clouds. They were shaped like minarets, so they had the name of twin towers. Behind the Twin Towers Mountain Range was a flat piece of land. Similarly, there were settlements built on the City Ruins s of the old era. Occasionally, there would be adventurer s passing by, but they rarely appeared in the eyes of the people in the coastal areas.

  After all, the Twin Towers had made it extremely difficult for traffic to travel between the two sides of the mountain. This was a common occurrence in the new era. The complex geographical environment makes the distribution of human beings no longer as dense as in the old era. The inconvenience of transportation and the lagging of information make the exchange of knowledge and the inheritance of civilization very difficult. This has left a huge gap in the human civilization in the region.

  Perhaps the human civilization on this side of the mountain was very advanced, but on the other side of the mountain, the humans lived a primitive life. The drop in civilization was so great that it brought war and conquest.

  If Z7 did not have any instructions from the living corpse, then Zero and the rest would have to head west, through the Twin Towers Mountains and step onto the mysterious Western Land.

  No one knew what would be there.

  Just as Zero One was about to leave the Z7 base, he suddenly stopped and quickly looked in the direction of the mining site's entrance. The entrance to the mining site was not completely closed, but a gap that only one person could pass through. Just at this moment, a black shadow flashed through the Zero goggles.

  It looked like Z7 had not been completely destroyed.

  Zero immediately ran for the door. He was so fast that in the next instant, he had already reached the door with a series of afterimages. Without stopping, Zero flashed into the door. Once he entered the mining site, he suddenly stopped.

  An old-fashioned double-holed shotgun was pointed at his forehead. Judging from the way the shotgun was shaking, it seemed that the owner of the rifle was not very calm at the moment.

  Chapter 303 - Guide

  Beneath the goggles, Zero's line of sight was constantly moving around. His line of sight passed the old hunting rifle that was clearly worn out by the wall of tube. Following which, he came to a pair of hands covered in mud. The hands were very slender, and didn't look like a man's hands. As his line of sight continued to move downwards, it confirmed the judgement of zero. He had the sleeves of his checked shirt rolled up at the top of his arm. The collar of the shirt was old, and even the buttons had fallen off, so the collar was wide open.

  Under the collar, there was an exquisite collarbone. As the owner's breathing rose and fell, the two points on the
chest could be seen. However, it was clear that her chest was not full, indicating that she was a green apple and not a ripe cherry.

  Zero's gaze left her chest and continued moving up, passing by her slender neck before finally landing on a beautiful face. Her long eyelashes quivered, indicating that she was afraid, and that her large dark green eyes had betrayed her. Fear shone in the depths of the girl's eyes, so deep that her delicate lips were pressed into a strange curve. Her face was very white, and the small freckles on either side of her cheeks became more pronounced.

  At first glance, Zero thought he saw Moni. It was because this girl was around the same age as Moni, but she lacked Moni's calmness and she, who had cut short her hair, had become a bit more flamboyant.

  A girl with short, light-yellow hair was wearing a goggles that was obviously not her. From the style, the goggles should only be used as a normal sunshade and not have any other special functions. The short-haired girl raised her shotgun, and a childish voice came out from her mouth, "Who, who are you? Are you with them? "

  With a smile, Zero's silhouette started to blur in the girl's eyes. In the blink of an eye, two zeros flew out from the left and right. The girl screamed and the shotgun moved left and right, but he didn't know which target was the real one.

  It was only when she gently placed her ice-cold fingers on her delicate neck that the girl suddenly realized that her target had appeared behind her.

  Zero stood behind the girl. The girl's head only came up to his chest, so Zero's arm was lowered, but his palm was still pressing lightly against the girl's neck. As long as he was willing, he could break this slender neck at any time.

  With his other hand on his hunting rifle, Zero said softly, "Remember to shoot the opponent the moment you catch him. Otherwise, the situation will become like this. "

  As he spoke, he gently stroked the shotgun with his zero fingers. The shotgun vibrated slightly and then scattered into pieces on the ground.

  Seeing the parts on the ground, the girl screamed and kicked on the ground. Her legs were long and soft, so when she kicked, the tip of her foot went straight to her chest.


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