Warlord 4

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Warlord 4 Page 59

by Chen Ran

  He would definitely win this battle!

  When Winchester walked into the underground base, the battle between the five hundred defending troops and the thousands of living corpse had already started. Through the pair of diamond-like eyes of the mask, fire sputtered out of Winchester's eyes. The fire energy web formed by the rapid fire heavy gun sliced apart the corpses of ordinary living corpse, and the high-energy grenade s that were thrown out from time to time could harvest the number of corpses in the living corpse.

  Although it was not in quantity, with absolute firepower, Winchester's troops quickly moved in, and gathered all of the living corpse they met along the way.

  The defending army started at the entrance of the base and continuously advanced towards the living quarters. Watching the flames of war fly out, Winchester sighed in his heart, even if this war were to win, the Remot would no longer have any need to rebuild it.

  In a trance, Winchester's heart stirred.

  He turned around, crossed his sabers, and instantly slashed out.

  An "X" shaped energy blade light instantly slashed two lacerator s that were suddenly shot out from the burning building into pieces. Winchester groaned, and he knew that the living corpse's main force had finally arrived.

  Just as he expected, the lacerator soldiers circled around to block them from the back. These movement speed, sharp claws and teeth of the high ranking living corpse s pounced out from the shadows of the ground, the roof, and the ruins. The defending army had no choice but to split out a portion of their manpower to kill these monsters. The lacerator's speed was abnormally fast, and the movement vision of ordinary soldiers could not keep up with their speed.

  Winchester groaned, and after asking the aide-de-camp to take responsibility of pushing forward, he turned around and rushed towards the back of the troops.

  Only capable people could easily deal with these things, or even use heavy firepower to bombard them. In the former, Avenot was the only capable person left behind in the army. In the latter, if there was no difference in bombing, the defending students would probably be buried in the underground base.

  Therefore, Winchester had no choice but to temporarily give up his command and act as an assassin at the last moment.

  He leaped as if he was flying, all of Winchester's basic stats increased after he transformed into a demon. Even if he did not deliberately strengthen the Fighting Domain's abilities, his current display of strength, agility and defense was at least at the fourth stage. The two crystal sabers were even sharper than the rest. Usually, when the crystal sabre flashed past the lacerator with a blue flame, the monster would immediately fall apart, but on Winchester's crystal sabre, not a single drop of blood was stained!

  After consecutively killing five lacerator s, seeing that there were at least a hundred of these monsters in his surroundings, Winchester sneered as he charged towards these monsters while dragging his blade. His two swords circled around each other, forming ring after ring of light around him. Not only was the lacerator beside him easily sliced apart by the twin crystal blades. Even those far away disintegrated after being swept away by the flame of the crystal blade.

  Winchester danced like he was unrivalled, shuttling through the crowd of lacerator like a hurricane.

  When the Blade Edge Warrior stopped, the last lacerator was a hundred meters away, but its body suddenly scattered into pieces.

  Winchester gracefully stopped his moves, with his Blade Soldier levelled up skill "Hurricane Dance", the hundred lacerator did not take him more than 3 minutes and 27 seconds!

  Hurricane Dance, which used a fast rotating attack while pulling out waves of energy to cover a 100 meter radius around the user, was a fatal blow to multiple enemies. With the strength of the lacerator's body, forget about the extremely sharp crystal longblade after it was enchanted, even the energy overflowing from the slicing waves would not be able to withstand it. These special living corpse s themselves did not specialize in defense.

  Winchester looked at the corpses lying on the ground. His heart was calm, and he wanted to turn around and follow the large group. At the corner of his eyes, another lacerator flashed by. Winchester groaned, he decided to kill all of these killers from the living corpse, in case they posed a threat to the defending army.

  He quickly chased after the lacerator and turned into an alley. The lacerator used its hands and feet to quickly fly across the walls of the buildings, as if it was flat ground.

  Winchester lowered his blade and leaned forward with force. He suddenly became like a rocket. In the midst of the shockwaves created by the explosion, he chased after the lacerator at a faster speed. The lacerator let out a strange cry, then suddenly turned and disappeared from Winchester's sight.

  Winchester did not stop there. There was no path in front of him, and only tall buildings could be seen. As if he couldn't see the obstacles, he charged straight towards the building. However, when he arrived at the wall, he jumped up and stepped on the vertical wall as he flew upwards. Upon reaching a higher point, he looked down. lacerator's figure could not be seen.

  He sneered, bent his knees, and turned with all his strength. Winchester was circling around him like an eagle, he had already changed his direction and was flying forward!

  The lacerator heard a strange rumble above its head, and the monster screamed before crashing into a store-like building. Winchester was in mid air, he did not even bother to turn around, his entire body was covered by a layer of energy, and like a cannonball, he flew into the building. Suddenly, the stone chips flew everywhere and the iron tendons broke. A three meter wide gap was created by the Demon Dwellers on the roof.

  Winchester landed on the ground and took the opportunity to roll. He followed suit, a flash of electricity appeared in his crystal eyes, both blades hummed, and he pounced towards the lacerator.

  Just as the lacerator stood up, a blue flame brushed past it. Then, it lowered its head and watched as a crack appeared on its waist. The slit widened and blood and intestines flowed out uncontrollably. Finally, the lacerator let out a blood-curdling screech as its upper body fell to the ground. However, it had been cut in half by the demon dweller.

  However, it was still a living corpse and had not died yet. Its eyesight and hearing was still there. Therefore, the lacerator heard the sound of footsteps behind it. It raised its head and looked.

  This was the last scene it saw.

  Winchester stomped his foot on its head, causing its body to tremble continuously due to the active nerves of the lacerator. He was like an insect with a hundred legs, not stiff even in death.

  The two blades rubbed against each other, creating sparks. Winchester stopped looking at the living corpse, and started to leave. Just as he raised his foot, a red flush suddenly appeared in the pitch-black warehouse. Then a second, a third, a fourth …

  In her eyes, Winchester was surprised. In his eyes, the warehouse began to glow with a red light from the east, west, south, and north. The red light from the four corners lit up the entire warehouse, making it seem like there were many red light bulbs lit up.

  These things were naturally not lightbulbs, of course Winchester naturally did not know what kind of light bulbs could emit energy light with high energy reactions. In Winchester's eyes, were Blaster that looked like hungry ghosts. These scrawny, active biological bomb covered the entire warehouse, there were more than a hundred of them!

  And looking at their round stomachs, they were emitting a red glow, a sign of attack.

  Winchester remembered that every single Blaster could be considered a high-energy grenade. Standing in the center of the explosion of a high-energy grenade, relying on the special properties of the crystal armor on his body, Winchester felt that he could retreat without getting hurt. If ten of them exploded at the same time, he would be seriously injured.

  But what if it was a hundred?

  Winchester had never thought of this before, nor had he experienced it before. Very quickly, he found

  When the brilliant red current of energy surged out from the stomachs of every single Blaster, the entire world was quiet. Winchester only had enough time to curse "bastard" before his body was drowned in red light. Not only him, there were also warehouses, streets, living corpse, defense troops … The entire Remot!

  Far away from the Remot, on the ruins 1 km away, a butcher raised his bloodied hammer high up and smashed it down towards Avenot's head. Avenot felt like he was at the end, while the butcher's speed had become a hundred times slower. A misty frost qi rose up from the ground. Due to the interference of the frost qi, all the functions of the butcher were stopped. In the end, the butcher's entire body was covered in frost. Even though he did not die, his internal organs had already been frozen into ice.

  And at this time, its warhammer had just descended.

  Only now did Avenot look at it, and the corner of his mouth raised into a cold smile. He extended his hand and lightly pressed on the butcher's body, and the energy ripple that could be seen with the naked eye dispersed. This ripple did not have much of an attack power, but it had a special property of vibration. As the shockwave spread throughout his body, the surface of the butcher's body began to crack like spider webs, and in the next moment, the surface of the butcher's body began to shatter with a 'hualala' sound.

  Around Avenot's body, the unique ability of the deep ice person was being maintained, "Frozen Domain". This was the power of a similar domain. Its function was to maximize the strength of the Ice Elemental Su in the space within the ability range, and to make the opponent freeze and slow down. From the sky, it could be clearly seen that under Avenot's feet, the ground had turned into ice and cold air.

  This was the last butcher, Avenot kept his ability. He frowned. Just half an hour ago, the army had been attacked by a hundred butchers. Over a hundred butchers may have been a disaster to many cities, but to the army that Avenot was in, it was merely a small trouble to harass them.

  But what Avenot could not understand was why these hundred butchers would attack the troops without reason.

  Just then, the aide sent Winchester a message from the Remot. When Avenot heard the news that the Remot had been attacked, he seemed to have understood something, but he was unable to think through the crux of the matter in an instant.

  At this point, a ball of red flame rose from the Remot. The ball of fire slowly rose into the air and then exploded. Even though they were separated by a kilometer, Avenot could still hear the loud sounds of thunder!

  After the fireball exploded, a smoke screen shot up a hundred meters into the sky under the night sky, and then followed by the shock wave from the explosion. In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived at the place where Avenot was at.

  For a time, the wind howled, and he was unable to see anything. As far as the eye could see, only sand filled the sky. Avenot propped up his elemental field so that he wouldn't be swept away by the fierce winds. Ordinary Soldier had already been swept away by the wind, and even the heavy and cumbersome war chariot had been pushed back a few meters.

  The gale lasted five minutes before it ended. When the wind came to a halt, the world was a blur. Avenot called for his aide-de-camp, and roughly took off the telescope hanging around his neck. Then, Avenot ran into a building at the side.

  After a moment, Avenot appeared on the roof of the building. He raised the binoculars to look in the direction of the Remot. As the distance between the binoculars and the binoculars got closer, Avenot saw a huge pit with a diameter of at least one kilometer. As if smashed by a meteorite, the entire Remot was blasted away, revealing a pitch black pit. High walls of earth were erected around the round pit. At least within five hundred meters of the round pit, all substances were in the form of black crystals.

  Avenot remained silent for a long time. After a long while, he finally put down the telescope.

  At this moment, even the wind was bleak.

  Avenot was still alive, but he had lost. He lost by using a human's way of thinking on living corpse. Judging from the final result, living corpse did not even think that he would win in one piece. From the very beginning, they had decided to drag the entire Remot and himself down with them.

  The attack of a hundred butchers was not only harassment, but also bait. In order to spread the bait of the Asgard's main force, they had no way of finding out the real purpose of the living corpse in time and went back to help the Remot. The Remot was gone, and the citizens had not escaped either. The entire garrison was destroyed, and the temporary commander, Winchester, was killed. All of this rested heavily on Avenot's body.

  Avenot put down the binoculars, faced the direction of the Remot, and kneeled down heavily!

  Chapter 309 - Jodtenheim (II)

  Two days after the fall of the Remot, the citizens of the Eye of Flame were still living their lives as they had always been. It was a hot day, and in the morning there was no one in the town. It was noon when the street started to get lively. Most people went to work in factories and outside the town, but a small part of them stayed at home, mainly the elderly and the children, who had little labor.

  At night, the Eye of Flame would be the most lively part of the day. An accident happened a few days ago at Allen's tavern and it was still in the process of being rebuilt. For this reason, many people ridiculed Allen, the iron rooster, as he would rather spend money on a woman's stomach than fix his tavern.

  Allen was not the only tavern in the Eye of Flame. Another "Good Man" tavern was located in a remote area on the west side of the town. It was just that Old Hawk, who ran the pub, had a bad temper. Right now, Allen could not go to the tavern for the time being, as all the men in the town had nowhere to go, they naturally rushed over to this old and old tavern.

  nostalgic music was playing in the tavern, the lights were not as warm as the Raging Flames bar, let alone the dancers who was dancing spicy dance. The tavern's corners were littered with spiderwebs. The tables and chairs had been there for quite some time, and the calm ground would occasionally shake a little, causing the beer in the dirty wine glasses to sway unsteadily.

  Even though the tavern's conditions were so poor, it had been packed with people for the past two nights. People sat around the table and threw themselves into chairs. The candlelight on the table flickered the light off their faces, making people feel as if they were back in the old days.

  The Raging Flame Bar was blazing, letting people burn with all their enthusiasm. However, this old man was nostalgic. Under the dim light, people could use this to reminisce about the past, whether it was beautiful or sad.

  In the east corner of the tavern, a man sat alone. He was facing the bar, which was littered with a few bullets and a bottle of old Hawke wine that had been in the cellar for years. That was practically the best stuff in the tavern. As such, when they saw the slightly purplish black luster of the red wine, quite a few men smacked their lips, but no one dared to go up and ask for it.

  It was because they knew that they could not afford to offend the man sitting there. This man and six or seven other capable people had become Tie Sen's private guards not long ago. In a small place like the Eye of Raging Flames, it was rare to find a single capable person. Now that almost eight people had swarmed in, people were wondering if Tie Sen company would make any big moves next.

  The citizens of the Eye of Flame were naturally unable to determine the level of power of those with such abilities or how powerful they were. All they had to do was know that any competent person could raze the town to the ground, and that was enough for them to subconsciously stay away from the man at the bar.

  Zero didn't mind being isolated by others. This group of people were not compatible with most ordinary people. Although they could be considered to be of the same race, but on a genetic level, those with the ability were creatures that were gradually distancing themselves from the humans. While people fear ability users, they also learn to stay away from them, so that when one ability user loses cont
rol, they will be sucked into the whirlpool of death.

  He drank alone. During the days when he had been idle in the Eye of Fire, Zero had relaxed. He did not do his usual training like Su and the rest. In the past few days, other than participating in the Battle Assembly between the three Company Leaders, the other times were basically spent without sleep or rest. In Feng's words, he was just waiting to die.

  To this, Zero had no objection. He was very clear that the following trip to Jodtenheim would definitely not be easy. For a qualified warrior, not only must he train his combat skills, but he must also know how to rest.

  What Zero was doing now was simply relaxing the collapsed spring in his heart, so that when it was needed, it would become stronger and more resilient, and could adapt to the greater pressure.

  However, from an outsider's point of view, this was more of an excuse to be lazy.

  Just as he poured himself some red wine, the tavern's door was pushed open and a tall woman walked in.

  It was Su.

  She was still wearing Nocturnal's tactical suit s, but had put a long garment outside. When the long garment's clothes fluttered, it would always set off the beautiful curves under the clothes, causing the gazes that landed on Su to become even more fervent.

  As one's ability improved, as the genes evolved, they would also modify the body's flaws. Thus, in the world of the capable, all women had fiery bodies and good looks. The men, on the other hand, had strong bodies and were handsome and mighty. Although everyone had different shapes, they were all evolving towards the word "perfect" in general.

  For example, when Su met her for the first time, she was also only slightly voluptuous. But the skin was rougher and the appearance more ordinary. And now that Su was a warrior of the sixth step, her strength had increased by this point. At the same time that her figure had become completely golden, Su's skin had also become sleek and elastic.


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