Warlord 4

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by Chen Ran

  Taking the living corpse for example, although they died, they were still able to survive after being exposed to radiation and virus. To them, life and death became a vague concept, and the living corpse had to pay a price of partial brain death. Their only remaining brain functions could only provide them with the instinct to survive. Although there were two mutated forms of butcher and lacerator on the evolved corpse of the living corpse, they were unable to escape the essence of the low intelligence of the living corpse.

  No matter how strong a wild beast was, if they didn't have intelligence, it was only a matter of time before they were hunted down.

  They were the first batch of mutated organism who survived after adapting to the great calamity and were once the most powerful in the history of the world. However, this period of time only lasted five years. Five years later, humans armed with weapons from the old era would have the power to fight them. As for the other creatures, they were also desperately trying to evolve, and due to the limitations of their intelligence, the following evolution of living corpse who followed their instincts seemed to be extremely long.

  Therefore, another fatal flaw of the living corpse was revealed, the rapid aging process!

  living corpse was not an eternal motivation. Their genes, cells and bodies would also age, and they would become many times faster than humans or other living beings. The powerful butcher and lacerator in the living corpse's body only existed for around ten years or so. As for the ordinary living corpse, they ranged from five to eight years. Once they entered the age limit, their entire body would be rapidly defeated. They would not need to be attacked by humans for a year or two, and they would become actual corpses as well.

  When Lilith became the living corpse's fifth year, even though she didn't have any intelligence, her instincts told her that she had already reached an age where she would age. Lilith was old, her strength, agility, and other basic stats of her body were regressing rapidly. At that moment, she heard a voice.

  When the current Lilith was flipping through her own memories, she discovered that it was not so much a voice as an instinctive call. Regardless of whether it was the voice or the summoning, Lilith had instinctively controlled her body to use this dying corpse. She still traveled across the ground to the place where the voice had told her to go. Those were crazy days. Lilith simply ran around with death god and time. She usually ran around for dozens of days without eating or drinking, and would only stop to hunt when her body was at its limit.

  After he ate his fill, Lilith would begin another long journey. This repeated over and over again, Lilith's every trip would take him tens of thousands of miles. By the time they reached their destination, Lilith was already close to death.

  But from there, Lilith saw many different kinds of beasts. Other than humans, almost all the other races would have one of their own here. They were the same as Lilith, also being summoned by the same existence. When all the summoned life had arrived, the volcano erupted.

  Different from the living mountain that was in an active state for a long time behind Jodtenheim, in Lilith's memories, that nameless volcano had completely exploded with its life on the line. Magma that had been sprayed up to a thousand meters splattered down from the sky in a parabolic pattern, bringing up countless flaming meteors that wreaked havoc across the land.

  Countless mutated beasts had died in this natural disaster that had suddenly erupted. However, those who survived could sense that something had entered their bodies.

  Lilith had survived the calamity of a volcanic eruption, but she had also lost an arm. But when she felt something invading his body, Lilith's body underwent a world-shaking change!

  Chapter 313 - True King

  Even now, when Lilith recalled that memory, she still felt a lingering fear. But at that time, Lilith, who didn't have much intelligence, simply didn't know what fear was. All she found was that her aging genes, cells, and limbs were rejuvenating at a maddening rate, returning to their youthful vigor. But what was terrifying was that this wave of vitality came too violently.

  The cells continued to split and regenerate in a berserk manner. Every second, countless cells would form in Lilith's body and countless cells would die.

  Every second, Lilith was evolving.

  It was as if the amount of time needed to evolve in a hundred, a thousand, or even ten thousand years was condensed into a few hours. Just like Lilith, the remaining beasts that survived through the evolution process suffered the same pain as Lilith, and even died!

  Every minute and every second, strange creatures would die. The way they died was extremely strange. Some died as their bodies exploded, while others shrunk into dried meat, or their limbs multiplied endlessly, until they became large chunks of meat that had no meaning at all.

  As for Lilith, she was also struggling on the line between life and death. Just like that, Lilith suddenly shouted out a name.

  That was the name of the child in her memories, and was also the first human voice Lilith had heard in the past five years since he had turned into a living corpse. This meant that Lilith had already exceeded the definition of a normal living corpse, but she was also not a butcher or a lacerator. Strictly speaking, the Lilith back then was just a living corpse that had regained its human intelligence.

  In Lilith's mind, there was something else added along with an additional piece of information.

  The Dark Crown was a perfect prismatic crystal. It existed in Lilith's brain and was connected to countless of neural networks. It was Lilith's source of power and also the source of evolution. At the same time, it also sent a message to Lilith.

  It was in an indescribably majestic palace, surrounded by countless lights. Something darker than darkness rushed left and right like a trapped beast, but it was unable to break through the encirclement of light. Because of this, Lilith understood that those lights were like a prison of darkness. Right at this moment, a piece of information was directly engraved in Lilith's mind.

  Evolution, becoming stronger, releasing me!

  The simple, yet inviolable command was deeply engraved in Lilith's mind. At the same time, it was engraved in the minds of the other six beasts that had survived this brutal evolution, just like Lilith.

  The seven mutants who had completed their evolution were the true kings of other mutants. In the Dark Crown in their minds, not only were there the sources of their strength and evolution, there were also blueprints which were exclusive to each and every one of their different biological kingdoms. When their evolution reaches the standard required by the Dark Crown, the kingdom's blueprint will open up for them, allowing them to build terrifying empires that can rival humans.

  After obtaining the Dark Crown, Lilith and the other six beasts jointly named themselves the Seven Great True King s. After meeting them for a few years, the True King would come back together to release their "mother" when they had become stronger. Yes, the darkness that gave the Dark Crown to the True King in an unknown way, they called her mother.

  The seven True King s then dispersed and went their separate ways. They were scattered all over the world, hiding out of sight, and moving quickly along their own evolutionary path. At the same time, seven biological kingdoms quietly appeared.

  In Lilith's memories, her living corpse Kingdom was the last one built. This was something that she could not do anything about. As a living corpse, although she had completed the super evolution with the help of her mother. But compared to the other True King s, Lilith was still the weakest. Naturally, her kingdom was the last to be built.

  Although it was completed, Jodtenheim was only at the initial scale. In the Dark Crown s, the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that the lower realm meant that there were six levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Planetary, Star
and Sky. From his mother's suggestion, the seven great True King s had to develop a star traveller level biological weapon to have the power to release it. But after Lilith developed the high rank weapon, he impatiently started sweeping through the human settlements.

  There was a spirit rainbow bridge between True King s to communicate with each other. Lilith had once asked the other True King s to act through the spirit rainbow bridge. This was because she could faintly sense that there were certain existences in the human world that intended to touch their mother. This was an act that could not be allowed.

  Perhaps it was because he was still a human in nature, but in the process of evolution, Lilith had naturally developed the ability of perceptual domain. Furthermore, she had the complete ability of the perceptual domain, and some of her abilities were not even related to the line of descent that humans knew. For example, the Perception that covered the entire area around Jodtenheim's collar was one of them, and Lilith's top-level ability "Obscurity" showed some images to her continuously two years ago.

  The images showed the mother and a human figure.

  It was a human man with purple hair and wings of light on his back. Although she couldn't see his face clearly, Lilith's intuition was warning her that this man would not be good for her mother. However, Lilith did not know the specific details. After all, Faint Prophecy only allowed Lilith to understand the outline of what was going to happen, not everything.

  However, this already gave Lilith sufficient reasons to send her troops to the human race. However, this request of her was denied by the other True King. The other six True King s thought that it would be extremely foolish to declare war on humans before they had reached the planetary level of biological weapon. At the same time, the True King also requested for Lilith to not send out troops as he please, otherwise, if the secret of the True King were to be exposed, it would lead to disastrous consequences.

  It was impossible for humans to let a being like the True King exist, let alone those kingdoms that had their own unique system.

  This result made Lilith very disappointed. She, who possessed the ability of perceptual domain, through the Spirit Rainbow Bridge, Lilith roughly knew what the True King s thought. They were not so much afraid of attracting human attention as they were of not wanting, or not daring, to release their mother.

  Lilith's living corpse Kingdom was the last of the seven True King s to be established, but even so, her biological kingdom started to have the basic conditions to develop planet-level biological weapon. Furthermore, how could the True King who had founded the biological empire much earlier than her not even be able to produce a primary version of the planetary weapon? The only explanation was that the True King did not want to develop planetary weapons at all, so they could delay or stop their plan to release their mother.

  The furious Lilith resolutely cut off the spiritual rainbow bridge between him and the True King, and began her plan to exterminate the human race on her own. And the war would start from the coastline behind the Twin Towers. The coastline that humans called the Golden Link gathered most of the human settlements and civilizations in the Mainland China. Lilith's original plan was for the True King to declare war on the same time and use the fire that covered the entire planet to find the humans that would threaten his mother, or to kill them in the middle of the war.

  But now, this huge plan could only be carried out by Lilith and her True King. Therefore, she had no choice but to send out the high rank weapon s. The creator did not have any combat abilities, but they could produce mid-ranked and low-ranked beasts. According to Lilith's calculations, facing the human cities south of the coastline that were not fully developed due to the technology, a huge amount of middle and beginning grade weapons already possessed the power to drown out the human cities.

  But what Lilith did not expect was that a strong human force had intervened in this war, which was why those human worms appeared at the borders of her kingdom.

  Lilith closed her eyes and thought, maybe she had never truly understood this kind of human creature before.

  Even if she herself had been born a human!

  Chapter 314 - Live

  Another night.

  The night was so dark that it was impossible to see one's own fingers in front of the other. Even a sliver of sunlight was sparingly cast down from the thick layer of radiation clouds in the sky. Only the light emitted by the energy transportation channel on the ground and the current of energy that was shooting out from time to time from the top of the square apex column illuminated the sky.

  The rest of the place was pitch black, like a bottomless abyss.

  In a forest far away from Jodtenheim, Zero inserted the last vibrating sensor into the soft forest and covered it with leaves, forming a simple cover. He exhaled. Following that, the sensor started to work. In a dimension close to a kilometer squared, any abnormality would be displayed on the intelligence brain that Agatha carried around with him by means of the ten sensors that gave feedback.

  This security line was not strict enough, but it was enough to deal with the living corpse. Ever since he had his last thoughts of an existence from the square apex column located in the middle of Jodtenheim, which was hanging tightly on his butt, the feeling of being watched had quietly disappeared. Only after he and Agatha had escaped several kilometers away.

  The two of them had been fighting and fleeing for the entire day, and even Agatha, who had the least amount of movement, felt tired, let alone zero, who was the main force.

  After setting up the cordon, he dragged his tired body back to their temporary camp, a natural cave at the edge of the forest.

  A dim light shone out from the cave, it was the bonfire Agatha built after picking up a lot of dry branches. Because the cave was shaped like a "J" shaped cave, the bonfire that was burning deep within the cave only emitted a weak light when it reached the cave entrance. If it wasn't for the fact that it was close, it would be difficult to find it.

  At the entrance of the cave, Zero used both of his hands to give two long and one short applause. It was the signal that the two of them had agreed upon beforehand. Otherwise, if he rashly entered the cave, he would face Agatha's attack. When he walked into the cave, Zero could smell the fragrance of meat. Even someone as indifferent as him couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he smelled the fragrance of the meat after a hard day of work. If Feng was here, he would have already pounced on the food.

  When he thought of Feng, his expression darkened. After getting rid of the enemy troops that were chasing them and the living corpse, they tried to contact other people, but the communication device on Nocturnal's tactical suit seemed to have met an electromagnetic interference, as it continuously emitted bad signals. Even if Agatha tried to sense their existence, she was disturbed by another kind of power. From what Agatha could sense, Jodtenheim seemed to be an indestructible black mist. Agatha's willpower could not break through the black mist, let alone find Feng and the others.

  Now, he could only hope that they would take good care of him. While thinking this, his footsteps became heavier.

  After turning over the mountain wall, he could see the end of the cave. A bonfire was burning intensely, and the flame was almost a meter long. Sparks were sputtering out of the flames and slowly fell to the ground. The fire dispelled the cold of the night, and the smoke from it was emitted by the natural sky of the cave, but not by the cave itself. Looking up from the sky, it was pitch black. If it was daytime, he should be able to see the daylight.

  Agatha took off the black uniform on her body, wearing only the close-fitting tactical suit s, outlining the beautiful lines that would cause one's throat to go dry. When Zero walked in, she was setting up the military stove. In the small round pot on top of the stove, two artificial steaks were sizzling.

  In a situation where there were no servants by his side, Agatha could only take action and personally cook for them. Even though it was called cooking, Agatha was only heating it up. Fa
st food was originally cooked food, and the spices were already mixed in the food. However, after being heated up, the fragrance became even stronger.

  She had already picked up a piece of steak from the pot and placed it inside, then handed it over to Zero: "Eat while it's still hot Captain Zero, you've worked hard today."

  "You too." Zero took the scalding utensils and used a knife and fork to cut the steak into strips of meat. Then, he placed it in his mouth and slowly chewed it. The artificial food was lacking in muscle fiber s, it only had the taste of food and was rich in nutrition. But Zero ate it carefully, as if it were real beef.

  Agatha smiled slightly: "It seems like Captain Su is someone who really values her food."

  After swallowing a piece of beef into his stomach, Zero sighed and said, "Captain Agatha probably never stayed in the wilderness before. I remember from my memories, the first meal we would eat in the wilderness was moldy black bread. At the time, I was thinking, are these things eaten by humans? But I'll eat them anyway, because if you don't eat them, you'll have to wait for death. "

  Agatha's words reminded Su Ling of the meal that Lea had prepared for him when she had just woken up at Z7. At that time, he had still not gotten used to this cruel era, so as she thought about it, Lea's voice seemed to float past her ears: "Could it be that you wish to eat fresh meat and fruits, that's a delicacy that only nobles and men are qualified to enjoy!"

  When he thought of Lea, Zero immediately thought of the rebirth plan being carried out in the Asgard. He wondered how Victor's progress was going.

  He was lost in thought. He even forgot to eat the leftover beef. Agatha thought that she had stirred up some unpleasant memories, and so she softly said, "I'm sorry."

  "What?" Oh, there's nothing much to apologize for, Captain Agatha. " Su Ming shook her head and said.


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